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mumin_abdul 07-14-2009 05:00 PM

It seems that my admin doesnt do anything after displaying the following info:

Importing Product, Please Wait...


* Creating Table video ... Done!
* Creating Table videocategory ...
* Altering Table video ...Done!
* Altering Table videocategory ...Done!
* Altering Table session ...Done!
* Altering Table usergroup ...Done!

* Creating Table videocomment ... Done!
* Altering Table video ...Done!

* Creating Table videorate ... Done!
* Altering Table video ...Done!

* Creating Table videohosterapi ... Done!
* Altering Table video ...Done!

* Altering Table video ...Done!

It doesnt finish or do anything else. If I check to see if its installed then I see that it isnt.

Any ideas why or a fix?

mumin_abdul 07-14-2009 06:02 PM

Its ok now. Managed to install it.

But its not showing anything in the forum except 'Video Directory' link which the administrator doesnt seem to have access to.

funkmeister 07-15-2009 05:41 AM

I just noticed that when loading in an HD video clip from YouTube, the HD version of a video is not playing automatically, you still have to click on the HD icon in the YouTube player, to get it running in HD mode. It was working at some point in the past, so perhaps YouTube have made some changes recently?

Anyone know what I need to adjust in the hoster file or elsewhere to have YouTube HD videos play in HD mode from the start (without having to click on HD)?

Thanks in advance.

yotsume 07-15-2009 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by BGObsession (Post 1847567)
....First of all, no matter what I do (and I'm not alone - there must be at least 5 other references to this issue in this thread), I cannot get member avatars to show with comments. Don't tell me again to create a folder, etc...none of that has worked. I'm on 3.8 btw... There's clearly something wrong in terms of having the standard member avatars show with comments. If anyone has clear directions on how to fix this, it would be greatly appreciated! Seeing that stupid '?' in place of a great avatar just doesn't cut it.

My avatars show in my comments. At first they did not. I know you don't want to hear the make a folder instructions but that really does fix the problem. I had to rebuild my avatar cache as well. The permissions of the folder are important as well. Maybe it matters if your avatar images are being stored in your database or file system? Maybe it matters what theme or skin you are using? Wish I could help you out better here. I had a ruff time installing but worked it all out.


Secondly, maybe I'm just ignorant, but I cannot figure out how to add a hoster. Even where, as with Veoh, an xml file is provided, there are no instructions anywhere I can see as to what to do with it and how to 'add' a video site.
This I am sure I can help you with. I agree the instructions for adding back in the hosters is very poor.

I will assume your video admin panel is showing up correctly inside your vb AdminCP. If you see "Video Directory" listed then it should be.

Adding Hosters Instructions

1. Go to AdminCP > Video Directory > Manage Hoster
2. In the field labeled "import the XML file from your server" you will need to type in the following hoster xml info one by one to add them in.


3. Copy and paste the above hoster xml locations in and click "Import" following the on screen prompts.

These instructions are how you re-import the default hosters or in the future add in new ones which get developed. ;)


Finally, why can we not add an image or banner to the custom text atop the Video Directory - other bb codes work but the image tags will not. That's just strange?
What image code are you using and where exactly are you entering it?

mumin_abdul 07-15-2009 04:48 PM

I dont mean to be a pest - but would someone please help me? An important part of my forum is dependent on this mod.

Ive installed it but there are no visible changes to the forum afterwards, nor am I able to access the 'video directory' link.

Jaxel 07-15-2009 05:41 PM

Okay... I haven't been keeping up...

Would someone mind putting a list together of bugs and feature requests?

@mumin_abdul... set your usergroup permissions...
@funkmeister... youtube changed the way they handle HD vids, fix already on my forums, will come in next version.

mumin_abdul 07-15-2009 07:17 PM

Jaxel my good man ... you are a genius!

Just a little problem - is there a way to set the video directory as the default layout when people visit the forum?

mumin_abdul 07-15-2009 08:09 PM

My request would be to add a picture hosting service - where you can upload images related to each video.

bluecat 07-16-2009 03:49 AM

Awsome mod, thank you!

Can anyone tell me which template (and where specifically) to edit to reduce the width? I've searched this entire thread and found about 3 people ask as well, but now answer besides "in the related templates." Can anyone be more specific? I have a fixed template as well and when you view the video, it's breaking up the template.

Thank you very much for the help.

funkmeister 07-16-2009 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 1849381)
@funkmeister... youtube changed the way they handle HD vids, fix already on my forums, will come in next version.

Thanks Jaxel, look forward to it :up:

l_amhed 07-16-2009 07:27 AM

Hi Jaxel !

