fastforward |
04-07-2001 06:54 AM |
Originally posted by Gilby
I found a bug happens when a post is made on the forums and sent to the newsgroup. Then, when the post is fetched, the postid and threadid that is sent in the headers of the message are read in, but gets associated with the post that has the message number one more than the forum post. This results in the post in the forum getting the wrong message-id asigned to it, and then the post right after the forum post can't be inserted because the message-id already exists.
I saw that before. I thought I'd fixed it... but obviously not.
If the "Re-import Local Posts" is set to yes, then the forum post gets duplicated in the forums
I don't see how that can be possible. It can't insert an article if the msgid already exists. It's obviously a direct result of the bug above. (Or is that your point?)
I tried to look at the script but I was unable to see where there was anything wrong (though I don't follow that programming style all that well :rolleyes: ).
What are you trying to say? What's wrong with the programming style? eh?! ;)
I also noticed that when the file was run, and there were 2 new posts on the server, it would get 3 posts. This would be the case any time there were new posts where it would get one more than what was new, and if there were no new posts, it would fetch no posts. I thought this might have some relevance.
This is probably just a problem with the 'for loop'. It derives it's count from the last message number in the forum, the batch limit in the control panel and the last number reported by the newsserver.
I think I saw that when using the 'post' in the NNTP module, it returns the message-id, so that may be a different route to use for getting the message-id.
This is the way I expected it to work. That doesn't seem to be the case though. I couldn't get it to return anything. It may be a newsserver issue but even CPAN makes no mention of a return value. If you can confirm it returns the msgid, let me know. it would make things a lot easier and more reliable.
By the way; I've got another version of the script ready. This one has a few efficiency changes but the big change is that it now continues to load replies in the correct order until there are no more left. This avoids having to make multiple runs when collecting history and should also prevent the stray articles that may not get loaded. Here's the zip if you want to play with it. I've got it running on my server. I'll package it up properly after I've looked at these other bugs and beta 5 comes out.
The one big problem with the script at the moment is the orphan reply checking. It does a full table scan for each newsgroup every run. That means for my 70 newsgroups I'm doing 70 full tablescans! My poor little Freedom 300 can barely keep up. As the post table fills up, it gets worse (I've got 23,000 posts at the moment). I need to find another way to do it or maybe make it an option for individual newsgroups. Although you get a few orhans in every newsgroup, it's really only a big problem with the mailing archives. Any ideas?