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andrew67 06-03-2007 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by MARKETPROFITS (Post 1260199)
Hmmmmmm......I'm still running the old bot, I guess I will update my bot and see how it goes.

Yes, this is a great modification.

Thanks and I'll keep all of you posted on my success or failure with this mod.


Yes , it is a great mod , but DONT upgrade !

We all have bots that wont learn anything , if yours is working fine and you upgrade you will end up with a bot with no learning ability.

As long as you are aware of this , feel free to upgrade.

basketmen 06-03-2007 08:45 AM

I think tim must create txt file in zip package or in description above for troubleshooting and the sollution

this is troubleshooting and sollution from me

1. i get this error message

Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /ewt_talkerbot.php on line 55

Warning: file_get_contents(http://www.domain.com/alice/src/talk.php?vbid=3&input=robot+where+are+you%3F++come +back) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /ewt_talkerbot.php on line 55

sollution :
this is because your host not actived allow_url_fopen

so open your php.ini then add this line


2. i cannot complete aiml loading in http://www.yourdomain.com/forums/ali.../botloader.php

sollution :
i am not sure, maybe you need someone that have high internet access to load it
anyone want to add this troubleshooting?
my internet access just 64Kb sharing and i just can complete 75% from aiml but the bot can talk too. my robot here is here Aku Robot

cjshirlaw 06-03-2007 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Merrillizer (Post 1257036)
Are you really running "http://www.yourdomain.com/forums/alice/src/admin/botloader.php", or are you editing it properly to include YOUR domain?

Yes, i am putting in my website name.


Originally Posted by txspaderz (Post 1257143)
If you got a 404 error page, make sure your files are uploaded and in the right spot. That's not a hack / mod problem, it's operator error. (No offense). It just means that you did not do something right.

I uploaded all of the bits to the right place. I think it may have something to do with the names of my folders? the full name of the alice folder is /public_html/alice/src/admin/ but when i try this it also doesn't work.

DevilzFan 06-04-2007 01:23 AM


This seems like a very interesting mod. I've been trying to install it on my forum, but alas, it can't seem to get through botloader.php.

I get as far as:

Loading startup.xml
Loading data aiml file: 1.aiml
Loading data aiml file: 2.aiml
Loading data aiml file: 3.aiml
Loading data aiml file: 4.aiml
Loading data aiml file: 5.aiml
Loading data aiml file: 6.aiml
Loading data aiml file: 8.aiml
Loading data aiml file: 9.aiml
Loading data aiml file: A.aiml
Loading data aiml file: B.aiml
Loading data aiml file: C.aiml
before the page stops responding/loading, and shows as 'done'.

Any idea's?

jerseyda6 06-04-2007 02:06 AM

installed... great

andrew67 06-04-2007 10:35 PM

I was going to suggest we all throw a donation Tim's way to help get things moving but he hasnt been on vbulletin.org since sometime last month.

Merrillizer 06-04-2007 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by DevilzFan (Post 1260717)

This seems like a very interesting mod. I've been trying to install it on my forum, but alas, it can't seem to get through botloader.php.

I get as far as:

before the page stops responding/loading, and shows as 'done'.

Any idea's?

Mine kept stopping at H. I finally decided to show it who was BOSS, so I opened my FTP and then deleted folders A through H. Then I ran botloader again in the browser. It picked up at I and went 6 or 7 more folders, then stopped again. So I went back into FTP and deleted folders "I" through say, "O". Ran botloader again in the browser, and it picked up at the P folder, did 6 or so more, then stopped again. So back into FTP, delete folders P through wherever it stopped, repeat same process. Try it, it will work.

Snider 06-05-2007 06:24 PM

uninstall available yet ?

DevilzFan 06-06-2007 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by Merrillizer (Post 1261355)
Mine kept stopping at H. I finally decided to show it who was BOSS, so I opened my FTP and then deleted folders A through H. Then I ran botloader again in the browser. It picked up at I and went 6 or 7 more folders, then stopped again. So I went back into FTP and deleted folders "I" through say, "O". Ran botloader again in the browser, and it picked up at the P folder, did 6 or so more, then stopped again. So back into FTP, delete folders P through wherever it stopped, repeat same process. Try it, it will work.

