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TECK 10-04-2002 10:49 AM

you have one query less because nobody voted on your poll, or you didnt. but you are correct, there are 16 queries.
you are missing the pollvoted one.

LeeCHeSSS 10-04-2002 10:56 AM

Ahhh, so that's the solution of the puzzle. Thanks for clearing that up.

Completely unrelated question: when is teckwizards.com due to go online? I wanna see how you hacked/optimized your board :)

TECK 10-04-2002 10:58 AM

pretty soon. :)
that's the reason also i backed a little the iconews. i realised that i focus more on my hacks then on my site...

screenshot's are here:

i have it on mines
iconews, but my board is completly changed..

LeeCHeSSS 10-04-2002 11:07 AM

Yeah, saw those screenshots before. You really are good at this.

TECK 10-04-2002 11:07 AM

:bored: :glasses: thank you!

about vbHL, what is good is it's simplicity. it runs really well, doesnt use alot of queries and it's really speedy.
same like it's big brother vBulletin.

i have an idea, i think i will add a switch for smilies also, to disable it if you preffer not to use it. it will save a query. what do you think?

TECK 10-04-2002 11:41 AM

ok, is done, now there are only 12 queries performed. :)

KingsFan 10-04-2002 12:20 PM

Did you get a chance to look at the bug where the old News items do not display the text after a re-install? I guess it will be less of an issue if you're going to provide upgrade scripts from now on.

TECK 10-04-2002 12:30 PM

this is not a bug. is normal. let me explain it to you.
all information for each article is stored in a special field that the installer creates.

when you uninstall, the installer delete that field from the database, so all information is lost.
when you install a new version, a new field is added, but empty with no data onto it.

that's why you dont see the old articles anymore. this problem is solved in vbHL 3.3. when i will release a new version, it will include also an upgrade file, so you will not lose anymore any data.

happy now? :)

KingsFan 10-04-2002 12:35 PM

I've been happy ever since I found this hack!:) It's exactly what I was looking for. The upgrade scripts will make it much easier to keep up with all your great work. Thanks!

bouncer18 10-04-2002 12:36 PM


no icons till 3.4

Anyhoot, any plans to add the calender to the left side of VbHL Main Screen... i think all emphasis is placed on the right and the left is unbalanced

I would attempt to change it around myself but me -vs- tables aint a pretty site

Maybe put calander and who's online on the left or something

Teck.. site SS's look good. Way to go

TECK 10-04-2002 12:36 PM

i'm glad you like it.. btw, in 3.3 there are 2 queries less performed, as default..
now there are 12 instead of 14... sounds good? :)

TECK 10-04-2002 12:44 PM

bouncer the calendar can be done as an add-on.. just get wajones' hack for calendar (is here in full releases) and install it like you do it normally onto your vBulletin. then add the code in your template. is as simple as this. you can hack your vbHome the same way you do vBulletin.

i dont like to ripp other's work. is very easy to copy and paste and i will never do this to a colleague. grabbing a bunch of code hacks and put them toghether as being mines, is not me. that's why i displayed the addons made by others in the addons section. so people can install them.. is not hard.

i will add a link to the add-on section for calendar, is a good idea.

do you know why i have it split on a side only? because i hate portals, they look all the same. terrible.
vbHL is only one file. simple and efficient. no headaches. no space on the server and database. no problems.
also with vbHL, you can metamorphose your look the way you like it since it's built on templates completly up to to the smallest link...

Wolf42 10-04-2002 01:21 PM


I'm running your vBhome(lite)_v20 and vbPortal V201. And my vbhome(lite) page has 50 queries and my page with vbPortal 86 ( :eek: ) queries. Maybe I can get some queries less it I uninstall vbPortal and only run vbhome(lite).

So please send me the Password for the ZIP-file. Thanks.

TECK 10-04-2002 01:23 PM

wolf42, please read the copyright rules. if you agree, post your url here (or pm it) and i will pm you the password asap. thank you.

