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intrigue 02-20-2005 08:48 PM

get this error

The following setting(s) are invalid
monitor_dir :

i tried a 1 and a 0

AndrewD 02-21-2005 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by intrigue
get this error

The following setting(s) are invalid
monitor_dir :

i tried a 1 and a 0

If you set this at all, it should be set to the name of a directory. local_file_root tells the code where to find the directory.

If local_file_root=0, then setting monitor_dir (e.g.) to /downloads would tell the code to base its scans on http://yoursite/downloads

If local_file_root=1, then you might set moitor_dir (e.g., on a windows m/c) to d:/websites/yoursite/downloads

AndrewD 02-21-2005 04:10 AM

Will be travelling for the next week, so please don't break anything important :rolleyes:

Imperial Fritz 02-21-2005 04:43 PM

Upgraded successfully after upgrading to 3.0.7 as well, works fine.

Imperial Fritz 02-21-2005 07:14 PM

Well, you forgot to phrase two of the most visible words :)

PHP Code:

<tr align="center">
td class="tcat" align="center" width="20%"><strong>Entry</strong></td>
td class="tcat"><strong>&nbsp;Description</strong></td>

AndrewD 02-22-2005 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by Imperial Fritz
Well, you forgot to phrase two of the most visible words :)

PHP Code:

<tr align="center">
td class="tcat" align="center" width="20%"><strong>Entry</strong></td>
td class="tcat"><strong>&nbsp;Description</strong></td>

Why do I feel as if you wanted to find these! :speechless: Will fix when I get back home. Thanks.

RustedBucket 02-22-2005 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
You create (or choose) a forum on your board, and give that forum the permissions you want to use for the file (for example, only registered users can view posts in the forum). Then you associate the file with the forum. You do this within the form for adding or editing the link. You can do the same for categories.

If you want to apply this condition to every new file you make available, then on the links admin page, you set that forum to be the default forum for new links/categories.

The problem with this methodology appears to be that you still end up hiding the fact there is anything to download from the user. The unregistered user either can't see it or they see a link in another forum they can't access. So in the first scenerio, why would they do anything, the assumption is going to be there is nothing to download. The second scenerio would end up turning on the hidden links so you end up with two forums with the same stuff in them.

Why not base this on the grup attachment properties. Consider a link to a file the same thing as a physical attachment, because in essence it really is that. So if it's clicked, and the usergroup doesn't have permission to download attachment the permission error is generated?

AndrewD 02-22-2005 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by crazy4bass
The problem with this methodology appears to be that you still end up hiding the fact there is anything to download from the user. The unregistered user either can't see it or they see a link in another forum they can't access. So in the first scenerio, why would they do anything, the assumption is going to be there is nothing to download. The second scenerio would end up turning on the hidden links so you end up with two forums with the same stuff in them.

Why not base this on the grup attachment properties. Consider a link to a file the same thing as a physical attachment, because in essence it really is that. So if it's clicked, and the usergroup doesn't have permission to download attachment the permission error is generated?

Quite a number of the recent questions have been about this or related points of visibility versus access. I understand that others may want to use the availability of downloads to attract new people to register. However, this hack was written from a different perspective, which is to offer different types of document to different user communities, one public, the other fee paying. In our case, most of those who are in the public category do not have the option (because of the nature of the association I run) to become fee paying (& so we hide the register button from them), and should not know that the other documents exist.

So the design objective was to build all access permissions on the forums permissions system for VB. That way, links and posts become equivalent, either fully visible or invisible, according to usergroup. There are one or two minor adjustments to that (i.e the can_see_protected_links_on_portal permission), to meet a particular user need. The decision was taken way back, and it would require a complete overhaul of the code to change it.

Imperial Fritz 02-22-2005 07:01 PM

To add another perspective - in my case I absolutely don't want unregistered and even general registered users to know that I'm offering stuff for download (it's mostly articles and documents). The permission system as it is now is perfect for me. :)

Xtrm2Matt 02-23-2005 05:17 PM


Is there a way we can make it so users MUST register on the forum to download files? I just checked, and a guest can download a file without registering :(


LeeWicKeD 02-23-2005 07:37 PM



Originally Posted by AndrewD
You create (or choose) a forum on your board, and give that forum the permissions you want to use for the file (for example, only registered users can view posts in the forum). Then you associate the file with the forum. You do this within the form for adding or editing the link. You can do the same for categories.

