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-   -   Add-On Releases - [AJAX] Helpful Answers - Allow users to rate individual posts (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=233296)

SilverBoy 01-16-2012 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2288413)
Alter the hook forumdisplay_query_threadid and add

echo "option enabled";


if($foruminfo['helpfulanswerbits'] AND $foruminfo['helpfulanswerorderbits']){
If the option is properly enabled, this message will show up with you view the page.

do you mean it will sort the threads in forumdisplay page according to the votes?

Ted S 01-16-2012 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by SilverBoy (Post 2288416)
as you said in admin option "If enabled, users will have votes on their posts counted to display in the postbit template, their profile, etc" this option will display the total # of votes in postbit template and in profile, for me it displayed only in profile page, but it not appear in postbit.

It's enabled but not automatically displayed. You have to add the appropriate variable [check post #3 of this thread] to show whatever data you want.

Ted S 01-16-2012 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by SilverBoy (Post 2288421)
do you mean it will sort the threads in forumdisplay page according to the votes?

You keep stating that things don't work and then asking what they do which makes it very hard to understand if the feature has a bug or if you simply don't understand it.

The option alters the ranking of posts based on votes.

Ted S 01-16-2012 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by SilverBoy (Post 2288419)
I installed it, I get only this line before the header
"debugging...show blockdebugging...show blockdebugging...show blockdebugging...show blockdebugging...show blockdebugging...show blockdebugging...show block "

Strange that it repeats but good that it's getting called.

Check that the template helpful_answers_mosthelp_post exists and that the hook location postbit_end is still in your template if you have modified it.

SilverBoy 01-16-2012 05:36 AM

I don't have template with this name "helpful_answers_mosthelp_post" !!

SilverBoy 01-16-2012 05:54 AM

I rechecked the plugin xml file and I didn't get template with that name in it !!

systutorials 01-16-2012 05:58 AM

Hey Ted S, great mod and was exactly what I was after. Thanks for this. I've installed it today and have read pages of this thread to get the answer i'm after but couldn't find it, or i've missed it along the way, but i'm trying to display the "rated helpful x out of x times" count under the users avatar or under their posts count mini profile within threads ? Was thinking to have some text like "Helpfull Posts: X"

SilverBoy 01-16-2012 06:02 AM

I asked you about this option meaning before "Enable Single Post Voting" and you told me about the description that must be under it, but for me I don't get that description.

so after I checked the plugin file I find that you add "k" letter in add that phrase line that is why it is not work.

I'm talking about this line
"<phrase name="setting_helpans_onevotek_desc" date="0" username="Ted S" version="2.0.5"><![CDATA[If enabled, will only be able to vote on one post in a single thread. <strong>Adds one query to each SHOWTHREAD page.</strong>]]></phrase>"

the phrase name must be "setting_helpans_onevote_desc"

Ted S 01-16-2012 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by SilverBoy (Post 2288432)
I rechecked the plugin xml file and I didn't get template with that name in it !!

You are correct.

We'll add this to the bug list but honestly as no one else has mentioned this since the 4.x version came out, it's not something you'll see added in until our next major update.

Ted S 01-16-2012 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by systutorials (Post 2288434)
Hey Ted S, great mod and was exactly what I was after. Thanks for this. I've installed it today and have read pages of this thread to get the answer i'm after but couldn't find it, or i've missed it along the way, but i'm trying to display the "rated helpful x out of x times" count under the users avatar or under their posts count mini profile within threads ? Was thinking to have some text like "Helpfull Posts: X"

No problem... You can find the variables in post #3 of this thread.

This is a fairly old mod and I can't recall if they're all actually enabled but that's the best place to start.

systutorials 01-16-2012 06:39 AM

Cool thanks Ted, i've got the variables which is all good. Just with the placement I actually want to place it here:


Do you know the name of the template I need to edit ?

systutorials 01-16-2012 06:50 AM

All good found it under postbit_legacy. Using the {vb:raw post.goodrank} variable works well. Thanks again

systutorials 01-16-2012 06:57 AM

actually I think I spoke to soon, i'm 3/4 of the way there
This is what it looks like now:
But helpful posts only displays 1 on the actual post that was helpful. It doesn't carry around with it the total amount of helpful posts the user has made. Is there another variable for this ?
It would be similar to the information you see when you click on the user and then click on about me and view the information "Helpful Postings - Rated Helpful 1 out of 1 times"

systutorials 01-16-2012 11:00 AM

found it, I used {vb:raw post.hagoodrank}
sorry for all the posts :)

BlueCheri 01-16-2012 12:26 PM


Working fine.

