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AndrewD 08-27-2008 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU (Post 1607912)
again, sorry as I know it must be obvious and I'm just missign it. but is there a way to do usergroup group based hotlinking to uploaded files?

I don't really understand your question - do you mean you want to provide people with a url that takes them directly to the download? This is simply the local_links.php?action=jump url shown in the linkbit. However, it will only work on protected files if the user has already logged on to the vb site and has cookies stored.

Are you wanting something else, e.g. the equivalent of a tinyurl?

Goomzee 08-27-2008 05:27 AM

thankx i understand but one more question i am already using VBadvanced so should i upload this folder or not "vba_modules" and i am ingore all folders excpcet forums folder right?

AndrewD 08-27-2008 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by Goomzee (Post 1607928)
thankx i understand but one more question i am already using VBadvanced so should i upload this folder or not "vba_modules" and i am ingore all folders excpcet forums folder right?

No. You install the vba modules by uploading the ones you want to use, using the 'Upload/Download module' section in the vb/admincp/vba section

Goomzee 08-27-2008 05:55 AM

thankx today i already downloaded this but i will upload this Mod i hope it will not crash my forums DB

GrendelKhan{TSU 08-27-2008 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1607916)
I don't really understand your question - do you mean you want to provide people with a url that takes them directly to the download? This is simply the local_links.php?action=jump url shown in the linkbit. However, it will only work on protected files if the user has already logged on to the vb site and has cookies stored.

Are you wanting something else, e.g. the equivalent of a tinyurl?

Yes, kinda like tinyurl..... but more like photobucket or hotlinkfiles.com. simply, want to be able to use LDM as an hosting solution for external pages or sites, as well as destination area in itself.

if I were to frame specific intent/goals:

Example of forum Usage:
I have a profile mp3 player set up (demo).. seems a shame or waste not to be able to use mp3 uploaded in LDM for that. Users complain and confused as there are too many places one has to upload the same MP3 file. Right I recommend people go to hotlinkfiles.com to add a URL to the mp3 player. Just seems like a shame given its right there already in LDM.

this would be true in other areas of my forum as well (not just forums).

Also, when I add an mp3 to my profile... I might want to set it for anyone to be able to hear it (not just logged in members).

From the member perspective:
Generally speaking, if I have uploaded an mp3 or file to LDM, I want use/share it in external places or sites. Again, like photobucket, vbaGallery, youtube or hotlinkfiles.com. (and kinda like tinyurl). Upload and link to other sites.

As admin this consolidates features on the site as a whole, streamlines usage, and funnels people to upload to LDM (as opposed to elsewhere on the forum or other sites completely).

Also, it would be good to be able to limit this ability (ie: not everyone is allowed to hotlink).

Again, I don't know if this is possible or reasonable. Not trying to massively increase your load. just simply put, would be nice and efficient and possibly increase usage if members could link uploads to external pages/sites. :)

sparklywater 08-27-2008 01:11 PM

Andrew, I have found a fix to the cache problem in Flash + IE.

The trick is to add the width and height values to the flashvars:


This has fixed the problem in my current installation so I think I will stick with this version for now.

AndrewD 08-27-2008 06:00 PM

I provide release 2.2.9-post 3 for careful testing.

This consolidates the bug fixes in the 2.2.9-post2 release and provides a few more bug fixes for the most serious recent reports/requests.

Appreciate your reports. One of the bug fixes has required quite a significant change to the code which build s the link bits, so I'm keen to know if there are new problems there.

Development of version 2.3.0 is well underway, but I am making no promises when it will be available.

Changes from 2.2.9 post 2 to post 3

Media Players

Upgraded JWplayer to version 4.1
Upgraded JWsilverlight player to version 1.1 and added windowless and background params
Enabled mp4 and m4v handling in inline JWplayer

Bug fixes

Fixed Edit Entry to work correctly in combination with swfuploader
Fixed template bug which prevented swfuploader extra working for non-admins
Fixed sort order/pagination bugs when searches contain urlencoded chars
Fixed Add LDM to VB navbar plugins for situation when vbAdvanced is not installed in forum directory
Fixed pagenav control when entry filters are active
Fixed template error in admin/statistics box
Fixed autothread creation in situtions where done in another username, e.g. moderation
Fixed bug in linkbit creation when handling entries with no url
Fixed potential SQL injection security breach

Changes from 2.2.9 post 1 to post 2

- Added *can_add_image* permission to control which usergroups can add thumbnails to entries

