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Audax666 11-14-2009 09:38 AM

Look at the VB options for VB Enterprise Translator and search for "Flags Place", there you can change the position.

NLP-er 11-14-2009 12:23 PM


Important change! According to new Google conditions referrer header must be added to each translation query - otherwise you can be banned by Google. Install this version to avoid any troubles.
- Added referrer header for Google translation queries
- Corrected bug for returning to forum main page from translated page

Also according to actual Google conditions your "Powered by Google" information should have Google logo. So please change in your vBET configuration, text for flags to something like this:

Automatic Translations (Powered by <span style="vertical-align:sub;"><img src="http://www.google.com/uds/css/small-logo.png" alt="Powered by Google" border="0"/></span>):
You can customize it but "Powered by Google" should stay.

imported_silkroad 11-14-2009 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1914044)
Also according to actual Google conditions your "Powered by Google" information should have Google logo.

Where is this in the Google TOS?

I just checked the API, and there was no text in the TOS requiring a logo, only "Powered by Google".

Please provide a link to the TOS where a logo is also required. Thanks.

imported_silkroad 11-14-2009 05:29 PM

Here is the Google TOS that governs this API:


I searched that TOS and it does not mention "header" anywhere.

So... please, please, post the link to the TOS you are speaking about.

Inquiring minds want to know :D

NLP-er 11-14-2009 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Kolbi (Post 1912792)
Still interrups creating a sitemap.
Set 10000 links per sitemap and delay execution to 60 seconds...

How long does it take to index the new sites? :)

About Sitemap Generator - try to disable generation of some links (i.e. for members pages). No other hints - it is not my product, so have no idea what else you could do. Maybe change number of links to even less. This is first time when somebody have an issue with this (as I remember ;)). Maybe some logs are created?...

About indexing the new sites - each forum in other tempo. It depends how many those new pages you have and how often and fast Google crawls on your site.

NLP-er 11-14-2009 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by sebil (Post 1913032)
is it possible to add more languages to it?

for example:- we are a community based in south india
and our mother tongue is malayalam..

is there any way to add our language...?

if yes... ! How?

Thank youuuuuuuuuu

btw... astonishing workkk

I will add any new language supported by Google. So if you find out that Google added it just start screaming ;)

NLP-er 11-14-2009 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by jaderollie (Post 1913252)
i would be interested in adding this language too
i have afew india magicians on my site who would like this

As I wrote - each new language supported by Google will be added to booth vBET versions :) Just let me know if I miss it :)

NLP-er 11-14-2009 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by jmpa (Post 1913390)
Anchor tags break the translation!

It works with seo links like /es/

But not with "faq.phpfaq=vb3_board_usage#faq_vb3_rating_threads ?language=es"

Thanks for note. I added it to TODO list. Can you give me full broken url?

Also - please note that it is advised to use SEO links type (you can use it without any SEO engine). This language= type should be treated as obsolete.

NLP-er 11-14-2009 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by GTX2 (Post 1913538)
Just a simple question, i've installed this hack and translation is done OK.
What i don't see is the URL being translated (just like DEMO), since i use VBSEO.

If i choose option "Create URL's according to SEO link consensus (i.e. '/en/address')", i see an internal server error, if i choose "Add language parameter to URL (i.e. 'address?language=en')" everything runs fine, except URL translation.

Any way to solve this out?

Thank you

Please note that demo is running on vBET 3.x and here you have for free vBET 2.x the full difference in features list you will find here:

Of course vBET 2.x supports SEO links type (just don't translates it). Your issues are because you made something wrong in your configuration. It is clearly described in parameter description that you have to set appropriate .htaccess rules - you have even link to article which describes how (it is here in first post). Just do what is described - AND DO IT ALL. It is obvious that it will break if you make mess. Fallow instructions and it will be fine :) If you will do EVERYTHING as is described and will still have some issues, then PM me.

NLP-er 11-14-2009 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by Audax666 (Post 1913581)
Awesome Addon!
Installed & donated

I'm using the english, french and spanish translation (home language is german).
My problem is, I'm using my brand name in title and at the french language translate it.

Any idea how to fix that? Maybe a blacklist for words not to translate?

Just use not translated area :) See mod description - details in features list :)

NLP-er 11-14-2009 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by reddyink (Post 1913594)
How to move the flags to the footer? Bottom of the forum.


