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CThiessen 12-10-2009 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Audax666 (Post 1928320)
Phase 1: multiply index pages by 10 - completed
Phase 2: multiply traffic by 10 - N.A.

Phase 3: multiply index pages in Adsense

So in the Moment about 10-12% of my Visitors came from Google on translated Pages.
About 5-6% of Adsense revenue form translated pages.

I do have some no2 Position in Google for translated pages.
As i used Woopra a followed back Visitors an found a lot of pages with hight search positions. Especially for languages with non Latin Letters and people used to read English. Arabic, Hebrew an Tai.
Woorpa not free anymore so i stop using it.


GTX2 12-10-2009 10:01 PM

I think i'm having a problem with update similar threads....
Before installing vb translator i had about 60k threads....
Now i have about 3 million threads.... (information received in sitemaps report)....
when i try to update similar threads under maintenance i get stuck with many many many pages....

any way to sort this out?

NLP-er 12-10-2009 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1923888)
Hi NPL-er,

You forum is unreachable again.

I suggest kindly that you change your provider to a robust VPS service like Slicehost or Linode. Since your new forum is not yet very busy, you can get very good VPS hosting for about $20 USD a month and easily upgrade when you grow at the click of a mouse.

Slicehost has great customer service. Linode is more oriented toward platform performance. However, both are recommended by many people. We use both for various tasks, so I'm speaking from experience as a customer of both.

Great thanks for note - this is really great offer and most probably vBET forum will go there. Just before Christmas I have lot of work, so hope it will handle 2-3 more weeks. Right now I'm running 4 forums (2 real and 2 testing) on one account for shared hosting and this is the issue.

I promise - vBET forum will work very nice just please for some patience :)

NLP-er 12-10-2009 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by relaxiha (Post 1924308)
does work in vb 4?

Not right now. I'm planning to start integration with vB4 after new year. This month is really very busy for me :)

NLP-er 12-10-2009 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Cybershaolin (Post 1926825)
No answer on support site since 5-6 days, I wonder what's going on? Especially for the paid version. Also, site is still really slow and spam is all over. I hope all these problems will be resolved soon.

Spam removed, site - oh I know (my provider told me that running 4 forums on one account for shared server is lot too much) I will move vBET forum to other server. Just please give me some time. Answers already done. Also very sorry for delay with answers - I was 2 weeks in journey now have 3 days and next week also in journey.

I hope that I will find time to move vBET forum on new server in this year :)

NLP-er 12-10-2009 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Bouncer222 (Post 1927094)
How does this mod compare to this mod? https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...ght=translator

And does it increase search engine hits like that mod does in the link, would like an honest answer if its better or worse in what ways.


Just compare yourself...

Look on number of installs, look on number of downloads, look on list of features, look on award Mod of the month which vBET get :) and ask yourself - which could be better... :)

NLP-er 12-10-2009 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1927163)
Hi NLP-er,

I think you will find people OK with this regarding the free version. However, how do you intend to support people who paid for your software? I don't think they will be very understanding and your business could suffer dramatically by not supporting your customers who paid for your software.

You are absolutely right. That is why all issues which was not already answered in FAQ was supported. And those who didn't found it, get answers with apologies for 3 days delay.

I want to assure that booth paid and free version is supported :) Just little black whole for 3-4 days appear in my memoir ;)

Great thanks for understanding to all who understand. And great apologies to all :)

NLP-er 12-10-2009 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by Seba123 (Post 1927165)

Small problem. I've added these rules

RewriteRule ^/?(af|sq|ar|be|bg|ca|zh-CN|hr|cs|da|nl|en|et|tl|fi|fr|gl|de|el|iw|hi|hu|is|id|ga|it|ja|ko|lv|lt|mk|ms|mt|no|fa|pl|pt|ro|ru|sr|sk|sl|es|sw|sv|zh-TW|th|tr|uk|vi|sq|ca|et|tl|gl|hi|id|lv|lt|mt|sl|uk|vi|cy|yi)/$ index.php?language=$1 [QSA]
RewriteRule ^/?(af|sq|ar|be|bg|ca|zh-CN|hr|cs|da|nl|en|et|tl|fi|fr|gl|de|el|iw|hi|hu|is|id|ga|it|ja|ko|lv|lt|mk|ms|mt|no|fa|pl|pt|ro|ru|sr|sk|sl|es|sw|sv|zh-TW|th|tr|uk|vi|sq|ca|et|tl|gl|hi|id|lv|lt|mt|sl|uk|vi|cy|yi)/(.*)?$ $2?language=$1 [QSA]

to .htaccess located in /tags/ directory, before

RewriteRule ^(.+)/([0-9]+)/$ index.php?tag=$1&page=$2 [NC,QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^(.+)/$ index.php?tag=$1 [NC,QSA,L]

but server said "404 not found" on translated pages. Anyone can help me ?

