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Skyrider 08-04-2011 06:15 AM

Is there anyway that users can undo their own voting to posts?

SᴩiDᴇЯ 08-06-2011 01:56 AM

This Mod doesn't work has plugin bug and when i asked for help by PM, I got this......Support for this mod is not given via PM, well then i will uninstall the Mod and not even bother with you.


TheLastSuperman 08-06-2011 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by SᴩiDᴇЯ (Post 2229943)
This Mod doesn't work has plugin bug and when i asked for help by PM, I got this......Support for this mod is not given via PM, well then i will uninstall the Mod and not even bother with you.


Not the best attitude to have in regards to a modification, many authors do not wish to be bothered with private messages and some don't mind it's that simple. This mod is very well supported by Ted publicly, whenever someone needs help and they post Ted is very helpful and does provide support.

Simply saying that, your having it installed or not installed is only affecting you :o.

SᴩiDᴇЯ 08-06-2011 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2229950)
Simply saying that, your having it installed or not installed is only affecting you :o.

And thats why you jumped to put your 2 bits here?

Then you should read my post properly its that simple, Quote " Plugin has a bug in it" Unquote.

I have nothing against the coder, but when he said what he said, i said that i wont bother with him and uninstalled the mod................What's your problem.

TheLastSuperman 08-06-2011 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by SᴩiDᴇЯ (Post 2229990)
And thats why you jumped to put your 2 bits here?

Then you should read my post properly its that simple, Quote " Plugin has a bug in it" Unquote.

I have nothing against the coder, but when he said what he said, i said that i wont bother with him and uninstalled the mod................What's your problem.

Sure, it informs everyone else that sharing is caring and in a sense that you need to post more than "This mod is broken blah blah blah" so with that being said, what's the bug? If you posted anything other than a short rant we could possibly help, that's what was meant to be conveyed by my message, after all despite Ted being very supportive I'm also listed as a Supporter and don't mind being helpful if someone has posted something useful and if the person asking for help is cordial about it :cool:.

radiofranky 08-06-2011 03:59 PM

I was wondering how to register {vb:raw post.totalrank} to use in the SHOWTHREAD template? I would like to show next to google +




Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 1957576)
Moving this mod to below the signature line:

1. Enable Manual Template Placement
2. Find the code:


{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_signature_end}

3. Add {vb:raw helpful_answers} below this line

Tips & Tricks Using Template Variables:

{vb:raw post.totalrank} - The total number of ratings
{vb:raw post.goodrank} - The number of good ratings
{vb:raw post.badrank} - The number of bad ratings
{vb:raw post.helpfulgood} - True if the post is positive overall (more good than bad ratings)
{vb:raw post.rate_helpfulanswer} - True if the user can rate the post (false if they are banned or have rated it).
{vb:raw post.helpfulanswerid} - True if the user has already rated the post.

Top Helpful Answers Page:

This is disabled by default. Once enabled you can find it at www.yoursite.com/forums/helpfulanswers.php

Ted S 08-06-2011 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by SᴩiDᴇЯ (Post 2229943)
This Mod doesn't work has plugin bug and when i asked for help by PM, I got this......Support for this mod is not given via PM, well then i will uninstall the Mod and not even bother with you.


Like I said in my PM, I only provide support in the official thread. If that doesn't work for you, removing the mod is clearly the right decision.

Best of luck with your site.

Ted S 08-06-2011 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by SᴩiDᴇЯ (Post 2229990)
Then you should read my post properly its that simple, Quote " Plugin has a bug in it" Unquote.

There are no known bugs with the mod displaying and with a few thousand active sites running it, if you have details on one that no one else has caught we're all eager to hear about it so it can be fixed!

Ted S 08-06-2011 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by radiofranky (Post 2230152)
I was wondering how to register {vb:raw post.totalrank} to use in the SHOWTHREAD template? I would like to show next to google +



{vb:raw post.totalrank} is a post related variable, so it won't work in SHOWTHREAD which only grabs the total thread variables.

What are you hoping to show? The total number of votes for a thread?

SᴩiDᴇЯ 08-07-2011 02:43 AM

Firstly i will publicly apologize to ted so i am sorry ted i got up set, but i do need help.
Secondly to the lastsuperman i will ask the questions in a correct and proper manner from now of on, i apologize for my bad manners.

