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nhawk 05-20-2012 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2330964)
But if it's not a static link? I'm supposed to tell user's to do it themselves now because vBulletin thinks they want more control over their navbar? Respectfully, most user's do not want total control, they want things done for them.

I've come up with this code, it's not efficient but it works, I will work on efficiency-

nhawk I know you mentioned making a database change but I prefer to avoid db edits if possible.

This example adds a link to Quick Links
No phrase needed.

On navigation_tab_complete hook:

PHP Code:

//Quick Links Add in 4.2.0 Start
foreach ($tabdata AS $key => &$thistab)
   if (
    foreach (
$thistab['children'] AS &$ttab)
     if (
$ttab['name'] == 'vbmenu_qlinks')
$nl['root']  = $key;
$nl['type']  = 'link';
$nl['url']    = 'myfile.php';
$nl['title']  = 'Link Title';
$nl['name']  = 'custom_name_here';
$nl['children'] = 0;
$ttab['children'][] =  $nl;
//Quick Links Add 4.2.0 END 

Mind you that needs to be run for each new link which itself will likely be some kind of loop.

I thought of doing it that way, an actually had it done that way. But then there's no control by the admin as to where it goes (as pointed out by Andreas) and I changed to the DB write.

The advantage of doing it in the DB is the admin can move it around to any menu once it's created. After working with it a bit, I found management really isn't difficult. It's only a couple of DB writes at application type creation (in my mod) and then I'm done with it. No need to parse out a special template or anything else in vB 4.2.

And the nice thing is that when the product is uninstalled, the navigation and phrase info gets deleted like it should.

Andreas 05-20-2012 03:56 PM


The advantage of doing it in the DB is the admin can move it around to any menu once it's created. After working with it a bit, I found management really isn't difficult. It's only a couple of DB writes at application type creation (in my mod) and then I'm done with it. No need to parse out a special template or anything else in vB 4.2.

And the nice thing is that when the product is uninstalled, the navigation and phrase info gets deleted like it should.
Keep in mind that links created this way will be deleted when your Add-on is upgraded:

To avoid this you would have to do some trickery in your installation code.

If anyone feels that this issue is important, please vote for it :)

BirdOPrey5 05-20-2012 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Andreas (Post 2331012)
Keep in mind that links created this way will be deleted when your Add-on is upgraded:

To avoid this you would have to do some trickery in your installation code.

If anyone feels that this issue is important, please vote for it :)

Voted... But I do think it's working logically now, consistent with plugins and templates. Seems like nav elements should have a special setting though.

Andreas 05-20-2012 09:03 PM

Consistent with Plug-ins, yes - but not consistent with how it worked in previous vBulletin versions:

In previous versions Add-ons usually added their links into the Navbar by rendering their own templates on a certain template Hook.

If the Administrator modified those templates (eg. if he added another link), an upgrade of the Add-on would not overwrite this modification - the link would still be there after an upgrade.

Most items (Settings, Cron-Jobs, FAQ, Admin-Help, etc.) do have a volatile flag to handle "custom items" on upgrades, and this is what is missing here.

Badshah93 05-20-2012 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2330964)
But if it's not a static link? I'm supposed to tell user's to do it themselves now because vBulletin thinks they want more control over their navbar? Respectfully, most user's do not want total control, they want things done for them.

I've come up with this code, it's not efficient but it works, I will work on efficiency-

nhawk I know you mentioned making a database change but I prefer to avoid db edits if possible.

This example adds a link to Quick Links
No phrase needed.

On navigation_tab_complete hook:

PHP Code:

//Quick Links Add in 4.2.0 Start
foreach ($tabdata AS $key => &$thistab)
   if (
    foreach (
$thistab['children'] AS &$ttab)
     if (
$ttab['name'] == 'vbmenu_qlinks')
$nl['root']  = $key;
$nl['type']  = 'link';
$nl['url']    = 'myfile.php';
$nl['title']  = 'Link Title';
$nl['name']  = 'custom_name_here';
$nl['children'] = 0;
$ttab['children'][] =  $nl;
//Quick Links Add 4.2.0 END 

Mind you that needs to be run for each new link which itself will likely be some kind of loop.

does 'name' key exist in tabdata[children] array, because when i print_r the tabdata array i did not find a word called "name" anywhere.

Well i liked vb 4.2.0 navigation manager and specially for my new mod. Yes i still have to create one plugin which i was doing in earlier version also but i won't have to create new template for it to use vb:each function.

i am creating a new mod which has one tab and under which there are 5 menu by default. (which i will create it through navigation manager)
there are 3 menu who's links are not fixed, it changes for each usergroup, so i will be creating array of links for those menus which i was for doing in earlier version also.

i don't know how others are going to place their dynamic links inside menu, but i will be doing this way

Plugin Hook: set_navigation_tab_main
PHP Code:

if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'myscript')

$rootid $roots['mytabname'];   
$x build_navigation_list(true$rootidfalse); // building mytabname list only

// An Array with menu name = $key and value = links array 
(ex: array([menu1] => array([0]=> array('title' => 'google''url' => 'google.com'
1]=> array('title' => 'vbulletin''url' => 'vbulletin.com')) [menu2] => (link array for menu2))

foreach (
$array AS $menuname => $linkarray)

$menuchild $x["$rootid"]["links"]["$menuname"]["navid"];

$tabs["$rootid"][children]["$menuchild"][children] = array_merge($tabs["$rootid"][children]["$menuchild"][children], $linkarray);


Benefits of this method:

1) admin can add new menu inside "mytabname" easily through navigation manager
2) admin can add new links inside any menu. (even those menu which have dynamic links)
3) admin can change displayorder, title of any menu.
4) admin can change title of any links through navigation. (for dynamic links through phrase manager)
5) it hardly effects overall performance. (.1 extra second)

nhawk 05-21-2012 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Andreas (Post 2331012)
Keep in mind that links created this way will be deleted when your Add-on is upgraded:

To avoid this you would have to do some trickery in your installation code.

If anyone feels that this issue is important, please vote for it :)


But a workaround for that is to create another product that only contains navigation items. Then the navigation items don't get overwritten if the main product is updated.

Andreas 05-21-2012 11:29 AM

Yep, that would work but doesn't seem that user friendly ;)

Another workaround would be to do some installation code trickery to add already existing items to the XML data.

nhawk 05-21-2012 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Andreas (Post 2331225)
Yep, that would work but doesn't seem that user friendly ;)

Another workaround would be to do some installation code trickery to add already existing items to the XML data.

I agree it's not that user friendly, but it seemed to be the most fool-proof way of doing it.

The funny thing is (if I'm reading that bug report right) if an admin adds 10 or 20 navigation tabs/menu selections to a stock vB installation using the vBulletin product as the parent, and then updates vB, all of those changes will be lost with the upgrade.

That's a bug to me! The admin will have to re-insert the changes he made each time he upgrades vB.

So that's not an improvement request.

AusPhotography 05-23-2012 06:52 AM

This is Paul M's blog on how to use the Navigation Manager



Paul M 05-23-2012 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by nhawk (Post 2331232)
The funny thing is (if I'm reading that bug report right) if an admin adds 10 or 20 navigation tabs/menu selections to a stock vB installation using the vBulletin product as the parent, and then updates vB, all of those changes will be lost with the upgrade.

They will not, the upgrade process does not remove any tabs/menus/links belonging to the core 'vbulletin' product.

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