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kevinh 02-28-2011 09:26 PM

First problem (repeat messages) is almost certainly due to messages being left in the forum mail box. If you are using IMAP in "Email Reply Integration Settings" (in Forum settings) - try switching to POP.

Beforehand however, you might want to go into the mailbox using a web client and delete the exisitng messages so you don't further irritate your subscribers :)

Can't suggest anything for the second problem, other than checking that the message is actually making it into the forum inbox and obviously making sure the sender address is that of a registered user with appropriate permissions.

misticjeff 03-01-2011 01:51 AM

In the forum settings, I had it set to POP... I just tried setting it to IMAP. We'll see what happens.

Regarding the second issue, I'm sending a start new thread email using an approved account, it's going into the mailbox setup for the forum in question but not actually starting a new thread.

Any ideas?

Cyricx 05-17-2011 08:14 PM

mistic, I remember this bug occuring awhile back on my site as well. I thought I had eliminated it in the public release. I'll have to compare code versions to see, but what I remember is that something was causing the processing of script to halt after it had loaded the message to the forum, but hadn't deleted the email. In the next version I'll be saving it to a temporary database table and immediately deleting it to fix but I'll see if I made a quick fix in the 3.6/3.7 code for it. An immediate fix is to go in to your mailbox and delete that hanging message.

A heads up for all I'll be working on this in the next few days to come and dig over what others have found and what I can figure out to get a new release for vb4 sent out.

There is no plans to continue the 3.6 and 3.7 once I've got the 4.x working.

Bob Ricci 05-17-2011 08:30 PM

What versions will this mod work with? We've been patiently waiting...

Cyricx 05-17-2011 08:47 PM

I'll be primarily focusing on 4.x

From what I've heard and read that is the most requested.

LarryPreheim 06-17-2011 08:27 PM

Do you have an updated patch for USERCP_SHELL?

I am running 4.1.3 The edit area now looks like:
<ul class="blockrow">
<li class="{vb:raw navclass.substhreads_listthreads}"><a href="{vb:link subscription, '', 'do=viewsubscription'}">{vb:rawphrase list_subscriptions}</a></li>
<li class="{vb:raw navclass.substhreads_editfolders}"><a href="{vb:link subscription, '', 'do=editfolders'}">{vb:rawphrase edit_folders}</a></li>

Thank you.

Cyricx 06-22-2011 02:39 PM

That's actually the part that is kickin my butt right now in the upgrade to 4.x

ahobilam 08-25-2011 02:36 PM

Can anybody tell me, will it work with VB 4.1.5?
any other latest mod like this.
I installed it and got Database error.
Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in [path]/includes/class_bootstrap.php(1315) : eval()'d code on line 135

Later I uninstalled it, now my forum is working.
Please help.

phinphan 08-26-2011 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Cyricx (Post 2211325)
That's actually the part that is kickin my butt right now in the upgrade to 4.x

Chris - any luck on this. I emailed you about it and will be happy to underwrite some/all of the cost if it can be done. This has become a huge issue on my forum and we are contemplating rewritting the whole site in Drupal or biting the bullet and spending an arm and a leg on Fusetalk which has this already.

bumper2011 01-05-2012 09:18 AM

hi everyone, may I have your help & advice? I have configured & tested the email integration feature. I did receive email when there is new post in the forum. However, there is no reply post if I replied the email with content.

I have enabled the log in Scheduled Task Manager, and tried with a few runs. the log just show "Email Integration results Opened mailbox for <MYFORUM> Invalid email @" or "Email Integration results Opened mailbox for <MYFORUM> No messages found for <MYFORUM>"

I think the "no message" in log is regarded as normal as it deletes the message after grabbing. But why does it say "Invalid email"? what is the possibility of the problem?


bumper2011 01-05-2012 01:21 PM

this "invalid email" error happens when I use an Exchange 2010 mail account for the forum email integration. But I have just tested with Gmail IMAP, it works. Could anyone help on this? Thanks a lot.


Originally Posted by bumper2011 (Post 2284059)
hi everyone, may I have your help & advice? I have configured & tested the email integration feature. I did receive email when there is new post in the forum. However, there is no reply post if I replied the email with content.

I have enabled the log in Scheduled Task Manager, and tried with a few runs. the log just show "Email Integration results Opened mailbox for <MYFORUM> Invalid email @" or "Email Integration results Opened mailbox for <MYFORUM> No messages found for <MYFORUM>"

I think the "no message" in log is regarded as normal as it deletes the message after grabbing. But why does it say "Invalid email"? what is the possibility of the problem?


bumper2011 01-14-2012 05:14 AM

ok, i set to use POP and working now with the Exchange server.

digeditor 02-04-2012 08:35 PM

I'm trying to make this work in vb 4.1.10.
However when I run the script to check for errors it gives the following messages:

Warning: require_once([path]/includes/functions_wysiwyg.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 40

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/homepages/41/d397870833/htdocs/includes/functions_wysiwyg.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php5') in /homepages/41/d397870833/htdocs/includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 40

which I think means that there is no wysiwyg.php file. I check the includes dir and sure enough that file doesn't exist. It wasn't in the BETA zip file either. Can someone point me to it?


jdj 02-06-2012 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by digeditor (Post 2296218)
there is no wysiwyg.php file. I check the includes dir and sure enough that file doesn't exist. It wasn't in the BETA zip file either. Can someone point me to it?

