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peterska2 12-06-2005 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Intrepid
Just with that peterska2 - is there any way of knowing why the file is corrupt and any way of fixing it at all please, as I have a few that are also the same?

Thank you.

I don't know of any way to do so I'm afraid.

Guest190829 12-06-2005 09:43 PM

Please, as stated before (numerous times), leave this thread for bug reports and things concerning the hack. With a thread this big it's essential that we leave all redundant comments outside of the thread. If your looking for games or if you want to discuss a different topic, please post another thread in General Modification discussion or somewhere else.

Also, please respect all members, cursing will not be tolerated. :)

lsgworldl 12-06-2005 10:02 PM

where do I get games and how do I install games, please post where to get games,a dn how to install games

peterska2 12-06-2005 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by lsgworldl
where do I get games and how do I install games, please post where to get games,a dn how to install games

Look, you are really starting to annoy me. :angry: Do you even bother to read the replies to your posts? :mad:

Go back one page, read the replies.

Ask again at your peril!!!!! :mad: :angry: http://www.peterska2.co.uk/images/smilies/afire.gif

puertoblack2003 12-06-2005 10:11 PM

i think someone needs a time out it's getting out of hand...this thread is to report bugs not compliants...... :devious:

lsgworldl 12-06-2005 10:16 PM

funny how I posted major bug 30 pages ago only to get no reply and we are not ignoring you reply and nothing on how to fix the problem 30 pages on

Rickie3 12-06-2005 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by lsgworldl
where do I get games and how do I install games, please post where to get games,a dn how to install games

your not very bright,if you read my post a few pages back,i said if your that concerned about where to get games send me a PM,and stop hyjacking this thread with where to get games :mad:

lsgworldl 12-06-2005 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by nievesidenshop
i think someone needs a time out it's getting out of hand...this thread is to report bugs not compliants...... :devious:

if you think that then why not tell ppl how to get games and how to install them if more then one person is asking in this thread, but then again this is a half finished mod from a guy who dosnt care about finishing what he started or tell any one how to get stuff for his hack

peterska2 12-06-2005 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Rickie3
your not very bright,if you read my post a few pages back,i said if your that concerned about where to get games send me a PM,and stop hyjacking this thread with where to get games :mad:

especially when I actually gave you two perfectly good links too.

puertoblack2003 12-06-2005 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by lsgworldl
if you think that then why not tell ppl how to get games and how to install them if more then one person is asking in this thread, but then again this is a half finished mod from a guy who dosnt care about finishing what he started or tell any one how to get stuff for his hack

i don't know where you get it!!!!! i love my arcade works greaaaaat!!!!

lsgworldl 12-06-2005 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by peterska2
especially when I actually gave you two perfectly good links too.

good links? LMFAO sorry but google isnt a good link, if I asked where to get a book on a certain subject that is very rare, you and your little brain will prob point be to a general library, o and BTW I have tried google, sorry but if I dont know what I am looking for how can i search MORON

Guest190829 12-06-2005 10:42 PM

Please everyone calm down, appropriate action is being taken by the staff. Those who are on their last warning have been notified by the staff. :)

Final reminder: All topics that do not concern the actual hack do not belong here.

lsgworldl 12-06-2005 10:47 PM

<a href="http://pspgameforums.com/forum/arcade.php?&act=Arcade&do=viewtourney&tid=7" target="_blank">http://pspgameforums.com/forum/arcad...wtourney&tid=7</a>


the second guy in final cant play any games in final so we cant have a winnner BUG

lsgworldl 12-06-2005 10:49 PM

when I amke a tourny in Arcade ModCP

mySQL query error: SELECT userid, username FROM user WHERE userid IN() ORDER BY userid

mySQL error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') ORDER BY userid' at line 1
mySQL error code:
Date: Tuesday 06th of December 2005 07:49:29 PM


Boofo 12-06-2005 11:16 PM

As long as you keep acting as you are in this thread, no one is going to lift a finger to help you. Now, either calm down and act respectable, or wait and hope someone comes along that will tolerate the attitude.

As far as asking about games in this thread, read the last line in the first post.

Xplorer4x4 12-07-2005 12:09 AM

Ummm I have made the postbit and postbit_legacy templates yet the arcade infromation does not display. I did not make the template edits on 3.5.1 only now on 3.5.2.

