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-   -   New Posting Features - [DBTech] Advanced User Tagging v3 (vB4) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=242733)

DragonByte Tech 09-30-2014 12:21 PM

Been handled @ our site :)


KGodel 10-01-2014 08:02 PM

Hey guys. We're still having issues with tagging people. Again, it's difficult to describe because there is seemingly no pattern to when tagging does not work. It happens most when there are larger lists of people tagged, so maybe there is a limit or something? Sometimes when the post is edited and resubmitted the untagged names will be tagged. I can give an account if you'd like, just let me know. It's not a huge issue right now, but it might help someone else in the future.

DragonByte Tech 10-02-2014 11:18 PM

This probably triggers the "Max Mentions Per Post" setting in the vBOptions :)


KGodel 10-03-2014 06:37 AM

The max is set to zero for no limit, so unless there is a backend limit I don't think that is the issue.

DragonByte Tech 10-12-2014 12:55 AM

Advanced User Tagging v3.2.0

New Features:

Entry Pruning
  • Choose what features to prune (Mentions / Thread Tags / Quotes / Hash Tags)
  • Choose date cut-off
  • Accessible via the vBulletin Options

(Pro) Automatic Entry Pruning
  • Choose what features to automatically prune (Mentions / Thread Tags / Quotes / Hash Tags)
  • Choose date cut-off
  • Settings accessible via the vBulletin Options


Justinphx 10-24-2014 11:44 PM

I installed the latest version and running vbull 4.2.2. The issue I am having is that it can take 4 hrs plus to receive a quote notification. I have even noticed it taking more than 3 days once in while. Is there a solution to this problem? I scrolled through several pages on this thread and didn't anything. Thanks. Great mod though.

karabaja3 11-21-2014 07:26 PM

I'm testing this at localhost. I can not mark them as seen. The notification is always visible whatever I do. This directly leads to confusion.
I'm using v3.8.

EDIT: Solved. Issues with the cron.

KGodel 12-02-2014 04:24 PM

Helo guys. My members are having trouble tagging people with short usernames. Example: @Jon does not tag our member with username Jon.

Alan_SP 12-03-2014 07:04 PM

Do you type jon, or did you c&p username?

I noticed some strange problems with different keyboard code pages, so try first to c&p username. If it works, user probably uses different code page from you.

DragonByte Tech 12-03-2014 09:48 PM

Advanced User Tagging v3.2.1

New Features:

Mention Thread Starter
  • Typing @OP: in a post will mention the Original Poster / thread starter
  • Can be disabled globally via vBulletin Options
  • Defaults to enabled

Bug Fixes:
  • (Pro) Hash Tag subscriptions could be toggled for a user without their explicit consent


Bounce 12-04-2014 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2525485)
Advanced User Tagging v3.2.1

New Features:

Mention Thread Starter
  • Typing @OP: in a post will mention the Original Poster / thread starter
  • Can be disabled globally via vBulletin Options
  • Defaults to enabled

Bug Fixes:
  • (Pro) Hash Tag subscriptions could be toggled for a user without their explicit consent


Get a DB Error.....

Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2:

Invalid SQL:

user.dbtech_usertag_excluded AS excluded,
, mention.dateline
FROM user AS user
LEFT JOIN userlist AS userlist ON (userlist.userid = user.userid AND userlist.relationid = '1443441')
LEFT JOIN dbtech_usertag_mention AS mention ON(mention.mentionedid = user.userid AND mention.postid = 'post' AND mention.type = ?)
WHERE user.userid = 9931;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?)
WHERE user.userid = 9931' at line 20
Error Number : 1064

DragonByte Tech 12-05-2014 05:26 PM

This should be resolved if you re-download and re-upload the product :)


KGodel 12-09-2014 05:06 PM

Tried the copy/paste username thing and still didn't work. I tried using the mention tag instead of @ and it replaced it with an @ sign with no name.

joeychgo 12-09-2014 11:00 PM

Is it possible for the user to turn off email notification for just themselves?

joeychgo 12-10-2014 09:57 PM

Is there a problem with names that start with a number?

ie. @68plymouth383 doesn't seem to work, but @bluefury361 does.

joeychgo 12-12-2014 05:29 AM

So I take it this is unsupported ?

