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-   -   Board Optimization - Welcome headers - Improve community registration rates (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=119572)

Hornstar 06-22-2007 10:52 PM

The version I have installed is already 4.2.1 is this the latest version, or didnt you update the product number?

Ted S 06-22-2007 11:19 PM

The version numbers are accurate; if you're running 4.2.1 as stated in your Plugin Manager, you're good to go.

Hornstar 06-23-2007 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 1274274)
The version numbers are accurate; if you're running 4.2.1 as stated in your Plugin Manager, you're good to go.

So was there an update then?
because I have not updated anything in a long while.

Ted S 06-23-2007 04:26 PM

Hum, in that case you may want to upgrade again. Sounds like something got out of sync.

Cyn 06-23-2007 09:03 PM

Fab mod! Thanks so much for it!!

We have several different styles with varying background colors. We are placing an adsense ad within the Welcome Header. I did this by editing the phrase for the welcome header and including the adsense code. This works fine; however, we need to place the appropriate colors for each style to allow the adsense ad to blend well.

I thought I could do it by editing the welcome_header template for each style but it does not place the adsense ad within the header box. It places it to the side as a separate box. What am I doing wrong?

Ted S 06-23-2007 11:01 PM

It sounds like you are editing the HTML incorrectly. Each message is a separate tale so you can either add code to each table in the template or setup the code in another if you want to show the code in another way.

kollam003 06-24-2007 03:31 AM

Thanks Installed

Cyn 06-24-2007 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 1274943)
It sounds like you are editing the HTML incorrectly. Each message is a separate tale so you can either add code to each table in the template or setup the code in another if you want to show the code in another way.

I only want the Adsense to display to Guests. I placed it within this table in the welcome_headers template for the style I wanted it to display in:

<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
<td class="alt1">
<phrase 1="faq.php?$session[sessionurl]" 2="register.php?$session[sessionurl]" 3="$vboptions[bbtitle]" 4="sendmessage.php$session[sessionurl]">$vbphrase[welcome_guest]</phrase>

And the code I am using is the same as that for displaying adsense in posts in this mod:


So, how would I place that to make it display as I wish - to the right of the welcome header message, but within the template so that I can apply different color codes for the different styles?

Or, do I need to use conditionals for each style directly in the phrase for the welcome header?

Ted S 06-25-2007 12:40 AM

To make the adsense code only appear to guests, you would only want to modify the welcome header message that guests see (the guest message). As far as how to format the layout, I don't offer HTML assistance but there are several areas including the code forum here at vBulletin.org where you can ask that type of question.

Cyn 06-25-2007 08:12 AM

Okay, I'll ask for input on the format for the layout elsewhere. I do understand that I need to edit the message that guests see. But that does not answer my specific question about the different adsense colors for each style or I am not able to distinguish what you mean by "modify the welcome header message." Do I edit the template for each style? Or, do I edit the welcome message in the translation box within the phrase manager? If the latter, how do I acheive the different colors for each style? Do I use conditionals to place different adsense code for the different styles' colors?

zincpony 06-25-2007 11:21 AM

how can i include this in my vbAdvanced CMPS Index Page?

Ted S 06-25-2007 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Cyn (Post 1275971)
Do I edit the template for each style? Or, do I edit the welcome message in the translation box within the phrase manager? If the latter, how do I acheive the different colors for each style? Do I use conditionals to place different adsense code for the different styles' colors?

You will need to make your edits for the welcome_header template in each parent style. For example, if you have 2 main styles with different variations under them, you would only have to modify the templates in the main style; the changes will then flow into the variations under them.

There's no need to use conditionals for each style as templates are set per-style.

Ted S 06-25-2007 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by zincpony (Post 1276033)
how can i include this in my vbAdvanced CMPS Index Page?

See posts 113-115 regarding adding the variable to the vbacmps settings.

vitrag24 06-25-2007 08:13 PM

It took only 2min to install.
gr8 add-on.

I have some queries:-


Enable Global Announcement
Enable One-View Welcome Headers
Limited Guest Viewing Surpression
can you explain this with screenshots?
i have also installed limited guest viewing add-on.

Ted S 06-26-2007 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by vitrag24 (Post 1276379)
can you explain this with screenshots?

They are explained in the first post.

Forumnerds 06-26-2007 03:49 PM

i cant find welcome header system in the vbulliten options

Shazz 06-26-2007 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Forumnerds (Post 1277031)
i cant find welcome header system in the vbulliten options

You install the product and its not in your vBulletin Options? :erm:

vitrag24 06-26-2007 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by vitrag24 (Post 1276379)
It took only 2min to install.
gr8 add-on.

I have some queries:-


Enable Global Announcement
Enable One-View Welcome Headers
Limited Guest Viewing Surpression

can you explain this with screenshots?
i have also installed limited guest viewing add-on.


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 1276569)
They are explained in the first post.

in it i'm unable to find
Enable One-View Welcome Headers
Limited Guest Viewing Surpression

can't you explain me about that plz?

Forumnerds 06-26-2007 05:22 PM

Well its not in my vbulliten options so i dont no how to change the welcome message and i followed the steps correctly could someone help me.

Forumnerds 06-26-2007 06:13 PM

mine doesnt have a gap between the forum its stuck onto the forum and theres like 2 lines of space above and then the login area can someone help me because am trying to get all the mods done before i start to get my forum active.
www.forumnerds.com thats how it looks and shouldnt and ive tryed to space it but dont no how.

rlpartida 06-26-2007 10:32 PM

I get this error while trying to install the product:

XML Error: not well-formed (invalid token) at Line 5



Ted S 06-26-2007 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Forumnerds (Post 1277083)
Well its not in my vbulliten options so i dont no how to change the welcome message and i followed the steps correctly could someone help me.