Product - zoints tags.

vBET does not supports Zoints tags and because vBulletin has bullit in tags engine which is working fine with vBET I'm not lanning to support Zoints Tags.

I can still hepl you if it is only matter of your .htaccess file :) but I need more info. First of all what is not found? Translated normal pages or zoints tags translated pages? In first case - you have issue with vBET and first made vBET running for your normal forum pages. In 2nd case give us example of URL for normal and translated zoints tags page - maybe there will be some hint about customizing your .htaccess rules.

NLP-er 12-10-2009 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by dgparent (Post 1927509)
SMall problem using VBSEO Sitemap Generator every time I submit my sitemap I get this error from Google any idea why ? I do not even see those as URLS in the index or the 1st sitemap

Invalid URL
This is not a valid URL. Please correct it and resubmit.
URL: Go to URLhttp://rar!
Problem detected on: Dec 8, 2009
Errors 2
Invalid URL
This is not a valid URL. Please correct it and resubmit.
URL: Go to URLhttp://
Problem detected on: Dec 8, 2009
Errors 3
Invalid URL
This is not a valid URL. Please correct it and resubmit.
URL: Go to URLhttp://���v�.�n�x�n�s�g
Problem detected on: Dec 8, 2009

1st - make sure you made sitemap integration appropriatelly
2nd - find where do you have such strange URL in your sitemap. I think that it can be some issue. If google see it it have to be somewhere - maybe tool in which you are looking at tour sitemap uses other encoding and you see everything ok and google not. But in vBET 2.x there is no any issues with URL's encoding because url's are translated only in vBET 3.x
3rd - have no other idea right now ;)

NLP-er 12-10-2009 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Bouncer222 (Post 1928073)
I have ONE THING TO SAY... YOU ARE FREAKING AMAZING!!!! for the following reasons.. and so is this mod!!

1. In 2 hours, my guests went from around 5 to 64!!
2 . $1.28 in adsense advertising in 2 hours!!!, usually its .33 per 24hrs!!


I'm definetly going to buy your products now!

by the way, you should put this as proof in your first post in this thread that this works!!

Great to hear :) You can always write how much you are happy here - on official vBET forum :) http://www.vbenterprisetranslator.co...-good-stories/

NLP-er 12-10-2009 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Bouncer222 (Post 1927393)
Ok thanks imported silkroud!

Just another question, would it be ok if I run both mods? I'm guessing not since multiple urls for same language isnt good?

And, what if I uninstall the other mod? those urls will disappear right? (because obviously you don't want them to stay on there) and this mod generates more engine search related results than the other one?

EDIT: And I was looking at the demo and noticed that the urls for each language are yoursite.com/language , so if someone like me, who uses google analytics , how would I go about filtering out these languages so that I can look at the results to see how much visitors this translator is generating me through search engines?

Just see here:

NLP-er 12-10-2009 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Audax666 (Post 1928320)
Phase 1: multiply index pages by 10 - completed
Phase 2: multiply traffic by 10 - N.A.

Has anyone experience how the indexed pages rank on foreign google searches?
E.g. i have with my forum a no. 1 position with a keyword in my basic language. So I thought it would be nearly the same in other languages and the traffic would explode. But just a very slightly increasing of traffic from foreign countrys.
Does it just takes time to climb in the SERPS or is more realistic, that i won't get a good ranking in foreign language google search?
Just thinking aloud, maybe someone measured that with prof. tools.

Or ist that too off topic?:confused:

I'm not sure is this is answer for your question, but look here :):

NLP-er 12-10-2009 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by GTX2 (Post 1928572)
I think i'm having a problem with update similar threads....
Before installing vb translator i had about 60k threads....
Now i have about 3 million threads.... (information received in sitemaps report)....
when i try to update similar threads under maintenance i get stuck with many many many pages....

any way to sort this out?

vB does not see translated pages during update of similar threads indexes. It is because translated threads are not in your database (cache doesn't count here). vB see only your real threads so if you have issues with re-indexing is not related to vBET. vBET 2.x changes nothing in vBulletin native tables not in schema not in data (vBET 3.x only adds one column in user table for user default language).

