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-   -   Integration with vBulletin - Facebook Connect - Allow your users to login with their Facebook account (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=198499)

sllik 01-19-2009 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by GigaSb (Post 1717592)
i edited the default template instead of the "Facebook Pro" template.

1. I still have the scrolling error.
2. I cant login with my facebook account.

scrolling problem?

You don't have a standard navbar so do this...


<form onsubmit="md5hash(vb_login_password, vb_login_md5password, vb_login_md5password_utf, 0)" method="post" action="login.php">
[form contents]

Insert After:

<!-- fbconnect -->
<span class="fbconnect" style="height:21px">
<img src="http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/images/loaders/indicator_white_small.gif" alt="Connect with Facebook" />
<!-- / fbconnect -->

sllik 01-19-2009 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by fmckinnon (Post 1716363)
BellyBelly -
I've seen reports that it *IS* working.

OK - I've installed it now on http://www.theworshipcommunity.com/forums/

When I attempt to view the application on FaceBook, it gives me this on this link:

Errors while loading page from application
Parse errors:

CSS Error (line 32 char 30): Error in parsing value for property.: 'background-repeat' Declaration dropped.

FBML Error (line 348): illegal tag "body" under "fb:canvas"

CSS Error (line 355 char 140): Error in parsing value for property.: 'background-repeat' Declaration dropped.

FBML Error (line 397): illegal tag "noscript" under "fb:canvas"

FBML Error (line 580): illegal tag "noscript" under "fb:canvas"

FBML Error (line 625): illegal tag "noscript" under "fb:canvas"

There are still a few kinks Facebook and the makers of TheWorshipCommunity.Com are trying to iron out. We appreciate your patience as we try to fix these issues. Your problem has been logged - if it persists, please come back in a few days. Thanks!

Don't worry about the facebook application... ppl shouldn't see it.


Originally Posted by i-comers.com (Post 1717355)
I'm Report For Bugs

Fatal error:
  • The email address you entered is already in use. If you have forgotten your password, please click here.
Unable to proceed with save while $errors array is not empty in class vB_DataManager_User in [path]/includes/class_dm.php on line 810

means that somehow you erased the facebook user to vb user map (fbuser table entry) and haven't deleted the vbuser.

did you install and then uninstall this mod?


Originally Posted by Phaedrus (Post 1717448)
How? They'll want to know how to associate their facebook with their existing account.

Also, does this work with promotions?

I have them set to come in as Registered Users, they are a bit limited until they get past 15 posts, then they are promoted. Will the promotions work?

when you login with facebook for the first time there is a link "Want to use your existing account?"

GCC LLC 01-19-2009 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by sllik (Post 1718182)

unfortunately there is no way to bring the popup back after the user chose to never post news-feeds but if you set New Reply Feed Template ID to 0 the user won't be prompted for a new reply.


Now as an Admin I can't ever post news feeds because I checked that box once?

sllik 01-19-2009 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by GCC LLC (Post 1718223)

Now as an Admin I can't ever post news feeds because I checked that box once?

oh if it's you who did that you can change it in your facebook privacy settings

GCC LLC 01-19-2009 08:56 PM

Oh..where do I do that?

I'm in the privacy settings but have nothing there would block the app. Nothing is checked except the "Share my name, networks, and list of friends, etc.

sllik 01-19-2009 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by GCC LLC (Post 1718250)
Oh..where do I do that?

I'm in the privacy settings but have nothing there would block the app. Nothing is checked except the "Share my name, networks, and list of friends, etc.


GCC LLC 01-19-2009 09:27 PM

Its not listed.

GCC LLC 01-19-2009 09:28 PM

Oh ok..found it. Had to change the Show: Field.

Now what do I check?

furst 01-19-2009 10:24 PM

Any plans of a Google Friend Connect version?


music legend 01-20-2009 01:05 AM

is there a way to put the button on a homepage instead of the forumhome?

Mythor 01-20-2009 01:25 AM

Mustered up the courage to try installing it this afternoon. Should have done it sooner as it all worked perfectly fine. Running vBulletin 3.8.0 on the forum in my signature.
Template edits were a little tedious but nothing too bad.

