Zoints |
11-12-2006 06:53 AM |
Originally Posted by xfaethorx
daft question but how much "talking back" to zoints central does this actually do?
most i've seen is my users user names appear in a centralized search with a link to the external site (being my page) because i have all the member profiles hidden locally anyway they don't seem to be able to get at any of the information on there.
I like zoints its excellent but I run a closed invite only forum and my members guard their privacy firecely and don't want their personal information broadcast across the internet. So how much info goes back to zoints?
The same exact stuff Google, Yahoo, and MSN are able to gather via crawling with their spiders. If they can access it, we access it. If they can't, we can't. Your members have extremely comprehensive privacy controls via the Privacy button in the navbar. They can show what they want to who they want.
Originally Posted by xfaethorx
finally from what I can see are you NOT allowed to modify the navbar? I.E add or remove buttons on it
Correct. Due to the interconnective nature of the system, there needs to be a small degree of standardization. If one state in the union didn't use road signs, everyone driving cross country through that state would get lost. We're working to create a virtual highway between communities. Forums 2.0 ;)