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-   -   [HOW TO - vB4] Create your own vBulletin page (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=228112)

Lynne 03-03-2014 06:28 PM

I really don't know enough about Facebook and their code to help out on this.

MacroPhotoPro 03-06-2014 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Lynne (Post 2484804)
I really don't know enough about Facebook and their code to help out on this.

Really? You're one of the top people at vBulletin and you "can't help" with Facebook?


You can't explain why the Blog and the Forum, when their links are Shared or physically-added to a Facebook wall, that those links display a list of images to select from ... while this custom page does NOT?

Really? You can't explain that or give help to overcome this?

Impressive. Thanks.

tbworld 03-06-2014 11:54 AM

Your negative reply to Lynne is not a pleasant invitation for others to help you. You might want to rethink abusing the volunteers in this community. This is an enthusiast community for vBulletin, and is not official vBulletin support. If you would like help please be nice, we try to be. :)

ozzy47 03-06-2014 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by tbworld (Post 2485437)
Your negative reply to Lynne is not an inviting message to receive assistance from others. Who needs this kind of abuse when we are already volunteering our time. If you would like help please be nice. :)

Correct, and just because some one is considered a "top person" does not mean they know all there is to know about vBulletin, or a third party integration such as Facebook, I my self have over 60 mods released, and I could not tell you one thing about it, I don't even have a Facebook page. :)

tbworld 03-06-2014 12:08 PM

When I have a chance I will take a look at your code, but I am currently working on a backlog of tasks for other vbulletin.org members.

MacroPhotoPro 03-06-2014 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by ozzy47 (Post 2485439)
Correct, and just because some one is considered a "top person" does not mean they know all there is to know about vBulletin, or a third party integration such as Facebook, I my self have over 60 mods released, and I could not tell you one thing about it, I don't even have a Facebook page. :)

Fair enough then.

ozzy47 03-06-2014 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by MacroPhotoPro (Post 2485445)
Fair enough then.

Believe me, I know how frustrating things are when they don't work as intended, or as you would like them to. I have spent many hours yelling at my screen when things don't go my way. :p

The people here will do their best to help anyone out, and yes it can get quite aggravating when things just won't cooperate, but patience is a virtue.

Hopefully someone here has ran into the issue before, and can help out. :)

MacroPhotoPro 03-06-2014 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by tbworld (Post 2485442)
When I have a chance I will take a look at your code, but I am currently working on a backlog of tasks for other vbulletin.org members.

I would appreciate this greatly.

I have been working on the customization of this site for 2 years, and we're ready to launch. The entire sum & substance of our functionality and advertisement hinges on these custom image pages being able to be "Shared" onto Facebook walls ... so the author of this tutorial "not knowing how" to connect and override to FB is no small omission.

Thanks again.

--------------- Added [DATE]1394112600[/DATE] at [TIME]1394112600[/TIME] ---------------

Here is an example of one of our Image pages:

I have coded the button to share the post to the person's wall, successfully, but instead of presenting a thumbnail of the desired photo, all that is being posted is a thumbnail of my forum logo, as such:

Failed vBulletin Custom Share showing Forum Logo

I don't want my forum logo displayed; I want a thumbnail of the desired image displayed. I cannot figure out how to override this glitch and include the desired picture in the Facebook popup for posting, rather than my logo.

I know it is possible to get the desired image, and I thought I had coded it as such. For example, in the vBulletin Blog, when I use the Facebook Share Button there, I see the image I am trying to share *plus* the option for other images on the page:

Successful Blog Post Share showing Desired Image

When using the Blog, if I post the same 2 images and try to share them there, when the "Share pop-up" displays, you will notice that not only is the individual image that I want available to share, but that I have a total list of the 2 photos I can sort through and select from to share as well ... but I get no such thing from this vBulletin custom page!