If you want to apply this condition to every new file you make available, then on the links admin page, you set that forum to be the default forum for new links/categories.

Xtrm2Matt 02-23-2005 08:35 PM

Thanks :)

cclaerhout 02-24-2005 08:58 AM

Thanks for this hack. It's really good.

I've translated it into french (only the user visible part). I've also made a little style modification. Hope you'll like it :-)

Zain Jaffer 02-25-2005 08:53 PM

I'm getting a "status unknown" for all of the dloadz atm, what's going on?


Dep 02-25-2005 09:42 PM

get a small problem when i tried to install



-- Table structure for table `local_linkslink`
CREATE TABLE `local_linkslink` (
`linkid` int( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
`linkname` varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL default '',
`linkdesc` text NOT NULL ,
`linkurl` text NOT NULL ,
`linkhits` mediumint( 8 ) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`linkforum` smallint( 5 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`linkcheck` int( 10 ) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`linkstatus` int( 10 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`linkdate` int( 10 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`linkusername` text NOT NULL ,
`linkuserid` int( 10 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`linkmoderate` int( 2 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`linkmoddate` int( 10 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`linkreviewfreq` smallint( 5 ) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY ( `linkid` ) ,
FULLTEXT KEY `namedesc` ( `linkname` , `linkdesc` )

MySQL said: Documentation
#1283 - Column 'linkname' cannot be part of FULLTEXT index

any ideas how to fix it plz

taxfree 02-26-2005 12:03 AM

Excellent hack! Just got a quick question for you (don't we all?). I'm using this as a URL link manager for my reciprocal links. Right now, the links are all pointing to an internal link, like http://www.mydomain.com/forum/local_...tion=jump&id=3. Is there a for the link to show the actual link? My link exchange partners won't be too pleased when they find their inbound links gone.

AndrewD 02-27-2005 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Zain Jaffer
I'm getting a "status unknown" for all of the dloadz atm, what's going on?


The hack only checks the availability/size of your links/files at certain times. For simple links or for downloadable files which are obviously within the file structure of your own web server (i.e. have no URL associated with them), this happens when the entry is set up. However, if it is a download which involves a URL, the check happens the first time someone (including possibly yourself) accesses it, because the check involves reading the whole file from the remote site.

I've just done this to one of your entries that was showing "status unknown". After accessing it and refreshing the links page, the description has changed to saying [52 kbytes] i.e. the file size.

If you don't like this behaviour, you can always edit the links_linkbit template. Find and delete the line which reads as follows:


<if condition="$linkstatus==0"> [$vbphrase[ll_unknown_status]]</if>

AndrewD 02-27-2005 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by taxfree
Excellent hack! Just got a quick question for you (don't we all?). I'm using this as a URL link manager for my reciprocal links. Right now, the links are all pointing to an internal link, like http://www.mydomain.com/forum/local_...tion=jump&id=3. Is there a for the link to show the actual link? My link exchange partners won't be too pleased when they find their inbound links gone.

There's an easy but not perfect way, and a less easy way which I could include in the next release if you prefer.

The easy way is to go to the links admin page and change the setting of force_redirect to 2. This makes all your links completely visible, but it has the side effect that the hit counter no longer works.

An alternative is to edit the links_linkbit template. Find the line which reads

<if condition="$linkurl"><a href="local_links.php?action=jump&amp;id=$linkid" target="_blank"></if>$linkname<if condition="$linkurl"></a></if>
Before the text target="_blank", insert title="$linkurl", i.e.


<if condition="$linkurl"><a href="local_links.php?action=jump&amp;id=$linkid" title="$linkurl" target="_blank"></if>$linkname<if condition="$linkurl"></a></if>
That way, the actual url will become a pop-up when someone hovers over the link.

Please note that this will make the location of all your links and downloads visible, so you will not be able to hide things.

