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Fungsten 12-21-2007 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Fungsten (Post 1387672)
I haven't read through all the posts but I have this question. I just got the Inactive users report, email, however it went straight to my junkmail folder. Upon clicking on the sender I noticed that there was and extra user name in the from field that shouldn't be there. The email said it was also sent from one of my members. Is anyone else having this where the email report is maybe getting sent to the junk mail folder or there is another address in the From field in the email?

Thank you.

On Edit: I might be having the same problem as the person in the above post.


djbaxter 12-21-2007 11:27 PM

What version are you using?

Fungsten 12-21-2007 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1406521)
What version are you using?


Chadi 12-24-2007 05:04 AM

I just got this email notification:


Database error in vBulletin 3.6.8:

Invalid SQL:

(varname, dateline, description, type)
'Emails sent to:cinckid WordFan omoleye Perfection Knight-2-a-King hopper angie11 Vicente eniafe Tia_Jenn4 Lone Angel 1989 ez2talk244 Jesus\'s always michael Benedi pinkangel44 evangj Xariex Rickeo CorCat Dantron_Z gotime adjiemind katrice linda_75 pinkbible ma_tjc oneoftheflock mpiima CuriousLauren Tamen zionsdeciple dede aneena Ramosrich lennjoh One4Faith servantsheart manolo2020 sean Salvo211242 Souljha dkgunjuluri hendy khuram Teira apsalmist AliceChen amandajayne denise runner4 babujee kitchie_l Living Water Devin Castillorr BerthaAlicia Jamshed Peter sacrificiovivo michelin nduta Waiting jp_0507 anewspirit JoEn04 islandmystery ANGEL OF HEAVE ecross1308 SVS enthusiastic jowita sylpeter78 colombian84 gutejesus nyamuziwa victorash justavo32 manofgrace ren2x DANIEL K.A. pawpaw1956 Nicodemus Jennifer1127 Deanna1985 jonett L_theBaptist DR SARAH ASHIR neva flavia mightywoman Mely Lau Breesmomm AgainsTheNight kuminkoski ann odron Trail of Altar seta_soujiro Lovebird lsresuena Margaux Alec yonatans14 JesusFreak2650 brightdawn jozainne indolight canofre fatima Nicodk Gerado JPT AWorldApart absolutelypb dkennedy7 general77 angelyumi maleshaboo Rinkuta jasperjedi marryelvina . We tried to email the following users, but their email address was invalid:',

MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away Error Number : 2006
Date : Monday, December 24th 2007 @ 01:03:04 AM
Script : http://www.talkjesus.com/cron.php?rand=206857
Referrer : http://www.talkjesus.com/sendmessage.php
IP Address :
Username : Unregistered
Classname : vB_Database

djbaxter 12-24-2007 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Fungsten (Post 1387672)
I haven't read through all the posts but I have this question. I just got the Inactive users report, email, however it went straight to my junkmail folder. Upon clicking on the sender I noticed that there was and extra user name in the from field that shouldn't be there. The email said it was also sent from one of my members. Is anyone else having this where the email report is maybe getting sent to the junk mail folder or there is another address in the From field in the email?


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1406521)
What version are you using?


Originally Posted by Fungsten (Post 1406526)

1. See https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...36#post1385436 and https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=965

2. I do notice that some of the emails go out as To: member_email@something.com; member_name but it doesn't seem to affect delivery. No idea why this happens or why not all the time. :confused:

3. Chris may be able to address the From: problem. It is supposed to draw the sender email address from your forum configuration. Again, there are a few people who see other addresses there and I have no idea why or how this can happen. Sorry.

The From: line is constructed in line 45 of remindermail.php (version 1.09) -


$headers .= "From: " . $vbulletin->options['bbtitle'] . " Reminder Service <" . $vbulletin->options['webmasteremail'] . ">" . "\r\n";
How can this insert any email address other than the one specified in the vBulletin options?


Originally Posted by chadi (Post 1408122)
I just got this email notification:

1. version?

2. Try reinstalling - and if you do, install version 1.09. Make sure you upload the 1.09 file versions as well as importing the product xml file.

vwdforum 12-24-2007 07:26 PM

Having read the recent posts, all new users should use version 1.9

Chadi 12-24-2007 07:32 PM

" Instructions are included."

I do not see instructions. Where does reminderemail.php go?