TECK 10-04-2002 01:29 PM

heh, guys read what marchalus stated on his site:

Printable Version
Posted by: Marshalus - Yesterday at 09:02 AM

I plan on making printable versions of all of the online documents that are on the website.
Just a heads up.
i quess vbHL comes in handy, right marchalus? :D
i must admit he did a great job in costumizing vbHL... congrats march!

ForYou 10-04-2002 01:39 PM

Hello Sir ,,

Please send me password for your hack
vbHome (lite) 3.3 Released


TECK 10-04-2002 01:45 PM


Originally posted by ForYou
Hello Sir ,,

Please send me password for your hack
vbHome (lite) 3.3 Released


ForYou, please read the copyright rules then post a working URL where your vbHL will be installed.
then i will send you the password asap.


Mr_P 10-04-2002 02:22 PM

Why is zip in first post passworded.............

OK just read first post proper now as was in rush before.

You got me stump now as i aint having it on a web server.I do most things on me own comp and now I cant compare this hack to the one you had before.I have the previous one and was just gonna compare the 2 together.

Do see your point though that you dont want your Copyrigth removed.

TECK 10-04-2002 02:28 PM

if you are not happy, don't install it. nobody is forcing you to use my script.
you didnt even bothered to read the first post...

TECK 10-04-2002 02:31 PM


Originally posted by Mr_P
Why is zip in first post passworded.............

OK just read first post proper now as was in rush before.

You got me stump now as i aint having it on a web server.I do most things on me own comp and now I cant compare this hack to the one you had before.I have the previous one and was just gonna compare the 2 together.

Do see your point though that you dont want your Copyrigth removed.

np, when you have a URL, like the one you provided for vBulletin, let me know.


Smoothie 10-04-2002 04:22 PM


Haven't had time to try vbHome yet, but after reading thru some 60 pages of this thread, it seems you have worked very hard to make a near perfect script. Just wanted to say thanks for all your effort.

Marshalus 10-04-2002 05:06 PM

Wow, 12 queries, I am very impressed.

Pretty soon this script will accually make your site run FASTER ;)

[high]* Marshalus installs v3.3[/high]

TECK 10-04-2002 05:10 PM

what do you mean marshalus?
ya it's being optimised again the code a little i hunt the queries that are not needed...

nokia8860 10-04-2002 05:25 PM

TECK is gonna hate me for this... but my polls are not showing up on the home page. Same problems as before where the box for the polls will show up but no poll

Me runs and hide from TECKS wrath now

TECK 10-04-2002 06:04 PM

minor update on the code, i corrected also the plural for your threads and articles since your last visit.
now it displays correctly "1 article", instead of "1 articles".

Use your member password to access the information.

TECK 10-04-2002 06:06 PM

hmm nokia, make sure you have this code:

  ") and $poll['pollid']) {
    $pollid = $poll[pollid];

you probably dont have the latest file. clear your temporary files always before you download a file. let me know if you have that piece of code in your index.php, i'm sure you dont.
contact me on msn, my handle is nakkid@msnDOTcom

Tigga 10-04-2002 06:08 PM

Teck! Please check your PM's. :)

TECK 10-04-2002 06:09 PM

i did plurplanet. is funny how you remembered to place back the copyright exacly how it suppose to be, for a person who never noticed the copyright note, as you stated... since you decided to remove it completly.

you can use some other script plur.


Tigga 10-04-2002 06:19 PM

That's fine if that's the way you feel. As I said, I'm sorry for the mistake. I still have the unzipped file with the instructions, so I went back and looked over them to find out what copyright info was supposed to be in the footer template. I didn't notice it the first time as I simply created a footer template with my own copyright info. Either way, if that's your decision I will continue to use the version I have. Thank you for your work on the script.