Thanks for the tip!

Tried it, but now when I get to the "http://www.mysite.com/forums/alice/src/talk.html" and type something, it just goes to a blank page. :(

Getting the "I can't connect to my database" reply in the forum as well.

treader 06-06-2007 08:22 AM

I know this has been an issue for several people trying to run the talkerbot on VB, when there server has the option of "get_file_content" turned off.

Just wondering if anyone has a fix for this yet?

From what I understand, you can use CURL commands instead. I've tried this, and just get Pharse errors.

I'm running the Talker Bot Hack v2.5.0 verson (if that helps). As I said I've tried to change the command in the "ewt_talkerbot.php" file. but can't seem to get it to work right. Perhaps some one here might know if I need to change something else as well?

I do have this running on my test board (on a different server) and this is an awesome hack, unfortunately it's just not on the board i want it to be on hehehe. IF some one could just tell me the files that need editing to get this to work right, I'm sure I can figure out the codeing (hint hint @ the developer ) If i can get this to work right, I'd be glad to share the code changes needed.

Merrillizer 06-06-2007 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by DevilzFan (Post 1262256)
Thanks for the tip!

Tried it, but now when I get to the "http://www.mysite.com/forums/alice/src/talk.html" and type something, it just goes to a blank page. :(

Getting the "I can't connect to my database" reply in the forum as well.

Hmmm, mine did that as well for a bit, but I think it went away when I finally got all that data into the DB. I cant really remember doing anything else to fix it lol, but are you sure the folders are CHMOD'd correctly and the path is correct in the config file?

Actually I still get the cannot connect to the database error from the bot sometimes, it seems like it happens when I ask it lengthy questions, when I simplify sentences I have the best luck with it.

DevilzFan 06-06-2007 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by Merrillizer (Post 1262729)
Hmmm, mine did that as well for a bit, but I think it went away when I finally got all that data into the DB. I cant really remember doing anything else to fix it lol, but are you sure the folders are CHMOD'd correctly and the path is correct in the config file?

Actually I still get the cannot connect to the database error from the bot sometimes, it seems like it happens when I ask it lengthy questions, when I simplify sentences I have the best luck with it.

Triple checked the CHMOD on all the files and folders.

As for the path in the config file, I don't appear to have a config file. There's no mention of one in the readme from the zip either. :confused:

basketmen 06-08-2007 04:19 PM


I know this has been an issue for several people trying to run the talkerbot on VB, when there server has the option of "get_file_content" turned off.

Just wondering if anyone has a fix for this yet?

From what I understand, you can use CURL commands instead. I've tried this, and just get Pharse errors.

I'm running the Talker Bot Hack v2.5.0 verson (if that helps). As I said I've tried to change the command in the "ewt_talkerbot.php" file. but can't seem to get it to work right. Perhaps some one here might know if I need to change something else as well?

I do have this running on my test board (on a different server) and this is an awesome hack, unfortunately it's just not on the board i want it to be on hehehe. IF some one could just tell me the files that need editing to get this to work right, I'm sure I can figure out the codeing (hint hint @ the developer ) If i can get this to work right, I'd be glad to share the code changes needed.

try this https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=882 and read this thread again, tell us again the result

basketmen 06-09-2007 04:33 PM

i want to know is there anyone using dreamhost here?

please answer because maybe i want to moving my forum to go they shared hosting and want to know this mod working or no

daz1967 06-09-2007 04:36 PM

I'm using dreamhost & this hack works but i can not stop it posting before the person making the post

Snider 06-09-2007 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by basketmen (Post 1264897)
i want to know is there anyone using dreamhost here?

please answer because maybe i want to moving my forum to go they shared hosting and want to know this mod working or no

I used to be now I am using hastyhost.com and loving it. Dreamhost is a scam anyways - try and near their so called limits and they shut down your site

Many other better options out there

STILL WAITING FOR AN UNINSTALL FOR THIS MOD. I want a small database again

treader 06-11-2007 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by basketmen (Post 1264228)
try this https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=882 and read this thread again, tell us again the result