Some features that would be nice to see coming up in the next version :
- Post a new thread in X forum when a new vid is uploaded
- A block you can put in left or central column with the X latest comments
- An option to put some categories as private (based on usergroup or something) / making "private" videos not appearing in the profil page block.

- A way to handle local or remote mp3s files

Bugs ?
- The RSS flux is not working correctly, I have an empty page.

Thanks and see you !

funkmeister 07-16-2009 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 1849381)
@funkmeister... youtube changed the way they handle HD vids, fix already on my forums, will come in next version.


Originally Posted by funkmeister (Post 1849724)
Thanks Jaxel, look forward to it :up:

By the way, I noticed the same is true for HQ mode too...it's not turning on by default now, requires a click! Any clues for that one too?

Thanks again.

daveaite 07-16-2009 10:44 PM

Where can I edit the nav bar code for video directory?

snoopy5 07-17-2009 08:12 AM


how can I add banners (Googles adsense and others) into the Video section? Which template would be the right one?


Reycer 07-17-2009 07:58 PM

problem: Whenever I have this mod enabled, I cannot upload any new BB Codes, but if I disable it, I can use it. Any thoughts. Here is the "Fatal Error" I am getting:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare handle_bbcode_video() (previously declared in /home/content/m/d/e/mdelcour201/html/forums/includes/class_bbcode.php(2463) : eval()'d code:24) in /home/content/m/d/e/mdelcour201/html/forums/includes/class_bbcode.php(2463) : eval()'d code on line 24

accludetuner 07-17-2009 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by daveaite (Post 1850209)
Where can I edit the nav bar code for video directory?

Your Style > Video Directory Templates > VIDEO_SHELL_SIDE


Originally Posted by snoopy5 (Post 1850401)

how can I add banners (Googles adsense and others) into the Video section? Which template would be the right one?


really most templates within Your STyle > Video Directory Templates, but in particular you might wanna try VIDEO_SHELL, video_bit_more, video_category, video_comment_bit and video_details_embed.


Originally Posted by mdelcour (Post 1850762)
problem: Whenever I have this mod enabled, I cannot upload any new BB Codes, but if I disable it, I can use it. Any thoughts. Here is the "Fatal Error" I am getting:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare handle_bbcode_video() (previously declared in /home/content/m/d/e/mdelcour201/html/forums/includes/class_bbcode.php(2463) : eval()'d code:24) in /home/content/m/d/e/mdelcour201/html/forums/includes/class_bbcode.php(2463) : eval()'d code on line 24

It lloks like you have two BBcodes called "video". If you have a previously installed BBcode called :video, try renaming it to something else.

daveaite 07-18-2009 02:44 AM

Thanks mate. Appreciate the time for your post.

bposner 07-18-2009 02:54 PM

SOLVED was logged with admin privileges not admin account, didn't see the link in AdminCP

Installed VERY nice, THANK YOU!
I searched around, but because there is usually just one forum for a product, and it's popular the posts get extensive, and apologize for asking something that may be here.
I can not find how to add additional categories.
thank you

yotsume 07-19-2009 09:55 AM

BUG: BB Code in Posts

I beleive there is a bug with how this mod is using BB Code to embed the player in forum posts. If you paste the BB code of a video into a post and save it and then re-edit that same post and save it again... the video will be stripped out because the BB Code is becoming corrupted... possibly by the editor?

When the video is embedded in a post it is cutting off the top of the signature.

I will have to test for this bug in blogs as well...

This needs a fix please!

bposner 07-19-2009 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by yotsume (Post 1851588)
BUG: BB Code in Posts

I beleive there is a bug with how this mod is using BB Code to embed the player in forum posts. If you paste the BB code of a video into a post and save it and then re-edit that same post and save it again... the video will be stripped out because the BB Code is becoming corrupted... possibly by the editor?

When the video is embedded in a post it is cutting off the top of the signature.

I will have to test for this bug in blogs as well...

This needs a fix please!

I don't see this. I've edited a post numerous times, in fact have more than one video in the same post and haven't seen this problem.

Jaxel 07-19-2009 03:24 PM

I just tested it on my forums (unreleased version)... working fine.

yotsume 07-19-2009 07:45 PM

I am sure its a mod conflict. I have Egg Avatar and a Countdown timer that might be conflicting or maybe a picture resizer or a few other mods. But the problem is real and I got it :(

I guess I have to disable 1 by 1 and see what corrects it. Im on vb3.7x btw.