TECK 10-04-2002 06:24 PM

plur, please..
everywhere, in the templates, in the readme files and also here in the thread is specifically mentioned not to remove the links. but you did.
so when you edited the template you saw it saying "do NOT remove", like in vbulletin right? why do you remove my copyright, but not vBulletin's?
because my script is not an offcial vBulletin file? it is because it uses it's functions, so removing completly the way you did the copyright is illegal. anyway i will speak to john about this.

i will report to piracy any pirate that removed my copyright and my work, just because they don't feel like having a link. you can write your own script and dont display any copyright this way.

good luck with your work and site.

nokia8860 10-04-2002 06:50 PM

all i have to say is when someone as cool as TECK comes in and shares all his hardwork with members of this community, it is only right that you show some respect and give credit where credit is due.

I for one am very happy to have found TECK work. Its easy to install ( I am a copy and paste guy, I know nothing of code) and best of all it works and works fast!

Keep up the good work TECK and I'll see you on v 3.4!


LeeCHeSSS 10-04-2002 06:55 PM

I second that nokia! And not only does he create awesome scripts/hacks (vbHome & vbMicrostats are my favourites!), he does not mind helping others that use his scripts; currently talking to him on MSN...

Considering that and the fact he doesn't even want a donation, make him a top bloke. All in all; well worth 2 small links at the bottom of your site.

TECK 10-04-2002 07:10 PM

please add your self to the mailing list by clicking on the Install button. that's the way i send links to the mini updates i make, like this one:

in this way you stay updated.

soon, i will open my forums and i will have there a forum only for vbHome so you can discuss easier customizations and other problems. for now we use the great system provided by vBulletin.org.

all the best,
Floren Munteanu.

TECK 10-04-2002 07:12 PM

thank you guys for your words... is ok guys, i will speak to John about this issue to list somehow that is illegal to remove the 2 links or any part of the copyright.

if people continue this way, i will simply remove all my hacks and dont share nothing with anyone.
is very simple for me. trust me.
i simply dont understand what part they miss when they deliberatelly remove the copyright. nobody is forcing them to install my script.

Tigga 10-04-2002 07:15 PM

You're right Teck. I just looked over the readme file and there is a note near the top, then the copyright notice in the footer file itself. Sorry if I skipped straight to the instructions instead of reading the notes at the top. I'm not trying to argue with you here or start any bs because I really like your script and I think you do great work, but I don't appreciate being called a liar either. Believe me, if I wanted to use your script that bad without putting the copyright notice, there are plenty of programs out there to crack the password. Instead I went back to read the thread to find out why the new version was asking for a password. After I saw the copyright statement there, I went back to my readme file, saw what was supposed to be in the footer, and corrected it. Again, if I didn't have respect for you and your work, I would have simply cracked the password and installed the new version without the copyright notice. Instead I corrected the problem and apologized to you for my mistake.

hankster 10-04-2002 07:19 PM

I would like to get a password for vbhomelite as I would like to try it.

TECK 10-04-2002 07:22 PM

i took a further step plur, when i encrypted my zip file and make sure that it cannot be decrypted with the "toys" offered on the net.. go ahead and decrypt it.
and i dont call you a liar. the fact is that you deliberatelly removed the links on my script but not on vBulletin's. at least you could it leave only the vBulletin one, just the name. but it wasnt good enough.

also if you continue to use my current script that you have, the links and copyright must stay there, orelse you will have to take it off your server.
well, i'm sorry, but i dont change my mind.


TECK 10-04-2002 07:23 PM

hankster, please post a website URL with vBulletin installed on it and i will pm you the password.
thank you.

TECK 10-04-2002 07:37 PM

Just a warning, if I find out that some password holders deliberatelly distribute the script without my permission, i will remove the files.
anyway, this is just temporary until i have my forums open. then, it will be a members area where they can download their vbHL goodies.

hankster 10-04-2002 07:40 PM

Teck, You have a PM

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