Originally Posted by pokerie
If anyone has installed this in between a header and footer, please link to it. DChapman, do you have any examples of it between a header and footer please?
No probs:)
In relation to the last part of your message. See I think that kind of defeats the prupose of the tool for the creators of it. They are giving it free and local in the hopes to get more people visiting zoints. I'm not sure, but I think if everyone isolated themselves completely, then this version would have no benefit for the owners of it.
It's unfortunate because it seems a lot of people want to remain central and not connected to the main site in anyway. This is a hard obstacle to overcome because it's nothing against the zoints website, it's just these people don't want to be linked through any external site, which is understandable (I'm one of them). But for what seems to be a great tool for our sites, it seems to be a small price to pay. I myself wouldn't have a problem with the option being there to search the zoints network, but I'd prefer local to be the default search option and I'd prefer not to have to introduce a new nav menu on my pages. Again, if this nav bar could be somewhere else, that would be no problem, in a drop down menu or something perhaps.
Perhaps for people like me, yourself, and the others who don't want to be so obviously linked, there's an alternative solution. We just have to think of it, suggest it and see if they will allow it;)
I'm not sure if our requests come across as rude and cheeky, hopefully not, but as they say, any feedback is good. Especially in the development stages.