akanevsky |
06-02-2006 08:15 PM |
Anthony, what makes you totally quailfied to make judgements on other peoples skills? Are you some master coder who knows 10 coding languages and has several degrees and 8+ years of expeicing in not only school but real world work?
I could have Master coder by releasing some insanely popular two line hack as well if It got 2000 installs.
Although I may not know 10 coding languages, I know those languages which comprise vBulletin, namely PHP, XML, XHTML and Javascript better than certain other individuals who were picked, and my age and/or level of education has nothing to do with it. Also, none of my popular hacks are comprised of two lines of code, most of them actually contain 100s. I never say anything unless I'm 100% sure about it, and that applies to this thread too.
That, however, has nothing to do with my first post: let me point out for the third time that I am only asking for other members' opinon, and I am not claiming that anything should be done just becase I want it. I could have claimed that I am a master coder when I joined this site, but I chose to not hide who I am. There is no reason why you should be attacking me in person for that, esspecially since you seem to become so nervous when YOU (admins / moderators) are personally attacked. I am hoping that you'll undestand without me having to quote Wayne's post for you.
And most members here, who are also Admins of their own sites as well as others, wouldn't do it that way either, if they were to be totally honest.
Maybe it would be more correct to say that admins would not do that because they are not totally honest.
Hmm, more posts since I wrote this.
The staff here will take this idea into consideration when the environment on this site is a little more stabilized. It would do more harm than good to implement this at this time and to roll back staff changes just as everyone is getting up to speed with their new assignments. Such governance by committee would add weeks, if not months, to the planned changes.
Thank you for the post. That is the kind of reply I wanted to hear from a staff member.