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blogcrash 07-30-2008 12:04 AM

What is the version in this moment!!!
I feel lost :(

I'm still using the version 1.5 and i still have the problem with media in profiles!

Gives an error and i don't see any media in any profile tab :(

Can anyone guide me please?

ccb100 07-31-2008 01:49 PM


need some help. Problem:

I have create the link to my *.flv file in my Tex Box.
I can see the Media Picture - but - right to it: the word: test
i can click on the picture and the 'test' link... the player starts.
Where can i modified the Word 'test' ???? I can not find anything in the
docs. You can see the Problem on my Dartsforum here:
(last post there). Would be nice to get a hint from the community here..



1977transam 08-01-2008 11:49 AM

Hey Nix,

I love the hack .. I work being done to make a CMPS module for videos - I have my news group pointing to video's on the main page.

When you click on the video it just refreshes the page.

Thanks Bryan

beishe8 08-02-2008 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by ccb100 (Post 1588349)
(last post there). Would be nice to get a hint from the community here..

Have to be a registered member to be able to see that last post :(

Zilvia 08-02-2008 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by nix (Post 1410218)
If you know how to edit plugins, change the newpost_proceses execute order to 4.

Can you elaborate on this? I have the newpost_process.php file up but dont see what to change. Although Im likely looking in the wrong place.

I have vbSEO and am rewriting, and so I get blank pages after I activate the plugin.

aggiefan 08-02-2008 09:02 PM

any chance we could get easportsworld additions?

http://www.easportsworld.com/en_US/video/19817 (an example video). but our users have been asking for that one being a college sports website we have a bunch of users who want to embed those videos.

nix 08-02-2008 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by aggiefan (Post 1590142)
any chance we could get easportsworld additions?

http://www.easportsworld.com/en_US/video/19817 (an example video). but our users have been asking for that one being a college sports website we have a bunch of users who want to embed those videos.

I already have it done. Just need to release it.


Merjawy 08-03-2008 07:26 PM

not working for me on 3.7.0.. I get an error I can't even view the forum anymore, as soon I ported it I get the error wherever I click .. removed it and all went fine

I love to use it but seems I have to wait


nix 08-03-2008 07:55 PM

It's php 5 only.

Merjawy 08-03-2008 10:46 PM

too bad.. I just looked and its 4.4.8 what my host got.. thanks anyway :)

aggiefan 08-04-2008 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by nix (Post 1590181)
I already have it done. Just need to release it.


excellent.... any date on the release? our users have been begging for it and i was going to try to hack something together but i can wait if its coming to goldbrick.

MjrNuT 08-04-2008 12:33 PM


This mod is working just fine on my site as far as I can tell! Great work. I was wondering if you could add the following sites:




alexsinev 08-04-2008 01:59 PM

It doesn't work for me on 3.7.0. PHP 5.2.2. It seems as if it's absent at all. Doesn't play attachments or links to mediafiles. Everything is turned on. All permissions are Ok. I try to play .mov or .qt or .pdf -- nothing, only download. Tried IE7 and Firefox 3.

K4GAP 08-04-2008 02:27 PM

Working great for me on my site also. Maybe I need to look harder for problems because I'm just not seeing any.

osariase 08-04-2008 03:08 PM

When I tried to add a video link from youtube to my profile, I ge the error message below

Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.

Is there any fix for this?
thanks for your help

EvilJohn 08-04-2008 07:38 PM

I get the same thing, Other than that works great. Thanks


When I tried to add a video link from youtube to my profile, I ge the error message below

Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.

Is there any fix for this?
thanks for your help

nix 08-04-2008 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by alexsinev (Post 1591180)
It doesn't work for me on 3.7.0. PHP 5.2.2. It seems as if it's absent at all. Doesn't play attachments or links to mediafiles. Everything is turned on. All permissions are Ok. I try to play .mov or .qt or .pdf -- nothing, only download. Tried IE7 and Firefox 3.