NLP-er 12-10-2009 11:53 PM

I want to really, really, really


for allowing to win vBET MOTM :):up:

And by all I mean all - all who use this mod. Not only who nominated (but of course for you special thanks ;)), also for those who just use it, because using this mod you made possible for others to see it and get it :)

In day like this (I just find out that won MOTM) I'm really happy to give for free all possibilities of vBET 2.x and have much more energy to integrate it with vB4 :)

Once again - great thanks :)

Audax666 12-11-2009 08:19 AM

Thanks NLP-er for the graphic.
That let me hope for a "push" someday.

But I don't know what the Adsense Bot should has to do with visitors?
It would explain if I got lots of visitors through translated pages but no adsense revenue.
But thats not the problem. The problem is that in despite of indexed pages are increasing so fast but the visitor count is still the same.

But glad to here that transleted pages can also rank well.
Do you got extra backlinks to the translated no2 positions oder does it all come from the "normal" forum backlinks, etc.

All in all its very exciting to see it growing and growing!:D

That's your effort NLP-er!:up:

Zi55 12-11-2009 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1921312)
About 1st one - it is not on my TODO list anymore so it should be corrected.

About Avant Explorer - honestly I didn't check it yet.

Do you have newest version and still have this issue?

Hello NLP-er,
First big congratulations for win in MOTM , about the bug , it simple to know how it works , it's fine in your site , but in all other sites who use 2.X vBET it have the same issue , go by firefox and choose any other language and then try to visit any other page in the same site you will be redirected to the main site languge , not for the the language you choose .
Thanks ,

NLP-er 12-11-2009 07:46 PM


2 bugs fixed:
- Important fix! - there was issue with sending referrer header which is necessary by Google conditions.
- issue with # in translation links

It is recommended to update to last version, because it appears that 2.3.5 has bug and referal headers wasn't sending appropriate (or not at all to be honest :().

Update as always is very easy - just upload files and import product file :)

NLP-er 12-11-2009 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Zi55 (Post 1928793)
Hello NLP-er,
First big congratulations for win in MOTM , about the bug , it simple to know how it works , it's fine in your site , but in all other sites who use 2.X vBET it have the same issue , go by firefox and choose any other language and then try to visit any other page in the same site you will be redirected to the main site languge , not for the the language you choose .
Thanks ,

Please PM me the URL and exact sequence which causes this :)

yahooooh 12-12-2009 11:49 AM

after i contact google i get this:

Yes, I see that. But that doesn't indicate that the text of the current page has been translated. Any page which has been translated by Google Translate needs to be clearly and prominently marked as having been translated. Please add appropriate attribution (such as "Translations Powered by Google") near the top of the page so that it is clear to your visitors that the content that their seeing has been automatically translated by Google Translate.
i need to make the flags in the footer for original language and translated pages as they are but
when it be translated it should show another text under the navbar :
in the top of page :this page was has been automatically translated by Google Translate.

i add this manually now but it show also for untranslated pages
i need it only for translated pages

thank you and this what google stuff ask to add for translated pages
thank you

NLP-er 12-12-2009 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by yahooooh (Post 1929284)
after i contact google i get this:
i need to make the flags in the footer for original language and translated pages as they are but
when it be translated it should show another text under the navbar :
in the top of page :this page was has been automatically translated by Google Translate.

i add this manually now but it show also for untranslated pages
i need it only for translated pages

thank you and this what google stuff ask to add for translated pages
thank you


<if condition="$_GET['language']">

Also - I'm wondering it is in TOS that "Powered By Google" must be at the top (I have it, because I like it :D) or they are just picky. Anyway - do what the man say and everything will back to normal :)

yahooooh 12-12-2009 05:16 PM

yes it be back

now i found this issue but i think it is bug:

when user logout when he is in translated bage :
then the logout page give tow links
1 for the home and the other for where he was ,
i see one of this link show trans lang url double
ex.: en/en/forum in replaced of en/forum

another issue :
when user or visitor
visit translated page and he want to go back to the original language he will not
and he keep getting the same translated language but if he change to another language it will be ok
this issue affect internet explorer 8 as i tested

but firefox work perfectly

any help and fix also i want to upgrade to the premium version but i hope also this issue is not there before i try to update

thank you

yahooooh 12-12-2009 05:48 PM

another 2 issues:

i found some spiders use lang atrr in url twice and some of them tribble
like :

as u see this may duplicate contents is there any httaccess to redirect them to the first language to prevent duplicate contents

when translated pages , the links that has nofollow it will be without this nofollow
i use vbseo to add nofollow to all php files also to external link
i see it will be lost after translated

