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Host Visions 04-11-2004 07:54 PM

If anyone could install this on my vb3 system, i would gladly pay! I only need a few usenet newsgroups implemented. If you want to take this on, PM me here please.

mirdin 04-13-2004 08:22 PM

I would like to try this, where can I get the latest version recommended for VB3?

Sanjiyan 04-14-2004 12:12 AM

same here, I have used this hack since it came out, infact I think I was amoung the first people to use it.

But I too would like it to be released as a vB 3.0.0 hack, and not use a hack of a hack of a hack, as to which it seems at the moment.

As for additions, I'd like to see the new version (should one be released) to have a the admin CP options come with the hack, not be a addon part :)

And also ways of using a filter ie to remove words et al from subject headers, that user used in maillint lists (eg. [FFML], [yourmaillistname]) items, and also get it to not post RE: posts from mailing lists. but maybe thats just wishful thinking :)

chas_h 04-14-2004 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Sanjiyan
same here, I have used this hack since it came out, infact I think I was amoung the first people to use it.

But I too would like it to be released as a vB 3.0.0 hack, and not use a hack of a hack of a hack, as to which it seems at the moment.

As for additions, I'd like to see the new version (should one be released) to have a the admin CP options come with the hack, not be a addon part :)

And also ways of using a filter ie to remove words et al from subject headers, that user used in maillint lists (eg. [FFML], [yourmaillistname]) items, and also get it to not post RE: posts from mailing lists. but maybe thats just wishful thinking :)

Yeah, right now it's a 'hack of a hack' for sure. I am in the process of trying to get the mail list function working on a VB-2 test board in hopes that I will be able to learn enough from that to get it working fully on my VB-3 boards (which I haven't been able to do yet).
This hack desperately needs someone with PHP experience to bring all the parts together and update them for VB-3 and then to write some documentation that is unified (not parts of two people's work). I would be willing to help with the documentaton/instructions but I have no PHP experience.


mirdin 04-14-2004 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by chas_h
Yeah, right now it's a 'hack of a hack' for sure. I am in the process of trying to get the mail list function working on a VB-2 test board in hopes that I will be able to learn enough from that to get it working fully on my VB-3 boards (which I haven't been able to do yet).
This hack desperately needs someone with PHP experience to bring all the parts together and update them for VB-3 and then to write some documentation that is unified (not parts of two people's work). I would be willing to help with the documentaton/instructions but I have no PHP experience.


I would help if I could, but I'm just new to Vbulletin. I am surprised that there seems so little interest in such a great feature.
Maybe it's a good idea to post it in the "modification requests" forum?

himerus 04-15-2004 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by himerus
Now I've found that I'm actually having a problem with posting when the script is running under a cron...

If I run it manually, the posts that are made in my forum are being sent properly...

If the script runs on a cron and tries to post, it is recieving a 240 status after the post is sent, but the message id isn't being inserted into the post field property... it only appears as something like <himerus.0@> and doesn't have the settings domain or message id included in it... in those cases, the messages aren't being sent properly to the server....

If I manually edit phpmyadmin, and remove the msgid, ref, and reset the isusenetpost to 0, and then manually run the gateway.php file, the post is uploaded properly....

Any ideas???

I will have to create an email message for each time the cron is ran to really test this I think... :( since I'm not seeing any of the output, but it is saying the post was sent properly...

I'm still having the same problem, and I can't figure out what the #$@#$ is causing it... Again, I have it set up as a vB cron, and if I use the "RUN NOW" button from the Scheduled Task Manager, the new posts are successfully sent without a hitch... but if I let it run as a cron, the $settings variables aren't showing up... when the row in the post table is updated, the
PHP Code:

$msgid $u '.' base_convert ($msgid_date1036) . '@'$settings[email]; 

ends up looking like: himerus.0@

Even the simple $settings[email] variable isn't showing up when it's running as a cron...

ANY IDEAS Would be appreciated...

I have lots of users registering specifically for the USENET access, and not having the posts work right on the cron is turning into a large problem.

lierduh 04-15-2004 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by himerus
Even the simple $settings[email] variable isn't showing up when it's running as a cron...

Since you know php, that should not be difficult to debug.:)

The first thing the script does is retrieving the settings from the db. Now you only need to find out why the settings are not available. Come on, you have not tried hard.:)

Sorry, I don't use vb's schedules. I use cron from the crontab. Once you discover the reason, please post here. Others might like to know the reason.