Taringa! CS 07-23-2009 01:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I've got a permission problem when users that are on groups created by me tryed to access the video gallery.

check attachments

Attachment 102398

Attachment 102399

thx in advance

yotsume 07-23-2009 09:16 PM

Editing Messages distorts BB Code for Videos

I have a big issue on my site in both the forum and blogs. When the BB code for a video is pasted into a message and initially saved it works fine and the video shows in the message.

When you re-edit the message the BB code is being transformed into some weird URL with extra code which destroys the video's BB code. When the message is saved again the video box is replaced with a text url instead.

Developer, can you please have a look at my site and help me to fix this issue. My site is run by vb3.7x

.... I can PM you my site info???

daveaite 07-24-2009 06:49 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Honestly, I can't find the code that will change my nav bar too look like the rest...

see attached pic. I looked in the side_shell...but i believe that is related to the side bar to the right of the videos.

bartek24m 07-24-2009 09:42 AM

Hello i notice one problem

the guests can rate video
it's possible to anable them rate the video

insted of choose 1,2,3,4,5 star guests can see this messages:

You have already rated this video!
plz. help me how to solve this problem

jaypeesmith 07-25-2009 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by daveaite (Post 1854512)
Honestly, I can't find the code that will change my nav bar too look like the rest...

see attached pic. I looked in the side_shell...but i believe that is related to the side bar to the right of the videos.

I don't see it, either. If someone would point this out to me, I would be very grateful.

GaRanT 07-25-2009 01:42 PM

how it's posible to have this hack on vb 3.6.7

Limode 07-26-2009 01:04 AM

I'm got this error when moved server.


SELECT * FROM video AS video
                WHERE userid = 1
                ORDER BY dateline DESC
                LIMIT a;

MySQL Error  : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'a' at line 4
Error Number  : 1064
Request Date  : Saturday, July 25th 2009 @ 09:51:25 PM
Error Date    : Saturday, July 25th 2009 @ 09:51:25 PM
Script        : http://*****/member.php?action=getinfo&u=1

How to fix this ?

energetic 07-26-2009 07:42 AM

installed an dI try to add non-English video and error as follows:

mysql: Illegal mix of collations for operation ' IN '

how can I add video other than English ?

PlaybyPlay 07-27-2009 03:52 AM

I have a problem... I can see videos as an administrator, but people in custom usergroups can't.... I looked at the permissions and the only thing they cant do is moderate video.

Kai77 07-27-2009 08:28 PM

I'm wondering why YoutTubeHD is not working...
Few things I want to mention:

What does "dsahkads" means in the videourl settings?

Had a short look into videohoster-YouTubeHD.xml.
Seems there is &hd=1 missing in fetch_embedcode()

I also suggest to use http://code.google.com/p/swfobject/ for including flash.

Jaxel 07-28-2009 02:01 PM

A lot of the bugs people are complaining about are fixed in the version on my forums... but I dont want to release a new version of this mod until I get the AJAX commenting fixed...

But I can't figure it out. Would someone mind looking at it for me?

The NAVBAR is PLUGIN based. Check your plugins to fix it.

Jaxel 07-28-2009 04:39 PM

Status of the newest version...

1 - "Add Video" link on main page, with category dropdown on the add page.
2 - Recent videos and searching fixes for videos not in a user's permissions.
3 - Template fixes, as well as uncached templates.
4 - YouTube's new API and embed code fixes.

1 - AJAX Commenting... cant figure it out.

pigsy 07-28-2009 06:25 PM

Thanks for all the work Jaxel, but how about the ability to automatically submit a thread/post whenever a new video is added - this will make a much bigger difference to the usage of the mod, than any bit of ajax will.

Jaxel 07-28-2009 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by pigsy (Post 1857347)
Thanks for all the work Jaxel, but how about the ability to automatically submit a thread/post whenever a new video is added - this will make a much bigger difference to the usage of the mod, than any bit of ajax will.

DONE. I have just added that to my forums, so it will be in the next version.

ArnyVee 07-28-2009 10:05 PM

The auto-submit a thread is a GREAT feature! When should we see the latest version Jaxel? Are you still going to wait until you figure out the AJAX commenting?

Jaxel 07-28-2009 10:14 PM

Yes... until I figure the AJAX thing out, I will not release the new version. Sadly, I think I'm stuck, and I need someone's help at this point.

ArnyVee 07-28-2009 10:19 PM

I'm sure that you've already seen these Jaxel, but figured I'd show you in case they could help you.



Jaxel 07-29-2009 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by ArnyVee (Post 1857496)
I'm sure that you've already seen these Jaxel, but figured I'd show you in case they could help you.



I dont want to get it to work using Prototype or the like, there is no reason to use such a package for this simple process.

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