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NTLDR 03-26-2004 08:06 PM

The Powered by: vBindex Version 3.0.0 RC4 part and the XHTML image can both be removed. Just the vBindex copyright must remain, and the vBulletin Copyright if you don't have the branding-free option :)

hockyfan 03-26-2004 08:10 PM

Thanks, great hack by the way, installed with ease! :)


Funkworkz 03-27-2004 12:34 AM

Hmm, I upgraded from RC3, and on the homepage, the Internet Explorer "Error" symbol flashes before the images start to load, did I miss a step?

(It also says there is an error for no reason when the page is completly loaded as well)


(Ignore the Style, Im still working on it..)

mattyk72 03-27-2004 01:54 AM

I have the following error message at the top of my portal

Warning: chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2) in /home/thewar/public_html/vbindex.php on line 143

Also, my logo is off center


JoeBiscuit 03-27-2004 07:09 AM

Ok, i have spent way too long trying to find a fix for what I want to do. Maybe you can help me out.

Here's what I'm trying to do. I have made a new "extra" page, I created the regular template to house the $php_output and then the php template. I'm trying to make the php code pull a single post and display it's body information into the page. I have had no luck so far. Here is what I currently have.


$query = 'SELECT pagetext FROM post WHERE postid = 20886';
if ($r = mysql_query($query))
  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($r))
    echo $row['pagetext'];

What am I missing here? The page loads fine, but the body of the post doesn't output. Any help on this would be greatly appreciate because I just don't know what to do now.

tehste 03-27-2004 09:25 AM

Hey. After voting on the randome poll off the vbindex main page, any other attempts to view that page would return with this database error:


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.0:

Invalid SQL:
                        ## GET POLL ##
                        SELECT thread.pollid, thread.forumid, open, threadid, replycount, question, poll.dateline,
                        options, votes, active, numberoptions, timeout, multiple, voters,
                        pollvote.voteoption, pollvote.userid AS voteuserid
                        FROM thread AS thread
                        LEFT JOIN poll AS poll ON (thread.pollid = poll.pollid)
                        LEFT JOIN deletionlog AS deletionlog ON(thread.threadid = deletionlog.primaryid AND type = 'thread')
                        LEFT JOIN pollvote AS pollvote ON(thread.pollid = pollvote.pollid AND pollvote.userid = 2)
                        WHERE forumid NOT IN (0)
                        AND deletionlog.primaryid IS NULL
                        AND thread.pollid <> 0
                        AND thread.open <> 10
                        AND thread.visible = '1'
                        AND thread.forumid IN (1,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28)
                        ORDER BY RAND() DESC
                        LIMIT 1
mysql error: Got error 28 from table handler

mysql error number: 1030

Date: Saturday 27th of March 2004 03:20:07 AM
Script: http://www.lemonpoo.com/

Any Ideas how to fix this? And what caused it... And weather it is fixed in RC4

Edi: After refreshing it numerous times as soon as it happened it stayed on the error page... I then waited 10 mins and re-freshed again and it was fixed... I even kept refreshing to see if the same poll I voted on worked in the main page.. And it did. Very curious, anyi ideas

Also you can see I grab my randome poll from practically all the forums bar 4ish... Is this bad for the code? Also, If i set it on to all, and there is a poll in a forum wich not everyone has acsess to, will someone without rights to view that forum be able to view the poll.
And is there a way to set it to all and just leave a few not checked ever....

gamevn 03-27-2004 12:01 PM

This portal workd good to with vb3gold.
but how do i add new pages to it.

tobkat 03-27-2004 12:46 PM

Does anybody know, how I can edit the Phrases that came with vbindex RC 4 ?

NTLDR 03-27-2004 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by tobkat
Does anybody know, how I can edit the Phrases that came with vbindex RC 4 ?

Admin CP -> Phrase Manager -> vBindex (or vBindex Control Panel) and you'll see a list of all the vBindex added ones. Note vBindex uses some default vB phrases too.

NTLDR 03-27-2004 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by gamevn
This portal workd good to with vb3gold.
but how do i add new pages to it.

See the link to the tutorial in the first post.