Thread/post creation
- ldm_post_addrating_title and ldm_thread_create_title phrases both accept (entry name, category name, submission date) as variables {1}, {2}, {3}; default ldm_post_addrating_title phrase change to Re: {1}

- Restrictions (if any) in VB usergroup attachments permissions included in controls on uploadable filetypes/maximum filesizes
- Removed thumbnail image formfield from Add/Edit Entry form when attachment permissions disallowed for all image types
- Modified code to set file permissions of uploaded files to 0644 (some versions of php erroneously set this to 0600)

- Added 'upload-names' extra to modify the naming convention for file uploads
- Extended 'hide-magnifier' extra to deal sensibly with images specified as full urls

Bug fixes
- Updated JWsilverlight.js file so that Silverlight player works with Firefox 3
- Changed to vertical layout of yes/no form settings with right-to-left languages
- Correctly cache the *humanverify* template
- Changed German language file xml to ISO-8859-1
- Fixed bug in 'import-radiostation' extra introduced in release 2.2.9

vbboarder 08-27-2008 06:28 PM

Is this bug fixed in the new update?


When editing an entry with both an uploaded file and an image file, if that image is deleted then the uploaded file is also deleted. In addition to fixing this bug, can you provide an option to disable deleting the thumbnail image file?

vbboarder 08-27-2008 06:29 PM

Thanks for the update! Do we have to reinstall all extra plugins? If yes:
1. Do we have to first uninstall then reinstall the extra plugins?
2. Are the settings for the extra plugins saved so we don’t have to re-enter the values after reinstalling?
3. Will you implement an auto plugins updater (similar to auto templating in VB) in a later update?

AndrewD 08-27-2008 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by vbboarder (Post 1608389)
Is this bug fixed in the new update?

I'm not sure that I was able to reproduce that problem - I will have to check.


Originally Posted by vbboarder (Post 1608390)
Thanks for the update! Do we have to reinstall all extra plugins? If yes:
1. Do we have to first uninstall then reinstall the extra plugins?
2. Are the settings for the extra plugins saved so we don?t have to re-enter the values after reinstalling?
3. Will you implement an auto plugins updater (similar to auto templating in VB) in a later update?

You will have to reinstall the plugins for the extras. Settings are saved correctly, so no problem there.

I'll take a look at autoupdating the extras.

Ophelia 08-28-2008 12:41 AM


I know you've addressed this already, but we are having the security token issue.

I don't remember editing any files, so is there a way to check this? Right now we are getting the error when we try to upload.

vbboarder 08-28-2008 01:15 AM

The entries listing in What's New page is above the limit set in LDM settings. This is probably due to the setting days_seen_on_portal overriding links_seen_on_portal.

vbboarder 08-28-2008 01:40 AM

The JW player incorrectly handles swf files. The flash/ video will auto loop (by default this should not happen), the time does not show for swf files with time, the player controls do not work - can play flash/ video, but can NOT pause, forward/ rewind, or interact with controls created by the swf itself. This is not a bug with LDM, VB or even Adobe Flash player, it's a limitation with the JW player - tested with JW player 4.0 in Firefox2 & IE7.

Solution: disable swf from all media players in LDM until JW player can play swf (Windows, Quicktime, & Realplayer also can't correctly play it). When the user clicks on the entry's title link or download entry image link, the flash/ video will open up in a new tab/ window and play correctly using Adobe's Flash player (if installed in the browser).

Fix needed: The JW player will still show for swf files (even if no media players have swf set in LDM) when listing a category's entries. This entices the users to play the file using the JW player, which it can not do. Andrew, can you please disable showing the player for swf files when listing a category's entries?

obmob 08-28-2008 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1607891)
The problem is in the links_catbit_extras template, which is used to build a set of messages which are normally placed in that white row. If there is nothing to show, the template really should return nothing, but the way it's currently written it returns an empty div container. Take a look at the template if you wish - you would have to repeat all the conditional tests inside the div as a master conditional outside the div.

If I'm understanding you correctly, this happens when the display_order changes. You can get rid of it by clearing the links_linkseparator template.

You are using the'Brief' category template, which is links_catbit_brief. Include $catdesc in it somewhere.

Thanks, now i have something to do on sunday XD

RikiB 08-28-2008 02:15 AM

When I try and add a link from my wowza streaming server I get this

Sorry - unable to handle protocol rtmp://

Is there a way to access the streamer variable in the JW player?

AndrewD 08-28-2008 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by Ophelia (Post 1608613)

I know you've addressed this already, but we are having the security token issue.