One suggestion though sllik - some better instructions for how to set up the Facebook Application would be greatly appreciated. I'm not too sure that it's all done correctly on that end of things, though it seems to be working just fine.
A list of suggested values or an explicit instruction to only fill certain fields would be good.

Now I just have to sit back and hope my members are as intrigued as I. :)

*Marked as Installed*

Spooony 01-20-2009 02:05 AM

Fantastic mod!! Brilliant work :)

GCC LLC 01-20-2009 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by sllik (Post 1718182)

unfortunately there is no way to bring the popup back after the user chose to never post news-feeds but if you set New Reply Feed Template ID to 0 the user won't be prompted for a new reply.

Ok I finally got it to work again through Facebook settings but only if I had a all 3 templates with the same ID. If I set the New Reply Feed to zero, nothing would publish at all. Replies or New threads.

Spooony 01-20-2009 03:41 AM

Just one thing, how do I assign a Facebook account to a different VB account?
I've set my own Facebook account to link with a test VB account, but would like it linked to my main account.

dadymac 01-20-2009 03:45 AM

I installed this on a private forum, where you have to have access to view.

Whenever you put in your FB info, it justs redirects to fblogin.php and keeps asking for login info. I noticed several others with the similar issue, but didnt see any resolution.

Spooony 01-20-2009 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by dadymac (Post 1718568)
I installed this on a private forum, where you have to have access to view.

Whenever you put in your FB info, it justs redirects to fblogin.php and keeps asking for login info. I noticed several others with the similar issue, but didnt see any resolution.

I had the same problem but you have to open it up to unregistered users and just change forum viewing permissions etc yourself for the unregistered usergroup. Worked for me anyway.

dadymac 01-20-2009 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by Spooony (Post 1718574)
I had the same problem but you have to open it up to unregistered users and just change forum viewing permissions etc yourself for the unregistered usergroup. Worked for me anyway.

well basically we want this to dump the accounts into CoPPA and we manually approve who we want to have access.

Spooony 01-20-2009 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by dadymac (Post 1718580)
well basically we want this to dump the accounts into CoPPA and we manually approve who we want to have access.

Aye, that's exactly how I've got it. Change the default usergroup to 4 under FB Connect options. They'll go into the COPPA usergroup once registered (via Facebook) but to get registered in the first place the unregistered usergroup needs permission to view the forums (even if you don't actually show them individual forums under view permissions) if that makes sense.

nMIK-3 01-20-2009 04:47 AM

Slick I have one issue that I like to take care of and I cannot find how to address it.

When a user have some activity in my forum and publish the story to facebook wall, facebook states the following:
The User has join MySite or
The User has created a new thread at MySite
While the link to MySite it refers to http://www.mysiti.com/forum

I want the .com extension to be displayed on facebook wall like that
The User has join MySite.com or
The User has created a new thread at MySite.com

And I want the link to direct to http://www.mysite.com and not to http://www.mysiti.com/forum

Any idea how I am correcting those issues?

kursed 01-20-2009 04:50 AM

Can you please change the gif at login page from 'Connect with Facebook' to 'Login using Facebook'?

dadymac 01-20-2009 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by Spooony (Post 1718590)
Aye, that's exactly how I've got it. Change the default usergroup to 4 under FB Connect options. They'll go into the COPPA usergroup once registered (via Facebook) but to get registered in the first place the unregistered usergroup needs permission to view the forums (even if you don't actually show them individual forums under view permissions) if that makes sense.

that worked...thanks a ton.

now to figure out why the feeds aren't working the way I envision.

Digital Jedi 01-20-2009 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by kursed (Post 1718616)
Can you please change the gif at login page from 'Connect with Facebook' to 'Login using Facebook'?

The image is hosted by FaceBook, so you'd have to create your own and change the file path to your local image.

dadymac 01-20-2009 06:07 AM

this option seems to be working: "New Subscribed Thread Reply Notification" ... but if you click it off and still subscribe to the thread, the notification is sent to the thread creator.

but this one: "New Own Thread Reply Notification" doesnt work with or w/o thread subscription.

C138 Kaysone 01-20-2009 06:08 AM

is it really recommended that i make a separate user group?

C138 Kaysone 01-20-2009 06:25 AM

Urgent HELP! I have user cp Icons, and its messing up my template.. what can i do?

kursed 01-20-2009 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1718663)
The image is hosted by FaceBook, so you'd have to create your own and change the file path to your local image.