Bro_Joey_Gowdy 04-15-2004 12:41 PM

Ive made an official request for a vB3 NNTP Usenet Gateway Hack/Mod here:


Originally Posted by Sanjiyan
same here, I have used this hack since it came out, infact I think I was amoung the first people to use it.
But I too would like it to be released as a vB 3.0.0 hack, and not use a hack of a hack of a hack, as to which it seems at the moment.
As for additions, I'd like to see the new version (should one be released) to have a the admin CP options come with the hack, not be a addon part
And also ways of using a filter ie to remove words et al from subject headers, that user used in maillint lists (eg. [FFML], [yourmaillistname]) items, and also get it to not post RE: posts from mailing lists. but maybe thats just wishful thinking


Originally Posted by chas_h
Yeah, right now it's a 'hack of a hack' for sure. I am in the process of trying to get the mail list function working on a VB-2 test board in hopes that I will be able to learn enough from that to get it working fully on my VB-3 boards (which I haven't been able to do yet).
This hack desperately needs someone with PHP experience to bring all the parts together and update them for VB-3 and then to write some documentation that is unified (not parts of two people's work). I would be willing to help with the documentaton/instructions but I have no PHP experience.

Bro_Joey_Gowdy 04-29-2004 12:42 PM

Any progress on an official NNTP Gateway for vb3 ?


chas_h 04-30-2004 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by Bro_Joey_Gowdy
Any progress on an official NNTP Gateway for vb3 ?


I've got it working at my photo site HERE but it was a pain to set up compared to the VB-2 hack which has an admin hack that adds a place in the admincp to manage news groups.
With the Vb-3 hack you have to edit your MySql tables through PHPMyadmin (a gui for Mysql) and it's also a real pain to get the cron thing to work so that it grabs messages from the Usenet every few minutes.
Once set up it works pretty well, it gets messages from the groups and you can post at the forum and it will eventually make it to the newsgroup on the Usenet.
If anyone needs a hand with the cron thing, let me know.


lierduh 04-30-2004 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by chas_h
I've got it working at my photo site HERE but it was a pain to set up compared to the VB-2 hack which has an admin hack that adds a place in the admincp to manage news groups.
With the Vb-3 hack you have to edit your MySql tables through PHPMyadmin (a gui for Mysql) and it's also a real pain to get the cron thing to work so that it grabs messages from the Usenet every few minutes.
Once set up it works pretty well, it gets messages from the groups and you can post at the forum and it will eventually make it to the newsgroup on the Usenet.
If anyone needs a hand with the cron thing, let me know.


Actually the original VB2 version does not have admin control panel. I believe there is another hack out there to add the control in Admin panel.

The cron job is the same as vb2 version.

I don't understand all these difficulties people are talking about my hack of hack. If one can not be bother to use PHPMyadmin, or can't set up a basic cron job. I am afraid the official release is not going to help much.

I understand my hack is a quick hack of the original. Other than the table prefix which most of people do not use and mail to usenet function, the rest should perform pretty much like the vb2 version if not better in some areas.

The table prefix is very easy to add, anyone with basic php skill can add that. I may add that if I can be bothered.
I am not sure how widely the mail to usenet is used. The basic function is there, I have not been bothered to test it, that is all.

I do hope too Gilby comes out with an official release, but for one to expect everything will be much easier to install or debug, I am afraid he/she will be wrong.:)

Bro_Joey_Gowdy 04-30-2004 03:52 AM

[high]* Bro_Joey_Gowdy knows basic html however needs to settle down and take time to learn PhP/Mysql :)[/high]

chas_h 04-30-2004 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by lierduh
Actually the original VB2 version does not have admin control panel. I believe there is another hack out there to add the control in Admin panel.

The cron job is the same as vb2 version.

I don't understand all these difficulties people are talking about my hack of hack. If one can not be bother to use PHPMyadmin, or can't set up a basic cron job. I am afraid the official release is not going to help much.

I understand my hack is a quick hack of the original. Other than the table prefix which most of people do not use and mail to usenet function, the rest should perform pretty much like the vb2 version if not better in some areas.

The table prefix is very easy to add, anyone with basic php skill can add that. I may add that if I can be bothered.
I am not sure how widely the mail to usenet is used. The basic function is there, I have not been bothered to test it, that is all.

I do hope too Giby comes out with an official release, but for one to expect everything will be much easier to install or debug, I am afraid he/she will be wrong.:)

I was not trying to say that there is anything wrong with your hack, and you are right, there was an extra hack to get the admin panel function for VB-2. I am very happy with the way your hack is working now (for newsgroups). What I am saying is that anyone who is not familiar with editing the tables in MySql is going to need alot of help. And a 'simple cron job' is not simple for a first time user either.
You have to understand that some people (myself included) get spoiled by some of the hacks here which have so much instruction and support to go with them that they are easy for novices to install. Anything beyond that is out of the reach of most of the people in this forum.
Could you explain what you mean when you talk about the 'table prefix' being easy to use? I don't know what you are refering to.
And thanks for taking this hack as far as you have, no one else seems interested in working on this right now and it is a very useful thing to have at one's forum.


mirdin 04-30-2004 06:06 AM

Can anyone point me to the hack(s) I need to download then?

