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vb50kgpoo 09-17-2011 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by maineGuy72 (Post 2247201)
goto the usergroup --> usergroup manager --> edit usergroup
scroll down for heading saying microclassified permissions

Thanks Mike but there is nothing about number of days there

Can use microCLASSIFIEDS?
Yes No
Can Post Classifieds?
Yes No
Do you want to Approve Ads?
Yes No
Can use Autopost Feature?
Yes No
Can post Ad as Idividual?
Yes No
Can post Ad as Store Owner?
Yes No
Can Moderate Ads?
Yes No

Yes No
Max Concurrent Active Ads
Max Photos per Ad
Max Files per Ad
Listing Priority (1=Higher, 99=Lower)

maineGuy72 09-17-2011 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Antique-Swords (Post 2247211)
Thanks Mike but there is nothing about number of days there

Can use microCLASSIFIEDS?
Yes No
Can Post Classifieds?
Yes No
Do you want to Approve Ads?
Yes No
Can use Autopost Feature?
Yes No
Can post Ad as Idividual?
Yes No
Can post Ad as Store Owner?
Yes No
Can Moderate Ads?
Yes No

Yes No
Max Concurrent Active Ads
Max Photos per Ad
Max Files per Ad
Listing Priority (1=Higher, 99=Lower)

what version you running?
should be
Can use microCLASSIFIEDS? Yes No
Can Buy Products? Yes No
Can Post Classifieds? Yes No
Can set his own Ad expiration?
For Sale Ads and Wanted Ads, can the user set his own duration, or use the defaults (below)?
Yes No
Can change the expiration date?
This is common for all Ad types
Yes No
Do you want to Approve Ads? Yes No
Can use Autopost Feature? Yes No
Can post Ad as Idividual? Yes No
Can post Ad as Store Owner? Yes No
Can Moderate Ads? Yes No
Max Concurrent Active Ads
Max Photos per Ad
Max Files per Ad
Max duration (in days), while posting a For Sale Ad?
Max duration (in days), while posting a Wanted Ad?
Max duration (in days), while posting an Auction Ad?
Listing Priority (1=Higher, 99=Lower)30

Christos Teriakis 09-17-2011 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by qpurser (Post 2247206)
Sorry Chris

Still not working

Try and this one. If stile does not works:

1.- Logout and close your browser
2.- Login and try again


mgcom 09-17-2011 03:49 PM

just upgraded and got this (it was actually 2 pages long but this error is repeated throughout


Fatal error: Unable to find a class to validate: vB_TemplateParser_Curlyrow on line 1084 in [path]\includes\class_template_parser.php in [path]\vb\vb.php on line 287

qpurser 09-17-2011 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2247218)
Try and this one. If stile does not works:

1.- Logout and close your browser
2.- Login and try again



Those are the first error lines:

Unable to find a class to validate: vB_TemplateParser_Curlyrow on line 1084 in /home/MYSITE/public_html/forums/includes/class_template_parser.php
#0 /home/MYSITE/public_html/forums/includes/class_template_parser.php(1020): vB_TemplateParser->validate_curly(Object(vB_CurlyNode), Array)
#1 /home/MYSITE/public_html/forums/includes/adminfunctions_template.php(3004): vB_TemplateParser->validate(Array)
#2 /home/MYSITE/public_html/forums/includes/adminfunctions_plugin.php(1026): compile_template('??????
#3 /home/MYSITE/public_html/forums/admincp/plugin.php(1736): install_product(' #4 {main}

replaced the URL with MYSITE

Christos Teriakis 09-17-2011 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Antique-Swords (Post 2247211)
Max Concurrent Active Ads
Max Photos per Ad
Max Files per Ad
Listing Priority (1=Higher, 99=Lower)

Most probably your usergoup permissions have been messed. Try a trick:
  1. Remove the file bitfields_microclassifieds.xml from your site (vb_installation/includes/xml/)
  2. Login to your admincp
  3. Goto to usergroup pemissions
  4. Click to edit Administrator group
  5. You must see a message "Rebuilding bitfields".
  6. Logout
  7. Upload the file bitfields_microclassifieds.xml from your site (vb_installation/includes/xml/)
  8. Login to your admincp
  9. Click to edit Administrator group
  10. You must see a message "Rebuilding bitfields".
  11. .... Now the microCLASSIFIEDS permission must been updated.