I was already on 1.1.1 too. Should I still downgrade?

sparky5693 12-24-2007 07:34 PM

1.1.1 stopped working for me, with no reason that I can find.
Older version has been much more reliable for me.

djbaxter 12-24-2007 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by vwdforum (Post 1408559)
Having read the recent posts, all new users should use version 1.9

That's my recommendation too.

You should consider versions 1.10, 1.11, and the alternate version titled "1.2" as beta versions - try at your own risk. But I'd suggest you get version 1.09 working first so you can go back to it if you encounter problems.

djbaxter 12-24-2007 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by chadi (Post 1408569)
" Instructions are included."

I do not see instructions. Where does reminderemail.php go?

I was already on 1.1.1 too. Should I still downgrade?

See install.txt in the download:


To install, upload remindermail.php to your ./includes/cron/ dir, and import the product xml

Options are in admincp options menu, where you should edit the settings.

SVTCobraLTD 01-23-2008 06:07 PM

I was having problems with 1.11 as it would send emails to members who are on the board almost everyday even though my settings are done for 25 days.

Changed to 1.09 and it said no one was inactive and would send me tons of emails all day long saying this. So I had to uninstall. Anyone else have something like this?

Dekard 01-23-2008 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by SVTCobraLTD (Post 1427518)
I was having problems with 1.11 as it would send emails to members who are on the board almost everyday even though my settings are done for 25 days.

Changed to 1.09 and it said no one was inactive and would send me tons of emails all day long saying this. So I had to uninstall. Anyone else have something like this?

Nope, this worked perfectly for me.

SVTCobraLTD 01-23-2008 06:28 PM

It was for me for months... now all of sudden started acting up. Who knows

Mum 01-25-2008 01:32 AM

Just installed this and ran it, it sent an email out to 548 people, so far 25 have come back!!!! Yay!! Awesome stuff!

m_k 01-25-2008 11:23 AM

got 1.9 up and working on 3.6.7 PL2 :-)

<clicks install>

Mum 01-25-2008 01:29 PM

In less than 25 hours i have had 50 members return, due to this mod :) Big thumbs up!

yuriy 01-28-2008 01:28 PM

how would I make it email from reminder@mysite.com because right now it emails from like box109.true02.com.hostmonster.com please help

djbaxter 01-28-2008 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by yuriy (Post 1430828)
how would I make it email from reminder@mysite.com because right now it emails from like box109.true02.com.hostmonster.com please help

It emails from whatever email address is listed in the vBulletin forum configuration. The string "box109.true02.com.hostmonster.com" looks like a physical mapping address for your hosting service. You need to contact them.

Do you get the same thing for other emails sent by vBulletin?

jluerken 01-29-2008 04:34 PM


Everyone be careful. There are hacked files from version 1.11 available
adding content to your board like
PHP Code:

        <plugin active="1" executionorder="1">
title>Footer Addition</title>
$vbulletin->templatecache['footer'] = str_replace($vbulletin->templatecache['footer'],$vbulletin->templatecache['footer'] . '<div align=center>Inactive Reminders By <a href=http://www.hacked-downloads.co.uk/>hacked-downloads.co.uk</a></div>',$vbulletin->templatecache['footer']);

Please everyone who has installed v1.11 check your product-remindermail.xml for this
code. You can also see the hacked version cause its adding a text line to your forum footer.
Uninstall the product then directly and search for a non hacked version.

ECMatt90 01-29-2008 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Mum (Post 1428410)
Just installed this and ran it, it sent an email out to 548 people, so far 25 have come back!!!! Yay!! Awesome stuff!

How do I know if the emails were sent out?

bada_bing 01-29-2008 07:23 PM

Does anyone know if this works with VB 3.5.x

djbaxter 01-29-2008 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by jluerken (Post 1431803)

Everyone be careful. There are hacked files from version 1.11 available
adding content to your board like
PHP Code:

        <plugin active="1" executionorder="1">
title>Footer Addition</title>
$vbulletin->templatecache['footer'] = str_replace($vbulletin->templatecache['footer'],$vbulletin->templatecache['footer'] . '<div align=center>Inactive Reminders By <a href=http://www.hacked-downloads.co.uk/>hacked-downloads.co.uk</a></div>',$vbulletin->templatecache['footer']);

Please everyone who has installed v1.11 check your product-remindermail.xml for this
code. You can also see the hacked version cause its adding a text line to your forum footer.
Uninstall the product then directly and search for a non hacked version.