I saw the link to get games but was ab it confused but I will take that to the other thread. :)

C_P 12-07-2005 12:46 AM

Dear lsgworldl
I unfortunately, (as many have already done in this thread) have been forced to go off topic to address your continued badgering about where to get games as well as the disrespect towards the coders that bring you their time, hard work and effort to the amazing programs they give FREELY to the community.
For you, I have a VERY SPECIAL link I created just for you so this will answer your question on where to get games. Now, since I have gone out of my way for you as have others, I (and I am sure the staff does too) ask you to grow some patience and respect and stay on topic here and do some reading.
Finally, here is the link to answer your question JUST for YOU!


*Note, if there is any staff here that choose to remove this post, please do so, I just could not take it any longer.

Boofo 12-07-2005 01:19 AM

And to think that I just clicked that link. :(

C_P 12-07-2005 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
And to think that I just clicked that link. :(

Sorry bud! But I did say "
For lsgworldl
Dear lsgworldl and For you, I have a VERY SPECIAL link I created just for you "

peterska2 12-07-2005 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
And to think that I just clicked that link. :(

So did I, but I'm just nosey ;)

Boofo 12-07-2005 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by C_P
Sorry bud! But I did say "
For lsgworldl
Dear lsgworldl and For you, I have a VERY SPECIAL link I created just for you "

Oh, sure! Hollar at the Moderator after you viciously tricked him into clicking a link. :(

dinodonk 12-07-2005 01:56 AM

installing takes years and server load jump to 100 because of mysql. maybe this caused by altering vb user table???

was anyone experience this too?

Xplorer4x4 12-07-2005 01:57 AM

I clicked it to....:devious: but it worked fine the second time around. :) I knew I shouldn't of cliked that lol but um could some one adress my small support issue with the template edits not showing up.

C_P 12-07-2005 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Oh, sure! Hollar at the Moderator after you viciously tricked him into clicking a link. :(

HA! Never. :nervous: seems your curiosity is passing the blame to me? Now, back on topic shall we? I am sure there is one reader of this thread that is sure to take it back off topic. If he does, just point him to #977

theArchitect 12-07-2005 03:25 AM

I just added a stack of new games, but when I try and save a score get this.


Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.

The error returned was:

This score was not submitted from the game. Your score will not be saved.
All games which I added before today work fine, just this new batch.

CBE 12-07-2005 05:22 AM

<font size="5">dear all,,,
can any body plz tell me how can i disable the PM for all users when a new high score is recorded ????</font>

Scooterpig 12-07-2005 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by CBE
dear all,,,
can any body plz tell me how can i disable the PM for all users when a new high score is recorded ????

I thought the only way was for each member to go into their Arcade Settings and turn it off, wasn't aware of a group way, although I may be wrong.

davidw 12-07-2005 10:35 AM

After having read most of the posts in here, and on other hacks... why do people complain over the most trivial things??? 98% of all my problems with hacks, I can fix myself (70% from just putting the effort in to figure it out, 20% from reading through others' posts who have had similiar problems in the related hack's thread, and 8% from using search) - the other 2%... I ask about. I'm not pointing fingers or naming names, but its like the "where do I get games?" question... I like to use google and I've found some places - its not that hard - Step 1) Go to google.com http://www.google.com Step 2) type in your search criteria Step 3) Click "Google Search" Step 4) trial and error (click on links). I've found a few games, but I've also put forth an effort to find them. In other complaints, I've found out that the answer is there, its just people aren't looking? When I first got vBulletin, I didn't go "HEY! HOW DO I DO THIS?????", I went through EACH and EVERY nook and cranny (sp?) and covered every square pixel to learn what I could BEFORE asking questions. Don't put the cart before the horse or you won't get anywhere.

Anyways, rant off - btw, Great job on the hack - my forum loves it.

****** comment removed by ******


solent 12-07-2005 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
And to think that I just clicked that link. :(

Chuckle so did I :o

Stormwolf 12-07-2005 03:02 PM

I have another request/suggestion :)

If anyone wants to take it on it might be nice to add in a token system or to use ucash in order to have people pay to play each game and recieve tokens for winning.