WEBDosser 09-17-2011 03:52 PM

still a lot of errors when importing product.. and it still don't work.

where is the old version xml

Halfhidden 09-17-2011 03:52 PM

@mgcom Chris is fixing that as we speak

Christos Teriakis 09-17-2011 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by qpurser (Post 2247221)

Those are the first error lines:

Unable to find a class to validate: vB_TemplateParser_Curlyrow on line 1084 in /home/tcmasorg/public_html/forums/includes/class_template_parser.php
#0 /home/tcmasorg/public_html/forums/includes/class_template_parser.php(1020): vB_TemplateParser->validate_curly(Object(vB_CurlyNode), Array)
#1 /home/tcmasorg/public_html/forums/includes/adminfunctions_template.php(3004): vB_TemplateParser->validate(Array)
#2 /home/tcmasorg/public_html/forums/includes/adminfunctions_plugin.php(1026): compile_template('??????
#3 /home/tcmasorg/public_html/forums/admincp/plugin.php(1736): install_product(' #4 {main}

Please import the attached file. Is from 5.1.5 version.

qpurser 09-17-2011 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2247227)
Please import the attached file. Is from 5.1.5 version.

This one works but of course it is the older one and probably the reported bugs are not solved?

The CSS in the users profile is messed up again but the one MaineGuy posted should fix this issue

vb50kgpoo 09-17-2011 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2247223)
Most probably your usergoup permissions have been messed. Try a trick:
  1. Remove the file bitfields_microclassifieds.xml from your site (vb_installation/includes/xml/)
  2. Login to your admincp
  3. Goto to usergroup pemissions
  4. Click to edit Administrator group
  5. You must see a message "Rebuilding bitfields".
  6. Logout
  7. Upload the file bitfields_microclassifieds.xml from your site (vb_installation/includes/xml/)
  8. Login to your admincp
  9. Click to edit Administrator group
  10. You must see a message "Rebuilding bitfields".
  11. .... Now the microCLASSIFIEDS permission must been updated.

Don't think that will work (this is your latest 5.1.5);

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<bitfields product="microclassifieds">


<group name="ugp">

<group name="microclassifieds">

<bitfield name="access" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_access">1</bitfield>

<bitfield name="post" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_post">2</bitfield>

<bitfield name="approve" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_approve">4</bitfield>

<bitfield name="autopost" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_autopost">8</bitfield>

<bitfield name="postowner" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_postowner">16</bitfield>

<bitfield name="poststore" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_poststore">32</bitfield>

<bitfield name="moderate" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_moderate">64</bitfield>

<bitfield name="modcertified" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_modcertified">128</bitfield>

<bitfield intperm="true" name="mc_maxads" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_maxads">0</bitfield>

<bitfield intperm="true" name="mc_maxphotos" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_maxphotos">5</bitfield>

<bitfield intperm="true" name="mc_maxfiles" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_maxfiles">5</bitfield>

<bitfield intperm="true" name="mc_priority" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_priority">99</bitfield>





Christos Teriakis 09-17-2011 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by qpurser (Post 2247228)
This one works but of course it is the older one and probably the reported bugs are not solved?

The CSS in the users profile is messed up again but the one MaineGuy posted should fix this issue

I have fixed it in 5.1.6 ... in any case.... as vB templating is crazy, can you try again the 5.1.6 file? Sometimes (happen to me), even if the error has been corrected, it stay there in the old error.

maineGuy72 09-17-2011 04:02 PM

hey chris i narrowed it down to 2 templates
the microclassifieds_profile_sold_ads and microclassifieds_profile_bought_ads if i see something i will let you know

Christos Teriakis 09-17-2011 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Antique-Swords (Post 2247230)
Don't think that will work (this is your latest 5.1.5);

Wrong... This is the content. I just copied from the zip file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<bitfields product="microclassifieds">
                <group name="ugp">
                        <group name="microclassifieds">
                                <bitfield name="access" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_access">1</bitfield>
                <bitfield name="buy" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_buy">2</bitfield>
                <bitfield name="post" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_post">4</bitfield>
                <bitfield name="postduration" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_postduration">8</bitfield>
                <bitfield name="editduration" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_editduration">16</bitfield>
                <bitfield name="approve" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_approve">32</bitfield>
                <bitfield name="autopost" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_autopost">64</bitfield>
                <bitfield name="postowner" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_postowner">128</bitfield>
                <bitfield name="poststore" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_poststore">256</bitfield>
                <bitfield name="moderate" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_moderate">512</bitfield>
                <bitfield intperm="true" name="mc_maxads" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_maxads">1</bitfield>
                <bitfield intperm="true" name="mc_maxphotos" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_maxphotos">5</bitfield>
                <bitfield intperm="true" name="mc_maxfiles" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_maxfiles">5</bitfield>
                <bitfield intperm="true" name="mc_max1dur" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_max1dur">30</bitfield>
                <bitfield intperm="true" name="mc_max2dur" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_max2dur">60</bitfield>
                <bitfield intperm="true" name="mc_max3dur" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_max3dur">15</bitfield>
                <bitfield intperm="true" name="mc_priority" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_priority">99</bitfield>

max1dur, max2dur.... are missing from you. Maybe your unzip utility in not working well. I'm attaching the file. Please note that these changes, made lot of versions ago.