You have to add the attachments in vbulletins attachment manager.


Originally Posted by osariase (Post 1591233)
When I tried to add a video link from youtube to my profile, I ge the error message below

Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.

Is there any fix for this?
thanks for your help

It's been fixed in a version a couple of pages back.

EvilJohn 08-04-2008 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by nix (Post 1591495)
You have to add the attachments in vbulletins attachment manager.

It's been fixed in a version a couple of pages back.

I just installed your 1.5 version. What do I need to do to fix the error?

Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.

Custom style with vb3.7.2

alexsinev 08-05-2008 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by nix (Post 1591495)
You have to add the attachments in vbulletins attachment manager.

It's been fixed in a version a couple of pages back.

Everything is added in attachment manager. I've updated to 1.91. Nothing changed. It's not working at all, as if it's absent. What's the matter?

nix 08-05-2008 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by EvilJohn (Post 1591500)
I just installed your 1.5 version. What do I need to do to fix the error?

Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.

Custom style with vb3.7.2

Version 1.9 has been posted a couple of pages back. I hope to make it an official release sometime this month.

Originally Posted by alexsinev (Post 1591629)
Everything is added in attachment manager. I've updated to 1.91. Nothing changed. It's not working at all, as if it's absent. What's the matter?

Are you using the attachments in the file system and not the database?

sweeps78 08-05-2008 07:54 PM

I'm having a bit of trouble with some videos that one of my users are trying to embed:


The page also gives me a message asking me to install some missing plugins. The problem is, is that when I click on the button, the plugin can't be found...

The file type is .mpg. I've tried to view these videos in both Firefox 3.0 and IE ver 7, and neither will allow me to view them:(

I haven't looked through the 66 pages here, hehe, so if this was already mentioned and is in the works of getting fixed with the latest release, my pre-apologies.

TheInsaneManiac 08-05-2008 09:27 PM

When uninstalling I get:
syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR admincp/plugin.php(1512) : eval()'d code on line 1

It looks like it uninstalled, but I am not 100% and don't want any problems in the future.

EvilJohn 08-05-2008 10:13 PM

LOL you have to work to find the latest version. Thank you NIX!


alexsinev 08-06-2008 04:53 AM

I coped with the problem, it works and was working, but there are some nuances.


Originally Posted by nix (Post 1592114)
Are you using the attachments in the file system and not the database?

Yes I am. This was not the thing.

First, I turned on the option 'Use Goldbrick Media system when uploading an attachment'. After that the mod recognized my .mov file when I attached it, but refused to play it. It said that the QuickTime plugin was not installed though it was.

Second, I tried to make a hyperlink to a copy of the same .mov file placed to my server. The mod didn't recognized the link. When I manually added [media][/media] around the link, the mod recognized it and started to play.

Anyway, thanks for your help, nix! :) (though the mod doesn't play my .mov attachment, so I've removed the attachment)

And one more thing. The window cuts the QT player's control bar a little. I tried to increase the window size, but this was helpless, it doesn't have an influence on it at all. You can look at it here:


(the forum is in Russian, sorry)

Aidden 08-06-2008 01:48 PM

Has anyone been able to successfully add a flickr video page yet?

Apparently my mind is not capable of making it work.

sample: http://www.flickr.com/photos/theorem/2736241144/

Zilvia 08-06-2008 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by nix (Post 1410218)
If you know how to edit plugins, change the newpost_proceses execute order to 4.

Can you elaborate on this? I have the newpost_process.php file up but dont see what to change. Although Im likely looking in the wrong place.

I have vbSEO and am rewriting, and so I get blank pages after I activate the plugin.