Use configuration :)

NLP-er 11-14-2009 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1914148)
Where is this in the Google TOS?

I just checked the API, and there was no text in the TOS requiring a logo, only "Powered by Google".

Please provide a link to the TOS where a logo is also required. Thanks.

Below you will find mail from Google to one site which was blocked because of not fitting into Google TOS. You can set your flags description as you want (that's why I made it configurable ;)) - I only give suggestions which in my mind are the best for users of my mod :)


Originally Posted by google
Thanks for clarifying your usage of the API. I should be able to get your site unblocked momentarily.

Please draw your attention to our terms of use:

Specifically, I wanted to make sure that you're aware that you're only allowed to cache results for up to 15 days - no translations should be stored on your servers beyond that period, without being refreshed. Also, please notice the requirements regarding attribution. I appreciated that you've included a note at the bottom that translations are powered by Google, but you should also include "Powered by Google" branding on every page that includes translations from the API so that it's clear that the current text is machine translated. The API will provide this branding automatically:

imported_silkroad 11-15-2009 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1914305)
Below you will find mail from Google to one site which was blocked because of not fitting into Google TOS. You can set your flags description as you want (that's why I made it configurable ;)) - I only give suggestions which in my mind are the best for users of my mod :)

Yes, that email from Google clearly points to the same TOS as I posted and no where in Google's email or TOS do they require the Google logo.

That is why I am confused because you said there was a "change in the TOS" but there has been no change in the Google TOS.

Also, you said that Google requires their logo or that they will ban the user. That is also not correct. Google's TOS does not require a logo. It requires "Powered by Google." (text).

Having said that... the Google logo is very nice and we use it :D

Also, there is nothing in the Google TOS that requires a referral header during database queries.

imported_silkroad 11-15-2009 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1914044)
Important change! According to new Google conditions referrer header must be added to each translation query - otherwise you can be banned by Google.

This is not in the Google TOS (sorry to correct you). So, this statement is not correct. In addition, when Google blocks access to their API this is not "banned by Google" ... it is called "blocked to use the API".


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1914044)
Also according to actual Google conditions your "Powered by Google" information should have Google logo

Sorry, but this is also incorrect. There is no text in the Google TOS that requires the use of their logo. I am confused why you post incorrect information like this. You are normally accurate. Google's TOS has not changed. There is no requirement in the same TOS for referral headers and no requirement for a logo.

It might be "good" or "nice" to add the logo, but it is certainly not required by the "actual Google conditions" (and you said).

This is unlike you NPL-er !! You are normally very factual. Are you under some stress or pressure?

Take it easy!!! :D

Kolbi 11-15-2009 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1914292)
About Sitemap Generator - try to disable generation of some links (i.e. for members pages). No other hints - it is not my product, so have no idea what else you could do. Maybe change number of links to even less. This is first time when somebody have an issue with this (as I remember ;)). Maybe some logs are created?...

I tried to reduce the links. Perhaps my server is really the problem :)
It really a little bit overloaded.

Audax666 11-15-2009 06:56 PM

Thanks for the help.
Everything is fine now. :up:

NLP-er 11-16-2009 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1914465)
Yes, that email from Google clearly points to the same TOS as I posted and no where in Google's email or TOS do they require the Google logo.

When I see direct recommendation given to forum which was already banned, then I prefer to give good advice to all my users and apply myself, than discuss with Google how they should interpret their own TOS after they ban my page ;) It is simple matter of avoid potential issues which can take much more time that just change configuration of one parameter. + and -... I see much more + in applying to Google request :)

Also please take attention that there was 2 links. And under this one (http://code.google.com/apis/ajaxlang...tion/#Branding) you can find:
When your application uses the Google AJAX Language APIs, it is important to communicate the Google brand to your users

And of course you can discuss that vBET is not using Google AJAX API, but CURL, and you can discuss that it is recommendation, but what for waiting till Google ban your forum to make this discussion?...


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1914465)
That is why I am confused because you said there was a "change in the TOS" but there has been no change in the Google TOS.

Yes you have completely right - it is not in TOS :)
Sorry for confusion.


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1914465)
Also, you said that Google requires their logo or that they will ban the user. That is also not correct. Google's TOS does not require a logo. It requires "Powered by Google." (text).

