Krahl |
06-03-2006 05:03 AM |
Originally Posted by Kihon Kata
LMAO Krahl!!! I laughed outloud on this. Are you one of these? If not, I'll take the conservative nomination for that union
LOL.. I easily COULD be but am not, no. In fact, I probably should be - it would make the days pass all that much more easily.
Kihon Kata for "DruNken AdmINs fOR FulL vB RIGhtS!! Union" (tm). I think you have it all locked up, but you gotta watch out for others muscling in on your dues man.
Originally Posted by Ntfu2
Man, and i thought it was one of these unions i could join and every one else does the work and i could get credit
You obviously do not "get" the concept then. Just borrow a sign with a slogan on it and hand it to the guy next to you then push him out in front. "Solidarity" and all that jazz... "we got 'yer back man!" :cool:
Originally Posted by gio~logist
I'm just wondering how the union will be established and maintained. Hm.
Why, on the backs of the working man, of course! Er, I mean, the users.. yeah, that's it... the users.