Again, here is my code:


        <meta property='fb:app_id' content='473597412755690' />
        <meta property='og:site_name' content='Nature Photography Resource & Database' />
        <meta property='og:description' content='Online community for dedicated macro photographers worldwide.' />
        <meta property='og:url' content='http://www.macrophotopro.com' />
        <meta property='og:type' content='website' />
        <meta property='og:image' content='http://www.macrophotopro.com/thumbnails/1/1_thumb_0000000548_tiny.jpg'>
        <div id='fb-root'></div>
        <script>(function(d, s, id) {
                  var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
                  if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
                  js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;
                  js.src = '//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1&appId=473597412755690';
                  fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
        (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));
        <div class='fb-share-button' data-href='http://www.macrophotopro.com/' data-type='button_count'>

It is as if all the "meta" tags on this custom page are being completely ignored by something inside vBulletin. Yet somehow they are able to get through on the forum and blog postings. I tried to follow the FB Developer instructions, and it simply doesn't work. I believe this is beyond a FB problem, it's a problem intrinsic to some omission in this vBulletin custom page, and it's driving me nuts.

What do I have to do to get the desired pic to override the default posting of the vBulletin logo? I am willing to pay for this $ervice, so PM me your price!

Thank you,


--------------- Added [DATE]1394112849[/DATE] at [TIME]1394112849[/TIME] ---------------


Originally Posted by ozzy47 (Post 2485446)
Believe me, I know how frustrating things are when they don't work as intended, or as you would like them to. I have spent many hours yelling at my screen when things don't go my way. :p

The people here will do their best to help anyone out, and yes it can get quite aggravating when things just won't cooperate, but patience is a virtue.

Hopefully someone here has ran into the issue before, and can help out. :)

Thank you.

tbworld 03-06-2014 12:40 PM

I added you to my cue. Actually, I added you several days ago, but since I had a backlog already I did not answer. Obviously, I have to mock this up and it will be a three-four days minimum before I can get into it. Some members here have been waiting for my time for four weeks since my work sent me to Sochi for the Olympics. If you can be patient I can help.

MacroPhotoPro 03-06-2014 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by tbworld (Post 2485454)
I added you to my cue. Actually, I added you several days ago, but since I had a backlog already I did not answer. Obviously, I have to mock this up and it will be a three-four days minimum before I can get into it. Some members here have been waiting for my time for four weeks since my work sent me to Sochi for the Olympics. If you can be patient I can help.

Okay, thank you. Let me know.


rupak 03-13-2014 06:44 AM

How to create new post page

ozzy47 03-13-2014 10:30 AM

You need to explain a bit more detail what it is you want to do.

Lynne 03-13-2014 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by rupak (Post 2486895)
How to create new post page

This is a tutorial on how to create the new page. The coding for what the page actual does is up to you. There is nothing in this tutorial to help you with actually coding your page.

AndyBaines 04-20-2014 09:43 AM

I've got this "How-To" sussed completely fine from your instructions so thank you very much, but I'm having an issue with Twitch.tv chat embedding that I cannot find anywhere else...

I can embed the video section no issue, but the chat window just doesn't seem to load, I tried loads of things last night to no avail, this morning remoted into work and tested with both IE and Firefox which led the issue to only appear on IE.


<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="378" width="620" id="live_embed_player_flash" data="http://www.twitch.tv/widgets/live_embed_player.swf?channel=videogamertv" bgcolor="#000000"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="allowNetworking" value="all" /><param name="movie" value="http://www.twitch.tv/widgets/live_embed_player.swf" /><param name="flashvars" value="hostname=www.twitch.tv&channel=videogamertv &auto_play=true&start_volume=25" /></object>
The above video embed works fine.


<iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="http://twitch.tv/videogamertv/chat?popout=" height="500" width="350"></iframe>
The above chat window does not, nothing loads and if I change the frameborder to 1 then I get the frame.

I don't own that channel and see chat embedded on various sites using the same code but I am not having any luck.