NTLDR 03-27-2004 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by zsdave
Any Ideas how to fix this? And what caused it... And weather it is fixed in RC4

Its a problem with your database and isn't vBindex or vBulletin related.


Also you can see I grab my randome poll from practically all the forums bar 4ish... Is this bad for the code? Also, If i set it on to all, and there is a poll in a forum wich not everyone has acsess to, will someone without rights to view that forum be able to view the poll.
And is there a way to set it to all and just leave a few not checked ever....
The poll like all the other areas uses permissions, if the user doesn't have access to the forum they won't ever see the poll from that forum appear.

NTLDR 03-27-2004 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Funkworkz
Hmm, I upgraded from RC3, and on the homepage, the Internet Explorer "Error" symbol flashes before the images start to load, did I miss a step?

I assume you mean vBindex RC3 -> RC4 in which case there was a error in the vbindex_headinclude template in an early release, find:

HTML Code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_menu.js"></script>
Replace with:

HTML Code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="$vboptions[burl]/clientscript/vbulletin_menu.js"></script>

NTLDR 03-27-2004 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by mattyk72
I have the following error message at the top of my portal

Warning: chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2) in /home/thewar/public_html/vbindex.php on line 143

Make sure you have edited vbiconfig.php correctly as per step one of the installer.

JoeBiscuit 03-27-2004 06:33 PM

Any idea on the pulling a single post's body text onto a new extra page?

Funkworkz 03-27-2004 06:53 PM

Thanks NTLDR, but it didnt help, I already replaced that. Error is still occuring.

NTLDR 03-27-2004 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Funkworkz
Thanks NTLDR, but it didnt help, I already replaced that. Error is still occuring.

Thats definitely the problem, I've justed checked out your site and viewed the source and thats the part thats causing the error.

Funkworkz 03-27-2004 08:30 PM

I see, the code you told me to replace it with had


rather then


Fixed now, thanks.

NTLDR 03-27-2004 08:43 PM

Sorry, my mistake, I knew it was that bit that was wrong, I just thought it was the entire variable missing (instead I posted the real error *heh*). Glad its working now :)

Frzzy 03-27-2004 09:05 PM

Is there any uninstall script?

NTLDR 03-27-2004 09:08 PM

vBindex 3.0.0 RC4 has a built-in uninstaller to remove vBindex 3.0.0 Beta 1 and above.

mattyk72 03-27-2004 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
Make sure you have edited vbiconfig.php correctly as per step one of the installer.

I edited to exactly what it told me to

I even went back and did it over, obviously I'm missing something


NTLDR 03-27-2004 11:16 PM

You should have the path set to something similar to /home/thewar/public_html from looking at the error message and your site.

mattyk72 03-28-2004 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
You should have the path set to something similar to /home/thewar/public_html from looking at the error message and your site.

this is what I have

// enter the path to your forums here that you were given during the// install processdefine('CHDIR_PATH', '/home/thewar/public_html');

// enter the extension you use with your vBulletin files
// this is most likly the default .php entered
define('SCRIPT_EXTENSION', '.php');


???`S?LV?R???` 03-28-2004 01:48 AM

If I'm updating from vbindex rc3 build 10 is there anything i have to do different besides upload the files and run the script?

chris frolic 03-28-2004 05:49 AM

absolutely awesome piece of work.

GoTTi 03-28-2004 06:11 AM

another question NT - how do i edit the colors on the page? where do i go?

NTLDR 03-28-2004 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by mattyk72
this is what I have

You need to edit the file EXACTLY as it is shown which would have been:

PHP Code:

// enter the path to your forums here that you were given during the
// install process

And not:

PHP Code:

// enter the path to your forums here that you were given during the// install processdefine('CHDIR_PATH', '/home/thewar/public_html'); 

NTLDR 03-28-2004 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by ???`S?LV?R???`
If I'm updating from vbindex rc3 build 10 is there anything i have to do different besides upload the files and run the script?

Just edit any templates that it says have been updated that you have customised and thats it.

NTLDR 03-28-2004 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Da_GoTTi
another question NT - how do i edit the colors on the page? where do i go?

