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pspcrazy 02-03-2008 05:18 AM

Yea well that's why it's still not installed on any of my sites lol. My main reasons is I just hate upgrading, but when a stable release is out I sure as hell upgrade ;) Thanks for the response :)

WEBclay 02-03-2008 12:59 PM

On this line my theme stops working:

PHP Code:

<h3 id="comments">Comments:</h3>
<ol class="commentlist">
foreach ($vbridge[replies] as $reply) {
[B]<li class="<?php echo $oddcomment?>" id="comment-[/B]<?php comment_ID() ?>">

HTML output:

HTML Code:

<h3 id="comments">Comments:</h3>
<ol class="commentlist">

<li class="" id="comment-">

I would highly appreciate any feedback about this :) Last bug before going to public :)

Jafo232 02-05-2008 01:02 PM

Well, the one thing I see is:


<li class="<?php echo $oddcomment; ?>" id="comment-<?php comment_ID() ?>">
Should probably be:


<li class="<?php echo $oddcomment; ?>" id="comment-<?php echo comment_ID() ?>">
But cannot be sure because I am not positive on what you mean by "My theme stops working"..

WEBclay 02-05-2008 01:11 PM

Thanks! Will try this as soon as I am at home. I meant that the layout get broken because the php code stops working there.

edit: doesn't work

Jafo232 02-05-2008 06:27 PM

Not sure why you are calling echo comment_ID(), or $oddcomment.. Those are not needed. Vbulletin is taking over the comments, not accentuating them.

WEBclay 02-05-2008 06:33 PM

?? Its (the code) from your readme file...

Jafo232 02-05-2008 06:46 PM

My bad.. You have only shown me the partial code, would need to see everything you did.

SoftDux 02-08-2008 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by wildcard27 (Post 1410895)
Hi Jafo, I recently moved servers and reinstalled everything (newer versions also). I'm running vB 3.6.8 & WordPress 2.3.1.

Now I constantly get this error when I try to add a new WP article.

I have the following hacks installed:
  • Custom Status Icons Per Forum
  • vBSEO
  • vBSEO :: Sitemap Generator
  • Welcome Headers
Can you please help me out? I saw another guy on page 49 had the same problem, but the solution you gave him didn't work for me.




How did you fix the problem? I'm getting the same error

SoftDux 02-08-2008 11:26 AM


Can someone please help me? I've installed the plugin, but can't make a posst.


Warning: require_once(DIR/includes/functions_newpost.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/webhost/public_html/includes/class_dm_threadpost.php on line 18

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'DIR/includes/functions_newpost.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/webhost/public_html/includes/class_dm_threadpost.php on line 18

My forum is on http://www.webhostingtalk.co.za & WP on http://www.webhostingtalk.co.za/blog

What am I doing wrong?

NavS 02-08-2008 11:28 AM

Can you have it setup like



bfburger 02-09-2008 09:50 PM


Great mod....thank you!!!

Everything is working perfectly except my comments from the forum are not showing in wordpress. I made the template changes per your instructions. Any help is greatly appreciated!

I have included the modified template files for reference.

Thank you,


SoftDux 02-10-2008 06:28 PM


Can anyone please help me? I don't see the forum when I want to make a test post.

My forum is installed http://www.webhostingtalk.co.za & Wordpress on http://www.webhostingtalk.co.za/blog/ - both use the save DB.

dicegame 02-11-2008 01:38 AM

Hello Jafo! :)

Just a quick questioned i've installed this mod but whenever another admin clicks on site admin it forwards them to my forums url. I'm an admin on my site and it works perfectly fine for me when i click on site admin.


ikki83 02-11-2008 06:12 AM

hi folks! i've got a problem. when i write into wordpress the post is cut, so i can't write nothing long more 3 lines... why?

dicegame 02-11-2008 09:20 PM

I had the same problem. Change the character encoding back to UTF-8.

WEBclay 02-12-2008 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Jafo232 (Post 1436921)
My bad.. You have only shown me the partial code, would need to see everything you did.

