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ilrglen 09-09-2009 03:44 PM

I have some ads that I want to place on my site that would be displayed according to the location of the visiting members. For example, a member from Germany would see mostly ads from German sponsors while someone from England would see mostly ads from British sponsors. But I don't know how the software could detect there location.


Originally Posted by Redlinemotorsports (Post 1881978)
Can you be more specific?

Favourtism 09-09-2009 04:28 PM

Is it possible to insert an advert on forum_home under the second forum category using this?

HMBeaty 09-09-2009 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by ilrglen (Post 1882117)
I have some ads that I want to place on my site that would be displayed according to the location of the visiting members. For example, a member from Germany would see mostly ads from German sponsors while someone from England would see mostly ads from British sponsors. But I don't know how the software could detect there location.

You would have to use a custom profile field to accomplish this. You may discuss this with me over instant messenger if you like.

Originally Posted by Favourtism (Post 1882140)
Is it possible to insert an advert on forum_home under the second forum category using this?

Not completely sure, but I believe you can

Big-K 09-17-2009 02:28 PM

I want to have a particular style for posts which have been reported (i.e. reportthreadid <> 0). However, I do NOT want this style to be implemented if the thread that has been created as a result of the report has more than 1 post (i.e. if a moderator has responded to the reported thread, I want the style to be switched off).

I figure that this should be something like <if condition="get_thread_post_count($post['reportthreadid']) > 1)">...</if>, but I don't know what function to have instead of get_thread_post_count.

adamenty 10-09-2009 08:40 AM


<if condition="in_array($forum['forumid'], array(24,25))">
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
<td class="alt1" width="100%">
Will above one work ?

ilrglen 10-10-2009 04:42 AM

How about if I want to display an image to people from a particular country only or a group of countries? Is such a thing possible?

HMBeaty 10-10-2009 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by ilrglen (Post 1897413)
How about if I want to display an image to people from a particular country only or a group of countries? Is such a thing possible?

Best thing I can think of for this is to create a custom profile field and base your conditional off of that. For example, if you want to show something to someone who is only in the United States, you would use:
HTML Code:

<if condition="$userinfo['fieldxx'] == 'United States'">
More code here

ilrglen 10-10-2009 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by HMBeaty (Post 1897549)
Best thing I can think of for this is to create a custom profile field and base your conditional off of that. For example, if you want to show something to someone who is only in the United States, you would use:
HTML Code:

<if condition="$userinfo['fieldxx'] == 'United States'">
More code here

That's what I thought. Thanks. I was just hoping there might be a better way than the custom profile field because there is a limit to the number of countries a person can list. I suppose if I just list those that would make up the largest audience to my site would be the best way to go about this and then just have a selection for other. Thanks.

LuisMontemayor 11-04-2009 03:16 PM

This code help me to put a different Title for the first post only:

PHP Code:

<if condition="$post[postcount] == 1">
<else />

cmeinck 11-05-2009 03:30 PM

I'm currently using the following code in Postbit Legacy to show ads flush right within the first post content to guests only. How do I add or modify the conditional, so that ads flush right appear on each new page of a thread. Let's say every 10 posts, it displays the ad to guests.


                <!-- message -->
<if condition="$show['guest']">
<if condition="(($post[postcount] % $vboptions[maxposts] == 1))">
      <div class="postbit_adcode">
<span style="float: right; width: 300px; height: 250px;">


                <div id="post_message_$post[postid]"class="vb_postbit">$post[message]

                <!-- / message -->

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