Thanx and rgds

Ted S 01-16-2012 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by systutorials (Post 2288502)
found it, I used {vb:raw post.hagoodrank}
sorry for all the posts :)

Trying stuff on your own... trying again... You're my hero for the day no matter how many posts were made.

Let me know if there's anything else you need :up:

SilverBoy 01-16-2012 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2288437)
You are correct.

We'll add this to the bug list but honestly as no one else has mentioned this since the 4.x version came out, it's not something you'll see added in until our next major update.

no problem, but could you please give me the template code to add it manually?

Ted S 01-16-2012 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by SilverBoy (Post 2288606)
no problem, but could you please give me the template code to add it manually?

The template was never ported from the 3.8 version, you'd have to convert it yourself.


<if condition="!$GLOBALS['FIRSTPOSTID'] AND $helpfulanswer[postid] != $GLOBALS['qrfirstpostid']">   
            <div style="padding:5px;">
            <table class="tborder" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
                <td class="alt1" style="padding:15px;font-weight"bold;text-align:center;">
                <phrase 1="$vboptions[bbtitle]" 2="$helpfulanswer[postid]">$vbphrase[helpfulanswer_mosthelp_post]</phrase>   

SilverBoy 01-16-2012 04:29 PM

Thanks Ted.

I suggest you in the next version to change the content of the block to display the post that most voted as helpful not just link to it.

klaus 01-24-2012 12:46 AM

Is there a variable I can use to display the total weight of a post after it got ranked up and down?

Example: 2 plus votes = Weight 2, 4 plus votes and 1 minus vote = weight 3, 6 minus votes weight = -6

To me it makes more sense to display the total weight of posts then how many plus and how many minus voted. Just give me the total as one number.

Thank you in advance and I love this product.

Ted S 01-24-2012 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by klaus (Post 2291578)
Is there a variable I can use to display the total weight of a post after it got ranked up and down?

Example: 2 plus votes = Weight 2, 4 plus votes and 1 minus vote = weight 3, 6 minus votes weight = -6

To me it makes more sense to display the total weight of posts then how many plus and how many minus voted. Just give me the total as one number.

Thank you in advance and I love this product.

See https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....76&postcount=2 for a list of variables sent to the script. To add a new calculation edit the hook helpfulanswers_showthreadorpost

klaus 01-24-2012 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2291612)
See https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....76&postcount=2 for a list of variables sent to the script. To add a new calculation edit the hook helpfulanswers_showthreadorpost

Thanks for the quick reply. Isn't the "Hide negative post count" looking at a certain rating value or does it truly count how many negative votes a post gets irregardless of the positives.

If it calculates the "average" or offset then that variable would be useful for my forum. If it truly just counts how many negatives then no offense but it kind of sucks.

I just installed this in a non production forum and haven't tested it enough to know how it works. What I am really looking for is a reddit type experience. Up/down votes. too many down votes post goes away, but can be up voted again by other users. true democracy.

There used to be product that did exactly that but it is discontinued/graveyard and was for vb3.x

Your product is the closest to what I am looking for.

Ted S 01-24-2012 06:07 AM

Looking at the source code [it's been a while] there's nothing fancy computed here, just the number of goodvotes, the number of totalvotes and then you can merge those to build a few different results.

My philosophy on mods is pretty simple -- give people a core feature that works for as many sites as possible and then let each one tweak it to meet their actual needs. One person will say a feature rocks, the next that it sucks, truth is that it "sucks" or "rocks" for you, but the mod isn't made for just just one site. Unfortunately "off the shelf" is as far as most go but let's be honest, if you're the same as the guy next door, that's not good so please, if you think this is close but not quite cutting it, dig into the code and make it do what you want.

By that I mean you've got a tool to vote on posts, now all you have to do is decide how you want to show the votes, hide negative posts, feature others, etc.

klaus 01-24-2012 07:01 AM

Yeah that is awesome and I am stocked for this product. Thank you.

I will mess with it and share what I make out of it with this thread so perhaps someone else can use it.

I like your philosophy.

Ivan3443 01-29-2012 12:12 PM

This is one of the best plugins out there !
I just installed it and it works great, but the voting Buttons are always at the top of posts. I already tried hours to fix this but I just dont have the skills for that. How can I change the postion, so it is bellow the edit buttons?

Thank you!

Ted S 01-31-2012 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by Ivan3443 (Post 2293796)
This is one of the best plugins out there !
I just installed it and it works great, but the voting Buttons are always at the top of posts. I already tried hours to fix this but I just dont have the skills for that. How can I change the postion, so it is bellow the edit buttons?

Thank you!