Christos Teriakis 09-17-2011 04:07 PM

I got a bit stressed... sorry I'll go to get a shower and be back soon.


qpurser 09-17-2011 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2247231)
I have fixed it in 5.1.6 ... in any case.... as vB templating is crazy, can you try again the 5.1.6 file? Sometimes (happen to me), even if the error has been corrected, it stay there in the old error.

I tried again the 5.1.6 from #1123
Still the same error

No worries..Take you time.
A shower might help to clear your mind...:)

mgcom 09-17-2011 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2247236)
I got a bit stressed... sorry I'll go to get a shower and be back soon.


thanks for your time mate, no pressure :D

Christos Teriakis 09-17-2011 04:45 PM

I don't believe it ... dozens of error pages for a vb:row insteal vb:raw :o

The correct file is here, and soon I'll re-upload the zip file.


WEBDosser 09-17-2011 04:52 PM

that works.. thanks :)

qpurser 09-17-2011 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by WEBDosser (Post 2247247)
that works.. thanks :)

The import works

when I click on the avatar where it says TOP sellers etc...
and also when I try to go to "my profile"

I get this error:

Database error in vBulletin 4.1.5:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM microclassifieds_orders WHERE sellerid= ORDER BY selldate DESC;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ORDER BY selldate DESC' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Saturday, September 17th 2011 @ 12:54:00 PM
Error Date : Saturday, September 17th 2011 @ 12:54:01 PM
Script : http://komet.urljet.com/~tcmasorg/fo...ab=classifieds
Referrer : http://komet.urljet.com/~tcmasorg/fo...lassifieds.php
IP Address :
Username : MAXreefer
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.92-community-log

maineGuy72 09-17-2011 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2247246)
I don't believe it ... dozens of error pages for a vb:row insteal vb:raw :o

The correct file is here, and soon I'll re-upload the zip file.


imports but get
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM microclassifieds_orders WHERE sellerid= ORDER BY selldate DESC;

on profile screen

mgcom 09-17-2011 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2247246)
I don't believe it ... dozens of error pages for a vb:row insteal vb:raw :o

The correct file is here, and soon I'll re-upload the zip file.


Love this mod, all sites in Ireland charge to advertise classifieds, hoping this will get me plenty of members

will make a donation soon

thanks for all the work


vb50kgpoo 09-17-2011 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2247235)
Wrong... This is the content. I just copied from the zip file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<bitfields product="microclassifieds">
                <group name="ugp">
                        <group name="microclassifieds">
                                <bitfield name="access" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_access">1</bitfield>
                <bitfield name="buy" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_buy">2</bitfield>
                <bitfield name="post" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_post">4</bitfield>
                <bitfield name="postduration" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_postduration">8</bitfield>
                <bitfield name="editduration" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_editduration">16</bitfield>
                <bitfield name="approve" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_approve">32</bitfield>
                <bitfield name="autopost" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_autopost">64</bitfield>
                <bitfield name="postowner" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_postowner">128</bitfield>
                <bitfield name="poststore" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_poststore">256</bitfield>
                <bitfield name="moderate" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_moderate">512</bitfield>
                <bitfield intperm="true" name="mc_maxads" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_maxads">1</bitfield>
                <bitfield intperm="true" name="mc_maxphotos" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_maxphotos">5</bitfield>
                <bitfield intperm="true" name="mc_maxfiles" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_maxfiles">5</bitfield>
                <bitfield intperm="true" name="mc_max1dur" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_max1dur">30</bitfield>
                <bitfield intperm="true" name="mc_max2dur" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_max2dur">60</bitfield>
                <bitfield intperm="true" name="mc_max3dur" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_max3dur">15</bitfield>
                <bitfield intperm="true" name="mc_priority" group="microclassifieds_permissions" phrase="microclassifieds_priority">99</bitfield>

max1dur, max2dur.... are missing from you. Maybe your unzip utility in not working well. I'm attaching the file. Please note that these changes, made lot of versions ago.


OK, I have done this and yes, I can now change the number of days. However, there is a bug.

I have three categories; "For Sale", "Wanted" or "Auction" for which I have selected 365, 365 and 30 days respectively.

However, no matter which of the three I select from the drop down menu from the navbar, I get "For Sale" in the form that appears (it does however show the correct number of days). So, if I select "Wanted" and then try to change it to "Auction" in the drop down menu on the posting form, it remains at 365 days, it does not go to 30 days.