Ted S 08-07-2011 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by SᴩiDᴇЯ (Post 2230363)
Firstly i will publicly apologize to ted so i am sorry ted i got up set, but i do need help.
Secondly to the lastsuperman i will ask the questions in a correct and proper manner from now of on, i apologize for my bad manners.

So what's the issue? The more specific you are, the better we can dial in on your issue.

nerbert 08-07-2011 07:47 AM

I don't know it this has been dealt with already. There's a bug in the helpful_answers template -- no third argument when you display good and bad ratings. Near the top change code to read as follows

HTML Code:

<vb:if condition="$post['totalrank']">
        {vb:rawphrase helpfulanswer_x_out_of_y,{vb:raw post.goodrank},{vb:raw post.totalrank},{vb:raw post.badrank}}

{vb:raw post.badrank} is missing from the argument list.

SᴩiDᴇЯ 08-07-2011 09:48 AM

The issue is fixed and the mod is working now, i had someone look at the plugin and fix the issue: http://screensnapr.com/v/Svn2Ld.png now working on vB 4.1.4

If you want to see it Live go here: http://WFreedom.com

Thank you Ted.

Poker Face 08-07-2011 05:11 PM

Installed 4.1.5

Ted S 08-07-2011 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by SᴩiDᴇЯ (Post 2230448)
The issue is fixed and the mod is working now, i had someone look at the plugin and fix the issue: http://screensnapr.com/v/Svn2Ld.png now working on vB 4.1.4

If you want to see it Live go here: http://WFreedom.com

Thank you Ted.

Let me guess, they read the instructions & enabled the option in the forum you were viewing? ;)

To be clear for anyone else looking at this thread, there are no known bugs with vB 4.x showing this mod with several thousand sites reporting in daily.

radiofranky 08-08-2011 08:16 PM

I just want to place it on "SHOWTHREAD" bar. See my previous attached screen shoot.



Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2230194)
{vb:raw post.totalrank} is a post related variable, so it won't work in SHOWTHREAD which only grabs the total thread variables.

What are you hoping to show? The total number of votes for a thread?

Ted S 08-09-2011 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by radiofranky (Post 2231022)
I just want to place it on "SHOWTHREAD" bar. See my previous attached screen shoot.


Your last post has a screenshot... but there's no indication of what data in it should be coming from this mod. Maybe the / 11? Doesn't give much insight...

This is a post mod so no information exists for the thread view, although you can easily grab it. You would need to alter the showthread.php script or corresponding plugins to run a new query grabbing the sum of totalrank on that post_id.

something like.... select sum(helpfulanswers.totalrank) from helpfulanswers where post_id = $XXX

danicamps 08-20-2011 05:59 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi, I think I may be trying to do the same thing as Radiofranky
My end goal is to have the total rank display on the forum display - the full list of threads. I have attached a screen shot for clarification, but essentially, I would like to have the total number of votes showing on the forum homepage in either the Replies/Views column or in the Title/Thread Starter Column.
Thank you in advance!

Poker Face 08-21-2011 05:34 PM

How, can I get some padding around this mod, in post that do not have Titles?

example (with post title)


and (without)


very messy this way!

Ted S 08-21-2011 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Poker Face (Post 2236253)
How, can I get some padding around this mod, in post that do not have Titles?

The mod floats a div to make this work. You can nest it in a parent element, remove the margin / padding as you see fit.

Just search for the helpful_answers template and go from there.

Ted S 08-21-2011 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by danicamps (Post 2235853)
Hi, I think I may be trying to do the same thing as Radiofranky
My end goal is to have the total rank display on the forum display - the full list of threads. I have attached a screen shot for clarification, but essentially, I would like to have the total number of votes showing on the forum homepage in either the Replies/Views column or in the Title/Thread Starter Column.
Thank you in advance!

The difficulty here is that votes are stored on the post level, not thread, although the threadid is tracked. The easiest hack would be to query for each thread and get the count but that's terribly inefficient.

Thus you can either make a big modification and build a new thread coutner [which the next version of the mod will do] or be a little less crazy and just run a tally process via cron once a day or such. Really depends on your volume / desire to tweak around.

Neither is crazy complex but it's not changing a font color either...

