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-   -   Major Additions - Email Integration (New threads/replies by email) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=151222)

rconn 09-24-2008 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by rconn (Post 1628466)
I had everything working for several months, then upgraded to vBulletin 3.7.3. Now the posts sent via email aren't appearing in the forum. (They are in the account inboxes, but they're apparently not being picked up.)

I doublechecked everything I could find but don't see any reason why the messages aren't being forwarded. Anybody have an idea what's going on?


Rex Conn

I resolved this problem by applying the fix in #839.

I still have one remaining problem after the update -- the emails sent from the forum all have the forum name in the "From" field instead of the user name (as they had previously). I've been poking through the options but haven't found the one that controls that setting.

Rex Conn

toivo 09-24-2008 01:42 AM

Hi Rex,

You can control it from:

AdminCP - vBulletin Options - Email Integration Settings - Use Single From Address.

I have that option selected, but if you turn it off, I assume it does what you want.


rconn 09-24-2008 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by toivo (Post 1628960)
Hi Rex,

You can control it from:

AdminCP - vBulletin Options - Email Integration Settings - Use Single From Address.

I have that option selected, but if you turn it off, I assume it does what you want.


I already have that option turned off. If I turn it on, I get an empty field for the Sender.


TBrewerton 09-28-2008 06:07 AM

Hi there,

Ive tried installing the mod.

I can get messages to be sent to Inbox but when replying i get the following error

"Email Integration

Imap not recognized!! You MUST enable IMAP extensions on your server in your php.ini file!

Fatal error: Cannot break/continue 1 level in /home/upload/includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 52"

You say to make sure IMAP is turned on in php.ini yet i dont have dirrect access, if i know the command to turn it on my host has said i can place the command in a file named php.ini and it will turn the option on, can anyone help me with code to do this as i have no idea.

Im running on a linux server.

Kindest Regards,


toivo 09-30-2008 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by TBrewerton (Post 1632054)
Hi there,

Ive tried installing the mod.

I can get messages to be sent to Inbox but when replying i get the following error

"Email Integration

Imap not recognized!! You MUST enable IMAP extensions on your server in your php.ini file!

Fatal error: Cannot break/continue 1 level in /home/upload/includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 52"

You say to make sure IMAP is turned on in php.ini yet i dont have dirrect access, if i know the command to turn it on my host has said i can place the command in a file named php.ini and it will turn the option on, can anyone help me with code to do this as i have no idea.

Im running on a linux server.

Kindest Regards,



That is odd because according to the manual at http://php.net/manual/en/imap.installation.php, only Windows users can add the extension to php.ini. Otherwise PHP needs to have been compiled with the option --with-imap.


lbernstein 10-04-2008 11:40 PM

I'm currently on version 2.3.1 and looking to upgrade to the latest version (2.6.1). Do I need to actually upgrade to version 2.4, then to 2.5 and then the latest version? If so, where do I find the older versions?


mvanlare 10-08-2008 04:34 PM

Same issue as txspaderz. I am trying to import messages from a mailbox and don't care who the From address is. Can we circumvent the Invalid Email when running the scheduled task to post to a forum with no restrictions on membership?

mvanlare 10-08-2008 05:17 PM

Would it also be possible to automatically merge threads with same title? The way it is set up, each new email shows as a new thread. Is there any way to lump threads together if they have the same title?

For example, a round of emails go about with the subject RE: Help please! - instead of 17 emails turning into 17 threads, I would like them to show as one thread.

I know there is a merge function, but I would prefer not to have to manage this on a daily basis.

Thanks for the add-on! Good stuff!

JohnNM 10-16-2008 05:12 PM

Hi Chris,

It has been a while since I installed this excellent mod. Thanks for your earlier help to get some of the minor wrinkles worked out. I have a strange problem that I could use your help with.

I have several hundred users on my forum now. Out of these users, as near as I can tell, only two of us are receiving duplicate emails from every forum post. When you go into the UserCP -> EditOptions -> Format For Email Integration and change from Text to HTML, you then get one email in text and the other in HTML. This is about the only clue I have to go on right now.

The only other information I can think to give you is that I am running 3.68 Patch 2 (yes, I know I need to upgrade - not enough cycles in the day yet), and that one of the users is a RegisteredUser, and I am an Administrator. Any help you might give would be very appreciated.