See the source - you have answer from Google to forum which was already banned. I'm just the messenger here - do not shut the messenger. Go to message author if you want to discuss the issue - go to Google. I simply cannot be responsible and cannot explain others position. So if you think that Google interpret wrong their own TOS - please contact Google for explanation.

At this moment I have information straight from Google that "Powered by Google" should include the logo and I will fit it in default configuration. Every user can make own decision about keeping it or not - it is configurable :) I will not put my users in risk to be banned because of unclarity in TOS or wrong understanding of TOS by Google own personnel if I have simple way to avoid any potential issues in this area. This is how I manage the risk. Sorry for confusion - I didn't read whole TOS from the begging - I just used information straight from Google, and still I think that it is wiser to set Google logo than put yourself in the risk of being banned.


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1914465)
Having said that... the Google logo is very nice and we use it :D

Great :)


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1914465)
Also, there is nothing in the Google TOS that requires a referral header during database queries.

First of all - it is not about database queries (there are no headers), but about HTTP GET queries to Google service. And you are wrong about referral header.
You assumed that all conditions are in one place - and this is not safe assumption. You can find TOS on other pages too - this particular you will find here:

"Applications MUST always include a valid and accurate http referer header in their requests."

Big letters in MUST are not added by me - it is written this way in Google documentation, so i think that clearly marks Google position in this area :)

NLP-er 11-16-2009 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1914467)
This is not in the Google TOS (sorry to correct you). So, this statement is not correct.

I see no problem in correcting :)
Also you are wrong about referral header. You assumed that all conditions are in one place - and this is not safe assumption. You can find TOS on other pages too - this particular you will find here:

"Applications MUST always include a valid and accurate http referer header in their requests."

Big letters in MUST are not added by me - it is written this way in Google documentation, so i think that clearly marks Google position in this area :)


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1914467)
In addition, when Google blocks access to their API this is not "banned by Google" ... it is called "blocked to use the API".

Different word - same meaning :) and same results. And I think that everybody understood it correctly.

BTW - Are you a lawyer? I'm looking one, because some guy stole my code, and I see that you like to use exact words, even if substitute has same meaning, so I thought that maybe you can help me with my issue :) If yes please PM me - thanks:up:


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1914467)
Sorry, but this is also incorrect. There is no text in the Google TOS that requires the use of their logo. I am confused why you post incorrect information like this. You are normally accurate. Google's TOS has not changed. There is no requirement in the same TOS for referral headers and no requirement for a logo.

I'm confused why you are still confused - you get exact answer from Google. So if you think they are wrong, please contact them and discus their position. I cannot tell you why they interpret it in such way. But I can tell you that not applying you put yourself in a risk to be banned ("blocked to use the API"). And if you want to know why I give this information to my user, then the answer is very simple: because I care about my users :)

So is there really any issue or it is only about using exact words from documentation and being better in reading it?
You are better :) and I still care about my users, so my recommendation is still the same - use Google logo :)

Reading 2 posts in row about the same + PM, I get impression that it is only about proving some point and It has totally no reflection in reality since you applied Google logo yourself. So what is the real point here, and can we close it?


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1914467)
It might be "good" or "nice" to add the logo, but it is certainly not required by the "actual Google conditions" (and you said).

Yes I said.


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1914467)
This is unlike you NPL-er !! You are normally very factual. Are you under some stress or pressure?

Stress - not at all. Pressure - of course yes. Every second counts when my users are in danger of being banned ("blocked to use the API" - sorry, but banned is just simpler ;)), so I made all changes, made tests and give people what makes them safe as fast as I could. I didn't thought to discuss with Google about wrong TOS interpretation by their own staff.

Truly saying I still don't see the point - what is the point of having right when you loose and your forum is banned?...

When people are with me, they are with the man who thinks how to win...

Sounds like commercial :D haha


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1914467)
Take it easy!!! :D

Booth way?... ;)

NLP-er 11-16-2009 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by Kolbi (Post 1914684)
I tried to reduce the links. Perhaps my server is really the problem :)
It really a little bit overloaded.

You know it best :) Just play with configuration - vBSEO stuff make really good generator and there is lot of configuration possibilities.
Always you can just remove from sitemap some translations or all of those - at the end spiders will find it by links on forum, but you have less control then and it can take longer (i think :)).