I select "Auctions" and get this;

maineGuy72 09-17-2011 04:59 PM

line 5534 spelling error on userid

maineGuy72 09-17-2011 05:03 PM

also review text is not displaying in user profile.

line 5550 and 5571
spelling error
reviewtext (not reviewtetext)

qpurser 09-17-2011 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by maineGuy72 (Post 2247257)
also review text is not displaying in user profile.

How can you get to the user profile?
I can not as I have the same SQL error as you mentioned which is also happening when going to a profile.

maineGuy72 09-17-2011 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by qpurser (Post 2247258)
How can you get to the user profile?
I can not as I have the same SQL error as you mentioned which is also happening when going to a profile.

i posted the line corrections for chris.

Christos Teriakis 09-17-2011 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by qpurser (Post 2247258)
How can you get to the user profile?
I can not as I have the same SQL error as you mentioned which is also happening when going to a profile.

Sure... reviewtetext in not correct... reviewtext is:(

Correct file attached, plus another typo in userid.

EDITED: Zip file updated


maineGuy72 09-17-2011 05:22 PM

almost ready for a nap there chris? haha

qpurser 09-17-2011 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2247262)
Sure... reviewtetext in not correct... reviewtext is:(

Correct file attached, plus another typo in userid.

EDITED: Zip file updated


Perfect Chris. :up:
No more errors so far

qpurser 09-17-2011 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2247262)
Sure... reviewtetext in not correct... reviewtext is:(

Correct file attached, plus another typo in userid.

EDITED: Zip file updated


Perfect Chris. :up:
No more errors so far

Christos Teriakis 09-17-2011 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Antique-Swords (Post 2247254)
OK, I have done this and yes, I can now change the number of days. However, there is a bug.

I have three categories; "For Sale", "Wanted" or "Auction" for which I have selected 365, 365 and 30 days respectively.

However, no matter which of the three I select from the drop down menu from the navbar, I get "For Sale" in the form that appears (it does however show the correct number of days). So, if I select "Wanted" and then try to change it to "Auction" in the drop down menu on the posting form, it remains at 365 days, it does not go to 30 days.

I select "Auctions" and get this;

"For Sale", "Wanted", "Auctions" are build-in categories. You can't use categories with these names and expect to find the settings of the build-in categories in your categories.


Christos Teriakis 09-17-2011 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by mgcom (Post 2247251)
Love this mod, all sites in Ireland charge to advertise classifieds, hoping this will get me plenty of members

will make a donation soon

thanks for all the work


In a few days, when the PRO version will be available, contact me to give you a copy. I also belong to one of the 3 most ...rich countries:D


Christos Teriakis 09-17-2011 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by maineGuy72 (Post 2247265)
almost ready for a nap there chris? haha

almost ready.... still spying here in case that something will goes wrong. Not my lucky day today.

maineGuy72 09-17-2011 05:56 PM

ya i check back once and a while otherwise its the couch and tv for me

1320Nation 09-17-2011 08:48 PM

It is what it is. Or is there info somewhere on each version upgrade(current upgrade info stops at version 4.9.5a)? Also can certain files be upgraded between versions instead of reloading the entire mod? If not, is there a benefit to reloading the entire mod?

Christos Teriakis 09-18-2011 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by psychobike (Post 2247310)
It is what it is. Or is there info somewhere on each version upgrade(current upgrade info stops at version 4.9.5a)? Also can certain files be upgraded between versions instead of reloading the entire mod? If not, is there a benefit to reloading the entire mod?

There are lot of changes in many files. So instead to give a list of 10 files to upload, I prefer to say "Upload all files". What's the problem on it? You need more time to find 10 files in 10 different directories, than to upload the entire package. eg on the previous versions there were changes on each css file of datagrid. What I had to say? Upload:




vb50kgpoo 09-18-2011 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2247268)
"For Sale", "Wanted", "Auctions" are build-in categories. You can't use categories with these names and expect to find the settings of the build-in categories in your categories.


Hi Chris / Anyone
Sorry, this does not mean anything to me. How do I resolve the problem?
Regards / RSVP

Christos Teriakis 09-18-2011 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by Antique-Swords (Post 2247402)
Hi Chris / Anyone
Sorry, this does not mean anything to me. How do I resolve the problem?
Regards / RSVP

You can't resolve this problem as there is not problem. You're trying to do something that the program is not supporting. Similar to ask the program to prepare a cup of coffee.

If you still count it as a problem, just uninstall it.


mgcom 09-18-2011 06:50 AM

not sure if it has been mentioned or getting worked on but on the 2nd page of submitting a thumbnail the thumbnail cropper does not work, in fact no images are displaying with the ads, i've even uploaded 60X60 images and still nothing.

Do i need to chmod some folder or something ?

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