JohnNM 10-16-2008 07:36 PM

Hi Chris

One more thing. I would like to upgrade both vBulletin and Email Integration. Should I upgrade one before the other?


Abbas 10-19-2008 03:12 AM

Excellent script- almost exactly what I was looking for- just had one question regarding the possible functionality:

At the moment, I receive news in email that I post to one of the forums which is picked up by my homepage. With this script, I can simply fwd the email that gets posted on the forum and picks up on the home page and its working great. The only functionality I would love is the ability to add Tags to the post on vB by maybe adding a line at the end of the email saying Tags: xxx

Is that a possibility?


leitel 11-04-2008 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by AyeCapn (Post 1607314)
I suspect this has been brought up before, but couldn't find anything. When a thread is ut into moderation it still generates an email before the moderation is approved or denied. Can the email be delayed until moderation approval is given?

I am having emails of unmoderated posts go out. This is one way to quickly discourage participation from the very groups that are integral to our site. I will go fishing to hack around this but if this has already been addressed that would be great!! :)

Quantnet 11-18-2008 04:54 PM

Does this work with latest version vb 3.8 beta?

GlamRockTalk 11-20-2008 06:20 PM

I haven't started to do much research on this mod just yet. But, I was wondering if there was a way to put advertisements automatically into the 'message'? If so, how would it be done?

If I'm going to add this, I need to make sure that my site sponsors are not affected by less folks visiting and only replying via e-mail. If I can edit the 'message' sent with the actual thread/post, then we'll be fine.

pjcnlv 11-24-2008 09:08 PM

Great mod. I think I can abandon the very unreliable (as of late) Google Groups with this.

I noticed earlier in this thread that you were working on the creation of thumbnails for embedded images. Has this progressed?

I would really like to have the users on the forum/archive see the thumbnail and be able to launch the full size image in the VBulletin environment.

Thanks much!

pjcnlv 11-24-2008 10:17 PM

Okay, I have this working however, the system is simply sending out the canned messages for new posts to a forum when folks are subscribed to receive same.

The subject line of the emails sent out looks like this

"New Post/Thread Notification: (real forum name)"

The actual message subject line when posted was "TEST @Baja.net".

How can I fix this?

I think this is also preventing me from sending an email back to a thread so that the post becomes properly threaded on the forum.

asiegel 12-02-2008 02:37 PM


I was wondering if there was any progress made around using this addon with forums that are password protected?


ArnyVee 12-04-2008 02:36 AM

So, I've got a question.

I recently installed a mobile style on my forums. I've been asked if there is an option where someone could send a picture from their mobile device to the forums and have it post automatically.

When they asked this, I thought of this mod. But, not sure if it's possible.

Is this something that I can do with this mod? If so, is it difficult to setup?

toivo 12-08-2008 11:43 AM

Images do not seem to travel well with this mod. I commented out some checks it was doing and still had to recommend to users to rather create the post in the forum with attachments or embedded images than send attachments through email.

Off the topic: Outlook 2003 wraps long urls to the next line when the line exceeds 72 characters. There is a workaround: go to Tools - Options - Mail Format - International Options and deselect 'Auto select encoding for outgoing messages' and then select Western European (ISO) as the 'Preferred encoding for outgoing messages'. No broken URLs after this change.


ArnyVee 12-08-2008 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by ArnyVee (Post 1678211)
So, I've got a question.

I recently installed a mobile style on my forums. I've been asked if there is an option where someone could send a picture from their mobile device to the forums and have it post automatically.

When they asked this, I thought of this mod. But, not sure if it's possible.

Is this something that I can do with this mod? If so, is it difficult to setup?

I just did some searching through this mod's pages (sure are a lot of 'em!) and found a couple of instances where folks were referred to PhotoPost for what I'm suggesting above. But, after speaking with the folks at PhotoPost, they no longer support the ability to upload pictures via a mobile device (even though it states it in the features). So, I'm glad that I asked before purchasing it.

Anyone else have any suggestions?

snoopy5 12-11-2008 10:53 AM


1. Is it possible to use this plugin only one-way? I.e. only to send e-mails with all postings of the board out, but without the option to reply by mail?