I have no problem editing mysql tables, just as long as I know the hack is supposed to work properly :)

lierduh 05-01-2004 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by chas_h
Could you explain what you mean when you talk about the 'table prefix' being easy to use? I don't know what you are refering to.
And thanks for taking this hack as far as you have, no one else seems interested in working on this right now and it is a very useful thing to have at one's forum.


VB3 allows you have a prefix for all your tables. eg. for "post" table, you can have "myvb3-post". This is set in the config.php file.

If you don't know what this is, then you do not need to worry.:)

lierduh 05-01-2004 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by mirdin
Can anyone point me to the hack(s) I need to download then?

I have no problem editing mysql tables, just as long as I know the hack is supposed to work properly :)

page 44

Erwin 05-02-2004 12:08 AM

lierduh, just so you know, your vB3 version of this hack works flawlessly. :) Thanks.

Erwin 05-03-2004 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by Erwin
lierduh, just so you know, your vB3 version of this hack works flawlessly. :) Thanks.

Okay, I spoke too soon. :) LOL!

There are some bugs with lierduh's vB3 mod.

1. The post count is wrong for some reason - the mod grossly overcounts the number of posts being imported into the forum. Updating the forum counter fixes this.

2. Empty threads are sometimes made in other forums - I suspect the threadid is getting inserted in the wrong place or something gets inserted out of line.

Otherwise, the mod works.

lierduh 05-03-2004 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by Erwin
Okay, I spoke too soon. :) LOL!

There are some bugs with lierduh's vB3 mod.

1. The post count is wrong for some reason - the mod grossly overcounts the number of posts being imported into the forum. Updating the forum counter fixes this.

2. Empty threads are sometimes made in other forums - I suspect the threadid is getting inserted in the wrong place or something gets inserted out of line.

Otherwise, the mod works.

1. Need to check. Does this happen each time the new posts are imported? or just the initial import.

One possible thing could be two instances of gateway.php call running. I suggest importing all the threads first, then set up the cron job. If the cron job starts another gateway.php call before the first one is finished. Then anything is possible, it can also bring down the database.:)

2. This is a known issue. At the moment the threads are inserted by the subject just as the original vb2 version, Gilby had his reason to design it this way. A better way to do will be using the References in the header since I have added an extra field in the post table to store this.

I will look at it again in a weekend soon.:)

nomic 05-03-2004 08:43 PM


are there free usenet servers available or do I have to pay for them? If yes, where can I find them?

Odoin 05-03-2004 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by nomic

are there free usenet servers available or do I have to pay for them? If yes, where can I find them?

You are better off paying for a provider... 1) faster 2) larger sellection of news groups 3) you get what you pay for :).

You can find NTTP services for 5-10 dollars per month :).

Imhotep 05-06-2004 01:02 AM

I seem to be having two problems, one of which may be time related.

#1 attachments (pictures) from a binary newsgroup (alt.binaries.3d.lightwave) are coming through as UUE code.


begin 666 Barnyard Ad.jpg
M_]C_X `02D9)1@`!`@$`2 !(``#_X2?217AI9@``34T`*@````@`!P$2``,`
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#2 I have given my test post, from my forum, 30 minutes and it has not yet shown up in the newsgroup. It typically takes ~5 minutes.

Any thoughts? I installed the basic 2.x hack and then re-hacked with the new VB3 additions and new gateway.php file.

Currently running VB 3.0.1


KevinM 05-06-2004 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Imhotep
I seem to be having two problems, one of which may be time related.

#1 attachments (pictures) from a binary newsgroup (alt.binaries.3d.lightwave) are coming through as UUE code.

Images tend to get coded in two main formats, only one of which is supported by this hack. I have a couple of UU-decode scripts written in PHP which I have tried to integrate with this script with only partial success. My PHP is limited so I couldn't figure out the final issues. (Any volunteers who are familiar with the gateway script want to look at it?)

While testing this script, I also came across a 3rd type of encoding (a MAC verison) which would also need to be decoded. Other things to take into account with downloading binaries is that your db will grow very quickly. I was intending to try and integrate another VB hack that stores attachments as files instead of within the db with this script so it just takes up disk space instead.

Imhotep 05-06-2004 01:24 PM

Okay... so, essentially, binaries are not supported. I guess I was misled by the information given with the 1st hack. This isn't too much of a setback... but it sure would be awesome if we could get binary images to come through. I guess yEnc and the Mac format would have to be included.

What about my posts not showing up in the group? I did a test posting from my forum... and then later tried to view it using Outlook Express. (as I normally view the groups) Nothing appeared.