Poker Face 08-21-2011 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2236295)
The mod floats a div to make this work. You can nest it in a parent element, remove the margin / padding as you see fit.

Just search for the helpful_answers template and go from there.

I appreciate the follow-up, Ted S, but a little additional guidance would be very much appreciated!

If not by you, anyone that understands this advice, I would appreciate the additional guidance!

I'm assuming that once in the; Customize Template: helpful_answers screen, that I am looking for this:

PHP Code:

<div id="helpfulanswers_box_{vb:raw post.postid}" style="text-align:right;"

And if so, what would I add?

Thank-You in advance!

Ted S 08-21-2011 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by Poker Face (Post 2236354)
I appreciate the follow-up, Ted S, but a little additional guidance would be very much appreciated!

If not by you, anyone that understands this advice, I would appreciate the additional guidance!

I'm assuming that once in the; Customize Template: helpful_answers screen, that I am looking for this:

PHP Code:

<div id="helpfulanswers_box_{vb:raw post.postid}" style="text-align:right;"

And if so, what would I add?

Thank-You in advance!

It depends on what you wish to do exactly and how. If you want to align something equal to another line you would float that line as well. If you want this to appear on top of other elements but not have space you would set the padding / margin to 0.

If css is new to you I highly suggest referring to a css tutorial such as the one at http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp - while you can certainly find help around here, the more you want to customize, the more useful it is to know the basics yourself.

danicamps 08-22-2011 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2236296)
Thus you can either make a big modification and build a new thread coutner [which the next version of the mod will do] or be a little less crazy and just run a tally process via cron once a day or such. Really depends on your volume / desire to tweak around.

Neither is crazy complex but it's not changing a font color either...

Ted, Thank you for the quick reply. Is this something that I could use Helpful Threads for? Trying to eliminate any manual process as much as possible. When looking at Helpful Answers, I wasn't sure which mod would be best. The most important feature is to have users voting up or down on a thread - not necessarily the underlying posts and have that tallying (to where any vote on a post is not going to change the vote count of the thread). Am I correct in my thinking that using Helpful Answers, this is happening, but just not able to display on the forum home page?

Also, thank you for your continued work on the module - it is awesome, I'm just very new to VBulletin and trying to set up functionality very quickly.


Ted S 08-22-2011 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by danicamps (Post 2236419)
Ted, Thank you for the quick reply. Is this something that I could use Helpful Threads for? Trying to eliminate any manual process as much as possible. When looking at Helpful Answers, I wasn't sure which mod would be best. The most important feature is to have users voting up or down on a thread - not necessarily the underlying posts and have that tallying (to where any vote on a post is not going to change the vote count of the thread). Am I correct in my thinking that using Helpful Answers, this is happening, but just not able to display on the forum home page?

Also, thank you for your continued work on the module - it is awesome, I'm just very new to VBulletin and trying to set up functionality very quickly.


HA is very much a post mod and voting takes place per post.

While you could certainly hack things around to show a thread vote, it's not designed to work per thread so if you want to accomplish that you're starting with a solid base but have a number of tweaks to make to limit voting, change the display places, and tally things up to a more useful way.

danicamps 08-23-2011 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2236427)
HA is very much a post mod and voting takes place per post.

While you could certainly hack things around to show a thread vote, it's not designed to work per thread so if you want to accomplish that you're starting with a solid base but have a number of tweaks to make to limit voting, change the display places, and tally things up to a more useful way.

Ted, I think I see the issues you were mentioning. Right now, we are using HA and it works great for the threads, unless there is a post underneath and then voting on it creates a duplicated thread in the threadlist. With that in mind, would Helpful Threads be something that we should use instead. We want people to be able to create posts to threads, but we do not need them to be able to vote for the posts - only the thread.
I am not sure how we would go in and limit voting or change the display places with HA.


Ted S 08-23-2011 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by danicamps (Post 2237044)
Ted, I think I see the issues you were mentioning. Right now, we are using HA and it works great for the threads, unless there is a post underneath and then voting on it creates a duplicated thread in the threadlist. With that in mind, would Helpful Threads be something that we should use instead. We want people to be able to create posts to threads, but we do not need them to be able to vote for the posts - only the thread.
I am not sure how we would go in and limit voting or change the display places with HA.


