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-   -   Forum Home Enhancements - [AJAX] Tabbed Forum Home (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=175687)

nureeves 09-27-2008 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1631626)
That is a CSS issue with some styles.. someone posted a solution to that awhile back.. you can search the thread for it and see if that works for you.. If I recall, it has something to do with one of the DIVs..... IF I get time, I will look into it, but all this support is delaying me releasing the next version.... if you can not find the solution that was posted, let me know and I will search for the solution for you...

found it,
i removed <br style="clear:left" /> from FORUMHOME template
but still... selected tabs changed when hovering mouse,

This mods looks so wonderful on Firefox but not with IE
aarrghh ... just can't wait ver.2.0 :rolleyes:

Cust0ms 09-28-2008 08:48 AM


1. Make sure you complete the install. Everyone gets so excited that Tab 1 is working that they forget to finish the install (Which is why the other tabs won't work)..

2. I don't use MGC Shoutbox, so I don't know what it would be showing double. Maybe someone that has knowledge of MGC Shoutbox can assist you?
I did everything again and it works! Both problems disappeared.
You're great! :p

So now could You help me with this?

2. I would like to use tabs but no for all forums. I want to do it like here:

FORUM 1 (no tab)

TABS (FORUM 1,2,3,4,5,6)

FORUM 2 (no tab)
How to do it?

And 2nd question :D
Where can I define forum's IDs to locate categories in spefyfic tab? E.g. categories 1,2,3 to TAB1, categories 4,7,12 to TAB2 etc.

I have read the instructions several times and still I do not know how to share (tabbed) a forum ...
When I click TAB1 I see all forums. When I click TAB2 I see some category, the same is the case TAB3.
How can I add my own, specyfic categories? I tried change additional code in index_tab.php, edit forumhome template, but it does not work. ;/
Please help me!

Cust0ms 09-28-2008 07:38 PM

Can anyone help me?

Nova99 09-28-2008 10:10 PM

Any ETA on version 2.0?? (no exact date needed, just if it's a week, month, or more away)
I would really like to install this mod on my forum, but I'd rather wait for version 2.0 if it's not a month+ away.. :)

King Kovifor 09-28-2008 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by Nova99 (Post 1632544)
Any ETA on version 2.0?? (no exact date needed, just if it's a week, month, or more away)
I would really like to install this mod on my forum, but I'd rather wait for version 2.0 if it's not a month+ away.. :)


fib 09-29-2008 12:52 AM

Hi all

I had exactly the same probs as TimberFloorAu

I had changed all the links etc too.

I found that the tabforumhome.php in the root had not uploaded correctly 0kb

after reloading it all worked

great MOD thanks

fib 09-29-2008 12:57 AM

Hold up

if you don't have javascript it is not working as it goes to tabforumhome.php showing a mess and therefore it is not degrading gracefully

Did I miss something or was I making an assumption?
was this not to do with the creating new template bit?

help please - I may have to uninstall

King Kovifor 09-29-2008 01:15 AM

This mod is dependent on JavaScript as is all AJAX.

fib 09-29-2008 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by King Kovifor (Post 1632658)
This mod is dependent on JavaScript as is all AJAX.

Thank you for your response

Modern web thinking would mean that AJAX used in sites should degrade gracefully meaning if no ajax it works through normal page loads

this is what I think happens with the new template and the <!-- main --> stuff we moved to the new template

my impression was that it would revert to the old template when no java present

I shall have to look at this in more detail - Can the developer clarify which way this lies

Hamednet 09-29-2008 09:26 AM

thanks dear

very nice !

dazkeirle 09-29-2008 11:17 AM

ok guys.

First: Anyone with a linux box, in the js file remove the "/" before clientscript in the source for the css and the loading gif. That will allow those to load.

Second: anybody noticing these display different by default on IE and firefox, It's because the line is added as a class to a break (<br>) instead of a div. Change to a div and all should be well.

I've installed the tabbing. And it looks nice: http://www.mygreatphone.com/forum

Only comments would be:

a) I'd really like it if i could add individual forums to a tab and not just categories.

b) A simple bit of code to show all cats (for my everything tab, instead of having to add everything)

c) The forums no longer show how many are viewing each forum, that would be a really welcome thing to have back, and may even be a deal breaker to whether i use this in the long term.

d)Would be great if it would degrade gracefully, so if no JS or ajax, that it loads the default or other non tabbed style.