If the add-on was downloaded from vBulletin.org, how could it be hacked? If it was NOT downloaded from here, surely the solution is don't download it from anywhere else.

rwoscott 01-29-2008 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by ECMatt90 (Post 1431891)
How do I know if the emails were sent out?

You can check in admincp>Scheduled Tasks>Scheduled Task Log> select Inactive User Reminder Emails

It will list all userids of emails sent.

LCN2007 01-30-2008 05:16 AM

So is this version safe?

Mum 01-30-2008 05:41 AM

I get sent an email every day.

djbaxter 01-30-2008 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by LCN2007 (Post 1432249)
So is this version safe?

Yes. The versions at this site, vbulletin.org, are the originals - "unhacked". I've just double-checked that.

My recommendation is still to install version 1.09.

LCN2007 01-31-2008 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1432387)
Yes. The versions at this site, vbulletin.org, are the originals - "unhacked". I've just double-checked that.

My recommendation is still to install version 1.09.

If 1.11 is safe why recomend 1.09?
whynot just remove 1.09 untill the next upgrade?

djbaxter 01-31-2008 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by LCN2007 (Post 1432889)
If 1.11 is safe why recomend 1.09?
whynot just remove 1.09 untill the next upgrade?

1.09 isn't there because 1.11 was ever unsafe. The person who posted the warning must have downloaded the add-on from some other site - s/he didn't get it here.

1.09 is there because it is stable and 1.11 is buggy on some installations. By all means, feel free to try 1.11 but it may not work for you.

Version 1.09 is what I'm using and what I recommend for others

bugzy 01-31-2008 06:46 PM

whats definition of "Email Frequency" in the options?

djbaxter 01-31-2008 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by bugzy (Post 1433328)
whats definition of "Email Frequency" in the options?

That is a little confusing.

It actually means "How long do you want to wait after sending the first email before you send another one, assuming the member is inactive?".

So if Days of Inactivity = 90 and Email Frequency = 30, that means the add-on will wait until 90 days after the last visit (or post depending on the settings) and then send an email, followed by another email reminder 30 days later, and another 30 days after that.

bugzy 02-01-2008 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1433514)
That is a little confusing.

It actually means "How long do you want to wait after sending the first email before you send another one, assuming the member is inactive?".

So if Days of Inactivity = 90 and Email Frequency = 30, that means the add-on will wait until 90 days after the last visit (or post depending on the settings) and then send an email, followed by another email reminder 30 days later, and another 30 days after that.

Perfect, shouild probably add that definition in the original post

thanks for the hack :) hope it works !!

Sempiterna 02-02-2008 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1433514)
That is a little confusing.

It actually means "How long do you want to wait after sending the first email before you send another one, assuming the member is inactive?".

Hmm, why not put that clarification in the options instead of:


How often to send a reminder email once a member has become inactive.
Because i installed it a couple of days ago, and at first i had happy people coming back to my forum, and now i had to send a humble apology mail to all of them because I had that setting set to "1". I assumed from reading the option, that it would send the mail only once!

So unfortunately the plugin kind of backfired on me :(

Robbey 02-02-2008 09:23 PM

This, yes.. This is infact the BEST mod Ive come across since Inferno VBShout lite

Better then that and mgc, so useful! Thanks!

MadK 02-03-2008 06:52 PM

Wow! Thank you! :)

cOOter1975 02-04-2008 04:06 PM


therogueforums 02-05-2008 06:29 AM

Right... used this product for quite some time, loved it. Upgraded to 3.7.... now all emails are showing the default account email as the sender, which is NOT good. Uninstalled until support can be provided.

SVTCobraLTD 02-05-2008 02:37 PM

Had the item uninstalled and it again, sent out messages to all my members. Had to remove all the files and everything as this is not working correctly for me after months of it working fine. Not sure why it stopped.

bugzy 02-05-2008 11:11 PM

So I sent the CRON Schedule Task to run every day at 4:00AM and increased the Email Quantity to 25 each time. Is that right?

It seems the default schedule was every minute, which seems excessive.

CLF 02-06-2008 04:06 AM


Thank you! :)

LCN2007 02-06-2008 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1433074)
1.09 isn't there because 1.11 was ever unsafe. The person who posted the warning must have downloaded the add-on from some other site - s/he didn't get it here.

1.09 is there because it is stable and 1.11 is buggy on some installations. By all means, feel free to try 1.11 but it may not work for you.

Version 1.09 is what I'm using and what I recommend for others

Thanks for your info im installing 1.09

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