Imhotep 05-06-2004 06:48 PM

well... if someone fingers it out, please post the fix here. i have the same prob.,

allan grossman 05-07-2004 02:05 PM

Hey, lierduh -

After working flawlessly for almost a year the script just quit. My gateway runs every 15 minutes and has only connected properly once in the last 24 hours. Running it manually, verbose output looks like this:
PHP Code:

4 group(sgatewayed.
200 News.GigaNews.Com
381 more authentication required
281 News
211 1153 47132 48284 alt
Logging in to news
-60.giganews.comgroup alt.bass
200 News
381 more authentication required
281 News
211 5027 94133 99159 rec
Logging in to news
-60.giganews.comgroup rec.music.makers.bass
200 News
381 more authentication required
281 News
211 60862 312185 373046 alt
Logging in to news
-60.giganews.comgroup alt.guitar.bass 

No articles are pulled and the thing stalls logging in to the last group.

I'm stumped - any thoughts? Provider is Giganews and Agent works fine.

hubba 05-07-2004 02:26 PM

Is there a chance, that new postings from the NGs does not show up as "new posts" in the new posts link?

allan grossman 05-07-2004 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by hubba
Is there a chance, that new postings from the NGs does not show up as "new posts" in the new posts link?

I'm afraid not - the script is failing.

Using the nntp.php that provides verbose output above, you should see where the script is pulling articles - it's not pulling any, has only worked correctly once in the last 24 hours and is stalling at the 4th newsgroup.

Too weird.

Bro_Joey_Gowdy 05-07-2004 03:10 PM

[high]* Bro_Joey_Gowdy waits impatiently for an official vb3 NNTP Gateway[/high]

hubba 05-07-2004 04:16 PM

The script works for me. Just a few errors, as double postings. The problem is that this the NG posts are listed as new posts, our members have no difference between NG posts and forumposts

allan grossman 05-07-2004 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by hubba
The script works for me. Just a few errors, as double postings. The problem is that this the NG posts are listed as new posts, our members have no difference between NG posts and forumposts

hubba, search this thread for the word "exclude". You'll see what parameters need to be added templates that call search.php to get the Usenet posts out of new post searches.

hubba 05-07-2004 05:39 PM

Ah thx Allan, that will help. Got it managed. One question more, how to exclude the NG postings from the counting of new themes/posts?

allan grossman 05-07-2004 09:18 PM

I don't know, hubba - I use vbIndex and just exclude those forums. Someone else might know, though.

BTW, lierduh - I did get my gateway fixed. gateway.php got corrupted somehow - I replaced it and everything took off ;)

lierduh 05-08-2004 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by Bro_Joey_Gowdy
[high]* Bro_Joey_Gowdy waits impatiently for an official vb3 NNTP Gateway[/high]

Perhaps you should list the features and functions you want in the vb3 gateway. Gilby, the original author did ask for these inputs for the future vb3 gateway. Otherwise, list what your problems are instead of big font posts. No one owes you a vb3 gateway, so be more constructive than demand.

lierduh 05-08-2004 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by allan grossman
BTW, lierduh - I did get my gateway fixed. gateway.php got corrupted somehow - I replaced it and everything took off ;)

That is good you have it fixed. It was error 381 related. Long time no show Allan.:)

lierduh 05-08-2004 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by Imhotep
What about my posts not showing up in the group? I did a test posting from my forum... and then later tried to view it using Outlook Express. (as I normally view the groups) Nothing appeared.


If you run the script manually and cut and paste the message on the screen to here. Someone might be able to help you.

allan grossman 05-08-2004 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by lierduh
That is good you have it fixed. It was error 381 related. Long time no show Allan.:)

Good to see you too, lierduh - I've been a bit busy :)

381 isn't an error, it's a password prompt - I checked.

Right after the 381 I got group and article numbers - so I did manage to authenticate to the server. I didn't keep the old gateway.php to see where it was broken but it couldn't have been too much because I glanced over the file a couple of times while I was trying to fix it.

locatha 05-08-2004 03:29 AM

Hey can anyone give me some ideas on how fast this hack works as far as importing msgs from usenet? I have been looking for something like this and have a few usenet groups i would like to have in my VB but they are fairly large and get almost 1000 each (there is three of them. Plus of course the backlog. about how long does it take, the server is a dedicated celeron 1.7 ghz. thanks and great looking hack.

Odoin 05-08-2004 03:33 AM

Back when I was using it on VB 2 it was really quick once it got the first batch of messages... the bottle neck is getting the messages from the NTTP server... Keep in mind a lot of messages will grow your DB quickly.


locatha 05-08-2004 03:46 AM

how many messages did you have in the initial batch or were doing per day. for my 3k per day if i ran it hourly it would have something like 100 msgs a run, would I need to up my php timeout from 30 seconds for that, or does it download 100 msgs in less than that? I might have to run it more often, any ideas?

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