Logician |
05-01-2002 02:37 PM |
Originally posted by -=dm=-
1: where to add the code above?
2: How do I see where is the user (the whoisonline part)
1- You should insert the code somewhere in your web template.
Say, you created a new Web Template (an HTML page) and you want this page post "I love users who use my Red Style Sheet and you're one of them!" to only users who are using Red Style Sheet. Simply create your webtemplate like an ordinary HTML page, then in the place where you want this text posted insert this code:
"I love users who use my Red Style Sheet and you're one of them!"
While your webtemplate is loaded, the script will check if the viewer's styleid=X and if yes this text will be posted, else it will not..
2- When your users view a webtemplate, they can be monitored in the "Who is Online". However their location is raw, not in a formatted text. (Anyway you can understand in which webtemplate they are).
I would improve this section of the hack with the next release, however I am not sure if I'll code any other releases any more..
Honestly I thought this hack is something that many people can use and benefit, but 1.5 half months passed and only 12 people installed the hack. Seems I was wrong so I think it's not worth spending times to improve it.