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-   -   Miscellaneous Hacks - passiveVid - (YouTube, Myspace, Google...) Not BBCODE :D (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=150761)

RCWF-AoD 05-26-2008 11:50 PM

Is there any way to change the alignment of the embedded video?

I've tried editing the custom replacement area, but even with setting both align options to center, it still stays centered.

By the way, the mod rocks!!!

PGAmerica 05-27-2008 05:15 PM

Let me start by saying that this mod rocks! Awesome job. This should be moved to the 3.7 addons as it works there too.

You say in the first post that 30 sites are supported, but when I install this, I only see 27. I see nothing for break.com, ExpertVillage or video.google.co.uk. In addition, Stage6 is down and gives links to Veoh. Since you did not offer links to all these video sites, I have done so in this email.

1. YouTube v1.0.0 - www.youtube.com
2. Google Video v1.0.0 - video.google.com
3. MySpace Video v1.0.0 - vids.myspace.com
4. MetaCafe Video v1.0.0 - www.metacafe.com
5. Yahoo Video v1.0.1 - video.yahoo.com
6. Koreus Video v1.0.1 - www.koreus.com
7. Sapo Video v1.0.1 - www.sapo.pt
8. video.google.co.uk v1.0.2 - video.google.co.uk
9. Live Leak v1.0.2 - www.liveleak.com
10. Photobucket v1.0.3 - www.photobucket.com
11. Gametrailers v1.0.3 - www.gametrailers.com
12. MyVideo v1.0.4 - www.myvideo.co.za
13. GameSpot v1.0.4 - www.gamespot.com
14. Veoh v1.0.4 - www.veoh.com
15. StreetFire v1.0.4 - www.streetfire.net
16. Stage6 v1.0.4 - www.stage6.com (Site is Down)
17. Sevenload v1.0.4 - en.sevenload.com
18. Izlesene v1.0.4 - www.izlesene.com
19. Vidiac v1.0.4 - www.vidiac.com
20. Xtube v1.0.6 - www.xtube.com (Adult Videos)
21. VidMax v1.0.6 - www.vidmax.com
22. RedTube v1.0.6 - www.redtube.com (Adult Videos)
23. OnSmash v1.0.6 - www.onsmash.com
24. GodTube v1.0.6 - www.godtube.com (Religeous Videos)
25. PornoTube v1.0.6 - www.pornotube.com (Adult Videos)
26. BrightCove v1.0.7 - www.brightcove.com
27. YouKu v1.0.7 - www.youku.com
28. LiveVideo v1.0.7 - www.livevideo.com
29. Break v1.0.8 - www.break.com
30. ExpertVillage v1.1.2 - www.expertvillage.com

If my links are wrong, please let me know so I can change them here and on my site.

A couple of requests/suggestions.
Is it possible to add something that restricts this to the forums of my choice? I do not want video posts all over my site, just a few forums.
Can you add a usergroup control? Possible allow certain usergroups the ability to upload from youtube, while regular users can only upload from break.com?
Also, it would be nice to have these video links in the ACP so that we could easily access the sites.

Fox Mc Cloud 05-27-2008 06:14 PM

I have a little sugestion. Maybe you can add a color chooser for YouTube movies, YouTube offers it on their site too. So you get something like first movie here: http://www.tibiacity.org/forum/showp...82&postcount=4 instead of second there.

pureturk 05-29-2008 07:22 AM

How do i disable [youtube] bb code in my board?

this mod messes up the whole page when someone uses youtube bbcode manually.

how do i disable youtube bbcode?

PossumX 05-29-2008 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by D.Baker (Post 1526726)
Could you ad Vimeo to the list of compatible sites?

Ditto for me. It's becoming very popular for my members posting their fishing videos.

PGAmerica 05-30-2008 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by pureturk (Post 1534807)
How do i disable [youtube] bb code in my board?
this mod messes up the whole page when someone uses youtube bbcode manually.
how do i disable youtube bbcode?

Its simple really, Goto your ACP, then to the "vBulletin Options" and then to the "passivevid" area and uncheck the sites you no longer want support from.

See my screencap.

KURTZ 05-30-2008 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by PGAmerica (Post 1533148)
Let me start by saying that this mod rocks! Awesome job. This should be moved to the 3.7 addons as it works there too.

You say in the first post that 30 sites are supported, but when I install this, I only see 27. I see nothing for break.com, ExpertVillage or video.google.co.uk. In addition, Stage6 is down and gives links to Veoh. Since you did not offer links to all these video sites, I have done so in this email.