Yeah i don't have that option on my server ;)..... had to spend an entire night installing my own copy of PHP onto my server account just so i could try this..... result, not working LOL

It appears to be a linking linking issue now, that has been discussed here before. The recommendation for this, was to edit the "bdprefs" When ever i do this though, no matter how i put the links in... NOTHING works, not the install, the testing, nothing. I just get blank pages. :(


Originally Posted by basketmen (Post 1264897)
i want to know is there anyone using dreamhost here?

please answer because maybe i want to moving my forum to go they shared hosting and want to know this mod working or no

Yeah actually i'm on dreamhost.... maybe you'll have better luck than I did getting it to work. But i can tell you either you need to know how to recode this hack to use CURL commands, or you will need to do like i did, and install your own copy of PHP so you can turn the command on. Dreamhost will not turn it on for you....... PM me if you want to try it though, i can give you the links and some help installing PHP,on that server, if you need it:)

treader 06-11-2007 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by daz1967 (Post 1264899)
I'm using dreamhost & this hack works but i can not stop it posting before the person making the post

Man I've been having a hell of a time getting it to work... I'd really appreciate it, if you could tell me how you set the "dbprefs".. if you had to edit them at all:confused: I was beginning to think it might be on the servers end.... but if you have it working i must be wrong LOL

Snider 06-12-2007 11:41 AM

STILL WAITING ON AN UNINSTALL - Please provide this support. I also have PM'd you without any help thus far - is this mod still supported here ?

ok awesome 06-13-2007 03:12 PM

I'm having weird problems with this one. It's installed and works, but it's phrasing and punctionation are always messed up.


Originall posted by Talkerbot

What were we talking about again?
OK Let's talk about you.Are we still talking about he or she'm all good with Shawn?
I get it. Brad you gotta give CASF the introduction you
won't post a lot but when he does on just about any subject it's going to be $$$.I haven't heard anything like that before:
said approve.

It has random carriage returns and bad spacing and punctuation. Anyone else have this problem?

Here's another:


Quote: Originally Posted by ORIGINAL POSTER
Well, my prediction held true. The Spurs won games 1 and 2 at home, and then completely blew it in game 3. They sucked last night. But Cleveland is equally as bad, and the Spurs played some of the best defense I've ever seen, and they still won, even though they blew chunks.

Spurs in 4. Do it. Do it.

Originall posted by Talkerbot

Well that's okay.
Where did you get your
prediction held true?
I hear you. The anonymous "they". And.
Are they exactly the same?
Who is your favorite Science Fiction author?
Do you mean "It"?.Do you mean "It"?.

Censtudios 06-17-2007 03:07 PM

is it required to upload the /alice folder?

anyways, im uploading now... when its working ill press install

it looks like an awesome mod.

I made a special forums where my members can play with the bot a little :P

and eh... I hope you are joking about the "taking over the world warning" thing :D

Snider 06-17-2007 04:29 PM

Still Waiting On An Uninstall

Snider 06-17-2007 04:29 PM

This not a supported Mod - been weeks since he has checked in. No help at all.

johnrizz 06-17-2007 05:13 PM

I think it was a heart attack from the stress of this hack.. lol! srry. I should'nt joke around like that.....

onehost 06-18-2007 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by stone0075 (Post 1270434)
I think it was a heart attack from the stress of this hack.. lol! srry. I should'nt joke around like that.....

nice mod, installed, hope he continues his updates...

now im talking too myself on my forum...

FReeSTER 06-18-2007 05:33 AM

Can I modify it to talk in spanish? :o

USAMustangs.com 06-18-2007 06:02 AM

does anyone know how to change it's name?

it calls itself "program e" or "alice"

i would like to give a custom name.

Dr.NoTime 06-18-2007 11:29 AM

Really fun hack, when it works. Have to constantly reload the db. Unfortunately the developer hasn't responded in quite some time.

The Lord of Dip 06-18-2007 10:27 PM

I was not able to connect to my database. Please try again later.


