Sinistra |
02-11-2006 01:20 PM |
Originally Posted by Reeve of shinra
The general consensus was that we did not want an encoded version. I like being able to see and tweak the code. Its part of the reason why I enjoy my liscence but anyway..
what they need to do is crack down harder on the people that are giving the software up on the first place. They have to be more easilly identified.
Yes I would have to agree. When I ran a IPB before it went to a piad service. I use to do hack installs for people. the sit policy was to check and see if the licence was valid. The only 2 ways to check is in the code where the IPB licence number is or an IPS check via the browser. and when I knew how to do the check on the bwoser I knew it was a pirated version because instead of a product number I would get
"This script has been pirated by WYDZ" or something like that in the script.
There is also an easy way to fix the copyright ov a Vb all you got to do is delete it and say its another board syste that LOOKS like vB.
They don't have any real copyright protection against people pirating the boards.
let alone the man power to report and stop all of the pirated versions. I recent'y reported a site to vB and IPB about this one site.
Had free downloads of IPB and all its flagship componets such as the blog and gallery.
Also had vB 3.5.3 AND all the 3.5 hacks from this site on the board. So someone with a Valid licence is giving all this stuff away for free. its and need to find a way to hide say a call home fetuer in the code so they can find out who is giving out this info and free stuff