1. YouTube v1.0.0 - www.youtube.com
2. Google Video v1.0.0 - video.google.com
3. MySpace Video v1.0.0 - vids.myspace.com
4. MetaCafe Video v1.0.0 - www.metacafe.com
5. Yahoo Video v1.0.1 - video.yahoo.com
6. Koreus Video v1.0.1 - www.koreus.com
7. Sapo Video v1.0.1 - www.sapo.pt
8. video.google.co.uk v1.0.2 - video.google.co.uk
9. Live Leak v1.0.2 - www.liveleak.com
10. Photobucket v1.0.3 - www.photobucket.com
11. Gametrailers v1.0.3 - www.gametrailers.com
12. MyVideo v1.0.4 - www.myvideo.co.za
13. GameSpot v1.0.4 - www.gamespot.com
14. Veoh v1.0.4 - www.veoh.com
15. StreetFire v1.0.4 - www.streetfire.net
16. Stage6 v1.0.4 - www.stage6.com (Site is Down)
17. Sevenload v1.0.4 - en.sevenload.com
18. Izlesene v1.0.4 - www.izlesene.com
19. Vidiac v1.0.4 - www.vidiac.com
20. Xtube v1.0.6 - www.xtube.com (Adult Videos)
21. VidMax v1.0.6 - www.vidmax.com
22. RedTube v1.0.6 - www.redtube.com (Adult Videos)
23. OnSmash v1.0.6 - www.onsmash.com
24. GodTube v1.0.6 - www.godtube.com (Religeous Videos)
25. PornoTube v1.0.6 - www.pornotube.com (Adult Videos)
26. BrightCove v1.0.7 - www.brightcove.com
27. YouKu v1.0.7 - www.youku.com
28. LiveVideo v1.0.7 - www.livevideo.com
29. Break v1.0.8 - www.break.com
30. ExpertVillage v1.1.2 - www.expertvillage.com

If my links are wrong, please let me know so I can change them here and on my site.

A couple of requests/suggestions.
Is it possible to add something that restricts this to the forums of my choice? I do not want video posts all over my site, just a few forums.
Can you add a usergroup control? Possible allow certain usergroups the ability to upload from youtube, while regular users can only upload from break.com?
Also, it would be nice to have these video links in the ACP so that we could easily access the sites.

break.com doesn't runs onto my site ... :(

bb911s 05-31-2008 08:49 AM

Oddly it does not work and turns into a link when i try and restrict to certain forums, when left open (0) works perfect? Have I missed something?

mooncreek 05-31-2008 12:54 PM

Can someone please help me with Brightcove.com?

example URL:

I'm using passivevid 1.1.2 on VB 3.70, and have passivevid set to zero for forums enabled, usergroups enabled, and viewer usergoups enabled. Brightcove and all sites are checked.
Paasivevid is turned on and other sites are working as expected.

Thanks for the mod!

pureturk 05-31-2008 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by PGAmerica (Post 1536310)
Its simple really, Goto your ACP, then to the "vBulletin Options" and then to the "passivevid" area and uncheck the sites you no longer want support from.

See my screencap.

Thank you for your response PGAmerica.

However, this is not the problem that i was trying to explain.

I do not want to disable auto embedding for youtube urls.

What happens in my board is, When someone uses the youtube bbcode to embed their videos instead of simply posting the link to the video, everything seems fine until someone replies to that post and quotes the youtube bbcode.

than the whole page gets screwed up and i have to manually go to the post that has the code and delete it.

the problem is that poeple still dont know that all they have to do is just simply post the link to the video..

Instead, they still use youtube bbcode because they are used to it. which causes the page to get messed up when people quote the post that has the [youtube] code.

heres a screenshot;


CurtisK 06-02-2008 02:20 PM

I have a problem.

When i sometimes view youtube videos on my site, it states 'Sorry, this video is no longer available'

However, when i follow the link to the video, it works fine?

Im running 3.7.1

please advise?

Coders Shack 06-02-2008 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by pureturk (Post 1537196)
Thank you for your response PGAmerica.

However, this is not the problem that i was trying to explain.

I do not want to disable auto embedding for youtube urls.

What happens in my board is, When someone uses the youtube bbcode to embed their videos instead of simply posting the link to the video, everything seems fine until someone replies to that post and quotes the youtube bbcode.

than the whole page gets screwed up and i have to manually go to the post that has the code and delete it.

the problem is that poeple still dont know that all they have to do is just simply post the link to the video..

Instead, they still use youtube bbcode because they are used to it. which causes the page to get messed up when people quote the post that has the [youtube] code.

heres a screenshot;


Please disable the BBCODE (remove it)


Originally Posted by CurtisK (Post 1538786)
I have a problem.