Anyway, good for a work-print add-on, but a bit to go before it's perfect (ie. features not working like number viewing and lack of degradation.)

bobster65 09-29-2008 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by fib (Post 1632876)
Thank you for your response

Modern web thinking would mean that AJAX used in sites should degrade gracefully meaning if no ajax it works through normal page loads

this is what I think happens with the new template and the <!-- main --> stuff we moved to the new template

my impression was that it would revert to the old template when no java present

I shall have to look at this in more detail - Can the developer clarify which way this lies

We agree with you, however, there is currently no checking to see if JS is disabled. This is something that is being looked into for the future versions. We are aware of it and it is in our plans.


Originally Posted by dazkeirle (Post 1633003)
ok guys.

First: Anyone with a linux box, in the js file remove the "/" before clientscript in the source for the css and the loading gif. That will allow those to load.

Second: anybody noticing these display different by default on IE and firefox, It's because the line is added as a class to a break (<br>) instead of a div. Change to a div and all should be well.

I've installed the tabbing. And it looks nice: http://www.mygreatphone.com/forum

Only comments would be:

a) I'd really like it if i could add individual forums to a tab and not just categories.

b) A simple bit of code to show all cats (for my everything tab, instead of having to add everything)

c) The forums no longer show how many are viewing each forum, that would be a really welcome thing to have back, and may even be a deal breaker to whether i use this in the long term.

d)Would be great if it would degrade gracefully, so if no JS or ajax, that it loads the default or other non tabbed style.

Anyway, good for a work-print add-on, but a bit to go before it's perfect (ie. features not working like number viewing and lack of degradation.)

Thank you for the constructive feedback.. much appreciated..

a) This will be possible with the new version (the final release, not the beta). You will be able to use the recent threads module with the beta to pull this off in the mean time.

b) This is an ACP Option with version 2 as well as user group permissions for each tab.

c) This is "fixed" in version 2 as well as Mark Forums Read.

d) as addressed above, this is something that has been in our plans and is being currently looked into as a high priority.

dazkeirle 09-29-2008 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1633077)
We agree with you, however, there is currently no checking to see if JS is disabled. This is something that is being looked into for the future versions. We are aware of it and it is in our plans.

Thank you for the constructive feedback.. much appreciated..

a) This will be possible with the new version (the final release, not the beta). You will be able to use the recent threads module with the beta to pull this off in the mean time.

b) This is an ACP Option with version 2 as well as user group permissions for each tab.

c) This is "fixed" in version 2 as well as Mark Forums Read.

d) as addressed above, this is something that has been in our plans and is being currently looked into as a high priority.

Well in that case well done you.

Good on you for wanting to mature the product. If you carry on like this it's going to be really popular.

Look forward to the updates.

ArnyVee 09-29-2008 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by King Kovifor (Post 1632584)


Can't wait for 2.0....I've got my finger on the clicker and I'm ready to install! :)

Morsolo 09-29-2008 11:16 PM

This is a great mod and it is exact what I've been looking for, but it has one fatal flaw...

Its usability is horrible, yes I'm aware you need a fair amount of knowledge to operate it, which I have no problems with, but still the amount of hoops I need to jump through just to make it look different is ridiculous :(

I've been trying to make it look like the Member Tabs on the vBStyles GreenFox skin, but with no luck.
If anyone would like to edit it themselves and post a new CSS up here I would love you ;)

King Kovifor 09-29-2008 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by Morsolo (Post 1633532)
This is a great mod and it is exact what I've been looking for, but it has one fatal flaw...

Its usability is horrible, yes I'm aware you need a fair amount of knowledge to operate it, which I have no problems with, but still the amount of hoops I need to jump through just to make it look different is ridiculous :(

I've been trying to make it look like the Member Tabs on the vBStyles GreenFox skin, but with no luck.
If anyone would like to edit it themselves and post a new CSS up here I would love you ;)

I'm not a CSS guy, but 2.0 is much easier to set up - as almost no HTML / PHP knowledge is required because it now has an ACP back end. And YUI Tab View may have a simpler CSS - but I know we've cleaned it up for our specific release.

Hornstar 09-29-2008 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by King Kovifor (Post 1633537)
I'm not a CSS guy, but 2.0 is much easier to set up - as almost no HTML / PHP knowledge is required because it now has an ACP back end. And YUI Tab View may have a simpler CSS - but I know we've cleaned it up for our specific release.

Great because I couldnt get my css looking nice, so i'll just wait for version 2.

Morsolo 09-30-2008 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by King Kovifor (Post 1633537)
I'm not a CSS guy, but 2.0 is much easier to set up - as almost no HTML / PHP knowledge is required because it now has an ACP back end. And YUI Tab View may have a simpler CSS - but I know we've cleaned it up for our specific release.