RaSa 12-12-2009 11:44 PM

Thank you for this great MOD! :up:

My question: I use Google Webmaster tools. That shows me double content and double tags as issue.

PHP Code:




O, when I use your https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....67&postcount=2

I have indexed pages from old links type (with language=) and want switch to SEO links- what to do?
First make SEO links available. After that add this rule to .htaccess (before SEO rules):
PHP Code:

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (hl=|language=)(zh-TW|zh-CN|..)
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://%{HTTP_HOST}/%2/$1? [L,R=301] 

then I get links like .../no/showthread.php or .../no/tags.php and a loop. I have no VBSEO installed, only the free vBSEO Sitemap Generator. Here my .htaccess:

PHP Code:

RewriteEngine on
%{HTTP_HOST} ^open-speech.com$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ "http\:\/\/www\.open\-speech\.com\/$1" [R=301,L]

RewriteRule ^((urllist|sitemap).*\.(xml|txt)(\.gz)?)$ vbseo_sitemap/vbseo_getsitemap.php?sitemap=$[L]

RewriteRule ^/?(af|sq|ar|be|bg|ca|zh-CN|hr|cs|da|nl|en|et|tl|fi|fr|gl|el|iw|hi|hu|is|id|ga|it|ja|ko|lv|lt|mk|ms|mt|no|fa|pl|pt|ro|ru|sr|sk|sl|es|sw|sv|zh-TW|th|tr|uk|vi|cy|yi)/$ index.php?language=$[L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^/?(af|sq|ar|be|bg|ca|zh-CN|hr|cs|da|nl|en|et|tl|fi|fr|gl|el|iw|hi|hu|is|id|ga|it|ja|ko|lv|lt|mk|ms|mt|no|fa|pl|pt|ro|ru|sr|sk|sl|es|sw|sv|zh-TW|th|tr|uk|vi|cy|yi)/(.*)?$ $2?language=$[L,QSA]

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (hl=|language=)(zh-TW|zh-CN|..) 
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://%{HTTP_HOST}/%2/$1? [L,R=301] 

oldfan 12-13-2009 03:27 PM

Would this work with 3.6X versions? thanks

smnoel 12-14-2009 08:44 PM


Is this compatible with vbulletin blog?
I'm having some issues with the jelsoft blog working with this. Let me know what you would need or if you have any suggestions.

Here is one of the many error messages I am getting. They all stem from the blog on the forums.

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.4:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT cache.originaltext as originaltext, cache.translated as translated FROM vbenterprisetranslator_cache_short help, vbenterprisetranslator_cache_short cache WHERE help.originaltext='cleaning+mode+frugal-fannie' AND help.tl='tr' AND cache.serie=help.serie;

MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number : 2006
Request Date : Monday, December 14th 2009 @ 03:25:49 PM
Error Date : Monday, December 14th 2009 @ 03:27:19 PM
Script : http://www.frugalvillage.com/forums/...28&language=tr
Referrer :
IP Address :
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :

I'm running this on a dedicated server with 8 Core/8 GIG Ram.
Obviously something is not right.

P.S. I did not realize you were selling the addon. I donated here. Would like to get it up and running first before investing further.

Looks like a great addon.


asking 12-15-2009 05:07 AM

In my google webmaster account i notice this lost of crawl errors.
this is the example crawl error links.


when click on that it redirect me to this page


with this error


The page isn't redirecting properly

Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.
Please help me.

imported_silkroad 12-17-2009 06:22 AM

Someone asked for very simple script for creating multiple language sitemaps from a vbseo generated sitemap for vbulletin. Here is one example:

Simple Script for Multiple Language Sitemaps

Cybershaolin 12-17-2009 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1928582)
I hope that I will find time to move vBET forum on new server in this year :)

Are you moving because vBet forum is not reachable anymore! It's redirecting to one of your other forums I guess???