I gave up on this mod, although I'd still be interested if it worked. I haven't checked but have you looked for a functions_wysiwyg.php file as opposed to a wysiwyg.php file?

digeditor 02-12-2012 05:09 PM

I've checked every directory in the install. Doesn't seem to be there. :(

Any other ideas?

tdarvill 02-13-2012 01:38 PM

For 4.x it appears the "functions_wysiwyg.php" file is no longer present.
Have you tried editing emailintegration.php to use "functions_editor.php" instead?
Not sure if this is the right fix however.

digeditor 02-15-2012 05:08 PM

Thanks. I tried that. I guess it worked. Now some of my listserv's posts are showing up so it looks like whatever was the problem, this was the cure!!?

I think the problem for the rest of them not showing up is unrelated, more likely that I haven't loaded those users into the forum yet.

digeditor 02-15-2012 05:32 PM

After I installed this Mod, when someone attempt to register for my forum it becomes impossible as they get the form overlaid with all of the following and the entry fields become unusable:

Username is valid and not in use.

Please enter the name by which you would like to log-in and be known on this site.

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If someone can point me to where all this comes from, I'll attempt to solve the problem.


reedness 07-26-2012 07:00 PM

Has anybody had any luck with 4.2.0?

ahobilam 08-09-2012 02:13 PM

I also seeking such mod for 4.2.x
Please inform if anybody got succeeded!

neil00027 08-09-2012 02:24 PM

I also would be keen to use this mod if it was updated for 4.2.x

Cyricx can we persuade you back to do some work on it?

washingtonboise 09-12-2012 10:09 AM

Offering $300 for viable, 4.x update without bugs. Who wants to join in by offering a collective bounty in the section for developer requests? Together, we can make it worth their time.

Cyrix, original post mentions donation to continue your work/support. Is that offer still viable?

Notice. The administration of vbulletin.org is going to lock posting to version 3.7 and lower forums. If you care about reply by email for 4.x, then you've got to act now and show you're serious. This thread is going to get locked.

I have started a new thread here for vbulletin 4.x reply by email addon.

I am also contacting Cyrix so he's aware that I would like him to keep providing support or give permission for updating the code which he modified from Colin to get this working in 3.x.

filipo 09-20-2012 02:24 PM

I'd be happy to support this as a paid mod. BTW, for some reason I can't post a reply to the new 4.x thread.

unfv 09-28-2012 02:59 PM

I see that the last update was on 29 Feb 2008, so it seems to be unsupported, but, do you know if it will be compatible with VB5?

digeditor 09-29-2012 08:54 PM

I believe I have this working in 4.2 (you can send that $300 to.... :-> )

However, I'm struggling with the parameters to use in the Forum Manager and in trying to get the email settings to work

Here's what it says in the original writeup:

In your forummanager use the following settings:

email address to reply to: username@gmail.com
hostname: pop.gmail.com
username: username@gmail.com
password: password
Type of connection: select "POP3 with SSL (Self signed certificate)"

my forum is hosted at 1and1.com so here's what I believe I should be entering:

email address to reply to: answerline@diganswerline.org
hostname: pop.1and1.com
password: password

I don't see the SSL option anywhere:
Type of connection: select "POP3 with SSL (Self signed certificate)" I have it set as POP3

I've also tried every combination of 1and1.com and diganswerline.org with no success.

Here's what I get when I test it with the email integrations Forum Settings Help

Warning: imap_open() [function.imap-open]: Couldn't open stream {diganswerline.org:110/pop3/notls}INBOX in [path]/admincp/admin_ei_search_settings.php on line 132

Which makes sense as 1and1 wants it to be pop.1and1.com not diganswerline.org as the hostname

When I replace it with 1and1 I get:

Warning: imap_open() [function.imap-open]: Couldn't open stream {1and1.com:110/pop3/notls}INBOX in [path]/admincp/admin_ei_search_settings.php on line 132

Yes I have looked to see if IMAP is on by going to Admincp-> Maintenence -> View PHP Info
The IMAP block shows up as c client version = 2007 and SSL and kereros support as "Enabled"

Any ideas what I'm not doing?


MajorFm.com 03-27-2013 08:55 PM

Any chance someone has this working on vb5?

fxdigi-cash 06-19-2013 04:09 AM

This mod is very important for any vb admin, why doesn't vb care enough to make this mod built-in feature anyways??

ahobilam 07-17-2013 01:57 AM

I also interested to support this idea.

digeditor 03-24-2014 11:16 PM

I've got this working under vB 4+.

I haven't any idea how to get the update onto here so it can be used by the community.

Anyone out there who might know how to go about doing that?


Piggo 03-24-2014 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by digeditor (Post 2489379)
I've got this working under vB 4+.

WOW!! Really?

I think I speak for many when I write: THANK YOU!!!

I can't help with the upload, but I am sure others will...

Thanks Jim! Looking forward to using this again...

Added: Doylestown PA? lol, I bought a Daewoo there once! :)

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