Can you please tell me as to where do I have to make this change? As in which file?

kursed 01-20-2009 07:00 AM

Okay, I found it, thanks a bunch. =)

Spooony 01-20-2009 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Spooony (Post 1718565)
Just one thing, how do I assign a Facebook account to a different VB account?
I've set my own Facebook account to link with a test VB account, but would like it linked to my main account.

Any ideas on this one? :S

dadymac 01-20-2009 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Spooony (Post 1718953)
Any ideas on this one? :S

there should be an entry in your db under fbuser table.

Spooony 01-20-2009 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by dadymac (Post 1718967)
there should be an entry in your db under fbuser table.

Magic, thank you :)

GigaSb 01-20-2009 03:30 PM


all is working now (when i use Chrome) please try it: http://www.freepchelp.co.il (its in hebrew.. but u can see the FB button)


when i use iexplorer i have big scroll down there & when pushing the FB Connect nothing happend. (im using FACEBOOK PRO Template)



thanks in advance.

Spooony 01-20-2009 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by GigaSb (Post 1719093)

all is working now (when i use Chrome) please try it: http://www.freepchelp.co.il (its in hebrew.. but u can see the FB button)


when i use iexplorer i have big scroll down there & when pushing the FB Connect nothing happend. (im using FACEBOOK PRO Template)



thanks in advance.

Something to do with your Hebrew2 style (using IE8 Beta), as it works fine under English (US). Sorry it's not a solution but it might help. Both styles work fine under Minefield(Firefox) x64.

GigaSb 01-20-2009 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by Spooony (Post 1719194)
Something to do with your Hebrew2 style (using IE8 Beta), as it works fine under English (US). Sorry it's not a solution but it might help. Both styles work fine under Minefield(Firefox) x64.

thanks for helping by supplying information.
while i changed to english the mod actually worked! (and scrolling disappeared)

but i need it to be hebrew, so mayeb some 1 knows what the problem can be.
maybe the mod author know something

Digital Jedi 01-20-2009 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by GigaSb (Post 1719210)
thanks for helping by supplying information.
while i changed to english the mod actually worked! (and scrolling disappeared)

but i need it to be hebrew, so mayeb some 1 knows what the problem can be.
maybe the mod author know something

I notice a number of HTML errors in your code which are no doubt causing the spacing issue: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=ht...e&group=0&ss=1

I would try fixing those one at a time first and then see if you still have a problem. Do them in order, as these types of problems tend to cascade. One fix can correct dozens more.

GigaSb 01-20-2009 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1719232)
I notice a number of HTML errors in your code which are no doubt causing the spacing issue: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=ht...e&group=0&ss=1

I would try fixing those one at a time first and then see if you still have a problem. Do them in order, as these types of problems tend to cascade. One fix can correct dozens more.

OMG, u are fixing it for me ?

Quantnet 01-20-2009 11:18 PM

I notice that if a member has both account on FB and the forum, when they log in with their FB id, it will create a new forum member. Is this the intended purpose?

GCC LLC 01-20-2009 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by GCC LLC (Post 1718550)
Ok I finally got it to work again through Facebook settings but only if I had a all 3 templates with the same ID. If I set the New Reply Feed to zero, nothing would publish at all. Replies or New threads.

any suggestions?

paintballer.ie 01-21-2009 12:22 AM

Merging Users:

I didn't read all the topics, so maybe this has been mentioned, but here is a possible work around for letting current members set up their face book accounts.

1: read: http://www.vbulletin.com/docs/html/users_merge

2: Get current members with facebook to log in with their facebook accounts and us a nick name as 'username2' or something.

3. Then merge this user with their current forum username.

I havent tried it yet, but I assume that it will work.

* Edit, I found Jedi's post where he said that current nick name can be used. I have to try this out.

nMIK-3 01-21-2009 01:54 AM

I have a major problem.

When New Users register by using the facebook connect their facebook email IS NOT ported over the vBulletin database. How do I solve this?

dadymac 01-21-2009 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by nMIK-3 (Post 1719655)
I have a major problem.

When New Users register by using the facebook connect their facebook email IS NOT ported over the vBulletin database. How do I solve this?

it doesnt also port over anything you mapped, which kinda kills this for me.

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