After installing this modification you will have new settings in your forum manager where for each forum you can enable this modification and setup a separate email address to use for each forum that you have this enabled for.
2. Is this step above a "have to"? Is it possible with the scenario #1 to use only one e-mail address for the whole vb-board? I want my users to get all postings, no matter which subforum.

3. Is there a daily digest an option in ACP available?

Thanks in advance

ArnyVee 12-11-2008 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by ArnyVee (Post 1680980)
I just did some searching through this mod's pages (sure are a lot of 'em!) and found a couple of instances where folks were referred to PhotoPost for what I'm suggesting above. But, after speaking with the folks at PhotoPost, they no longer support the ability to upload pictures via a mobile device (even though it states it in the features). So, I'm glad that I asked before purchasing it.

Anyone else have any suggestions?

I just noticed that Utterli.com and Flickr.com have the capability to receive pics from mobile devices. And, I think that they can then 'send' them to an e-mail address (as an attachment?). If that's the case, I can use that product to 'receive' the picture and then have it send the pic to my forum using this mod.

Does that make sense? Should it work?

JohnNM 12-22-2008 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by JohnNM (Post 1646495)
Hi Chris,

It has been a while since I installed this excellent mod. Thanks for your earlier help to get some of the minor wrinkles worked out. I have a strange problem that I could use your help with.

I have several hundred users on my forum now. Out of these users, as near as I can tell, only two of us are receiving duplicate emails from every forum post. When you go into the UserCP -> EditOptions -> Format For Email Integration and change from Text to HTML, you then get one email in text and the other in HTML. This is about the only clue I have to go on right now.

The only other information I can think to give you is that I am running 3.68 Patch 2 (yes, I know I need to upgrade - not enough cycles in the day yet), and that one of the users is a RegisteredUser, and I am an Administrator. Any help you might give would be very appreciated.


For others - found the problem. The user had registered once with an email address, had forgotten their password and so had registered again using a different user name but the same email address. I deleted the extra user and the duplicate emails stopped.


moodog 12-30-2008 06:50 PM

is there away to change the character count?

I get this on large emails.

Fatal error:

* The text that you have entered is too long (15076 characters). Please shorten it to 10000 characters long.
thanks for any help..

Zothos68 01-07-2009 09:36 PM


Will this mod be compatible with the new 3.8 version that's being released soon?

Thank you in advance for your help.

- Zothos68

Fungsten 01-10-2009 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Zothos68 (Post 1704529)

Will this mod be compatible with the new 3.8 version that's being released soon?

Thank you in advance for your help.

- Zothos68

I have 3.8 and can get it to notify me if there is a new post but I cannot get the reply to post. I've changed the settings in but the replies still do not post. TIA.

Fungsten 01-11-2009 11:01 PM

Question!! Why doesn't the forum that receives the email show there is a new post in that forum until you click on the forum? Also the post count does not increase. TIA.

tommythejoat 01-12-2009 01:19 AM

I have one bug and one suggestion to report.

Bug: when the mod processes an email with an attachment it computes the attachmentid incorrectly. The one I was just looking at was off by 4. The attachment also does not have the proper thumbnail in the post on the message board. However, if you click on the pseudo-url it does get translated to the actual attachmentid.

Suggestion: In an active discussion, the ability of users to edit a post creates a situation where different material goes out in the email than is on the message board. When a user is composing his email reply he sees the unedited post, but everyone else sees the edited version when the software processes the post and generates the next email.

If possible, the mod should check the time of the post and the board edit time limit then delay sending out the post for that period. Alternatively, it could check the editable status of the post and delay sending the email until the post is no longer editable.

That will cover everything except edits by admins and moderators. I don't see any solution for that without a lot of work to generated another "corrected" email with a suitable format to show that it is a previous one that has been edited. This problem also exists on Yahoo Groups if the list owner edits the on-line archive to remove bad stuff.

I am currently running 3.7.3 pl 1

ThePiston 01-18-2009 12:56 AM

I downloaded this last year and am a little disappointed it hasn't progressed any further... I thought this mod would be huge. oh well.

asiegel 02-11-2009 07:13 PM


I was wondering if this addon works as expected in v3.8 of vbulletin

Any feedback is appreciated!


Fungsten 02-11-2009 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by asiegel (Post 1741159)

I was wondering if this addon works as expected in v3.8 of vbulletin

Any feedback is appreciated!