NLP-er 12-17-2009 06:48 PM

Quick announcement:

vBET forum is moved to other server. There can be strange behaviors because of DNS changes.

Zi55 12-17-2009 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1932433)
Quick announcement:

vBET forum is moved to other server. There can be strange behaviors because of DNS changes.

I hope to get my bug fixed .
Thanks ,

profanitytalker 12-17-2009 08:15 PM

This hack would be good if it didn't eat up so much cpu. I had to uninstall it because I had over 200,000+ post and if you multiply that by 52 languages, that would make it 14,000,000 post! That is too much. haha.

smnoel 12-19-2009 02:51 AM


Any comments? Was looking for feedback or some help regarding my issues.

Audax666 12-19-2009 11:53 AM

I got the same problem, since a few days after I updated to the newest version.

Invalid SQL:
SELECT cache.originaltext as originaltext, cache.translated as translated FROM vbenterprisetranslator_cache_medium help, vbenterprisetranslator_cache_medium cache WHERE help.originaltext='Laser+TV+%26amp%3B+OLED+-+Die+n%26%23228%3Bchste+HDTV+Generation.+Forum+mit +vielen+Infos+%26%23252%3Bber+Laser+TV%2C+OLED%2C+ SED%2C+FED+und+3D+Technologie' AND help.tl='fr' AND cache.serie=help.serie;

MySQL-Fehler : MySQL server has gone away
And a lot of other database errors with"MySQL server has gone away".
Before i had maybe one in two weeks, now it's 5-10 in one day.
One day it's about entering something in the membermap, other day it's these scripts

Could it be that the addon has a massive effect on the database?
Because everytime it's another problem and always with the message ...server has gone away.

alenirj 12-20-2009 02:34 AM


I have my board in "/forum" and use vBSEO.
I can't use the format of URL i.e. : " /forum/es" "/forum/pt"? Or only can use "language=es"?

sorry but i don't speak inglish very well.

bhanuprasad1981 12-20-2009 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by Audax666 (Post 1933413)
I got the same problem, since a few days after I updated to the newest version.

And a lot of other database errors with"MySQL server has gone away".
Before i had maybe one in two weeks, now it's 5-10 in one day.
One day it's about entering something in the membermap, other day it's these scripts

Could it be that the addon has a massive effect on the database?
Because everytim it's another problem and always with the message ...server has gone away.

same here :(, disabled this mod :(

imported_silkroad 12-22-2009 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by profanitytalker (Post 1932492)
This hack would be good if it didn't eat up so much cpu. I had to uninstall it because I had over 200,000+ post and if you multiply that by 52 languages, that would make it 14,000,000 post! That is too much. haha.

Why would you enable 52 languages??

Most smart people with large boards only enable a few languages that generate revenue.

smnoel 12-22-2009 09:07 PM

Uninstalled until bugs are fixed.

Bouncer222 12-22-2009 10:00 PM

No offense but after using this for 2 weeks, my forums visits count have stayed at the same average based on Google Analytics, it doesn't seem that this is that much helpful.

imported_silkroad 12-23-2009 04:49 AM


Originally Posted by Bouncer222 (Post 1935837)
No offense but after using this for 2 weeks, my forums visits count have stayed at the same average based on Google Analytics, it doesn't seem that this is that much helpful.

Two weeks is not long enough for search engines to index your new pages.

If you have a smaller site which is not indexed often, it could take much longer.

NLP-er 12-23-2009 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by yahooooh (Post 1929414)
yes it be back

now i found this issue but i think it is bug:

when user logout when he is in translated bage :
then the logout page give tow links
1 for the home and the other for where he was ,
i see one of this link show trans lang url double
ex.: en/en/forum in replaced of en/forum

another issue :
when user or visitor
visit translated page and he want to go back to the original language he will not
and he keep getting the same translated language but if he change to another language it will be ok
this issue affect internet explorer 8 as i tested

but firefox work perfectly

any help and fix also i want to upgrade to the premium version but i hope also this issue is not there before i try to update

thank you

About 1st issue - it is on TODO list for vBET 2.x, already corrected in vBET 3.x - will be released in 3.3.0

About 2nd issue - please give me URL to your forum and tell what version of vBET are you using?

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