I don't remember editing any files, so is there a way to check this? Right now we are getting the error when we try to upload.

Main thing to check:

- Have you (or maybe have I) at some point in the past edited any of the LDM templates used on your site and forgotten to 'revert' them?

Are you using the LDM flash-based swfuploader extra for handling uploads or just the standard form-based uploader?

Will take a look at your site if you want.

AndrewD 08-28-2008 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by RikiB (Post 1608654)
When I try and add a link from my wowza streaming server I get this

Sorry - unable to handle protocol rtmp://

Is there a way to access the streamer variable in the JW player?

That's right, LDM is not currently configured to understand how to handle and deliver rtmp:// protocol, i.e. it doesn't know how to act as an rtmp server. I've no idea if this is a simple or very complex protocol to handle.

AndrewD 08-28-2008 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by vbboarder (Post 1608637)
The JW player incorrectly handles swf files. The flash/ video will auto loop (by default this should not happen), the time does not show for swf files with time, the player controls do not work - can play flash/ video, but can NOT pause, forward/ rewind, or interact with controls created by the swf itself. This is not a bug with LDM, VB or even Adobe Flash player, it's a limitation with the JW player - tested with JW player 4.0 in Firefox2 & IE7.

Solution: disable swf from all media players in LDM until JW player can play swf (Windows, Quicktime, & Realplayer also can't correctly play it). When the user clicks on the entry's title link or download entry image link, the flash/ video will open up in a new tab/ window and play correctly using Adobe's Flash player (if installed in the browser).

Fix needed: The JW player will still show for swf files (even if no media players have swf set in LDM) when listing a category's entries. This entices the users to play the file using the JW player, which it can not do. Andrew, can you please disable showing the player for swf files when listing a category's entries?

There's a couple of places to make this change.

Inline players

If you are using the JWplayer extra to play media inline, then got to vb/admincp/products and players/plugin manager

Edit the Links and Downloads Manager - JWPlayer Addons plugin attached to hook ldm_linkbit_create.

Change line:

if ($links_defaults['inlineJWplayer_active'] and in_array($linkfiletype, array("mp3", "flv", "swf", "mp4", "m4v", ))) {


if ($links_defaults['inlineJWplayer_active'] and in_array($linkfiletype, array("mp3", "flv", "mp4", "m4v", ))) {
and delete the line


        case "swf":

Edit the Links and Downloads Manager - JWPlayer Addons plugin attached to hook ldm_linkbit_gettypebit.

Change the line

        if (in_array($linkfiletype, array("mp3", "flv", "swf", "m4v", "mp4",))) {

        if (in_array($linkfiletype, array("mp3", "flv", "m4v", "mp4",))) {

Standard players

Go to ldm/admin/media players. Find JWflvPlayer. Remove swf from the list of filetypes handled and save.

vbboarder 08-28-2008 05:33 AM

Thanks for the fix Andrew! :D

Origin2 08-28-2008 07:21 PM

I'm getting this error when trying to access any of your files "Codification Error" "Bad compression"....
I can't even edit any settings or access anything

Ophelia 08-29-2008 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1608712)
Main thing to check:

- Have you (or maybe have I) at some point in the past edited any of the LDM templates used on your site and forgotten to 'revert' them?

Are you using the LDM flash-based swfuploader extra for handling uploads or just the standard form-based uploader?

Will take a look at your site if you want.

Looking in vBulletin under styles, everything is showing that it's been reverted.

We are using the normal form based uploader.

Before I bother you with looking, let me do some testing to see exactly what is happening. I'll repost when I have that information.

AndrewD 08-29-2008 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by Origin2 (Post 1609301)
I'm getting this error when trying to access any of your files "Codification Error" "Bad compression"....
I can't even edit any settings or access anything

This is the first report of this problem, and the error messages are not being generated inside LDM as far as I can tell. Do you want me to take a look at your site - I will need full admin privileges? Send me a PM if so.

derfelix 08-29-2008 06:33 AM

A little utf-8 bug for keywords..

IF the site is in UTF-8 AND you are using multi-language.. (example german and english)
when you add keywords to an entry containing special characters like ? ? ? ? there is a problem.. they wont display or get truncated at the special character..

i found the reason:
the strtolower function cannot convert special characters.. (it says though it will leave them as is.. thats true for some.. but not for those i need..
keyword: "key????test" will come out.. as "key" only..

i did a fix for me.. (it will only work if you dont have multi-encodings on your site AND if your site is UTF-8 for ALL languages)

in the function ldm_explode_keywords in the file: local_links_include.php
PHP Code:

return preg_split("/[,;\s]+/"strtolower($words)); 

replace with:
PHP Code:

return preg_split("/[,;\s]+/"mb_strtolower($words,"UTF-8")); 

hope that helps someone...