When i sometimes view youtube videos on my site, it states 'Sorry, this video is no longer available'

However, when i follow the link to the video, it works fine?

Im running 3.7.1

please advise?

thats due to the owner of the video disabling the embed option.

pureturk 06-03-2008 04:53 AM


Originally Posted by Coders Shack (Post 1538926)
Please disable the BBCODE (remove it)

Maybe I am going to sound dumb..

How do you remove youtube bbcode?

if you mean unchecking the youtube box through admin panel passivevid options, then what is the point of having this hack when my users cant embed youtube videos?

sorry, please enlighten me..

Coders Shack 06-03-2008 03:07 PM

did you manually add BBCODE tags for youtube?

if so

then just go to your BBCODE options and delete the youtube one in the ACP

if not

just go to your database and make a regex and manually replace all youtube bbcode tags and turn them into actual urls.

pureturk 06-03-2008 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by Coders Shack (Post 1539774)
did you manually add BBCODE tags for youtube?

just go to your database and make a regex and manually replace all youtube bbcode tags and turn them into actual urls.

and how do you accomplish this? :(

is it easy?

have no clue where to start from..

ALil'Hope 06-03-2008 11:44 PM

When posting a video it just shows the YouTube URL in the title box... I want the name of the video there, not the link. Running 3.7.1

TalkBolts 06-04-2008 03:18 AM

So far I've tested the fist 8 video types in the list with mixed results.

This is on an otherwise unmodified test board ver. 3.7.1

1) YouTube WORKED
2) Google Video WORKED
3) MySpace Video DID NOT WORK
4) MetaCafe Video DID NOT WORK
5) Yahoo Video DID NOT WORK
6) Koreus Video WORKED
7) Sapo Video WORKED
8) video.google.co.uk WORKED

Has anyone else experienced problems with some of the video types?

Coders Shack 06-04-2008 05:26 AM

i have decided to totally revamp passiveVid

it will reduce server stress by 99%, and it will also not rely on database or server level manipulation

it will also introduce a few new features

due to the amount of time i have spent on the dev of this modification so far, i may be asking for a small license fee

the current version will still be public and free, but v 1.2.0 will require a small license fee

the fee will be about the price of a meal @ a fast food restaurant

Galeon 06-04-2008 06:25 AM

When will release v1.2.0?
small license fee is acceptable.

Coders Shack 06-04-2008 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by Galeon (Post 1540349)
When will release v1.2.0?
small license fee is acceptable.

hopefully in a week or two, its a huge change

haytham 06-04-2008 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by FiX (Post 1525587)
Does not work for youtube with me anymore - I always get "Video is no longer available - if I open the video on youtube it works though.

Example: http://www.united-forum.de/showthrea...09#post1457409

Any ideas?

edit: Some Videos still seem to work, I can't see why.

Example for a working one: http://www.united-forum.de/showthread.php?t=68736


Originally Posted by FiX (Post 1525755)
It does work on 3.7 for me to, but some videos don't.

Could you please test this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKWMl90FOAY&=fmt18

I get an error saying its not available, even though it is.

edit: Reinstalled the Plugin, no it works.


Originally Posted by CurtisK (Post 1538786)
I have a problem.

When i sometimes view youtube videos on my site, it states 'Sorry, this video is no longer available'

However, when i follow the link to the video, it works fine?

Im running 3.7.1

please advise?

So, no one knows a solution for this yet?

popular 06-04-2008 11:52 AM

i'd pay if you could make it work for sigs , and http://video.sina.com.cn/ or have that youtube button there alternatively just for the noobs.

zorag 06-04-2008 01:44 PM

This is a great concept but it looks like the next solution (v1.2) is not going to be ready in time and I need something fairly urgently, is there anything else on the same lines that is commercially available and supported - sorry to ask Coders Shack ..

Coders Shack 06-04-2008 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by popular (Post 1540533)
i'd pay if you could make it work for sigs , and http://video.sina.com.cn/ or have that youtube button there alternatively just for the noobs.

i cant read that site, can you provide me with a video url and the embed they supply

Coders Shack 06-04-2008 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by zorag (Post 1540614)
This is a great concept but it looks like the next solution (v1.2) is not going to be ready in time and I need something fairly urgently, is there anything else on the same lines that is commercially available and supported - sorry to ask Coders Shack ..

i think i could have 1.2.0 ready in a week, and to my knowlege i dont think there is anything commercially available yet.

