digitalpoint |
06-09-2010 06:56 PM |
Originally Posted by voglermc
(Post 2051108)
We have around 1300 members right now. I'd just like members to see they have others close by. I'm not to up to date on google's api so I don't know what it can and can't do
If you want to make it work with registration IP addresses instead of currently online users, in the usermap.php file, change this:
PHP Code:
$forumusers = $db->query_read_slave("
session.userid, user.usergroupid,, session.useragent, IF(user.usergroupid IN(" . iif($vbulletin->options['digitalpoint_usermap_admins'], $db->escape_string($vbulletin->options['digitalpoint_usermap_admins']), 0) . "), 1, IF(user.userid > 0, 2, 3)) AS sortorder
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "session AS session
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON(user.userid = session.userid)
WHERE session.lastactivity > $datecut
ORDER BY sortorder
LIMIT 5000" . "
to this:
PHP Code:
$forumusers = $db->query_read_slave("
SELECT userid, usergroupid, ipaddress AS host, '' AS useragent, IF(usergroupid IN(" . iif($vbulletin->options['digitalpoint_usermap_admins'], $db->escape_string($vbulletin->options['digitalpoint_usermap_admins']), 0) . "), 1, IF(userid > 0, 2, 3)) AS sortorder
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user
ORDER BY sortorder
LIMIT 5000" . "
I haven't tested it, but I think it should work (it's still going to limit it to 5000 users/pins... anything more than that probably would cause issues for Google Maps anyway).
Obviously it's not going to show pins for spiders/guests (only registered users and admins/mods).