PAKIDIL 08-06-2008 01:56 PM

hello do we also has to set the bbcode becoz youtube movie is not running when i put the link for example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kumHgPO4qc
this its become like this [ media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kumHgPO4qc [ /media]

and it doesnt run only picture comes with the youtube original movie title
waiting for reply


aggiefan 08-06-2008 07:26 PM

just another question (and its the only thing keeping me from using the new version) is i hate the defacto image for the highslide video. is there any way (hopefully with the caching stuff) that you could put a graphic there of the video instead of the one graphic? its the only reason im still using the old view is it has that pre-render screenshot of the video.

and i know a few sites do it right (youtube seems to be the only one so far... atleast that we use) but it needs to work with all of them.

cosy 08-07-2008 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by nix (Post 1591495)
It's been fixed in a version a couple of pages back.

link plz

sweeps78 08-08-2008 08:14 PM

<a href="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1592146&postcount=981" target="_blank">anyone</a>?

influence 08-10-2008 06:45 PM

is there any fix for this?

I just installed your hack and I decided to post a new thread for testing but now I am getting this error message on your forum

at the top of the page, it shows this

Warning: curl_setopt() [function.curl-setopt]: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when in safe_mode or an open_basedir is set in [path]/goldbrick/includes/class_goldbrick.php on line 526

then below it shows this error message

vBulletin Message
Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /home/rapflava/public_html/forums/includes/class_core.php
Line: 3243

any fix? its a nice hack and I would like to keep it

PAKIDIL 08-13-2008 09:29 PM

i have install this can u please tell me how can i take .flv url from this code

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="380" height="325" wmode="transparent" data="/vplayer/mediaplayer.swf?file=/videos/cz/cz_blue-berry-cake_blue-maria.mp4.flv&autostart=false&showfsbutton=true&im age=/videos/cz/zakir.jpg">
<param name="movie" value="/vplayer/mediaplayer.swf?file=/videos/cz/cz_blue-berry-cake_blue-maria.mp4.flv&autostart=false&showfsbutton=true&im age=/videos/cz/zakir.jpg&width=380&height=325" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
<embed src="/vplayer/mediaplayer.swf?file=/videos/cz/cz_blue-berry-cake_blue-maria.mp4.flv&autostart=false&showfsbutton=true&im age=/videos/cz/zakir.jpg" loop="false" width="380" height="325" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">

when i paste the whole code in forum nothing shows .
waiting for reply thanks

ImageMaverick 08-15-2008 03:27 AM

Does anyone have site file that works with screencast, or can anyone make one? it is beyond my ability... www.screencast.com those videos are streaming .flv files and have similar youtube type features...

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Here is an example url that needs to be processed. Using the youtube thing i guess sticks a "v" in there somewhere that is required for youtube but it breaks this code.



eak 08-15-2008 07:35 AM

I have a ploblem when I log in. I click on picture it's show this message


Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.
but when I log out The mod run Ok

I have installed 1.91 and Vb 3.7.2 now

and I read


Are you using the attachments in the file system and not the database?
I wish to know how to do that nix?

nix 08-16-2008 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by aggiefan (Post 1592887)
just another question (and its the only thing keeping me from using the new version) is i hate the defacto image for the highslide video. is there any way (hopefully with the caching stuff) that you could put a graphic there of the video instead of the one graphic? its the only reason im still using the old view is it has that pre-render screenshot of the video.

and i know a few sites do it right (youtube seems to be the only one so far... atleast that we use) but it needs to work with all of them.

You can change the default image if you like. If it shows the default image instead of a thumbnail for the video it's because the site makes it impossible for me to grab it or I just haven't coded it in yet.


Originally Posted by influence (Post 1595675)
is there any fix for this?

I just installed your hack and I decided to post a new thread for testing but now I am getting this error message on your forum

at the top of the page, it shows this

Warning: curl_setopt() [function.curl-setopt]: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when in safe_mode or an open_basedir is set in [path]/goldbrick/includes/class_goldbrick.php on line 526

then below it shows this error message

vBulletin Message
Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /home/rapflava/public_html/forums/includes/class_core.php
Line: 3243

any fix? its a nice hack and I would like to keep it

It's fixed in version 1.9 which is posted a couple of pages back and the think should show in this post. If you want you ca just remove that line from the php code also. safe_mode will be removed from PHP 6 and it really just gives users a false sense of security.