PS: still anotherone when testing.. the highlighting doesnt work on keywords with special chars... but that is really minor...(will look into it if time permitting)
PPS: the mb extensions must be installed in php (usually are by default)

AndrewD 08-29-2008 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by derfelix (Post 1609652)
PS: still anotherone when testing.. the highlighting doesnt work on keywords with special chars... but that is really minor...(will look into it if time permitting)
PPS: the mb extensions must be installed in php (usually are by default)

Thanks - I went stir crazy with this a year or so ago with trying to highlight Chinese searches... What to do when you don't understand anything that's on the screen.

Origin2 08-29-2008 08:51 AM

it's a problem with my crappy host >_>

derflix I tried that but still didn't work

sparklywater 08-29-2008 12:40 PM

I need to add a separate link in one of the category listing pages (which displays all the entries in that category), but if I try to add the link to the 'links_linkbit_short_direct' template, the link is added to every row of entry in that category. I don't want the separate link to appear in every row, I need it to appear once somewhere in that category's entry-list page.

I can't add the link to the 'links_main' template because this causes it to appear in every category (I only need the link to appear in one category). How can I add an additional link or some other text to a category's listing without it appearing in every row of entry in that category?

AndrewD 08-29-2008 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by sparklywater (Post 1609856)
I need to add a separate link in one of the category listing pages (which displays all the entries in that category), but if I try to add the link to the 'links_linkbit_short_direct' template, the link is added to every row of entry in that category. I don't want the separate link to appear in every row, I need it to appear once somewhere in that category's entry-list page.

I can't add the link to the 'links_main' template because this causes it to appear in every category (I only need the link to appear in one category). How can I add an additional link or some other text to a category's listing without it appearing in every row of entry in that category?

Can you not make it part of the category's extended description?

Alternatively, there are a series of placeholders in the links_main template, which come from elements of the $ldm_includeinmain array, e.g. $ldm_includeinmain[precat]. You could write a very small plugin which is tied to the ldm_maindisplay_end hook, e.g.:


if ($viewcatid==25) {
$ldm_includeinmain[precat] = "additional html";

This would only appear in categoryid #25

vbboarder 08-30-2008 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by vbboarder (Post 1607657)
Thanks for the fix! The player now shows when listing a category's entries for mp4 and m4v files, but now incorrectly sizes the player.
Bug Report: when viewing a category's listing for audio files with album art, the player's size is the size of the album art, NOT the preset size. This problem did not exist with the prior version of jwaddons.xml.
When you fix this bug, can you PLEASE make LDM use the size for videos if it detects album art and use the size for mp3 if it detects no artwork?
Also, can you make LDM show the player for aac & m4a files, which are supported by the JW Player? ;)

Bug Fix To correctly size the JW player for audio files with album art, edit the JWPlayer Addons plugin attached to the ldm_linkbit_create hook. FIND AND DELETE:


$player_height += $links_defaults['link_imagesize'];
$player_width = max($player_width, $links_defaults['link_imagesize']);
To show JW player for m4a files when viewing a category's list of entries, follow Andrew's instructions in this post, except you're adding "m4a" to the codes he mentioned:
Also in the JWPlayer Addons plugin attached to the ldm_linkbit_create hook, FIND:

case "mp3":
After that, ADD:

case "m4a":
DO NOT enable JW player 4 for aac files, even though it claims support for it. The JW player caused Firefox 2 to freeze/ hang when I tried to play aac files.

derfelix 08-30-2008 03:33 AM

Hi andrew...
I did some tests
with german umlaut.. (???) or french accents (? ? ? ? ?) my fix above seems to work...
with chinese... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH.... you are right.. that is a pain....

but i think i narrowed it down.. BUT i would need some help..

OK.. the problem is.. in UTF-8 with multibyte characters.. there is a preg_replace problem..
(dont ask me why)

The problem is in the line..:
PHP Code:

// Apply highlighting to each of the substrings
$resstrings preg_replace($find$replace$substrings); 

(its the $find that doesnt work for UTF-8 chinese)

I ran some examples with dummy strings.. (notice the /u modifier was added)
example :
PHP Code:

$resstrings preg_replace("/(\b???\b)/iu"" Replaced: $1 ""test ??? test"); 

will give: test Replaced: ??? test
==> works!!!

