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-   -   Major Additions - Zoints LOCAL. Social networking, enhanced profiles, blogs and MUCH more (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=130946)

dpatel304 05-08-2007 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by Strike3ForumsMH (Post 1243461)
Hi l3it3r and dpatel304,

I apologize for the lack of response, I've been a bit busy as of the past few days. I see though that there is a thread opened at network.zoints.com (I have yet to read it) and I will see if I can find anything to contribute to the conversation there that hasn't been said by someone else. I hope we can resolve this issue for you both.

- Reid

No worries. Actually, I should be apologizing. Turns out I just forgot to import the zointsprofile product. I'm an idiot. Anyway, crisis has been averted. Not sure about l3it3r though. He seemed to have the same problem. I asked him if he forgot to do what I forgot, but I haven't heard back.

l3it3r 05-08-2007 09:59 AM

I do not have that issue ;) my issue is more deeply rooted than that I believe. Regardless, I would still like to get a snippet of code to change the lastposter link

Kohhal 05-09-2007 12:57 PM


Everything looks good so far.

I haven't released it to the public yet, profiles not on or whatever and am currently setting up the default blocks for my users. Is there a way to reset everyone's profile when I update the Default Blocks as users which I've viewed myself during testing keep the blocks viewed in addition to the new defaults?

Basically, how do I just set it at some stage so that every users profile page just has the default blocks?

Also, is the attached image correct? It looks strange and I've a feeling something is missing as I find it odd that the two text links shown are supposed to look like that?

Good work though, looks great. Been reading the zoints forums and development isn't looking too healthy so I hope that changes as I think when vB release their product, depending on how good it is of course, it may whip Zoints if there is no more development.

Good luck,

G :)

xfaethorx 05-11-2007 08:02 AM

Hi I've asked for this before but I was wondering if it’s still going to be implemented as there was a mention a while ago. Can anyone confirm if there might be additions of the following to the blogs section of zoints
Search facility for blog entries.
Blog moods.
Blog entry categories.
Blog attachments.
Download blog entries in XML format/Txt format

Rouzbeh1 05-13-2007 12:38 PM

i have upgraded my forums to vb 3.6.6, and now Zoints Profiles plugin seems not to be working anymore. it says the plugin has been turned off!!
what to do?

thanks in advance

Strike3ForumsMH 05-13-2007 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by TheMasterG (Post 1244335)

Everything looks good so far.

I haven't released it to the public yet, profiles not on or whatever and am currently setting up the default blocks for my users. Is there a way to reset everyone's profile when I update the Default Blocks as users which I've viewed myself during testing keep the blocks viewed in addition to the new defaults?

Basically, how do I just set it at some stage so that every users profile page just has the default blocks?

Also, is the attached image correct? It looks strange and I've a feeling something is missing as I find it odd that the two text links shown are supposed to look like that?

Good work though, looks great. Been reading the zoints forums and development isn't looking too healthy so I hope that changes as I think when vB release their product, depending on how good it is of course, it may whip Zoints if there is no more development.

Good luck,

G :)

Hi MasterG,

First off, welcome to Zoints. As for your question, I am not sure if there is such a way to easily revert everyone's profile back in the manner I think you're speaking of. But to be honest, I am a bit confused on what you were exactly are you simply wanting to know if you can revert all profiles back to the defaults (as defined by the standard Zoints install) or something else?

The attached image looks perfect. Text links do appear instead of clickable image links like some may expect (especially us vB users.)

And development is indeed in the works. I wish I could state more in regards to that but it's just not my place to do so. Any of the current Zoints staffers will admit the transition period has been a rough one but things have been clearing up for awhile now to the point that we can start focusing a bit more on the future versus just getting our house in order like we needed to during the initial stages of transition from the changing of owners.

I apologize about the delay in response time. And thanks for the wishes of good luck!

- Reid

Strike3ForumsMH 05-13-2007 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by xfaethorx (Post 1245456)
Hi I've asked for this before but I was wondering if it?s still going to be implemented as there was a mention a while ago. Can anyone confirm if there might be additions of the following to the blogs section of zoints
Search facility for blog entries.
Blog moods.
Blog entry categories.
Blog attachments.
Download blog entries in XML format/Txt format

Hi xfaethorx,

I haven't heard much in the way of new features for blog development, but I do know that its an area we would all like to improve in. If you would be so kind to make a post regarding the features you would like to see here (at our suggestions forum):


It would be greatly appreciated as we do consider features based on the suggestions we get there, they are actually extremely helpful not only due to the nature of them but also since its one forum that all Zoints staff members can access and reference when talking about new development.

