KW802 |
11-14-2005 02:35 PM |
Originally Posted by gldtn
Nice idea in my opinion, despite the fact that merlin is not a under the GNU License ;). What would happen if I load a forum that has this installed under linux? Maybe the coder should find a character that is internet based or something and would not require additional program installed on their computers or certain OS to be used. ...
Merlin and other MS Agents are client based, not server based, so it doesn't matter what OS the server is, it only matters what OS the client browsing the server is using. The delivery package for the code is typically either JS or VBS and it's included in your HTML like any other bit script code would be; when the client's browser then receives that code it's up to the clients browser to determine what to do with it.
If the moon & stars are aligned correctly (the client's OS is a Windows machine that has the particular agent pre-installed along with a Text To Speech [TTS] engine) then the agent will appear as expected otherrwise it's a 'take-your-pick' scenario as to what will happen with the client viewing the page.
In regards to the GNU license, the MS Agents are free to download & use on any licensed Windows client. ;) Remember, the server isn't pushing the Merlin character down to the client, it is only sending code that will activate an already installed Merlin.