Sorry if we're not a super cool Mod like yourself *Bows* - But we can't use 2.0 yet :(
So until 2.0 gets out, I guess I'll just have to sit quietly in the corner.

bobster65 09-30-2008 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by Morsolo (Post 1633574)
Sorry if we're not a super cool Mod like yourself *Bows* - But we can't use 2.0 yet :(
So until 2.0 gets out, I guess I'll just have to sit quietly in the corner.

KK being a MOD has nothing to do with it... he is one of my co-developers, that is why he responds to peoples inqueries..

Version 2 uses the YUI Tab View Component which uses the default Tab View CSS (same one that default vB bases the Profiles off of) the CSS Skin file is all commented, so it is super easy to edit for non CSS Guru's, but built so that Advanced users can also take advantage to customize beyond the basics if they so choose to.

We are just finishing up with the Install Doc. Beta 2.0 will be released by this weekend.

Morsolo 09-30-2008 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1633585)
KK being a MOD has nothing to do with it... he is one of my co-developers, that is why he responds to peoples inqueries..

Version 2 uses the YUI Tab View Component which uses the default Tab View CSS (same one that default vB bases the Profiles off of) the CSS Skin file is all commented, so it is super easy to edit for non CSS Guru's, but built so that Advanced users can also take advantage to customize beyond the basics if they so choose to.

We are just finishing up with the Install Doc. Beta 2.0 will be released by this weekend.

I didn't mean it that way, I would have just said we aren't as lucky, but because he was Mod, I decided to pick on that :)
To any other member, I have just said "None of us are as lucky as you" or something.

Sounds great so far though, keep it up, I can't wait for 2.0 ;)

Cust0ms 09-30-2008 12:07 PM

bobster could You help me with my problems (59th page of this thread).

bobster65 09-30-2008 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by Cust0ms (Post 1633835)
bobster could You help me with my problems (59th page of this thread).

Once I get version 2 released, I'll post a sample on how to do what you want to do with the NON Ajax Version..

jambo_1969 09-30-2008 03:03 PM

Standard for vbulletin please....

Awesome mod

EricGT 09-30-2008 09:55 PM

It would be great if we could pull a logged-in user's subscribed forums list into a tab, and only display that tab if the user is logged in and has subscribed to any forums. This would be a great default tab for a logged-in user.

I just installed the mod, BTW, and I love it. i have been working on a similar way to condense the forum listings on the main page, but your solution is more elegant. Thanks. Eric

hilfe-forum 09-30-2008 10:22 PM

Can you Help?

PHP Code:

Warnungin_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in [path]/includes/functions_forumlist.php(395) : eval()'d code (Zeile 2) 

PHP Code:

Datenbankfehler in vBulletin 3.7.0:

Invalid SQL:

.username, (user.options 512) AS invisibleuser.usergroupid,
displaygroupid=0user.usergroupiddisplaygroupid) AS displaygroupid
        FROM vb_session 
AS session
        LEFT JOIN vb_user 
AS user ON(user.userid session.userid)
WHERE session.lastactivity 
ORDER BY username ASC;

MySQL-Fehler  You have an error in your SQL syntaxcheck the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ORDER BY username ASC' at line 8
-Nr.    : 1064
-Zeit   Wednesday01.10.2008 01:16:10
Wednesday01.10.2008 01:16:11

King Kovifor 09-30-2008 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by EricGT (Post 1634240)
It would be great if we could pull a logged-in user's subscribed forums list into a tab, and only display that tab if the user is logged in and has subscribed to any forums. This would be a great default tab for a logged-in user.

I just installed the mod, BTW, and I love it. i have been working on a similar way to condense the forum listings on the main page, but your solution is more elegant. Thanks. Eric

That's not a bad idea. I will see if I can get a module set up to allow this - and if I can I will release it either with 2.0 b2+ or 2.1+ as a default; before that it may only be an addon.

hilfe-forum 09-30-2008 10:53 PM

Ok i found the Problem.
This Hack dont work with the "Spider Display" Hack.

King Kovifor 09-30-2008 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by hilfe-forum (Post 1634273)
Ok i found the Problem.
This Hack dont work with the "Spider Display" Hack.

Thank you for telling us, we will look into a possible fix.

jambo_1969 10-01-2008 01:59 PM

One question having searched this mammoth thread and not been able to find it...

