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-   -   Board Optimization - Welcome headers - Improve community registration rates (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=119572)

Ted S 10-17-2007 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by hichew (Post 1362605)
when i use this mod, seems like my database server load is jump to 100.
do you think this mod that causing this high load?
any idea? anybody use this on big boards (mine have 3000-5000 users online)

No I don't -- there are no queries in this hack, just if conditionals based on data called by in the vbulletin user datamanager on every page. I would suggest you open up your shell access, monitor your load with the hack turned off, turn it on and see what happens in the next 2-3 minutes.

madotds 10-18-2007 03:04 PM

Great addition to my forum thank you very much

ssandgirls 10-19-2007 02:10 AM

Hey Ted, I got that all working now..... by changing the group in the template as you advised.
Thanks for all your help....... Now to edit the wording...... :)

Ted S 10-19-2007 03:34 AM

No problem. You can easily get to the wording i fyou go to vBulletin Options --> Welcome Headers System and look for the "edit" links.

Reeve of shinra 10-24-2007 04:26 AM

New Idea Time :)

I'm thinking about using javascript to select random messages. I think it will keep things 'fresh' and keep members or potential members looking at the option to register. I googled up some basic javascript but I thought I would toss the idea out to see if anyone has any thing to add.

slosupra 10-30-2007 04:19 PM

greta mod thanks

caliman 11-02-2007 04:45 AM

I recently upgrade to php 5.2.4 from php 4.4.7....

My old version of this mod - 4.0.3 - does not work with php5.

Does this version?

Ted S 11-02-2007 04:20 PM

This mod doesn't care what version of php you use -- it's little more than an HTML conditional with some marketing copy. If you can run vbulletin, you can run welcome headers.

caliman 11-02-2007 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 1374284)
This mod doesn't care what version of php you use -- it's little more than an HTML conditional with some marketing copy. If you can run vbulletin, you can run welcome headers.

Ted no offense. But I couldn't get into my admin panel until I disabled it after upgrading to php 5.2.4. So the version I was using - 4.0.3 - had something it didn't like. I agree that it is strange.

Ted S 11-03-2007 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by caliman (Post 1374308)
Ted no offense. But I couldn't get into my admin panel until I disabled it after upgrading to php 5.2.4. So the version I was using - 4.0.3 - had something it didn't like. I agree that it is strange.

None taken. Welcome Headers may certainly have conflicted with another hack you have, or another hack may have conflicted with welcome headers but welcome headers does nothing that would conflict with php. The code is literally nothing more than a vbulletin template and has nothing to do with login processes, urls or getting into the ACP. Versions, 4.0.3, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, they're all virtually the same with a few changes to make updates and customizations easier -- when it gets down to it, welcome headers is a method of marketing to users based on vbulletin conditionals and nothing more. I've got this running on just about every setup imaginable and never heard of anyone running into issues because of php versions, from a code perspective it just doesn't make any sense. But as I always say, if you don't think the addon is good for your forum, by all means, don't use it.

caliman 11-03-2007 07:02 AM

Oh I will use it. It is the mod to have bar none. I would give all the gee-whiz mods away to just have the return that this mod has. This mod is great. 8)

You may be right. I could have dinged the code myself. But I won't know until tomorrow because I am suspending al judgment until then. I had a good dinner and a couple drinks. Good night! :)

caliman 11-03-2007 03:43 PM

New version worked great. So who knows!

JtChurch925 11-03-2007 04:13 PM

Would it be possible to show announcements over certain threads and not others? I don't know too much about conditional statements but I'm guessing ti might have something to do with those...

Any help?:confused:

FIM 11-08-2007 10:04 PM

nice installed ;)

bada_bing 11-12-2007 04:49 PM

How can I get the welcome messages to show up with Vbportal installed. They show up fine while in the forums are but not in the portal area?

Ted S 11-12-2007 05:00 PM

You would need to add them to the templates that control that system.

bada_bing 11-12-2007 05:18 PM

HOW? I have no clue how to do that?

Ted S 11-12-2007 06:53 PM

I don't provide support with integrating welcome headers with other systems. You may have some luck searching this thread or their forum for integration tips.

BadgerDog 11-15-2007 01:48 PM

Hi Ted... :)

Question: I've got this set so guests go through a few posts in a specific "Feature of the Month" forum, then start getting the message they should register. I then let them go through a few more posts and set up the blocking message.

So, to circuvent the block and keep reading threads, some have found the trick of creating a fake email address that bounces (ie: test@yahoo.com) which gets them into the non-guest state usergroup "Users Awaiting Email Confirmation".

By doing this, they are now able to continue to read threads as long as they want, with no intention of ever having to register properly.

I guess the question is....

How can I get the two usergroups # 3 - Users Awaiting Email Confirmation and #1 - Unregistered / Not Logged In to be treated the same and accumulative in their post count? In otherwords, if they were blocked as guests, is there a way of having that block stay in place until the actually confirm their email address and become usergroup #2 - Registered?

Thanks for your work ... :up:


induslady 11-15-2007 01:48 PM

Hello Ted,

Thank you for this mod, it works superb!

I need a help with a small change I am looking at.

Please see the attached screen shot of my site showing the message for a vistior (not logged in just lurking).

This message - "Register Today, it is FREE and you could WIN a T-shirt! Don't miss to interact...", it appears in 2 locations...

1) Below the navbar breadcromb, left of the login panel.
2) Below the Forum menu as a separate block - which keeps repeating in all pages within the forum the visitor would navigate.

I know that both locations are showing the same message because of the "navbar" template calling the "welcomeheader" template which uses the phrase welcome_guest.

Just to let you know I am calling the 'welcomeheader' template in 'navbar' and NOT in 'Forumhome' since I am running vbseo.

