soniceffect |
07-21-2012 10:12 AM |
Originally Posted by DaninMS
(Post 2349981)
Probably a dumb question but I'll ask anyway. Downloaded 1.0.2 but it still says 1.0.1 in the plugin manager. Should that reflect the new update ? I did choose to overwrite when I upgraded.
Oh aye, so it does LOL. Have reuploaded with correct number now. Can assure you it is 1.0.2 lol
Originally Posted by qpurser
(Post 2349984)
Thanks for the update.
Really like we can add the long/latitude in the settings without having to edit the php files.
hint hint....
Showing distance to the next 10 users close to you....:)
Thats a possibility for a future version, however would not nessecarily be accurate without a large amount of queries to the google api. The reason I say this is if you do this on a straight line basis I can calculate purely based on the coordinates, however if you want real distance (ie driving) would have to get the distance by road by routing.
Originally Posted by Ricsca
(Post 2350037)
Fatal error: Call to undefined function fetch_avatar_url() in /home/ricsca/public_html/ : eval()'d code on line 54
Whilst doing what?