If you have made a post there, I apologize as I must of never had the chance to read that one. Irregardless though, I will pass this on myself as well.

Thank you for the suggestions.

- Reid

Strike3ForumsMH 05-13-2007 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by Rouzbeh1 (Post 1246792)
i have upgraded my forums to vb 3.6.6, and now Zoints Profiles plugin seems not to be working anymore. it says the plugin has been turned off!!
what to do?

thanks in advance

Hey Rouzbeh1,

I have yet to upgrade to 3.66 and I am not for sure if anyone on the staff yet has (we have learned of a tags issue with someone and 3.66) so it would be best if you haven't already to open up a ticket at network.zoints.com. I wish I could give more assistance here, but seeing that I have yet to deal with a 3.66 problem, I don't want to give you advice based on my best guess of the situation that would only make your problem worse.

- Reid

Gholsie 05-14-2007 11:22 PM

This is a nice add-on. I like it a lot. But, I can't find a method to modify my own profile from the "USER CP" area... do you have one?

Strike3ForumsMH 05-17-2007 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by Gholsie (Post 1247695)
This is a nice add-on. I like it a lot. But, I can't find a method to modify my own profile from the "USER CP" area... do you have one?

Hey Gholsie,

As of this moment, you can not edit your profile from within the USER CP, and that's something I am hoping will be addressed in the future (if it's doable.) But it should be possible currently to just simply add another link on the USER CP dropdown and within the USER CP as well with a simple link to a user's Zoints Profile that would be labeled as "Edit Zoints Profile" or to just replace the "Edit Profile" link.

- Reid

tminus 05-17-2007 03:28 AM

Got this MySQL error after upgrading my test forums to 3.6.6 and 3.7.7:

mysql_connect() [<a href='function.mysql-connect'>function.mysql-connect</a>]: Host 'ans09.midphase.com' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server
/home/public_html/forum/includes/class_core.php on line 274
Script : /forum/z/task.php?46722
Referrer : /forum/z/index.php?z-profile=tminus
I haven't upgraded my real forums yet, but I am assuming that I just need to change the permissions for class_core.php, since the upgrade wrote over it, and it will be fine. So I just wanted to mention it. I will post the results after I upgrade tonight, but it doesn't seem to be a major error. Zoints seems to be working fine otherwise, though I haven't done a full test of it's functions.

Strike3ForumsMH 05-17-2007 11:23 PM

Thank you for letting us know tminus, I'll be passing this onto the engineers as soon as I can so they are aware.

- Reid

michaelsilvia 05-18-2007 03:43 AM

What is the safest way to unistall this? To remove the DB tables as well?

Strike3ForumsMH 05-18-2007 10:44 AM

Hi Michael,

Zoints Local has an uninstaller, you will need to access /z/install/manager.php to find it (it should be the third option.) After that, just delete the /z/ folder from your server. Make sure you also remove the product (or disable it) from your Admin CP, or vB will be calling for profiles that no longer exist (after the removal of course). Uninstalling the product and using the uninstaller link should remove the tables in vBulletin and outside of it. If you have problems with this, make sure to open a ticket up at network.zoints.com.

I'm sorry Zoints Local wasn't what your forum was looking for.

- Reid

Taios 05-18-2007 11:05 AM

Holey crap wow!! Very nice job sir!

haytham 05-19-2007 04:14 PM

Hi. 59 pages and did a search for Arabic..didn't find anything. My question is..my forum is in Arabic..if I install zoints in English will it be like messed up or what? I have no intention of translating it..it looks huge..I just wanna know if it will work side be side with my current Arabic language forum.

Strike3ForumsMH 05-20-2007 06:27 AM

Hi haytham,

Zoints Local should work just fine next to an installation of vBulletin in another language other than English.... outside of the fact of it being a different language of course ;). Just tonight I was looking at a forum completely in Russian (from the banner to the text) but working alongside with a Zoints Local that comes as default in English perfectly. If you have any apprehension about installing though, make sure to backup before you install to play it safe (which should be done before any major modification or hack is applied.)