PHP Code:

$resstrings preg_replace("/(\b欢迎您\b)/iu"" Replaced: $1 ""欢迎欢迎您 欢迎"); 

will give: 欢迎欢迎您 欢迎
==> no highlight :(
The problem whith characters like chinese seems to be the boundary \b
so i tried:
PHP Code:

$resstrings preg_replace("/(" preg_quote("欢迎您") . ")/iu"" Replaced: $1 ""欢迎欢迎您 欢迎"); 

will give: 欢迎 Replaced: 欢迎您 欢迎
==> works.. chinese text is highlighted..!!!!!

BUT.. my question.. is there a drawback?????
not using the boundary \b ???
i used the preg_quote just to avoid $1 errors.. but i guess its not really needed..

to implement this in LDM it would be:
in local_links_include.php in function ldm_make_highlight_regex
PHP Code:

$find[] = '/(\b'.$w.'\b)/i'

replace with:
PHP Code:

$find[] = '/('.preg_quote($w).')/iu'

actually i would also (maybe) add @ in front of the preg_replace in $resstrings = preg_replace($find, $replace, $substrings);
i have ran some tests with keywords in chinese.. they highlight... tried message-text: works also...

AndrewD 08-30-2008 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by vbboarder (Post 1610257)
Bug Fix To correctly size the JW player for audio files with album art, edit the JWPlayer Addons plugin attached to the ldm_linkbit_create hook. FIND AND DELETE:

To show JW player for m4a files when viewing a category's list of entries, follow Andrew's instructions in this post, except you're adding "m4a" to the codes he mentioned:
Also in the JWPlayer Addons plugin attached to the ldm_linkbit_create hook, FIND:

After that, ADD:

DO NOT enable JW player 4 for aac files, even though it claims support for it. The JW player caused Firefox 2 to freeze/ hang when I tried to play aac files.

Thanks for the info.

The sizing bug was originally intended to be a feature - the larger player would include the album cover within the player, rather than displaying it separately. But this did not work consistently.

AndrewD 08-30-2008 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by derfelix (Post 1610354)

PHP Code:

$find[] = '/(\b'.$w.'\b)/i'

replace with:
PHP Code:

$find[] = '/('.preg_quote($w).')/iu'

BUT.. my question.. is there a drawback?????


Thanks, Felix. Indeed the problem is/was the word boundary. The drawback with removing the word boundary markers is that you end up highlighting substrings in the results which the search itself did not match.

For example, suppose you have a string "happily merrily sadly happilymerrilysadly" and you do a search for merrily

This should highlight as "happily merrily sadly happilymerrilysadly"

and it does with the word boundary flags in the regex.

But without them, it highlights as "happily merrily sadly happilymerrilysadly"

** Edited **

Can you try another way of solving the word boundary problem. Edit the loop in ldm_make_highlight_regex as follows:


        foreach ($words AS $w) {
                if ($w != "") {
                        $find[] = '/([\p{C}\p{P}\p{Z}]' . $w . '[\p{C}\p{P}\p{Z}]' . ')/iu';
                        $find[] = '/^(' . $w . '[\p{C}\p{P}\p{Z}]' . ')/iu';
                        $find[] = '/([\p{C}\p{P}\p{Z}]' . $w . '$)/iu';

pooslokka 08-30-2008 06:02 AM

Hai we have now your plugin for last thow months and working like a charm.

I have a question.

Do thumbnails are auto generated or we need to upload a thumbnail ? this is for wallpapers.


AndrewD 08-30-2008 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by pooslokka (Post 1610433)
Hai we have now your plugin for last thow months and working like a charm.

I have a question.

Do thumbnails are auto generated or we need to upload a thumbnail ? this is for wallpapers.


First, you have to set the LDM admin setting link_imagesize, otherwise thumbs are not shown at all

Then, if you fill in the Image field on the Add/Edit Entry form with a image url or image upload, LDM will use that to generate the thummb.

Otherwise, if the entry url itself is an image, the thumbnail is autogenerated from the entry url.

Otherwise, if you have installed the id3tag_enhancements LDM extra and the url is an mp3, it will try to pull out the album art from the mp3.

derfelix 08-30-2008 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1610417)
Thanks, Felix. Indeed the problem is/was the word boundary. The drawback with removing the word boundary markers is that you end up highlighting substrings in the results which the search itself did not match.
For example, suppose you have a string "happily merrily sadly happilymerrilysadly" and you do a search for merrily

This should highlight as "happily merrily sadly happilymerrilysadly"

and it does with the word boundary flags in the regex.