DragonByte Tech 12-12-2014 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by KGodel (Post 2526478)
Tried the copy/paste username thing and still didn't work. I tried using the mention tag instead of @ and it replaced it with an @ sign with no name.

The [MENTION] tag takes a user ID, not user name.


Originally Posted by joeychgo (Post 2526539)
Is it possible for the user to turn off email notification for just themselves?

This can be done in the Pro version, via the UserCP.


Originally Posted by joeychgo (Post 2526668)
Is there a problem with names that start with a number?

ie. @68plymouth383 doesn't seem to work, but @bluefury361 does.

Could you please re-post this as a bug @ our site, so I can track this issue properly? Thanks :)


Originally Posted by joeychgo (Post 2526886)
So I take it this is unsupported ?

Providing support @ vBulletin.org is much, much more difficult than @ our site. For that reason, we let all our vB.org users know in the first post of every thread that we offer priority support @ our site.


RawBoard 12-12-2014 03:35 PM

great hack thank you

KGodel 12-13-2014 02:06 PM

Even the userid didn't work. Maybe it's the username that is bugged or it cant handle 3 character usernames?

DragonByte Tech 12-13-2014 04:42 PM

If your minimum username length setting has been increased from 3, then it won't work with usernames below that limit.


DragonByte Tech 12-15-2014 05:15 PM

Advanced User Tagging v3.2.2

Changes to Existing Features:

(Pro) Profile Settings
  • Disabling features via the AdminCP will now also remove the corresponding settings from the UserCP

Bug Fixes:
  • Disabling the vBShout integration would not remove the Shoutbox tabs.
  • The Profile block would display a database error if the new @OP: feature was used.


joeychgo 12-15-2014 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2526944)

Could you please re-post this as a bug @ our site, so I can track this issue properly? Thanks :)

Providing support @ vBulletin.org is much, much more difficult than @ our site. For that reason, we let all our vB.org users know in the first post of every thread that we offer priority support @ our site.

Thank you, no. I had bought a license even but have now removed the mod from my system. You wouldn't have a business if not for vb.org, so I have to question why it is too hard for you to support things here. Keep the license I bought, I have zero use for it.

DragonByte Tech 12-15-2014 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by joeychgo (Post 2527330)
You wouldn't have a business if not for vb.org, so I have to question why it is too hard for you to support things here.

I'd be more than happy to answer this for you :)

When someone posts a response to a thread on this site, I receive an email notification ONLY if I have already visited the site and/or the thread in question since the previous post. For that reason, let's say someone posts a reply going "Works for me and does what I need, thanks :)" and then someone posts a reply going "I'm receiving a DB error saying 'missing phrasegroup dbtech_usertag', it's flooding my inbox, could you please assist?" I won't see the second reply until I visit the site.

Contrast this to if these two people start their own individual support tickets @ our site; I'll receive an email with the modification in question, the forum they posted in (e.g. whether they own the Lite or Pro version), the subject they entered and the full message body. This lets me know that Ticket A (the kudos) - while greatly appreciated - does not require my immediate attention, but Ticket B (the DB error) does.

This is not even touching on the amount of problems that can arise if multiple different people require my attention over multiple posts.

Moving on, let's talk about feature requests. Sure, a few requests we receive are ones where I could spend an hour and simply add it to the mod, but the vast majority of our outstanding feature requests are major undertakings that would require days, if not weeks, to add to the product.

If someone posts a feature request on page 5 of a release thread here, in 3 months the thread in question may have received 50 new pages, meaning I would either need to keep a text file with description of each request, or I would need to manually dig it out of the thread.

Contrast this to if people post the feature request @ our site, the aforementioned support ticket system will give me a categorised, browsable list of every single feature request anyone has ever posted since the start of DBTech. This allows me to quickly refer back to a feature request at a later date, and contact the requester quickly and easily if I require more information.