VB 3.8.1. Works.

paul5 02-20-2009 06:43 PM


I upgraded to vbulletin 3.8.1 last night, and Email Integration stopped working. Now, when I try to access the Forum Settings Help or the Email Integration scheduled task, I get this error:

Imap not recognized!! You MUST enable IMAP extensions on your server in your php.ini file!

I am not using IMAP, and I never have been, and I don't want to. This server only sends out messages to users, it does not accept replies/incoming messages.

Email Integration was working perfectly before the upgrade. (I was previously running 3.7.3 pl1)

Can someone help me to figure out what is wrong? I do not want to recompile PHP in order to enable a feature that I don't even want.

I am running OpenBSD 4.1, Apache/1.3.39 (Unix) PHP/5.2.4.

Thanks for your help.

toivo 04-06-2009 11:41 PM

Don't you love it when a user goes on holidays from the forum that the EI Mod runs on? The person has of course set an out-of-office message in his/her native tongue which does not contain a single word that could be trapped by the out-of-office filter in your mail server. You wake up in the morning to find dozens of bounced messages in your mailbox and posts in the forum with a few expletives from frustrated users in different time zones.

This hack works for users of the old message format. It compares the beginning of the new message to the first 100 characters of the user's previous message and, if identical, removes the message from the mailbox.

Find the line 264 in emailintegration.php, version 2.6.1 BETA:

$mailmessage = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $mailmessage);
Insert the following code after line 264:

                                        if ( $userid ) {
                                                $getlastpost = $vbulletin->db->query_first("
                                                        SELECT lastpostid
                                                        FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user
                                                        WHERE userid = $userid
                                                $lastpostid = $getlastpost['lastpostid'];
                                                // lastpostid is not always updated
                                                if ( !$lastpostid ) {
                                                        $getlastpost2 = $vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT postid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post WHERE userid = $userid ORDER BY dateline DESC, postid DESC LIMIT 1");
                                                        $lastpostid = $getlastpost2['postid'];
                                                if ( $lastpostid ) {
                                                        $gettext = $vbulletin->db->query_first("
                                                                SELECT pagetext
                                                                FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post
                                                                WHERE postid = $lastpostid
                                                        $pagetext = $gettext['pagetext'];
                                                        $pagetext_comp                = substr( $pagetext, 0, 100 );
                                                        $mailmessage_comp        = substr( $mailmessage, 0, 100 );
                                                        if ( $pagetext_comp === $mailmessage_comp ) {

Bob Ricci 04-06-2009 11:53 PM

But does this run on vb 3.8.1?

Bob Ricci 04-06-2009 11:55 PM

One more thing... I seriously think that this should be a native feature of vB. When we try to sell vB to our clients they say that they can use Yahoo for free AND Yahoo emails them a digest daily, or they can get instant replies. The same with chat. Integrated and native to vB.

toivo 04-07-2009 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by Bob Ricci (Post 1785431)
But does this run on vb 3.8.1?

The code to eliminate duplicate email messages has been tested with 3.6.8.

SDonkey 04-07-2009 05:33 AM

I'm using v3.82 with this v2.6

Once it was working but stopped after few hours.

Re-installed. Working again and stopped.

Any ideas?

SDonkey 04-10-2009 06:21 AM

After pressing run in the Scheduled Task. (Email Integration).

I got some errors in it.

So I edit in php.ini

Max post is 32mb and max upload is 32mb

Restart server. Now I got all working perfectly.

Each email create no larger than 20mb of storage so you don't get overload in php's memory which is 32mb max. (You may increase php memory but not recommended)

After next 3 days, it still showing new posts.

Great stuff! :)

lbernstein 04-15-2009 05:38 PM

vB 3.8.2 EI 2.6.1

I'm able to receive posts going from the forum to email, but not the other way. Can anyone help point me to where I might be to fix the reply problem. I have set up individual emails for each forum and am able to receive posts via either POP3 or IMAP.

Thanks for any help.

SDonkey 04-26-2009 02:01 PM

Just one thing.

Everything seems working perfect on v3.82 using this v2.6 (not beta)

I've adjust the vbulletin to moderate posts. The email integration overrides it.

So be careful for the spam posters sent email into forums still appear published without any moderate posts. Should these posts goes to pending posts where the vbulletin admin panel set to moderate posts for all.


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