No problems, here you go:

PHP Code:

<?php get_header(); ?>
<div id="content_wrapper">
<div id="content_single">

<div class="navigation">
<div class="alignleft"><?php previous_post_link('&laquo; %link'?></div>
<div class="alignright"><?php next_post_link('%link &raquo;'?></div>

<div style="clear:both;">&nbsp;</div>

<?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<?php $vbridge 
Comment_Handler($post->ID); ?>

<div class="post" id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">
<h2><a href="<?php echo get_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link: <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>

<div class="entry">
<?php the_content('Read the rest of this entry &raquo;'); ?>
<div style="clear:both;">&nbsp;</div>

<?php the_tags'<p>Tags: '', ''</p>'); ?>

#### Vbridge Replacement code for comments

if ($vbridge[id] > 0) {
<div class="comments">
if(is_single()) {
if (
is_array($vbridge[replies])) {
<br /><br />
<h3 id="comments">Comments:</h3>
<ol class="commentlist">
foreach ($vbridge[replies] as $reply) {

        <li class="<?php echo $oddcomment?>" id="comment-<?php echo comment_ID() ?>">
            <?php echo $vbridge[vb_parser]->do_parse($reply->pagetextfalsetrue); ?>
            <small class="commentmetadata">
            &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/comment_arr.gif" alt="" />

            by <cite> <a href=<?php echo get_option('vbb_VBURL'?>/member.php?u=<?php echo $reply->userid ?>><?php echo $reply->username?></a></cite>
             </small><br />

    <?php /* Changes every other comment to a different class */    
if ('alt' == $oddcomment$oddcomment '';
$oddcomment 'alt';

<a href=<?php echo get_option('vbb_VBURL'?>/showthread.php?t=<?php echo $vbridge[id?>>(<?php echo intval($vbridge[count]) ?>) comments</a> | <a href=<?php echo get_option('vbb_VBURL'?>/newreply.php?do=newreply&noquote=1&t=<?php echo $vbridge[id?>>Add your comments</a>
##End Vbridge Replacement

<p class="postmetadata alt">
This entry was posted on <?php the_time('l, F jS, Y'?> at <?php the_time() ?> and is filled under <?php the_category(', '?>. You can follow any responses to this entry through the <?php comments_rss_link('RSS 2.0'); ?> feed.
<?php if (('open' == $post-> comment_status) && ('open' == $post->ping_status)) {
// Both Comments and Pings are open ?>
You can <a href="#respond">leave a response</a>, or <a href="<?php trackback_url(); ?>" rel="trackback">trackback</a> from your own site. <?php } elseif (!('open' == $post-> comment_status) && ('open' == $post->ping_status)) {
// Only Pings are Open ?>
Responses are currently closed, but you can <a href="<?php trackback_url(); ?> " rel="trackback">trackback</a> from your own site. <?php } elseif (('open' == $post-> comment_status) && !('open' == $post->ping_status)) {
// Comments are open, Pings are not ?>
You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
<?php } elseif (!('open' == $post-> comment_status) && !('open' == $post->ping_status)) {
// Neither Comments, nor Pings are open ?>
Both comments and pings are currently closed.

<?php edit_post_link('Edit this entry.','',''); ?>



<?php endwhile; else: ?>

<p>Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.</p>

<?php endif; ?>

</div><!-- END CONTENT_SINGLE -->

<div id="content_single_right">
<br />
</div><!-- END CONTENT_right -->

</div><!-- END CONTENT_WRAPPER -->

<?php get_footer(); ?>

A7la_3alm 02-12-2008 08:50 PM

Hellow every body,
I install this bridge and work good but I have two problems, I will talk about one now because I need asolution for it nowadays.

The first problem that this bridge dont work with Arabic usernames,
I mean when the username in English, the user login at wordprss and be one of wordpress useres. but when username in Arabic its not working and the user not logged in at wordpress.
That because I let registeration in Arabic names. so I need to fix this problem

any idea?

Jafo232 02-14-2008 01:22 PM

Don't allow arabic characters, that should fix it.

BaselineAce 02-16-2008 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Jafo232 (Post 1392397)
No, it is not possible. You are confusing multiple databases with multiple domains. The domain restriction is still in effect.

Is there any way around this?

Wings69 02-16-2008 04:32 PM

I was thinking of getting vbSEO - anyone had any compatability issues with this plugin and vbseo, or has it been working fine?


Ksb2050 02-16-2008 04:51 PM

I've been using this successfully for 2 weeks now, but today I went to my site to find this:


Fatal error: Undefined class name 'vbulletinhook' in /home/videknet/public_html/forums/includes/class_bbcode.php on line 2405
What happened?? And how to I fix it??

EDIT: Disabled it, and edited the VBbridge call out of my themes index and the site (stand-a-lone) works fine a again.

SoftDux 02-16-2008 07:19 PM

This is a great addon, thanx :)

I have some questions though, as I couldn't find the answers to them in the 29 pages worth of stuff on this particular thread.

* How do I map my Blog categories with my Forum categories?
* If a user gets promoted to a new user group in vBulletin, does it automatically change his privilege in Wordpress as well?