Enable the manual placement option and then add the right variable as explained in the install file.

bposner 01-31-2012 09:38 PM

How do you use this with VB experience, I'd like to add it to the awards and such. I added a category for HA and then added a award, and re calibrated but can't see to make anything show up. Thoughts?


Ted S 01-31-2012 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by bposner (Post 2294769)
How do you use this with VB experience, I'd like to add it to the awards and such. I added a category for HA and then added a award, and re calibrated but can't see to make anything show up. Thoughts?

I'm very open to other mods interacting with and extending this functionality but don't support their code.

vB experience is released by a great developer... I'd suggest you reach out to him / his team for help with the integration.

[Edit: Should the mod author(s) see this and need other hook locations / data output to improve the interface, please drop a PM]

dimitril 02-07-2012 11:49 AM

I would like to display the good percentage.
The calculation would be goodrank / totalrank * 100.

How can I display this percentage?

Thanks in advance!

Ted S 02-07-2012 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by dimitril (Post 2297132)
I would like to display the good percentage.
The calculation would be goodrank / totalrank * 100.

How can I display this percentage?

Thanks in advance!

You will have to hack the plugin source code to edit the ranking output

bposner 02-17-2012 03:38 PM

Hi, running your system on a couple of sites. very nice.. I want to change the text color for:
See the top rated post in this thread and trying to use basic BB code in the phrase doesn't seem to work, ["COLOR="Lime"]See the top rated post in this thread.[/COLOR"]

NOTE: I added the " at the beginning and ending of COLOR so the code would display in this post, it's not in the phrase I'm trying to change.


Ted S 02-17-2012 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by bposner (Post 2300536)
Hi, running your system on a couple of sites. very nice.. I want to change the text color for:
See the top rated post in this thread and trying to use basic BB code in the phrase doesn't seem to work, ["COLOR="Lime"]See the top rated post in this thread.[/COLOR"]

NOTE: I added the " at the beginning and ending of COLOR so the code would display in this post, it's not in the phrase I'm trying to change.


I don't believe BB code works in phrases. You'll need to use HTML and ideally css attributes.

bposner 02-18-2012 03:19 PM

Well then, that explains it :)


sportsfroma2 03-06-2012 03:49 AM

just upgraded my site from 4.1.10 to 4.1.11, and it still works well.


Ted S 03-06-2012 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by sportsfroma2 (Post 2306673)
just upgraded my site from 4.1.10 to 4.1.11, and it still works well.


Minor releases have almost no impact on mods which is why most are marked for 4.1.x rather than a specific version.

sportsfroma2 03-06-2012 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2306695)
Minor releases have almost no impact on mods which is why most are marked for 4.1.x rather than a specific version.

I know, but I figured there are those like myself who are non-coders and they like reading through the latest posts on the threads before updating their vbulletin just to make sure everything is still working right (just because SOMETIMES, things go wrong- not saying often, not saying with your specific mod)...

I know I like it when other users share feedback -both negative and positive- on how the various vbulletin upgrades effect their installed mods... figured I'd return the favor a bit.

Ted S 03-06-2012 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by sportsfroma2 (Post 2306783)
I know, but I figured there are those like myself who are non-coders and they like reading through the latest posts on the threads before updating their vbulletin just to make sure everything is still working right (just because SOMETIMES, things go wrong- not saying often, not saying with your specific mod)...

I know I like it when other users share feedback -both negative and positive- on how the various vbulletin upgrades effect their installed mods... figured I'd return the favor a bit.

Don't get me wrong, we appreciate it when people confirm a mod works in an upgrade. I just like to take the time and follow up to other users so they understand that rather than asking if a mod works for .0x minor change, they give it a shot -- 99% of the time it will and asking just slows down their own site [not to mention that most coders will answer without actually testing first on the assumption basis].

initiald 03-09-2012 04:18 AM

It's not working on vBulletin 4.1.11? The thumbup/thumbdown are not showing on the post. I have set it to display on the forum. Every instrument is followed on the install file. Why? please help..

This is my setting..


Ted S 03-09-2012 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by initiald (Post 2307741)
It's not working on vBulletin 4.1.11? The thumbup/thumbdown are not showing on the post. Why? please help..

I can't do much with "it's not working"... You'll need to provide some actual details to look into...

Have you enabled the mod in the forum you are viewing?

Do the other options work?

Does anything show up in the voting area?

iDHKHCM 03-09-2012 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2307757)
I can't do much with "it's not working"... You'll need to provide some actual details to look into...

Have you enabled the mod in the forum you are viewing?

Do the other options work?

Does anything show up in the voting area?

same thing with me absolutely nothing shows up, everything was enabled forums too

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