I'm not aware of a Helpful Threads mod but if someone created such a program it would definitely make more sense to use.

danicamps 08-23-2011 06:34 PM

That would probably be because I think I made it up in my head.. :o
I think I was reading some of the forum posts on the different Helpful Answers mods and cross referenced..
Can you go into any more detail about how to limit the voting. Is there ways to limit the voting to the thread only and not allow at the post level?

Ted S 08-23-2011 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by danicamps (Post 2237117)
Can you go into any more detail about how to limit the voting. Is there ways to limit the voting to the thread only and not allow at the post level?

There's no quick way to limit it to thread level... the mod doesn't care about threads, it works off of posts and just tracks a threadid here and there for displaying back info.

What you would need to do is change out that functionality to take advantage of the core code be rework how the voting is tallied and displayed. It's not a full rewrite but it's significant.

Lester Wilson 08-24-2011 03:54 AM

Hello, great mod, installed

One question, i have many forum areas on my site, i'd like to take advanathe of the option to update multiple forums through the Bulk Forum Enabler located in the Helpful Answers Tab

However i cannot locate the tab. Can some one pointn me to the location of this tab? I dont see it on the forum management dialogue, or in the settings options for this mod.

Where is it?

Installation Instructions:

Step 3) Enable the system in any of your forums by visiting the forum options and scrolling to the end of the page.

Alternatively you can update multiple forums through the Bulk Forum Enabler located in the Helpful Answers Tab.(Required)

Ted S 08-24-2011 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by Lester Wilson (Post 2237278)
Hello, great mod, installed

One question, i have many forum areas on my site, i'd like to take advanathe of the option to update multiple forums through the Bulk Forum Enabler located in the Helpful Answers Tab

However i cannot locate the tab. Can some one pointn me to the location of this tab? I dont see it on the forum management dialogue, or in the settings options for this mod.

Where is it?

Installation Instructions:

Step 3) Enable the system in any of your forums by visiting the forum options and scrolling to the end of the page.

Alternatively you can update multiple forums through the Bulk Forum Enabler located in the Helpful Answers Tab.(Required)

It's in the sidebar of your ACP, in it's own section.

Lester Wilson 08-24-2011 06:41 AM


One question, i have many forum areas on my site, i'd like to take advanathe of the option to update multiple forums through the Bulk Forum Enabler located in the Helpful Answers Tab

However i cannot locate the tab. Can some one pointn me to the location of this tab? I dont see it on the forum management dialogue, or in the settings options for this mod.

Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2237297)
It's in the sidebar of your ACP, in it's own section.

OK, its not showing on my installation.

I've installed everything in the upload folder via ftp

Is there some other component that i need to install?

Lester Wilson 08-24-2011 07:58 AM

HI, just so that its clear as to what i'm seeing

I recorded the ACP and the tabs in this 1 min video

Ted S 08-24-2011 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Lester Wilson (Post 2237336)
HI, just so that its clear as to what i'm seeing

I recorded the ACP and the tabs in this 1 min video

Not loading for me... but a screencap of the sidebar will do just fine as well :D

Lester Wilson 08-24-2011 04:18 PM

OK I thought the vid would show more information

here is a screen capture of the side barhttp://www.protonbasic.co.uk/VB/sidebar.jpg

Ted S 08-25-2011 02:06 AM

Hum... the group is called "Helpful Answers System" and should be there.

Can you double check that cpnav_helpfulanswers.xml ended up in your XML folder?

Lester Wilson 08-25-2011 05:51 AM

cpnav_helpfulanswers.xml was NOT in the correct location.

It's fixed and working now. Thank you for your support.

bfdzio 08-31-2011 02:21 PM

Anyone have any ideas on how to have posts rated above a certain number...be highlighted a different color? I figure just reverse the code on the collapsing and a few other things from there?

bfdzio 08-31-2011 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by bfdzio (Post 2240417)
Anyone have any ideas on how to have posts rated above a certain number...be highlighted a different color? I figure just reverse the code on the collapsing and a few other things from there?

nevermind, think I got it...10000x easier than I figured. Was going too far.

Ted S 09-01-2011 05:47 AM

Just a little FYI.... 1,000 posts on this thread as of today and 3 million plus logged votes [who knows how many more unlogged ones].

Glad to see the mod working for so many of you!

I've got a major new mod on the way but after that, updates coming!

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