Brew 02-18-2008 02:08 AM

I've been using the bridge for quite some time without an issue.

Good work!

There is one thing I'd like to do but I have read anything on how to do it.

I would like to embed the forums into wordpress. Something like I've seen phpbb embedded into PostNuke and others.

Is there a way to embed vB into WP pages?


Ksb2050 02-18-2008 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by Ksb2050 (Post 1444554)
I've been using this successfully for 2 weeks now, but today I went to my site to find this:

What happened?? And how to I fix it??

EDIT: Disabled it, and edited the VBbridge call out of my themes index and the site (stand-a-lone) works fine a again.

Ok I need help again. Now my posts dont transfer to my forum cause the bridge is disabled. How do I resolve that error, what happened?? If I can still use this bridge, I need to :erm:

Jafo232 02-18-2008 01:08 PM

How did you disable the bridge?

Ksb2050 02-18-2008 02:15 PM

I disabled the product and took out the template edits. Everytime I re-install now I get that fatal error listed above.

McMendo 02-19-2008 01:30 AM

Does this work with wordpress in one subdomain and vb in a different subdomain?

Jafo232 02-19-2008 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by McMendo (Post 1446336)
Does this work with wordpress in one subdomain and vb in a different subdomain?


Jafo232 02-19-2008 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Ksb2050 (Post 1445938)
I disabled the product and took out the template edits. Everytime I re-install now I get that fatal error listed above.

You may want to edit the vbbridge.php file where it says:


## If you get errors relating to the class 'vBulletinHook' not found, uncomment next line.
# define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);

PhenomLeader 02-20-2008 01:00 AM

Has anyone got this to work?

I'd love to see if this works for us but this thread is scary. I'm going to have to hire someone to do this for me and I don't want them stumbling around with trial and error. Also please excuse my low tech-ness but I'm not quite sure what the bridge DOES. I don't much care about WP bloggers being able to comment. I want people to join if they want to discuss an entry which is why I want it tied to a forum. I'm most interested in being able to create tags and categories so people can read past entries by subject matter.

Also, does the WP theme have to be duplicated to match the forum skin? I have two active but very different skins and I'm not sure how it would work if we had to pick one skin.

Sorry for the questions, I've never worked with Word press before and I'm not sure how this works.

Fraik 02-20-2008 09:19 AM

This has worked great for my news system

What it does, is give forum users an account on wordpress (you can determine which group you want to take on which role). Comments can be handled either by wordpress or by the forum, whichever you want. If you want it to be on the forums (like me) it will automatically post a thread, to which your users can reply.

I love this plugin as it allows me to use all the great features of the WP posting tool like pinging other sites, category and tag archives etc. - while I can still use vBulletin to handle discussions and comments. I used vbExternal before, but this is much more stable in regard to converting HTML -> BBcode

PhenomLeader 02-20-2008 09:59 AM

Fraik, I sent you a message. By the way your skin and forum design is impressive!

zmsan 02-20-2008 04:13 PM

May be a dumb question but do vb and wp have to be in the same database? If not, what are the settings to make it read from the other db?

jjfighter 02-21-2008 01:29 PM

How do I get the images to show up in the forum posts?

All I see is the HTML code for it, do I have to allow HTML in the forum?

DivisionByZero 02-21-2008 09:48 PM

the php files and the documentation both need line feed conversions :)

jjfighter 02-21-2008 10:19 PM

I'm a little bit a of newb, but what do you mean by line feed conversions?

PhenomLeader 02-22-2008 02:57 AM

Installed, however:

When my users view a blog post and click on comments, it does not take them to the forum in which the article was posted to... if comments are on, it uses WP commenting. If comments are off it there is no option to comment at all.

Are there changes that have to be made to get that feature to work? I felt that was the best benefit of this mod. I don't want people to be able to comment unless they are a member of the forums. I've seen it work on jeffsrecipes.com... it is not working that way for me.

Blog addy

[S]Second, when my members go to the blog, it auto adds them as a user. Is it supposed to do that? [/S] *DUH, read the ReadME

pspcrazy 02-22-2008 09:53 PM

Jafo can you please work out some method to have pagination with the comments? I'm getting some pages with like 200-1000 comments that are killing my server. Anything would be appreciated :)

Fraik 02-23-2008 04:40 PM

PhenomLeader, did you follow the instructions for replacing the Wordpress replies code with the one that directs it to a vB topic? I know I had to do that anyway

Im pretty sure its somewhere in the readme file.

PhenomLeader 02-23-2008 05:25 PM

I had a coder install this for me... I will ask him to check that. Thanks. I did ask the original coder but got no response.

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