- Reid

haytham 05-20-2007 07:14 AM

ok thanks..one more question. What's the zoint profile that I downloaded? It doesn't say what to do with it. Also will I need to make another database for zoints or will it use the one for VB? Thanks

Strike3ForumsMH 05-20-2007 07:34 AM

Hi again,

I am not really for sure what you are exactly referring to. Both downloads on this thread are necessary to install and integrate Zoints with your forum, if you are asking about the package labeled as zointsprofile2.1.4 then you will need to locate the product within that folder and upload it through your vBulletin Admin CP (this allows for the redirection to the Zoints profiles) and it also has instructions of how to make various template edits in case you are using a custom style that wouldn't allow for the automatic template edits to take place. Please let me know if I didn't hit upon what you were asking about Haytham.


Import the product "product-zointsprofile-{version}.xml" in the vBulletin product manager.

AdminCP > Plugin System > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product]
- Reid

Strike3ForumsMH 05-20-2007 07:36 AM

Oh and as for the database question, in the installation the installer will take you through the steps of where to put the Zoints tables, by default it goes within your forums' database with the prefix zp_ (and it will uninstall just fine in the future if you decide that it's not for your forum.)

- Reid

haytham 05-22-2007 11:09 AM

Well thanks a lot. Installation was easy enough. It did mess up my style a bit bec. maybe the right to left difference in language. Anyways..I'd like to ask 2 questions now.
1- Is there an uninstallation guide or page.
2- I have another English forum on my site. I'd like to install zoints there. Coulld I use the same token I did with the Arabic forum or would I need a different one?

Strike3ForumsMH 05-22-2007 08:01 PM

No problem Haytham. To answer your first question regarding uninstalling Zoints, please view this page:


As for installing Zoints elsewhere, you do need to have a separate token/authentication key as those are kept unique to a particular forum.

- Reid

Mrdby 05-23-2007 02:18 AM


Mrdby 05-23-2007 02:42 AM

You will need to CHMOD the following directory to "777" (World writable).

User Directory (Styles, Images, etc)Path on filesystem /**/local/home/***/***.net/forum/z/user
Writable? Not writable

so what file should i chmod?

Mrdby 05-23-2007 03:40 AM

Sorry, you must have javascript enabled to view this site. THIS MY PROBLEM? or the hack?

Mrdby 05-23-2007 01:51 PM

How about GUEST not being able to view profiles???? Must be registered!!ANYBODY?

Strike3ForumsMH 05-23-2007 02:52 PM

Hi Mrdby,


Originally Posted by Mrdby (Post 1253056)
You will need to CHMOD the following directory to "777" (World writable).

User Directory (Styles, Images, etc)Path on filesystem /**/local/home/***/***.net/forum/z/user
Writable? Not writable

so what file should i chmod?

I believe Paul answered your question regarding this at network.zoints.com


Originally Posted by Mrdby (Post 1253079)
Sorry, you must have javascript enabled to view this site. THIS MY PROBLEM? or the hack?

I am sorry, I don't really follow the question I did see you mention at the support site something in regards to Java correcting your problem (possibly an upgrade from 1.02 to 1.03.)


Originally Posted by Mrdby (Post 1253250)
How about GUEST not being able to view profiles???? Must be registered!!ANYBODY?

And I answered this question over the support site as well.

- Reid

Mrdby 05-23-2007 03:15 PM

I got it now..lol thanks!!

redtaz 05-24-2007 05:19 AM

Uh i have a question in my Zoints when i went to my zoints and then settings on my site i used to be able to see the link to the Zoints Admin Area but now i cant? Any idea why? I need to get into my Zoints Admin CP. OK i found out the url to my Zoints Admin Cp but when i try to access it it says :

Zoints Message
You do not have sufficient privileges to view this page.
How can i fix this?

Strike3ForumsMH 05-24-2007 06:12 AM

Hi redtaz,

As for your problem... hmm. Are you using the admin account that installed Zoints Local? If you're are not and cannot access that account for whatever reason, run this query where x is your userid:

UPDATE zp_user SET usergroup = usergroup | 8 WHERE userid = x

If you are using the correct account, log into your vB Admin CP, vB Options, Cookies and HTTP options, and under Cookie Domain Suggested Settings select .yourdomain.com and save.