NLP-er 11-16-2009 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by Audax666 (Post 1914755)
Thanks for the help.
Everything is fine now. :up:

Great to hear :) HAVE FUN with vBET!!! :D:up:

Kolbi 11-16-2009 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1915137)
Always you can just remove from sitemap some translations or all of those - at the end spiders will find it by links on forum, but you have less control then and it can take longer (i think :)).

Which languages do you prefer?
Are there statistics with which language you can get most traffic?

Audax666 11-16-2009 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1915139)
Great to hear :) HAVE FUN with vBET!!! :D:up:

Not yet, sorry:o

Your tag <!--START vBET NOT TRANSLATED AREA--> and <!--END vBET NOT TRANSLATED AREA-->, works fine for every language expcept the home language.
There, the tag is completely shown on browser title.
I just recognized it after my last post and removed it cause it doesn't look that nice. ;)

And I think I didn't make something wrong because in other languages, the tag does what it should.

CThiessen 11-16-2009 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by Kolbi (Post 1915146)
Are there statistics with which language you can get most traffic?

difficult to say.
English on Top (my Forum is German) in total numbers but interstig are:
  • Arabic
  • Hebrew
  • Korean
this are Languages were the people are usually speaking English very well and it might be more difficult to write Wep Pages in thees languages.
So my site is ranked very hight in Google, and if somebody don?t find what he is looking for, on my page, maybe he find something in the Ad?s. :o

And it look like that Google compare that with the other Content of the site.
I do have twice more indexed pages for Portuguese than for other languages.
My site is about Brazil an i ever had some pages and and Post in Portuguese without translation.


Kolbi 11-16-2009 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by CThiessen (Post 1915162)
difficult to say.
English on Top (my Forum is German) in total numbers but interstig are:
  • Arabic
  • Hebrew
  • Korean
this are Languages were the people are usually speaking English very well and it might be more difficult to write Wep Pages in thees languages.

I have a German board as well.
Are there languages you never got any traffic?
If you think about percentages of traffic from these languages, how high are they?

imported_silkroad 11-16-2009 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1915129)
At this moment I have information straight from Google that "Powered by Google" should include the logo and I will fit it in default configuration.

Hahahaha. No you don't !! (Sorry, I have been out with friends eating Italian food and drinking nice wine !! )

The email you provided does not say "include logo" and the TOS does not say include logo. It is not necessary to make people afraid over something very small! Be factual !! Also, sorry to tell you, is not necessary to be a "lawyer" as you said, to understand the Google TOS. The TOS is very clear. No logo is required. This is easy to see. What is NOT clear is your email, which says things about the Google TOS that are not in the TOS nor in Google's email you posted.

Protecting people is not the same as spreading "fear, uncertainty, and doubt" .. as I said. Be factual. Post facts. There are no secrets about the Google TOS.

AND, regarding one user being "blocked' .... we have no exact reason they were blocked. There are many reasons that Google can block a user, and without posting the exact reason, you need to be careful not to simple give misinformation, fear, uncertainty and doubt, without facts that do not match the TOS. Hahahaha. Where is the exact reason?? It certainly was not because of a logo or "Powered by Google" .. the forum you are talking about must have done something else seriously wrong !

So far, we have read nothing from the Google TOS or from your email (posting from the forum) that confirms the each reason one of your users was blocked. Maybe they broken many other TOS? Maybe they did many things wrong. It has nothing to do with logos, etc. It is not necessary to go beyond the Google TOS. Google does not block good forums doing "good things"..... Google's philosophy is "Do No Harm"...

Please post the exact reason one user was blocked, according to Google.

Anyway, you say you are "protecting people" but that means you must also be precise, factual and actual about the Google TOS. Posting emotional fear, uncertainty and doubt is not good for anyone.

So far, there are very little fact here....

Anyway, nevermind... if you want to be the mother goose of users and spread fear without fact, that is your right. I hope you will be more accurate about these things. The Google TOS did not change. The fact are not clear why your user forum was blocked. The email you posted said nothing new or unknown.

NLP-er 11-17-2009 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Kolbi (Post 1915146)
Which languages do you prefer?
Are there statistics with which language you can get most traffic?

In fact such statistics exists - those are statistics about which languages are most used on the word. I'm using all flags, but some users already wrote about most user languages. So maybe someone will help in this area.