Coders Shack 06-04-2008 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by haytham (Post 1540516)
So, no one knows a solution for this yet?

this is due to the owner of the youtube video, they are disabling embeds.

there may be a solution in 1.2.0 for this

mooncreek 06-04-2008 04:46 PM

I might pay if it worked for Brightcove. See my post and PM yesterday.

pr0k 06-04-2008 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by ALil'Hope (Post 1540128)
When posting a video it just shows the YouTube URL in the title box... I want the name of the video there, not the link. Running 3.7.1

I have the same problem and I've done some testing. Both $PASSIVEURL and $PASSIVETITLE return the same data, the url, at least with a youtube vid. 3.7.0.

I am willing to pay a couple of bucks for a license, it's a nice hack.

Coders Shack 06-04-2008 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by pr0k (Post 1540947)
I have the same problem and I've done some testing. Both $PASSIVEURL and $PASSIVETITLE return the same data, the url, at least with a youtube vid. 3.7.0.

I am willing to pay a couple of bucks for a license, it's a nice hack.

$PASSIVETITLE in 1.1.2 only works if you have VBSEO

but the new version will actually grab titles upon submission like vbseo.

ALil'Hope 06-04-2008 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by ALil'Hope (Post 1540128)
When posting a video it just shows the YouTube URL in the title box... I want the name of the video there, not the link. Running 3.7.1

I still need help :P

Coders Shack 06-04-2008 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by ALil'Hope (Post 1541054)
I still need help :P

the answer for you solution is almost the same as the one for pr0k. Your site does not have VBSEO installed and in passiveVid 1.1.2 it doesn't actually grab the titles, the upcoming release will.

ALil'Hope 06-05-2008 12:55 AM

Oh thanks. I will probably buy your next version.

pr0k 06-05-2008 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by Coders Shack (Post 1541047)
$PASSIVETITLE in 1.1.2 only works if you have VBSEO

but the new version will actually grab titles upon submission like vbseo.

Fair 'nuff, thanks!

hastyhost 06-05-2008 01:47 AM

How can I change it where I don't have to approve every video a user may add? Like when my users post videos, it puts it in a state where a moderator has to approve it. How can I disable that and allow users to post whenever and whatever and I wont have to do anything?

hastyhost 06-05-2008 01:53 AM

nevermind find the problem. I didn't have a certain usergroup set to follow moderator rules :)

katie hunter 06-05-2008 08:37 AM


i had to uninstall this mod, it doubled my queries on the server from 7 to 12 and it was still going up. I hope some of the codes gets fixed to fix this issue, may be this mod doesn't work on big sites?

popular 06-05-2008 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Coders Shack (Post 1540670)
i cant read that site, can you provide me with a video url and the embed they supply


<div><object id="ssss" width="480" height="370" ><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><embed pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" src="http://vhead.blog.sina.com.cn/player/outer_player.swf?auto=1&vid=13165999&uid=125818052 7" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" name="ssss" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="480" height="370"></embed></object></div>

Coders Shack 06-05-2008 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by katie hunter (Post 1541353)

i had to uninstall this mod, it doubled my queries on the server from 7 to 12 and it was still going up. I hope some of the codes gets fixed to fix this issue, may be this mod doesn't work on big sites?

the upcoming version will basically have no server stress.

(this mod doesn't add any queries though, you should double check that)


Originally Posted by popular (Post 1541540)

<div><object id="ssss" width="480" height="370" ><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><embed pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" src="http://vhead.blog.sina.com.cn/player/outer_player.swf?auto=1&vid=13165999&uid=125818052 7" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" name="ssss" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="480" height="370"></embed></object></div>

thanks :D

Coders Shack 06-05-2008 08:10 PM

heres a status update.

currently i have it working with 22 video sites, i still need to do 8 more. 5 of them require advanced logic and the other 3 are adult sites.

a fun feature for 1.2 will be the ability to globally control the embed size to a fixed size or reduce all by a %. (may add an max/min height and width)

also its easy to add gobal embed attributes now its going to be as easy as this:
(in the admincp)

                attributes.allowFullScreen = 'true';
                attributes.wmode = 'opaque';

and this one will still support the custom replacement, it will work a little differently though.

width = __videow__
height = __videoh__
title = __videot__
href = __videohref__
containerid = __videoe__

so for this one you will basically need to use a containerid because it uses swfobject so your custom replacement can be as simple as this:

HTML Code:

<div id="__videoe__"></div>
:D (in other words its coming along nicely)

setishock 06-06-2008 11:41 PM

So if I'm not using vbseo you think it would be pointless to upgrade? Or is there anything new that would be of use to me?

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