AndrewD 02-27-2005 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Dep
get a small problem when i tried to install



-- Table structure for table `local_linkslink`
CREATE TABLE `local_linkslink` (
`linkid` int( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
`linkname` varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL default '',
`linkdesc` text NOT NULL ,
`linkurl` text NOT NULL ,
`linkhits` mediumint( 8 ) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`linkforum` smallint( 5 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`linkcheck` int( 10 ) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`linkstatus` int( 10 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`linkdate` int( 10 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`linkusername` text NOT NULL ,
`linkuserid` int( 10 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`linkmoderate` int( 2 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`linkmoddate` int( 10 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`linkreviewfreq` smallint( 5 ) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY ( `linkid` ) ,
FULLTEXT KEY `namedesc` ( `linkname` , `linkdesc` )

MySQL said: Documentation
#1283 - Column 'linkname' cannot be part of FULLTEXT index

any ideas how to fix it plz

Hello, what version of MySQL are you using?

Dep 02-27-2005 01:46 PM

version 4.1.9

AndrewD 02-27-2005 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by Dep
version 4.1.9

I have not tested this hack with version 4.1 of MySQL. Someone else did get it going ok. Presumably something has changed with FULLTEXT indices. I'll investigate. Sorry.

AndrewD 02-27-2005 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
I have not tested this hack with version 4.1 of MySQL. Someone else did get it going ok. Presumably something has changed with FULLTEXT indices. I'll investigate. Sorry.

This was reported earlier, see


dlouly47, 8th November 2004 said


I just downloaded this and installed it, however in step one It failed and gives me the error from mysql stating the table does not support full text indexes? How do I fix this...

I'm using Version 4.1...

Ah.. All resolved !! I did the fix last nite but did not reboot. I just had to change the filesystem type to myisam.. rebooted this morning and whala..
So there is a straightforward fix which seems to be about forcing the table type to MyISAM. If dlouly's reading this, perhaps he could comment.

Arial 02-27-2005 02:46 PM


Sorrry to be lazy but I have read the first 14 pages in full, but I've lost the will to live, any chance somebody could just give me a few quick answers before I pay to have this installed.

a) We would only really use it for downloads, does the download portion of the mod allow any extensions or even better do you just get like a box you can enter a url in where the file is?

b) Does it let people who download it write a short bit of text on what they thought of it

c) Can they rate it with like a star system or equivalent

d) Does it show how often the file was downloaded.

E) Is all the above as standard or require further hacks to make it work.

Cheers Andrew et al.

AndrewD 02-27-2005 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Arial

Sorrry to be lazy but I have read the first 14 pages in full, but I've lost the will to live, any chance somebody could just give me a few quick answers before I pay to have this installed.

a) We would only really use it for downloads, does the download portion of the mod allow any extensions or even better do you just get like a box you can enter a url in where the file is?

b) Does it let people who download it write a short bit of text on what they thought of it

c) Can they rate it with like a star system or equivalent

d) Does it show how often the file was downloaded.

E) Is all the above as standard or require further hacks to make it work.

Cheers Andrew et al.

a) You enter your download using a form in which you provide (at minimum) a title, the url to the download or the filename if it's on your own server, and a description
b) Not currently
c) Yes
d) Yes, to usergroups that you give this permission
e) all these features are there by default. All configuration is done using its own admin page.


Arial 02-27-2005 03:27 PM

Cheers for the prompt responce Andrew, all sounds good. Shame about the 'comments' feature is this planned or just not enough interest?

One last question must a user be registered on the forum to access the download or can this be turned on and off depending on catagory etc?


Plus also can you we add an image next to the download link? For instance we want members to be able to download maps (for games) and would be nice to be able to upload a still shot of the map.

Dep 02-27-2005 04:01 PM

thanks alot all sorted was my fault to start with

AndrewD 02-27-2005 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Arial
Cheers for the prompt responce Andrew, all sounds good. Shame about the 'comments' feature is this planned or just not enough interest?

One last question must a user be registered on the forum to access the download or can this be turned on and off depending on catagory etc?


Plus also can you we add an image next to the download link? For instance we want members to be able to download maps (for games) and would be nice to be able to upload a still shot of the map.