Have you verified that the plugin system is enabled and if so:

When you view your vBulletin options list, what options appear after "Paid Memberships"?

Ted S 06-26-2007 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by rlpartida (Post 1277294)
I get this error while trying to install the product:

XML Error: not well-formed (invalid token) at Line 5



It sounds like there's something wrong with the version you downloaded, try downloading and extracting the files again. Let me know if the problem persists.

Ted S 06-26-2007 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by Forumnerds (Post 1277128)
mine doesnt have a gap between the forum its stuck onto the forum and theres like 2 lines of space above and then the login area can someone help me because am trying to get all the mods done before i start to get my forum active.
www.forumnerds.com thats how it looks and shouldnt and ive tryed to space it but dont no how.

You can modify the spacing and styles by editing the template welcome_headers. There are several <br /> tags you may want to try removing.

Forumnerds 06-27-2007 10:42 AM

Well after paid sub's i see welcome header messages

Ted S 06-27-2007 05:06 PM

That's where you can change the messages and settings. The style, html and spacing is changed by editing the template welcome_headers.

rlpartida 06-27-2007 06:26 PM


It sounds like there's something wrong with the version you downloaded, try downloading and extracting the files again. Let me know if the problem persists.
Thank you Ted, downloaded it again and its working now!

I have another question, after I installed this mod, Internet Explorer shows at the bottom bar:

"ready with errors"

When I remove the hack its all fine.

Anyone experienced this before?


vitrag24 06-27-2007 06:27 PM

ted plz look at this

powerful_rogue 06-27-2007 11:26 PM

Hi, Would love to use this mod, however ran into problem when I went to edit FORUMHOME. I have this piece of code:


<if condition="$show['guest']">
<!-- guest welcome message -->
<table style="height: 36px;" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="16" style="background: url(tiger/misc/forumtitle-left.gif) top left no-repeat;" ></td>
<td style="background: url(tiger/misc/forumtitle-left-bg.gif) top left repeat-x; padding-top: 5px" class="titlelinks">?<phrase 1="$vboptions[bbtitle]">$vbphrase[welcome_to_the_x]</phrase></td>
<td width="109" style="background: url(tiger/misc/forumtitle-mid.gif) top left no-repeat;" ></td>
<td style="background: url(tiger/misc/forumtitle-right-bg.gif) top left repeat-x;" >&nbsp;
<td width="15" style="background: url(tiger/misc/forumtitle-right.gif) top left no-repeat;" ></td>
<div class="ring1">
<div class="ring2">
<div class="ring3">
<div class="ring4">

<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
<td class="alt1" colspan="<if condition="$vboptions['showmoderatorcolumn']">6<else />5</if>">
<phrase 1="faq.php$session[sessionurl_q]" 2="register.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[first_visit_message]</phrase>
<br />
<!-- / guest welcome message -->
Any suggestions at all please :)

Ted S 06-28-2007 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by rlpartida (Post 1277870)
I have another question, after I installed this mod, Internet Explorer shows at the bottom bar:

"ready with errors"

Very strange. This hack doesn't use any javscript to be able to create errors... when you check the error, where does it show it as appearing and what code is on the surrounding lines?

Ted S 06-28-2007 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by powerful_rogue (Post 1278079)
Any suggestions at all please :)

Remove it. Install the hack. Add the $welcomeheaders variable. Call it a day!

daemon_ 06-28-2007 02:26 PM

have the issues with the search engines been fixed? let me know cause i want to install this asap :) thanks

Ted S 06-28-2007 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by daemon_ (Post 1278470)
have the issues with the search engines been fixed? let me know cause i want to install this asap :) thanks

There are no known bugs or pending problems with this addon.

Mischievious 07-02-2007 03:01 PM

Hi! I love this hack! But, I do have a question; How would I write a conditional to show the welcomeheaders for only logged members?

vitrag24 07-02-2007 03:05 PM

@ted s plz reply to my query.
i have also sent you a pm but no response either here or via pm.

Shazz 07-02-2007 03:08 PM

Ted did you take the support off from the thread? :erm:

Mischievious 07-02-2007 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by Mischievious (Post 1281300)
Hi! I love this hack! But, I do have a question; How would I write a conditional to show the welcomeheaders for only logged members?

I would like to add, this question isn't only for Ted. If anyone else knows; I would appreciate the help!

vitrag24 07-02-2007 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Mischievious (Post 1281300)
Hi! I love this hack! But, I do have a question; How would I write a conditional to show the welcomeheaders for only logged members?

go to acp/vbulletin options/welcome header ****

disable guest messages there.

Ted S 07-02-2007 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Mischievious (Post 1281300)
Hi! I love this hack! But, I do have a question; How would I write a conditional to show the welcomeheaders for only logged members?

Simple enough!

Open up the template welcome_headers and find the last <if ...> statement and the corresponding </if>. Under that add:


<if condition="!$show['guest']">
Your message here (be sure to add a table if you want to have a standard welcome headers format)

Ted S 07-02-2007 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by Shazz (Post 1281307)
Ted did you take the support off from the thread? :erm:

I offer support whenever possible as evidenced by all the responses. ;)

That said, when I have the support option enabled some members feel this is a guarantee of a response, thus I've disabled it so there is no confusion.

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