I've got some members who prefer the old layout (roll eyes) - is there a way I can give them the choice whilst keeping the tabs in place ?

maidos 10-01-2008 02:27 PM

when the beta is out can we use the beta and upgrade to the stable version with no issue?

Doom Stone 10-01-2008 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by jambo_1969 (Post 1634697)
One question having searched this mammoth thread and not been able to find it...

I've got some members who prefer the old layout (roll eyes) - is there a way I can give them the choice whilst keeping the tabs in place ?

With the AJAX 1.5 version, having the tabbed categories on one skin doesn't affect the layout of a different skin. At least not as far as I've gathered from messing around with it for a while. So having multiple skin choices should solve that issue for you.

jambo_1969 10-01-2008 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by Doom Stone (Post 1634749)
With the AJAX 1.5 version, having the tabbed categories on one skin doesn't affect the layout of a different skin. At least not as far as I've gathered from messing around with it for a while. So having multiple skin choices should solve that issue for you.

Cool - thanks for that.

New Style introduced :)

King Kovifor 10-01-2008 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by maidos (Post 1634715)
when the beta is out can we use the beta and upgrade to the stable version with no issue?

Yes. 2.0 is database driven, so only changes may be minor template chagnes for you to make.

Magnumutz 10-02-2008 07:54 AM

Can the same thing be done with bobster's other mod: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=191106 ?
Cuz that one is purely amazing.

akulion 10-02-2008 09:38 AM

any ideas when v2 will be out?

Morsolo 10-02-2008 11:09 AM

People, stop asking when will it be released.

Bobster has already said:

Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1630948)
Beta is complete (as far as features/bugs) .. all that's left is install instructions (being drafted now)..

And then:

Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1633585)
We are just finishing up with the Install Doc. Beta 2.0 will be released by this weekend.

So if everyone is patient, bobster can roll it out quicker.

- Morsolo

dazkeirle 10-02-2008 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by dazkeirle View Post

ok guys.

First: Anyone with a linux box, in the js file remove the "/" before clientscript in the source for the css and the loading gif. That will allow those to load.

Second: anybody noticing these display different by default on IE and firefox, It's because the line is added as a class to a break (<br>) instead of a div. Change to a div and all should be well.

I've installed the tabbing. And it looks nice: http://www.mygreatphone.com/forum

Only comments would be:

a) I'd really like it if i could add individual forums to a tab and not just categories.

b) A simple bit of code to show all cats (for my everything tab, instead of having to add everything)

c) The forums no longer show how many are viewing each forum, that would be a really welcome thing to have back, and may even be a deal breaker to whether i use this in the long term.

d)Would be great if it would degrade gracefully, so if no JS or ajax, that it loads the default or other non tabbed style.

Anyway, good for a work-print add-on, but a bit to go before it's perfect (ie. features not working like number viewing and lack of degradation.)

Thank you for the constructive feedback.. much appreciated..

a) This will be possible with the new version (the final release, not the beta). You will be able to use the recent threads module with the beta to pull this off in the mean time.

b) This is an ACP Option with version 2 as well as user group permissions for each tab.

c) This is "fixed" in version 2 as well as Mark Forums Read.

d) as addressed above, this is something that has been in our plans and is being currently looked into as a high priority.
Great news my friend all round.

I have since had another thought that would enhance the product.

The issue with the tabs being there is there's now no longer a front page status showing what threads have been updated and that contain new posts.

So what I'd suggest is instead of say my tabs saying:

Handsets | Networks | Info etc.

They say:

Handsets(2) | Networks(6) | Info

So basically any tabs which contain forums with new posts, the number of new posts is collated and displayed on the actual tab.

Hope that makes sense.

Else the only thing i see as a problem is that the frontpage tabbed section gets all the attention and nobody ever updates the other sections.

Food for thought.

xcingix 10-02-2008 12:51 PM

thanks. great mod.
how is this with vBSEO?

EricGT 10-02-2008 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by King Kovifor (Post 1634260)
That's not a bad idea. I will see if I can get a module set up to allow this - and if I can I will release it either with 2.0 b2+ or 2.1+ as a default; before that it may only be an addon.

Outstanding. It will be a very popular feature, I think. Thanks for all your hard work on this. Eric

King Kovifor 10-02-2008 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Morsolo (Post 1635516)
BETA 2.0 RELEASE DATE ...Information

People, stop asking when will it be released.

Bobster has already said:

And then:

So if everyone sits down and shuts up, he doesn't have to keep checking the thread and we can hope to see it on the weekend.

- Morsolo

This is a post as a moderator and not as a developer. Please tone the post down - some of it wasn't really needed.

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