Any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Andy :)

--------------- Added [DATE]1397990875[/DATE] at [TIME]1397990875[/TIME] ---------------

I grabbed the chat HTML code over into Dreamweaver and previewed it in my browser from my local machine, the chat box loaded fine, that's the reason I've posted here before posting on the Twitch support site, it looks like it may be vBulletin related and from what I've seen there are a lot of knowledgeable people on this site..!

Enough compliments..? ;)

--------------- Added [DATE]1397991195[/DATE] at [TIME]1397991195[/TIME] ---------------

One last thing to note, I've just uploaded the HTML page to the host and gone to the page, chat loaded fine.

Just enabled html on a forum, check the embed code in a forum post and the chat didn't load, looks like it's not related to this custom page. /doh

K4GAP 08-15-2014 09:54 PM

Is your tutorial current to use with 4.2.2 ?

ozzy47 08-15-2014 09:57 PM

Yes it will still work. :)

K4GAP 08-15-2014 10:22 PM

So, you know how? :)

Lynne 08-15-2014 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by K4GAP (Post 2511439)
So, you know how? :)

I have a test.php page (made using this method) on my test site and it still works in 4.2.2.

ozzy47 08-15-2014 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by K4GAP (Post 2511439)
So, you know how? :)

Because I use it quite often. :p

K4GAP 08-15-2014 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by ozzy47 (Post 2511442)
Because I use it quite often. :p

So it's a whiz to do? :)

ozzy47 08-15-2014 10:59 PM

Yeah if you follow the instructions, it is a breeze.

K4GAP 08-15-2014 11:07 PM

What template does this refer too?


"- Open up test.php and add the following (replace TEST with whatever template you want to show - WARNING: the template name is CASE SENSITIVE!!!):"

ozzy47 08-15-2014 11:23 PM

That would be the template you are going to use to display the new page.

Sarab 08-29-2014 10:54 PM


Why who is online showing now unknown page? even for my mods it seems, is there something should be changed?

K4GAP 08-29-2014 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by ozzy47 (Post 2511452)
That would be the template you are going to use to display the new page.

And that template would be ... ?

tbworld 08-30-2014 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by Sarab (Post 2513083)

Why who is online showing now unknown page? even for my mods it seems, is there something should be changed?

If this is your own vbulletin page, did you generate the hook code for your WOL? Go back to the original article and re-read the section "Instructions to Add your Page to the Who's Online List (WOL)". :)

Sarab 08-30-2014 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by tbworld (Post 2513087)
If this is your own vbulletin page, did you generate the hook code for your WOL? Go back to the original article and re-read the section "Instructions to Add your Page to the Who's Online List (WOL)". :)

Yup, and I did, it was working perfectly but suddenly it stop working, and I think upgrading vbulletin have something to do with it, did the code changed?

tbworld 08-30-2014 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by K4GAP (Post 2511448)
What template does this refer too?


"- Open up test.php and add the following (replace TEST with whatever template you want to show - WARNING: the template name is CASE SENSITIVE!!!):"

If you have not created a template, create a new template name it "TEST". Make the template simple just to get it working.


<!-- template: TEST -->
  <div>My first template!<div><br />
      My variable: {vb:raw myfirstvar}

The name of this template is case sensitive and must match the name you inserted in the PHP code. In this case "TEST". :)

Lynne 08-30-2014 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by Sarab (Post 2513088)
Yup, and I did, it was working perfectly but suddenly it stop working, and I think upgrading vbulletin have something to do with it, did the code changed?

What version did you upgrade from and to? And are their errors in your error_logs (if you don't know where they are, ask your host)? And, what is the *exact* code you put into the plugins for the WOL online plugin? And, what is the link to the custom page?

tbworld 08-30-2014 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by Sarab (Post 2513088)
Yup, and I did, it was working perfectly but suddenly it stop working, and I think upgrading vbulletin have something to do with it, did the code changed?

I would have to know what version you were running and what version you upgraded to. What version of PHP are you now using? :)

Sarab 08-31-2014 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by Lynne (Post 2513091)
What version did you upgrade from and to? And are their errors in your error_logs (if you don't know where they are, ask your host)? And, what is the *exact* code you put into the plugins for the WOL online plugin? And, what is the link to the custom page?