I'm not sure, but as I remember you can find it in wikipedia. If I'm wrong please someone correct me :)

NLP-er 11-17-2009 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Audax666 (Post 1915155)
Not yet, sorry:o

Your tag <!--START vBET NOT TRANSLATED AREA--> and <!--END vBET NOT TRANSLATED AREA-->, works fine for every language expcept the home language.
There, the tag is completely shown on browser title.
I just recognized it after my last post and removed it cause it doesn't look that nice. ;)

And I think I didn't make something wrong because in other languages, the tag does what it should.

I could add possibility to clean not translated area in normal pages, but it will have impact on performance. In most places comments are not visible, so it doesn't metter, but it it is inside of tag attribute, then it is considered as value not as comment and it is shown.

But you still can handle this :D It is enough to add simple condition in your template (note that this is necessary ONLY inside of attributes - in other places it is just not shown by browser):

<if condition="$_GET['language]"><!--START vBET NOT TRANSLATED AREA--></if>
<if condition="$_GET['language]"><!--END vBET NOT TRANSLATED AREA--></if>

This way it will not be added for your default language :)

NLP-er 11-17-2009 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1915381)
Hahahaha. No you don't !! (Sorry, I have been out with friends eating Italian food and drinking nice wine !! )

The email you provided does not say "include logo" and the TOS does not say include logo. It is not necessary to make people afraid over something very small! Be factual !! Also, sorry to tell you, is not necessary to be a "lawyer" as you said, to understand the Google TOS. The TOS is very clear. No logo is required. This is easy to see. What is NOT clear is your email, which says things about the Google TOS that are not in the TOS nor in Google's email you posted.

Protecting people is not the same as spreading "fear, uncertainty, and doubt" .. as I said. Be factual. Post facts. There are no secrets about the Google TOS.

AND, regarding one user being "blocked' .... we have no exact reason they were blocked. There are many reasons that Google can block a user, and without posting the exact reason, you need to be careful not to simple give misinformation, fear, uncertainty and doubt, without facts that do not match the TOS. Hahahaha. Where is the exact reason?? It certainly was not because of a logo or "Powered by Google" .. the forum you are talking about must have done something else seriously wrong !

So far, we have read nothing from the Google TOS or from your email (posting from the forum) that confirms the each reason one of your users was blocked. Maybe they broken many other TOS? Maybe they did many things wrong. It has nothing to do with logos, etc. It is not necessary to go beyond the Google TOS. Google does not block good forums doing "good things"..... Google's philosophy is "Do No Harm"...

Please post the exact reason one user was blocked, according to Google.

Anyway, you say you are "protecting people" but that means you must also be precise, factual and actual about the Google TOS. Posting emotional fear, uncertainty and doubt is not good for anyone.

So far, there are very little fact here....

Anyway, nevermind... if you want to be the mother goose of users and spread fear without fact, that is your right. I hope you will be more accurate about these things. The Google TOS did not change. The fact are not clear why your user forum was blocked. The email you posted said nothing new or unknown.

In my opinion you choose to ignore all quotes which I gave you directly form Google pages. So to remind you:
"Applications MUST always include a valid and accurate http referer header in their requests."

"it is important to communicate the Google brand to your users"
And it appears to be important enough to get info from google about this:

Originally Posted by Google
I appreciated that you've included a note at the bottom that translations are powered by Google, but you should also include "Powered by Google" branding on every page that includes translations from the API

The men gave the link to branding description. And as you can see on page about branding there is link which shows how looks branding from the API - it shows Google logo. And if you read carefully what the man said - on page WAS INCLUDED "Powered By Google" string, but it appears not enough and the men told that there should be "Powered by Google" BRANDING - which is described under the link and which shows Google logo.

So there is no information which I gave and has no coverage in reality. In fact - the reality triggers it. And the reality is that one page was banned/blocked. And as you wrote we do not know exact reason of banning/bocking, but we know that ALL things which I described was considered relevant during unbanning/unblocking procedure so each one of those could be also an reason and if not - still was necessary for unbanning/unblocking.

I understand that you would made other choices with your users. I made my and I'm strongly convinced that it is really good choice - to give my users best solution as fast as possible which will remove from theme banning/blocking threat.

You have full right to think whatever you want about it and also to give your suggestions for future which are appreciated.
Still if you ask questions, then please accept answers, especially when answers are straight from Google, instead of ignoring those and repeat over and over that there was no reason. I understand that you could see no reason, but You was asking about my reasons of my actions and those where already given to you. I see nothing more to tell in this topic. All sources you have included. There is no more.