I want to know, if it's possible to display a different message in the below breadcrumb location and not the same as below the forum home, so that I can use the locations for different messages.

Like in the below breadcrumb - welcome message informing about my community
In the below forum menu - tempting a visitor to register.

Thanks in advance for you suggestion.

Ted S 11-15-2007 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 1383007)
Question: I've got this set so guests go through a few posts in a specific "Feature of the Month" forum, then start getting the message they should register. I then let them go through a few more posts and set up the blocking message.

Your question is in the wrong hack thread...

But simply put, you would need to edit the php code contained in the plugin-xml file to not only check if the user is a guest but also if they are in that usergroup. It should only require a few additional characters of code and be fairly simple to do if you know basic php.

Ted S 11-15-2007 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by induslady (Post 1383008)
Hello Ted,

Thank you for this mod, it works superb!

I need a help with a small change I am looking at.

It looks like you missed step 2 of the instructions and have not removed the base welcome header from your vbulletin FORUMHOME template, although you also appear to be using a custom template which may be setup differently. If you wish to leave this message but customize the text, you would either need need to the template with the second message and either create a new phrase or just put your content in directly to that spot.

BadgerDog 11-15-2007 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 1383094)
Your question is in the wrong hack thread...

But simply put, you would need to edit the php code contained in the plugin-xml file to not only check if the user is a guest but also if they are in that usergroup. It should only require a few additional characters of code and be fairly simple to do if you know basic php.

Thank you ... :up:

My apologies for the wrong thread.... :o

I use all of you work and I got confused... :D

I will get out the PHP file and check for that ...


Ted S 11-15-2007 06:58 PM

No problem.

induslady 11-16-2007 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 1383097)
It looks like you missed step 2 of the instructions and have not removed the base welcome header from your vbulletin FORUMHOME template, although you also appear to be using a custom template which may be setup differently. If you wish to leave this message but customize the text, you would either need need to the template with the second message and either create a new phrase or just put your content in directly to that spot.

Thanks, Ted.

I got the headers working with different messaes in navbar area and below the forum menu. Cool.

SCRIPT3R 11-19-2007 11:28 PM

Enable Post More Often Message = 42, but the message is appearing immediately... any suggestions?

SNATCH3R 11-20-2007 05:50 AM

Thanks for this wonderful mod.....gr8 work

popowich 11-21-2007 04:27 PM

I'm looking at this thread, but I'm not seeing the answer. Is it possible to only have the guests message encouraging registration show up on the vbadvanced CMPS landing page? I want it because I use the guest welcome header as the site description block of text. Is there a better way for me to be displaying that text? Thanks!


Ted S 11-21-2007 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by popowich (Post 1387022)
I'm looking at this thread, but I'm not seeing the answer. Is it possible to only have the guests message encouraging registration show up on the vbadvanced CMPS landing page? I want it because I use the guest welcome header as the site description block of text. Is there a better way for me to be displaying that text? Thanks!

Is it possible? Sure. But that's exactly the opposite of why welcome headers exists. People don't just enter your website through the homepage so why would you only greet them there?

If all you want is a homepage message edit your homepage template as you see fit.

popowich 11-21-2007 09:53 PM

Makes sense. I suppose my real issue is that the welcome headers don't display at all on the vBadvanced CMPS landing page. They display fine in the forums. I seem to have the opposite problem of everyone else. I see some people trying to remove them, I'm not sure why they are not displaying to begin with.


Ted S 11-22-2007 06:55 AM

They don't display on your CMS landing pages because your CMS doesn't use the standard vBulletin templates. Basically they aren't displaying because they shouldn't. You'd need to hack it in to them... this is explained somewhere in the history of this thread if you search around,

popowich 11-22-2007 11:50 AM

Q: How do I add the welcome headers to my vBadvanced CMPS landing page?

A: Add "welcomeheaders" to admincp -> vBa CMPS -> default settings -> main options -> portal output global variables


caliman 11-28-2007 02:53 PM

Is there a way I can have welcome headers ONLY show up on my forum index?

wajones 11-28-2007 03:56 PM

Just wanted to thank you for this mod, even though I can only mark as installed once, I've installed this dozens of times for our vbportal users.

Icy 11-28-2007 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by caliman (Post 1391057)
Is there a way I can have welcome headers ONLY show up on my forum index?

Edit the FORUMHOME template instead of header template.

Ted S 11-28-2007 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by caliman (Post 1391057)
Is there a way I can have welcome headers ONLY show up on my forum index?

Yes but your forumindex already has a welcome header. Adding welcome headers to only one page is a waste of time and defeats the entire purpose (and benefit) of the system.

SCRIPT3R 11-28-2007 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by GearTripper (Post 1385933)
Enable Post More Often Message = 42, but the message is appearing immediately... any suggestions?

I've confirmed this on three separate installations... bug perhaps?

Silmarillion 11-28-2007 08:32 PM

I want to use an image welcome header like vbseo do. Is ist possible to show the last x-threads in this welcome header?

tom212 11-28-2007 10:07 PM


This looks like an awesome mod and I'm looking forward to trying it. However, I'm really new at this whole vBulletin thing and am concerned about getting in the middle and finding I've messed something up along the way. Is there a way to back out or uninstall this after it's been installed/imported?



Ted S 11-28-2007 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Silmarillion (Post 1391260)
I want to use an image welcome header like vbseo do. Is ist possible to show the last x-threads in this welcome header?

It would take a fairly sophisticated system to be able to show threads in an image. What you would likely want to do is use an image as well as some text to accomplish your goal. Since the content from the latest threads is changing all the time, I don't imagine it will be a roadblock from getting spidered but rather from what content is first seen by the spiders. Ultimately it's going to take some work to build in a list of those threads as well as a trade-off between SEO and the user experience.

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