Originally Posted by PAKIDIL (Post 1598057)
i have install this can u please tell me how can i take .flv url from this code

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="380" height="325" wmode="transparent" data="/vplayer/mediaplayer.swf?file=/videos/cz/cz_blue-berry-cake_blue-maria.mp4.flv&autostart=false&showfsbutton=true&im age=/videos/cz/zakir.jpg">
<param name="movie" value="/vplayer/mediaplayer.swf?file=/videos/cz/cz_blue-berry-cake_blue-maria.mp4.flv&autostart=false&showfsbutton=true&im age=/videos/cz/zakir.jpg&width=380&height=325" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
<embed src="/vplayer/mediaplayer.swf?file=/videos/cz/cz_blue-berry-cake_blue-maria.mp4.flv&autostart=false&showfsbutton=true&im age=/videos/cz/zakir.jpg" loop="false" width="380" height="325" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">

when i paste the whole code in forum nothing shows .
waiting for reply thanks

If you give me a link to the site I might be able to add it to the list of sites.


Originally Posted by ImageMaverick (Post 1598925)
Does anyone have site file that works with screencast, or can anyone make one? it is beyond my ability... www.screencast.com those videos are streaming .flv files and have similar youtube type features...

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Here is an example url that needs to be processed. Using the youtube thing i guess sticks a "v" in there somewhere that is required for youtube but it breaks this code.



I can look into it.


Originally Posted by eak (Post 1599050)
I have a ploblem when I log in. I click on picture it's show this message

but when I log out The mod run Ok

I have installed 1.91 and Vb 3.7.2 now

and I read

I wish to know how to do that nix?

Are you saying it's working for you now?

Moving attachments to the file system in in your vbulletin adminCP. You also have to make a folder and give it the right permissions.

I have a version that is pretty much ready to go. I hope to get some free time this week to release it.

Finster 08-16-2008 05:28 PM

I could have sworn Liveleak videos were supported, but as of late GB just adds url tags to the links.

whitetigergrowl 08-18-2008 10:23 PM

I hate searching through this long thread to try and find the latest update download. Why isn't it being updated in the main area above? Along with the update changes? Not like it would be hard. You have to dig through this thread to get the most recent version. When the one above is still 1.5 and has known issues. Seriously, couldn't headaches be saved by updating the main file above and showing the changelog for each version?!

StepOnFrog 08-19-2008 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by whitetigergrowl (Post 1601860)
I hate searching through this long thread to try and find the latest update download. Why isn't it being updated in the main area above? Along with the update changes? Not like it would be hard. You have to dig through this thread to get the most recent version. When the one above is still 1.5 and has known issues. Seriously, couldn't headaches be saved by updating the main file above and showing the changelog for each version?!

^^ Yeah, me too ^^

But, on another note: I would like for Goldbrick to throw up a big sign to my members when they try to post a media link, saying something like "You accept full responsibility for the media you are trying to submit. By clicking the ACCEPT button, you confirm that the media link you are submitting is not associated with any activities deemed illegal (in whichever country the server resides in). Blah blah blah,,,, and so on" And, then have a HUGE button with the word ACCEPT written across it, and another that says cancel. Or, something on these lines.

Is there a way to do this ^^

thanks in advance.

nix 08-19-2008 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by whitetigergrowl (Post 1601860)
I hate searching through this long thread to try and find the latest update download. Why isn't it being updated in the main area above? Along with the update changes? Not like it would be hard. You have to dig through this thread to get the most recent version. When the one above is still 1.5 and has known issues. Seriously, couldn't headaches be saved by updating the main file above and showing the changelog for each version?!

If I thought they were ready for everyone to use I would release it there.

glorify 08-19-2008 11:59 PM

Have some questions:

I am currently using ame and want to know that this will convert all older posts
Is easportsworld in the release?
Have you done nfl.com?


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