But without them, it highlights as "happily merrily sadly happilymerrilysadly"

So we need to solve the word boundary problem in utf8.

Well then.. I am happy.. :p then it is actually a feature..

if you search for "intern" in google.. in the description and the title, words like international or internal or internship are highlighted!!!!

i was going to anyway modify the search from "word" to "*word*" because if i do a search for "luxury" and only have one entry with the word "luxuryhotels" in description.. i would get no results..it would not show up.. in that case at least the highlighting would allready be done..
on the otherhand.. using ldm as is.. it is also not a major drawback:
if you are looking for merrily ... it will only show you results where the word "merrily" is standalone... so you do have the correct results.. and if you have an extra sadlymerrilysadly then only it will be highlighted.. wich i think is a feature!!!

so if it is the only drawback.. i'm sticking to that solution, especially as php6 is going to have full unicode support.. and I am ready to bet that in php6 this problem will be solved!!

But at least for the moment adding the /u modifier (making it /iu) to the regex will help for languages like german, french or spanish as the highlighting will work as you expect it..

PS: just seen your edit.. doing testing now!

just tested your routine... works fine with description....(not working with keywords) hmmm

BUT with chinese there is another problem... did some reading (i do not understand chinese)
i was trying to extract content to use as description.. thats how i stumbled into this article:
it says

Chinese sentences are written with no special delimiters such as space to indicate word boundaries. Existing Chinese NLP systems therefore employ preprocessors to segment sentences into words.
source: http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=981621

if this is true i think that the "no boundary" version will for the moment be the easiest solution...for chinese

pooslokka 08-30-2008 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1610439)
First, you have to set the LDM admin setting link_imagesize, otherwise thumbs are not shown at all

Then, if you fill in the Image field on the Add/Edit Entry form with a image url or image upload, LDM will use that to generate the thummb.

Otherwise, if the entry url itself is an image, the thumbnail is autogenerated from the entry url.

Otherwise, if you have installed the id3tag_enhancements LDM extra and the url is an mp3, it will try to pull out the album art from the mp3.

Tx, but how to specify the link_imagesize ? no example given,
is this format ok? 200px ? 150px

AndrewD 08-30-2008 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by pooslokka (Post 1610445)
Tx, but how to specify the link_imagesize ? no example given,
is this format ok? 200px ? 150px

No, you just put in a number. As the admin page says:

Size in pixels (along larger dimension) of thumbnail image shown within linkbit. 0: No thumbnails is displayed and data entry forms do not offer image fields.

The information about picking up current value of Thumbnail Size, as set in the vBulletin Admin Control Panel, is not working on every system, for a reason that I do not yet understand.

AndrewD 08-30-2008 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by derfelix (Post 1610442)
Chinese sentences are written with no special delimiters such as space to indicate word boundaries. Existing Chinese NLP systems therefore employ preprocessors to segment sentences into words.

Yes, that was one of the things I discovered too, when I looked into this some time ago. There has been a very helpful and knowledgable Chinese user (ItsBlack) on this forum (he has done all the Chinese translations) - maybe he will spot this post and comment.

I will look at the keyword problem


yes, of course, there needs to be a fourth line:

        $find[] = '/^(' . $w . '$)/iu';
this is all because the special utf8 regex characters do not map neatly onto \b, as far as I can tell - \b matches at start and end of line which the utf8 specials do not.

pooslokka 08-30-2008 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1610459)
No, you just put in a number. As the admin page says:

Size in pixels (along larger dimension) of thumbnail image shown within linkbit. 0: No thumbnails is displayed and data entry forms do not offer image fields.

The information about picking up current value of Thumbnail Size, as set in the vBulletin Admin Control Panel, is not working on every system, for a reason that I do not yet understand.

Done, Thumbs are generated nicesly :up:

derfelix 08-30-2008 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1610460)
maybe he will spot this post and comment.

Looking forward for that...

Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1610460)
yes, of course, there needs to be a fourth line:

        $find[] = '/^(' . $w . '$)/iu';
this is all because the special utf8 regex characters do not map neatly onto \b, as far as I can tell - \b matches at start and end of line which the utf8 specials do not.

Works as a charm..


vbboarder 08-30-2008 02:32 PM

Yeeaahh - it's LDM's 1000th post in this thread alone!

Congrats Andrew on a successful mod & community, and thanks for all your help!

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