sandalwood |
03-30-2006 07:47 PM |
NEW! If the author is left blank when adding a file, the author name defaults to the uploader's name. Added 30-Mar-06.
this is a bad idea, it should default to "unspecified". otherwise you will end up with a lot of files where the uploader just didn't know and left it blank, then it will seem as though they themselves are the author. the general casual user who comes to the site to download will not be able to tell if the uploader sat there and typed in their name, claiming authorship, or if they had simply left the field blank.
maybe have this be an option that can be toggled behavior. like "do nothing", "default to uploader nick", or "default to unspecified" or maybe have an option in the upload form itself for people like DementedMinds the field starts off with "unspecified" but they have a button to the right they can click which autofills their nick in the box.. or maybe even a setting in their profile that sets whether their name should be autoentered for uploads.