Admin CP -> Style Manager -> All Options (for the said style).

chris frolic 03-28-2004 04:19 PM

Could someone share how I could go about adding vbindex (and vbindex extra pages) to my who's online? Since it's index.php in my root directory it's appearing as the message forum and I'm not sure how exactly to distinguish it in functions_online.php. Thanks.

NTLDR 03-28-2004 04:22 PM

You'd need to make alot of changes to functions_online.php so that it can tell the difference between /index.php and /forums/index.php as its all based on the filename only.

GoTTi 03-28-2004 05:32 PM

ight cool thanx for info nt....when do u plan on releasing a gold release of this...so we dont have nemore updates...

also if i were to install this on a already running forum with its own style, is the script going to inherit the style that the forum already has, or is it going to overwrite the style i already have in place?

and is it easy to upgrade the script if this version is installed, not the beta 1...and if upgraded, does it overwrite anything already set or will it load the colors and settings from headers and so on to the new version...

NTLDR 03-28-2004 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Da_GoTTi
when do u plan on releasing a gold release of this...so we dont have nemore updates...

Its possible there will be a vBindex 3.0.0 RC5, but that depends on how much more I add. After that vBindex 3.0.0 will be final and work will begin on 3.1.0 or 3.0.1 depending on any bugs found/features added.


also if i were to install this on a already running forum with its own style, is the script going to inherit the style that the forum already has, or is it going to overwrite the style i already have in place?
It imports the vBindex templates to each parent (top level) style and will use your existing CSS styles.


and is it easy to upgrade the script if this version is installed, not the beta 1...and if upgraded, does it overwrite anything already set or will it load the colors and settings from headers and so on to the new version...
If your running vBindex 3.0.0 RC3 or later the upgrade will work flawlessly, no templates will be overwritten if they have been altered by you. If your running a version bettween Beta 1 and RC2 then you'll manually have to work out the template changes or delete them and start fresh. No settings or anything are ever lost/overwritten with any upgrade.

GoTTi 03-28-2004 06:30 PM

coo..your the bombay ;)

GoTTi 03-29-2004 02:29 AM

2 problems after installing on big board...

the vbindex.php is not showing the shoutbox. the shoutbox DID show on my testboard when i installed it, so i dont understand why it is not now.

i enabled the news area, and put a forum id on there...all is good, it brings the post in the page good, but the icons are not loading that are in the post, like smilies...but they are showing on each thread @ the top left of it...just not in post, and the folders have been properly specified.

GoTTi 03-29-2004 02:47 AM

after login on the index page, it logs in, goes the main index page, and shows me as guest. this a problem.

NTLDR 03-29-2004 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by Da_GoTTi
the vbindex.php is not showing the shoutbox. the shoutbox DID show on my testboard when i installed it, so i dont understand why it is not now.

Make sure its enabled and assigned to a side block on the side that enabled (if you only have one column).


i enabled the news area, and put a forum id on there...all is good, it brings the post in the page good, but the icons are not loading that are in the post, like smilies...but they are showing on each thread @ the top left of it...just not in post, and the folders have been properly specified.
The smilies need to have a full URL, or a URL like /forums/images/smilies/smilie.gif, if updated with a query you need to save one after running the query. Your icons should be in the format images/icons if not you needto edit the vbindex_newsbit template.


after login on the index page, it logs in, goes the main index page, and shows me as guest. this a problem.
Your cookie path and or domian is wrong, thedomain needs to be .mydomain.com (yes two dots ;)) and the path should be /

GoTTi 03-29-2004 03:10 PM

ok, so shoutbox doesn't load for guest....the cookie path was set wrong, so login from main page works now, and after login, i see the shoutbox. cool.

the other problem withthe images not showing is confusing me...what do i have to look for and edit in vbindex_newsbit template?

GoTTi 03-29-2004 03:11 PM

oh, and how can i center the top image????

NTLDR 03-29-2004 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Da_GoTTi
the other problem withthe images not showing is confusing me...what do i have to look for and edit in vbindex_newsbit template?

Edit the <img> tag for the icon, I can't tell you what to change it to as its different for everyone.


oh, and how can i center the top image????
Edit the vbindex_header template.

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