Syxguns |
03-10-2013 07:02 PM |
Originally Posted by nyc2sd30
(Post 2408523)
So you place the contents of the uploads>admincp folder into yoursite/admincpfolder or everything contained in the uploads folder into your root directory?
Sorry I am a little fuzzy on the instructions and was getting the same error as the gentlemen earlier.
Let me try to explain it a little better.
- GlowHost_-_Spam-O-Matic_v2.1.0_VB4
+ upload
+ glowhostspamomatic_Deutsch_Sie_1.0.1.xml
+ readme
The upload folder contains the contents that need to go into the forum. The contents contained are and admincp folder and an includes folder. You can do one of two things, but the easiest thing to do is to right click the uploads folder and change it to the name of your forums folder. This folder name can be different for everyone, because most do not name their forum "Forums". Example
- This is the Root Folder for your forums probably named the name of your URL
+ This could be a folder for another section of your forum such as Joomla, etc.
+ Forums "This could be named differently" As I said not everyone uses "Forums"
Let's say that your forum is about cars, then you might name your forum directory cars. That's all up to the individual when they install the forum. Now what you do is change the name of the "upload folder" to cars, but if your forum is "Forums" then you would change the name to forums. Now when you FTP you would drop the upload folder that you changed the name of to the ROOT which is one level up from the cars or forums folder. By doing that the admincp folder and includes folder of S-O-M will drop the contents of each folder in the admincp folder and includes folder within the forum folder. NOTE: this will only work if you are one listing higher in the directory tree.
The other two folders are uploaded in the products & plugins area of vB. Obviously not the Duetsch unless you need that laguage.
English version of XML file that you will most likely use.
I hope that explanation made it a little more clear. You could follow the long path by uploading the contents from the admincp folder into the admincp folder and so on, but that is an explanation for people that are not familiar with directory and directory structure. Use that routine if you do not understand the information I just provided.