Great thanks for your advices - I really appreciate it as those come from man who has lot of experience in this area. I totally agree that making people feel fear is not good, but I (I I I) saw real threat here and made MY actions to make my users rally feel safe with new release. I hope that thanks that users can trust to this product as one which takes care about them.

Thanks and enjoy :)

Kolbi 11-17-2009 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1915834)
In fact such statistics exists - those are statistics about which languages are most used on the word. I'm using all flags, but some users already wrote about most user languages. So maybe someone will help in this area.

I'm not sure, but as I remember you can find it in wikipedia. If I'm wrong please someone correct me :)

I wouldn?t find a statistic :)

Perhaps someone can provide one?
Because I?m thinking about purchasing the full version this month.

isatice 11-17-2009 05:03 PM

works like a charm
is there any possibility to add different kinda advertisements for different language pages ?

Audax666 11-17-2009 06:19 PM

Against all critics, first class support! :up:
I'll try what you adviced.

Sorry to bother, but I got something else. :o
I got the SEO URLs activated and navigation through my forum works fine, no problems.
But on forumhome, when I'm not using my home language (german), the flags (language links) look like this:
(choosen language english)
spanish: mysite.de/es/?language=en
french: mysite.de/fr/?language=en
back to german: mysite.de/?language=en

So I can't change a language on forumhome.
Within the threads and forumdisplay, also no problems.

Is this my misconfiguration or a bug?

isatice 11-17-2009 07:27 PM

let me rephrase myself
is there any IF-CONDITIONS to specify a particular content or image to be shown on a specific language only

askeroglu 11-18-2009 03:32 AM

I think, It is not working on VBSuite Beta3 ?

imported_silkroad 11-18-2009 06:56 AM

Hey NLP-er!

Does your mod with the new vBSEO 3.2.0 and 3.3.x security patch just released?


NLP-er 11-18-2009 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by isatice (Post 1916027)
works like a charm
is there any possibility to add different kinda advertisements for different language pages ?

Just use AdSense and it will take care about it ;)

NLP-er 11-18-2009 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Audax666 (Post 1916087)
Against all critics, first class support! :up:
I'll try what you adviced.

Sorry to bother, but I got something else. :o
I got the SEO URLs activated and navigation through my forum works fine, no problems.
But on forumhome, when I'm not using my home language (german), the flags (language links) look like this:
(choosen language english)
spanish: mysite.de/es/?language=en
french: mysite.de/fr/?language=en
back to german: mysite.de/?language=en

So I can't change a language on forumhome.
Within the threads and forumdisplay, also no problems.

Is this my misconfiguration or a bug?

First time see something like this. Please PM me your configuration details and URL to tour forum I want to see it live :)
Also it looks a bit like it is hardcoded ?language=en in flag - did you made changes in flags templates?

NLP-er 11-18-2009 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Kolbi (Post 1915959)
I wouldn?t find a statistic :)

Perhaps someone can provide one?
Because I?m thinking about purchasing the full version this month.

First Google result to most popular languages: http://geography.about.com/od/cultur...0languages.htm

1. Mandarin Chinese - 882 million
2. Spanish - 325 million
3. English - 312-380 million
4. Arabic - 206-422 million
5. Hindi - 181 million
6. Portuguese - 178 million
7. Bengali - 173 million
8. Russian - 146 million
9. Japanese - 128 million
10. German - 96 million

Also I start feeling like I should learn Chinese in school instead of English... HAHAHA :D

NLP-er 11-18-2009 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by isatice (Post 1916134)
let me rephrase myself
is there any IF-CONDITIONS to specify a particular content or image to be shown on a specific language only

If you want some part of page not be translated you can use not translated area - see details in features list in mod description :)

NLP-er 11-18-2009 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by askeroglu (Post 1916411)
I think, It is not working on VBSuite Beta3 ?

Have no idea. Can you give me link to mod and link to your forum where this mod is in action? Also in short words - what this mod do?

NLP-er 11-18-2009 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1916466)
Hey NLP-er!

Does your mod with the new vBSEO 3.2.0 and 3.3.x security patch just released?


Didn't update vBSEO yet. I will tell after that :) Maybe somebody already knows?

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