Wow it seems it's just a problem I have xD
*a year thinking it's a change in vbulletin ="D*
I think the problem raised when I upgraded from 4.1.x to 4.2.1 (my current version )
the error log contain this:

[30-Aug-2014 00:25:38 UTC] PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting ']' in /????/????/public_html/forum/includes/functions_digest.php(260) : eval()'d code on line 5
[30-Aug-2014 00:25:38 UTC] PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting ']' in /????/????/public_html/forum/includes/functions_digest.php(260) : eval()'d code on line 5
[30-Aug-2014 00:25:38 UTC] PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting ']' in /????/????/public_html/forum/includes/functions_digest.php(260) : eval()'d code on line 5
[30-Aug-2014 00:25:38 UTC] PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting ']' in /????/????/public_html/forum/includes/functions_digest.php(260) : eval()'d code on line 5
[30-Aug-2014 00:46:14 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 00:56:18 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 00:58:53 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Allowed memory size of 1073741824 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 122880 bytes) in /????/????/public_html/forum/includes/functions.php(1939) : eval()'d code on line 60
[30-Aug-2014 01:37:55 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 01:54:07 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 02:55:33 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 04:20:47 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 06:57:53 UTC] die 4 true
[30-Aug-2014 07:24:25 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 07:24:26 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 08:16:48 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method vB_Friendly_Url_Error::get_uri() in /????/????/public_html/forum/includes/init.php on line 358
[30-Aug-2014 09:35:16 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 10:06:08 UTC] die 4 true
[30-Aug-2014 10:06:09 UTC] die 4 true
[30-Aug-2014 10:06:09 UTC] die 4 true
[30-Aug-2014 10:06:09 UTC] die 4 true
[30-Aug-2014 10:06:10 UTC] die 4 true
[30-Aug-2014 10:06:10 UTC] die 4 true
[30-Aug-2014 10:06:10 UTC] die 4 true
[30-Aug-2014 10:34:00 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 10:35:39 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 10:37:12 UTC] die 4 true
[30-Aug-2014 12:11:03 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 12:39:17 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 12:39:17 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 14:30:35 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 14:30:35 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 16:11:53 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 16:11:53 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 16:11:53 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 17:08:35 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 17:26:19 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 17:26:19 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 17:26:21 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 17:26:21 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:20:12 UTC] die 4 true
[30-Aug-2014 18:35:50 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:35:51 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:38:58 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:39:01 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:39:30 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:39:30 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:39:38 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:39:38 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:39:47 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:39:47 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:39:57 UTC] die 4 true
[30-Aug-2014 18:40:42 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:40:42 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:41:07 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:41:07 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:41:21 UTC] die 4 true
[30-Aug-2014 18:42:17 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:42:17 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:42:34 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:42:34 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:42:45 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:42:46 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:44:31 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:44:31 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:44:40 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:44:40 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:44:55 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:44:56 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:45:11 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:45:12 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:45:15 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:46:34 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:46:36 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:46:45 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:46:46 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:47:02 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:47:02 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:47:10 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:47:10 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:47:23 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 18:47:23 UTC] die 4 false
[30-Aug-2014 19:55:07 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Cannot redeclare construct_depth_mark() (previously declared in /????/????/public_html/forum/awards.php:98) in /????/????/public_html/forum/includes/adminfunctions.php on line 1922

the code for wol I put is:

switch ($filename)
    case 'PhantomGroup.php':
        $userinfo['activity'] = 'آل فانتوم';
// add more cases here if you have more than one custom page. no need for multiple plugins. one plugin can handle all.


switch ($userinfo['activity'])
    case 'فريق فانتوم':
        $userinfo['where'] = '<a href="PhantomGroup.php?'.$vbulletin->session->vars[sessionurl].'">فريق فانتوم</a>';
        $userinfo['action'] = "يشاهد صفحة آل فانتوم";
        $handled = true;
// add more cases here if you have more than one custom page. no need for multiple plugins. one plugin can handle all.

the url to the page:

it seems the problem is picky, where some pages show fine and some not, like here:


Originally Posted by tbworld (Post 2513092)
I would have to know what version you were running and what version you upgraded to. What version of PHP are you now using? :)

from 4.1.x to 4.2.1, and the php version is: 5.3.27 =D

Sarab 09-06-2014 05:40 AM

="D no fix =")?