There are two sorts of permissions protection used with this hack
- Who can see/access a download: This is controlled using the standard VBulletin forums permissions system. You choose a forum that is visible to the usergroups you want to be able to see each link/category of links. You then associate the link/category with that forum. By default, this system is turned off, so everyone can see every entry.

- Who can create/edit/etc links. This is also controlled by usergroups, but these are set directly within the hacks admin page.

- Yes you can put images (using standard bbcodes) in any of the fields.

- Being able to comment on entries has been suggested by others. It's just not something that I have got round to coding yet. I'll make no promises.

If you download the hack, in the zip file, there's a full set of instriuctions which should answer your questions.

Arial 02-27-2005 05:05 PM

Thanks Andrew, my guy will be installing it shortly.

AndrewD 02-27-2005 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by cclaerhout
Thanks for this hack. It's really good.

I've translated it into french (only the user visible part). I've also made a little style modification. Hope you'll like it :-)

Thanks/merci, c'est tres gentil - I'll include this with the standard hack, and at some stage will work out how to do an auto install of the right languages.

eva01_ 02-27-2005 09:26 PM

hey look ignore me we got it to work.

and it works on MySQL 3.23 in case anyone wanted to know


Slave 02-28-2005 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
There's an easy but not perfect way, and a less easy way which I could include in the next release if you prefer.

Another way would be to have a "tooltip" entry box per link where you could type what you liked and have that appear when you hover over a link ..


Slave 02-28-2005 03:34 AM

Andrew .. Currently I'm using the plug-in for vBa CMPS to show my latest links ..

How would I change the plug-in to show the category the link is from?

So instead of ..


it would be ..


Any ideas?

AndrewD 02-28-2005 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Slave
Andrew .. Currently I'm using the plug-in for vBa CMPS to show my latest links ..

How would I change the plug-in to show the category the link is from?

So instead of ..


it would be ..


Any ideas?

Assuming that you're using the original vba code posted by ixus, you need to do two things:
- edit the get_hotlinks_cat_date file as per the attached
- edit the links_hotlinks template to refer to $catid and/or $catname as you see fit.


Slave 02-28-2005 09:22 PM

Thanks for that Andrew ..

Unfortunately I'm using the attached file .. any chance you could take a look at it and add the required extra code?

I think it's a slightly updated file by the same author .. but I can't find where I got it from ..

Arial 03-02-2005 08:11 AM


Thanks for your time in answering pre-installation enquiries Andrew. Had my guy install it and we are very happy with it as our all our members

Here's one of the catagories we setup yesterday

I would like to have a small thumbnail image in a column there showing the picture of the map , is that possible?

AndrewD 03-02-2005 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by Arial

Thanks for your time in answering pre-installation enquiries Andrew. Had my guy install it and we are very happy with it as our all our members

Here's one of the catagories we setup yesterday

I would like to have a small thumbnail image in a column there showing the picture of the map , is that possible?

Arial, that's good.

To display thumbnail images, just upload these somewhere sensible on your web site, and edit the links or categories. You can include VBulletin img BBCodes in the name and the description fields. For example, if you have a subdirectory called thumbnails immediately under your home page, and a thumbnail file called amberville.jpg, you could include a tag like this:

PHP Code:


Arial 03-02-2005 10:59 AM

Hi Andrew

Thanks for that:-

What kind of code do you need to insert a <br> between communication and the image, so the image appears underneath the word communications.

AndrewD 03-03-2005 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Arial
Hi Andrew

Thanks for that:-

What kind of code do you need to insert a <br> between communication and the image, so the image appears underneath the word communications.

Arial, one way is to enable the use of html in links displays (links admin page, there is a setting for this). Then you can simply drop a <br> tag into the relevant field during category edit.

However, a better way may be to edit the links_main template. This gets a bit technical, and I'm happy to exchange a PM or two with whoever is doing your web management.

Arial 03-03-2005 02:51 PM

Thanks Andrew will have a play.

BioVader 03-03-2005 02:57 PM

Andrew, will I be able to update my version of links without losing my data? It's been a while since I've been on but I just haven't had any problems with the program. Yet I would like to use the new version without to much hassle... Just not sure what version I'm using.


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