Something like an option in the admin part to turn on the use of tokens, then something for each game where you could put how many tokens the game cost to play.

Then for winning you could do some random numbered token reward based on total tokens stored for that game. You could even go as far as listing how many total tokens are available to win in each game's info window in the arcade.

Something similar to what what http://www.pogo.com has.

WhatChaMissin 12-07-2005 03:14 PM

^^^hmmm maybe a uCash addon would be something to throw on the todo list.

puertoblack2003 12-07-2005 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by christianb
After having read most of the posts in here, and on other hacks... why do people complain over the most trivial things??? 98% of all my problems with hacks, I can fix myself (70% from just putting the effort in to figure it out, 20% from reading through others' posts who have had similiar problems in the related hack's thread, and 8% from using search) - the other 2%... I ask about. I'm not pointing fingers or naming names, but its like the "where do I get games?" question... I like to use google and I've found some places - its not that hard - Step 1) Go to google.com http://www.google.com Step 2) type in your search criteria Step 3) Click "Google Search" Step 4) trial and error (click on links). I've found a few games, but I've also put forth an effort to find them. In other complaints, I've found out that the answer is there, its just people aren't looking? When I first got vBulletin, I didn't go "HEY! HOW DO I DO THIS?????", I went through EACH and EVERY nook and cranny (sp?) and covered every square pixel to learn what I could BEFORE asking questions. Don't put the cart before the horse or you won't get anywhere.

Anyways, rant off - btw, Great job on the hack - my forum loves it.

****** comment removed by ******


i agree with you 100% i do the same as well my last resort would be posting a question..even though i'm a noob to this game i learned alot from reading the thread and applying the fix..which result to a complete satification i worked a hole lot of overtime to get my board up and with my members and staff trying to be patience awaiting for the site to be up and running it turned out to be a
sucess..i wish that everyone appreciated the coders for there hard work in giving us hacks to advance our boards....thank you coders :banana: :banana: :banana:

Sooner95 12-07-2005 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by WhatChaMissin
^^^hmmm maybe a uCash addon would be something to throw on the todo list.

Yes I second that. the only addon I would ask for. Then members can use their points to play games.

sirblack 12-07-2005 05:47 PM

hi to change the Subject guy i have a problem lol oh realy i hear you say its a good one
i have vb 3.50 and i installed vb arcade then saw this arcade and decided it was better because it has all the games allready so ive installed ibarcade as well wel id like too say i got away with it but i dint lol
first there is no link on forums home to the arcade but the vb one still is there
second i have two styles on my board basicaly one default and one called subblack
well my sub black was defult now its gone lol the options in genral settings inadmin have disaperd lol
i gess this is what i get for being greedy just dint wana try and take the vb arcade out in case it messed the board up but in stead i have all options in admin all are there for both arcades so any idears guys ??

all the best sir-idiot (i know it )

davidw 12-07-2005 05:55 PM

On the link, the instructions have you create a link manually in your navbar. If you are using this one instead of the other arcade, find it in your navbar and replace it with the link in the instructions. On the rest, I'm unsure of how to help you offhand.

Synth 12-07-2005 05:57 PM

Try uninstalling the other arcade from Admincp, if all else fails remove both arcades and then install this one. SHouldn't hurt your site at all

sirblack 12-07-2005 05:58 PM

Thanks m8 thats a start i gess i allso wounder if i shuld manualy do the sript changes too both templates as i dint i only did one im gona go cheak that there in both and if not ill make the changes now thanks.

all the best sirblack

sirblack 12-07-2005 07:37 PM

A update i did what you said and now only got one arcade showing on me board but its still the vb one lol and even weider some of the ib games show on the vb lol and im not shure how to uninstall the vb arcade safeley any help guys on how to do it ??

all the best sirblack

Xplorer4x4 12-07-2005 07:41 PM

If you look up my post over at the vB3 Arcade forums you will get an answer that said soemthing to the extent that there not compatible.

Is anyone else having the problem with making the arcade winners show up in postbit and/or Postbit Legacy?.

MrZeropage 12-07-2005 08:17 PM

I will check the postbit-information with vB 3.5.2

and I try to do a global "PM Notification" in the Arcade Settings ;)

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