Mark.B 09-06-2014 08:45 AM

The code for adding custom who's online entries has not changed at all.

My suspicion is that your issue may be related to the URLs people are actually using...why is there a trailing slash (/) after .php in your URLs?

index.php/ will report differently to index.php and thus may not be picked up by the custom WOL code you've entered.

doctorsexy 09-08-2014 11:52 AM

Thank for this Lynne.. really easy to follow the instructions...

addamroy 11-01-2014 01:09 PM

This does not work correctly on mobile devices. :(

I couldn't figure out why my custom pages wouldn't load on my smart phone and would only work on a computer.

Once I turned off the designated style for mobile users via the vbulletin style settings, the pages load. But now I am unable to automatically assign the mobile style for mobile users which is a problem.

Is there a workaround for this lynne?

Either to turn off the mobile style for custom pages, or re-work the code so the custom pages are either mobile friendly, or load with a non-mobile style by default?

Essentially i get a blank white page if I visit one of these custom pages with a smart phone - Unless I DO NOT assign the mobile style to mobile users via the style settings in admincp.

cellarius 11-01-2014 01:24 PM

You did add your custom template to the mobile style, too, did you?

addamroy 11-01-2014 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by cellarius (Post 2520891)
You did add your custom template to the mobile style, too, did you?

lmfao. No, I didn't.

That fixed the problem. (smacks forehead)


DoubleYou 01-28-2015 10:26 AM

I am probably beeing extra dumb today, but I think I followed the instructions carefully. My template is called static and my page is called 404.php. Uploaded it to the directory of the vbulletin installation and get the following when I try to open the page:


'404 Seite')); $navbar = render_navbar_template($navbits); // ###### YOUR CUSTOM CODE
GOES HERE ##### $pagetitle = '404 Fehlerseite'; // ###### NOW YOUR TEMPLATE IS BEING RENDERED
 ###### $templater = vB_Template::create('static'); $templater->register_page_templates();
$templater->register('navbar', $navbar); $templater->register('pagetitle', $pagetitle);
print_output($templater->render()); ?>

Any hints are greatly appreciated.

Dave 01-28-2015 11:05 AM

@DoubleYou, you literally see the PHP code on the screen? That means you forgot to put the code after a <?php tag.

DoubleYou 01-28-2015 11:27 AM

yes however not all of it. here is the code of the 404.php



// ####################### SET PHP ENVIRONMENT ###########################
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);

// #################### DEFINE IMPORTANT CONSTANTS #######################

define('THIS_SCRIPT', '404');
define('CSRF_PROTECTION', true); 
// change this depending on your filename

// ################### PRE-CACHE TEMPLATES AND DATA ######################
// get special phrase groups
$phrasegroups = array();

// get special data templates from the datastore
$specialtemplates = array();

// pre-cache templates used by all actions
$globaltemplates = array('static',

// pre-cache templates used by specific actions
$actiontemplates = array();

// ######################### REQUIRE BACK-END ############################
// if your page is outside of your normal vb forums directory, you should change directories by uncommenting the next line

// #######################################################################
// ######################## START MAIN SCRIPT ############################
// #######################################################################

$navbits = construct_navbits(array('' => '404 Seite'));
$navbar = render_navbar_template($navbits);

$pagetitle = '404 Fehlerseite';


$templater = vB_Template::create('static');
$templater->register('navbar', $navbar);
$templater->register('pagetitle', $pagetitle);


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