My folder is domain.it/forum no domain.it/forums

Snider 06-19-2007 11:41 AM

Still waiting on an uninstall - damn DB is huge cause of this hack

pictureboarduk 06-19-2007 02:05 PM

Need news on how to make it learn...

Working fine apart from that.

andrew67 06-20-2007 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by pictureboarduk (Post 1271767)
Need news on how to make it learn...

Working fine apart from that.

Yes its very disappointing.

lefthome 06-21-2007 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Snider (Post 1271696)
Still waiting on an uninstall - damn DB is huge cause of this hack

I removed the program from my database without an uninstaller:

I removed the program.
Next, in phpadmin, I located and dropped the following table created and that resolved my problems. Hope this helps!


Snider 06-21-2007 06:09 PM

Thanks a bunch !!

Originally Posted by lefthome (Post 1273370)
I removed the program from my database without an uninstaller:

I removed the program.
Next, in phpadmin, I located and dropped the following table created and that resolved my problems. Hope this helps!


andrew67 06-24-2007 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by lefthome (Post 1273370)
I removed the program from my database without an uninstaller:

I removed the program.
Next, in phpadmin, I located and dropped the following table created and that resolved my problems. Hope this helps!


Thanks Lefthome , I will give it a couple of weeks and if there is no update I am going to remove it. Members have lost interest in it as it cant remember anything more than a day old.

Sykko 06-24-2007 05:25 PM

dang this looks like such a great install... but with all the problems people have had I am not willing to put it on my forum :(

what's bad is it would be loads of fun considering my sites content :(

oh well... what can ya do though :\

inbrissy 06-25-2007 11:02 PM

This is a fun hack, but like so many people here are saying its not very useful since it can't learn.

It would be an excellent automated help bot if you could make it learn stuff. Even if it was a manual process to add things it would be better then it is now.

At the moment its just a novelty thing that keeps people amused for about 5 minutes.
I've got it installed still, but I think I'll disable it until we can make it learn a few things.

Tim if you're there mate, please give people access to the learning system. Even if its hard to install, it will be better then nothing at all. I think you'll find people will be happier with your hack even if its hard to install then to have a bot that just doesn't learn or do anything useful.

Yukino_AE 06-25-2007 11:27 PM

Tim please come back! lol I want my bot to work!

I'm getting the same issue with my bot responding with:

I was not able to connect to my database. Please try again later.

Is there still something like this TalkerBot Add-on - Learning System https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=60429 ??

I know when i completey redid my forum that's when she started giving me that message as I deleted all the info on all the threads that she was selected to learn from. could this be why she is not working.

I would really like to know how to teach her stuff. ^_^ or have her learn.

come back Tim and help us all out. here.

basketmen 06-26-2007 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by treader (Post 1265935)
Yeah i don't have that option on my server ;)..... had to spend an entire night installing my own copy of PHP onto my server account just so i could try this..... result, not working LOL

It appears to be a linking linking issue now, that has been discussed here before. The recommendation for this, was to edit the "bdprefs" When ever i do this though, no matter how i put the links in... NOTHING works, not the install, the testing, nothing. I just get blank pages. :(

Yeah actually i'm on dreamhost.... maybe you'll have better luck than I did getting it to work. But i can tell you either you need to know how to recode this hack to use CURL commands, or you will need to do like i did, and install your own copy of PHP so you can turn the command on. Dreamhost will not turn it on for you....... PM me if you want to try it though, i can give you the links and some help installing PHP,on that server, if you need it:)

Hey treader

i think i found how to create your own php.ini even if you in shared hosting, this is for dreamhost and maybe for another host too so talkerbot hack working

i found this http://www.deltascripts.com/board/vi....php?pid=34745

they recommend this http://wiki.dreamhost.com/index.php/PHP.ini , i havent try this, but i will try it, let me know if you had try that too

basketmen 06-29-2007 08:57 AM

shit i still can not enable allow_url_fopen in my new host dreamhost, so my bot still can not speak anything and still get error Warning: file_get_contents()

i still not try create own php.ini like above post because it is very risk and difficult,

i still searching another way

i read here we can disable or enable it with htaccess




php_flag allow_url_fopen off

i still try it and its not works

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