Kihon Kata |
12-05-2006 04:38 PM |
UH OH!! I see this thread bringing major controversy. =)
I voted "He's good". I actually do like Bush as a man and as a president. He not a polished politician like some others with his stammering in speakings, that is one reason why I like him. He cannot tell a lie at all. He's a true person. I can give credit to Bill Clinton to being one of the best speakers we have ever had as a president, the man is/was polished and well liked!
I can understand sometimes why people don't like Bush with a media SO SLANTED to the left. Weak people watch the left slanted media and believe everything they hear and see. They cannot summons an opinion on their own...only by watching the Clinton News Network. People that believed Mike Moore's idiotic satire are also weak minded.
I do agree that the Iraq war is a bit botched in some manners, but I do think we are better off with Saddam out of power. Our leaders saw the same intelligence as Bush did and mostly agreed on the war.
We do need an exit plan though.
One thing I do disagree with Bush on is the US borders and Iran/N. Korea. He hit the nail on the head with the "axis of evil" speech, but he's really not doing anything about those other two.
I'm sure I'll get some interesting responses here, so flame on! ;)