legionofangels |
06-18-2008 09:03 PM |
Originally Posted by Wayne Luke
(Post 1552803)
This is because of your style. It also occurs in Opera 9.26 and IE8 Beta 1 (in IE7 emulation mode) using the Sacrifice Sky style. Which I am not sure why its marked as Firefox only since it has no discernable difference in rendering in any browser. The only browser that scrolls your style smoothly is Safari 3.0.
It's marked FF only because Opera and Safari are two of the lowest used browsers out there and we don't care at all on the compatibility of those two browsers. We did not design our forum with all browsers in mind, simply IE and FF.
It's also marked FF only because IE 7 cannot handle PNG as you very well know, so IE 8 IN IE 7 emulation mode is going to act like IE 7 and is going to scroll like a snail on that style. HOWEVER it scrolls/renders perfectly in Firefox 2.0.14. I know this because I only use FF unless I just want to see something in IE and this is the first time I've noticed it in FF 3. I don't understand why the PNG compatibility would have an issue in 3 and not version 2.
Originally Posted by Jase2
(Post 1552869)
legionofangels, being on your site, is like installing a new graphics card and not installing the drivers LOL.
Seriously, it needs to be changed somewhere...
Oh really, and what would you suggest? Redesigning the whole 5 styles that were done in a PNG themed layout? I'm not going to do that, there are 5 gif styles as well so users can use those styles instead. Apparently I'll have to mark them FF 2.0 ONLY until the bug is fixed in 3.
PS > People, I'm noticing this on my gif styles too, not just the PNG ones.