If you still remain unconvinced as to why we prefer support requests posted @ our site, then it is of course your prerogative to decline our request for you to re-post issues. I hope that I have at least helped you understand that we don't do it simply because we want to make your lives more difficult, there is a rhyme and a reason :)


joeychgo 12-15-2014 11:26 PM

Gee, I'm sorry vb.org isn't optimized for you, but somehow thousands of other mod creators managed to support their products here. Ever heard of thread subscriptions? I'm sure it would let you know when someone posted in one of your threads.

Funny thing, I noticed you were here several times after I posted my questions but three days went by before you managed to answer, which was to tell me to go to your private forum.

I have no need to repost my issues. I removed both the paid licenses and the lite licenses from my sites, you can keep the money I paid for the licenses as well.

Alan_SP 12-16-2014 02:20 PM

a) You received an answer why it is better for all parties (DBTech and all of us who use their mods) to post bug reports at their site. And this is how vB works, as an owner you should know how vB works.

b) Also, all communication was polite.

c) DBTech makes excellent, but also very complex mods. And has biggest portfolio at that. It's not easy to track all that info just like that. So they made their own tracking system that helps them in this (very big) task.

I don't see that as the worst thing in this world.

d) On the other hand, if someone don't want to use DBTech's mods, it's fine.

Randhal007 12-22-2014 01:07 PM

Nice Mods..
i like this

CAG CheechDogg 01-02-2015 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by joeychgo (Post 2526668)
Is there a problem with names that start with a number?

ie. @68plymouth383 doesn't seem to work, but @bluefury361 does.

Was this bug worked out? I was about to get the pro version of this but I have a lot of members with usernames who start with numbers and this would not be good ...

ozzy47 01-02-2015 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg (Post 2530095)
Was this bug worked out? I was about to get the pro version of this but I have a lot of members with usernames who start with numbers and this would not be good ...

You are better off asking on their site, they answer a bit quicker there.

Alan_SP 02-01-2015 06:59 AM

You can buy branding free version on their site. Just having pro version isn't same as having branding free version.

Alan_SP 02-02-2015 10:07 AM

AFAIK, they have per product branding free and for those who have a lot of DBTechs products global branding free version (with big discount, of course).

You can find it here (this is just for AUT).

DragonByte Tech 02-02-2015 09:24 PM

Advanced User Tagging v3.2.2 Patch Level 1

Bug Fixes:
  • (vB4) Editor-enabled pages would not load correctly with the AUT modification active
  • The "@op:" feature would not work if the "minimum username length" in vBulletin?s registration settings was set to 4 or higher.


DragonByte Tech 02-09-2015 08:33 PM

Advanced User Tagging v3.2.3

Bug Fixes:
  • The "Quote" vBShout integration toggle should now work as intended (for future notifications only!)
  • Compatibility with vBShout v6.2.8 added


BorjaECI 02-13-2015 04:16 PM

How i can translate to spanish? i have de version Pro.

Thanks you.

shabsta 02-24-2015 06:47 AM

Thanks for the mod.

Does it go through all the old posts and notify people or only news posts after installation?

biftek 04-05-2015 05:26 AM

how do you i remove the user tag list from threads? the one that appears at the time

never mind found out to do it via plugin manager

sadiq6210 04-18-2015 08:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)
See the attached screenshot from VB5

Is it possible to write first letters and get all the usernames that starting with these letters?

mattltm 04-20-2015 12:43 PM

Installed and working fine on the forums but shows up as...

in the "Recent Forum Posts" widget on my home page (using VB4 CMS)

Any way to stop this?

mykkal 05-13-2015 03:06 AM

***Ignore*** had memory issues

mykkal 05-13-2015 03:21 AM

1 Attachment(s)
So I typed the "@" symbol but didn't see a contextual menu popup with the member's name. Is that supposed to happen? If it doesn't how do i mention a username that has a space in it?

mykkal 05-13-2015 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by mattltm (Post 2543639)
Installed and working fine on the forums but shows up as...

in the "Recent Forum Posts" widget on my home page (using VB4 CMS)

Any way to stop this?

Where you able to fix this? I'm having the same issue. I tried mentioning a member and I see


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