If you're not comfortable using the last solution (I really can't vouch for it either way, it's just something I heard about in the past from a Zoints staff member and it can affect your logins if it isn't the case) and the first solution doesn't work or isn't applicable, please open up a support ticket at network.zoints.com


- Reid

redtaz 05-24-2007 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Strike3ForumsMH (Post 1253703)
Hi redtaz,

As for your problem... hmm. Are you using the admin account that installed Zoints Local? If you're are not and cannot access that account for whatever reason, run this query where x is your userid:

UPDATE zp_user SET usergroup = usergroup | 8 WHERE userid = x

If you are using the correct account, log into your vB Admin CP, vB Options, Cookies and HTTP options, and under Cookie Domain Suggested Settings select .yourdomain.com and save.

If you're not comfortable using the last solution (I really can't vouch for it either way, it's just something I heard about in the past from a Zoints staff member and it can affect your logins if it isn't the case) and the first solution doesn't work or isn't applicable, please open up a support ticket at network.zoints.com


- Reid

To answer your first question yes i am using the admin account that installed Zoints and i tried the second thing which you said to do but it still didnt work :confused:

Strike3ForumsMH 05-24-2007 04:41 PM

Hi redtaz,

Please open a support ticket at network.zoints.com regarding your problem.

- Reid

slinky 05-25-2007 03:02 PM

Strike3 - is anyone of reasonable size using Zoints at this time? I wasn't too impressed with what I saw in the community section, especially the kind of forums there (anything with the word forex or other words in my spam filter don't thrill me.)

I bought a few copies and didn't get a chance to install because of some bug issues that concerned me. I've never received an update in the months I've had the autonomous version. But now with the sale and the question of direction (seems you're linked in if you want to use zoints) I'm seriously considering another route. Let me know if I can be convinced since you are closer to the source apparently. Thanks. :)

Strike3ForumsMH 05-25-2007 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by slinky (Post 1254513)
Strike3 - is anyone of reasonable size using Zoints at this time? I wasn't too impressed with what I saw in the community section, especially the kind of forums there (anything with the word forex or other words in my spam filter don't thrill me.)

I bought a few copies and didn't get a chance to install because of some bug issues that concerned me. I've never received an update in the months I've had the autonomous version. But now with the sale and the question of direction (seems you're linked in if you want to use zoints) I'm seriously considering another route. Let me know if I can be convinced since you are closer to the source apparently. Thanks. :)

Hi slinky,

Our directory is full of a lot of junk and actually Doug (our new owner) has assigned a few of us to begin cleaning that up so I hope you don't take that as an honest view of what the Zoints network is like.

I can't speak for this entire list as I haven't checked it recently, but here is a list of Big-Boards sites who are Zoints enabled:

As for your licenses, while we do not sell autonomous licenses anymore, we do honor them and support them. I haven't heard much in the way about them lately, but when we come out with our next update, autonomous packages will be updated as well (so you won't have to fear being locked into something that you paid to avoid.)

If you have any suggestions or lingering bugs, make sure to post them in our feedback and suggestions forum as we using that as a resource in determining what is critical for the next release.

Thank you.

- Reid

venomx 05-31-2007 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by TheWhite (Post 1169554)
Well i've installed evrything to the letter and it all seems to work fine except this can someone tell me how to fix it?

Link Your Account to Zoints
You are not currently linked to an account on Zoints.com. Click here to link your account. Linking will allow you to easily travel around communities on the internet and enjoy cool future features.

Zoints Message
The client forum is not configured properly.


I got the same problem. Have you fixed this? Someone help please? :confused:

venomx 05-31-2007 10:38 PM

Got it. I had to turn the forum on... doh!

Strike3ForumsMH 05-31-2007 10:50 PM

Sometimes the most frustrating problems are the easiest to solve.

Glad you figured it out venomx and welcome to Zoints.

- Reid

lostgirl815 06-05-2007 12:51 AM

About how much disk space would I need per board member for this - does anyone have a ballpark figure?

Strike3ForumsMH 06-05-2007 03:42 AM

Hi lostgirl815,

By default, Zoints Local allots 10 MB per user but that's a controllable figure you can change as you need. With the photo album not functional to our standards though right now, your members really won't have much to upload to your server to drain space. For most installations and uses of Zoints Local, I would say that the disk usage is low .

- Reid

lostgirl815 06-05-2007 05:03 AM

Thanks very much for that excellent and helpful reply. :)

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