dotagious |
03-12-2002 09:28 PM |
Originally posted by FireFly
Avenger, what kind of support are we talking about here? :)
The best place to start would likely be with an official poll/survey asking if it would even be used. We should provide some information about IRC in the thread for those who may not be familiar. The information can include the basics of what IRC is, and how it can be used to benefit this community. If we can at least get a good vote turnout and some positive feedback, that would be a great start.
If the surveys overall outcome is positive, then maybe we can approach staff with the results. In order for it to be successful, we would need a few ?plugs? to help get the word out. Something on the and websites would be nice. Also, any board that registers a channel would be an automatic flow of users.
I would be more than willing to not only pay for this, but also coordinate its creation with others. We would likely start out with a single server, get the cservices online, and begin accepting users. This would give us some time to work out any bugs, and begin to establish staff members. Additional servers can be linked as the network grows and others become interesting in linking.