Originally Posted by dirtycrow
since upgrade to 1.1.9, all the gift icons are now red Xs. i uploaded all the file and they are in the corret location
Slight issue with the files themself, I had used Replace Wizard on the folder and did a replace and it corrupted the .gif files, they will be fixed to the proper images released today in v1.2.0, for now, I've uploaded the images separately to the main post for users who need to fix them now.
Originally Posted by Kajouka
ok, two of my users are suddening getting this:
The eStore option you are trying to purchase has an invalid Set Value
for every page of the forums. I -think- it has to do with purchasing the custom title (because that was the one option they both did). And it didn't happen right away. I think it happened seven days after, because that's when the usertitle was set to expire.
Do you know what's going on?
edit: ok, it definately has to do with the expired custom title. THe page they get for every page on the forums is:
It seems that no matter what you click, that same page always loads.
Ok, I'll look into this issue. I'm going to send u a PM as well.
Originally Posted by 3dsoft
In the new drop down menu the index (estore.php) link is missing.
Is it possible to align the text fields (forms) in "thief" and "donate". It would look a lot better.
The main is when you press on eStore Menu, and the header itself goes to the eStore Main is that not clear enough? If not, I guess I can make it show up again underneath it? or how could I make it more visible?
Yes it is possible for that, I have cleaned it up for v1.2.0.
Originally Posted by Rickie3
ive found this to happen when i use my quick reply button to a post it just goes to a blank white page but when i click the back button then refresh my post is there,i didnt have this prob till i upgraded to v1.1.9
I've done this on my test forum and have had no issues, so either it was fixed in the modifications I've done for v1.2.0 (unlikely), or there is something differently configured at your forums that has to be tracked down.
Originally Posted by NuclioN
By some members i get this after an admin donate:
Fatal error: Unable to proceed with save while $errors array is not empty in class vB_DataManager_PM in /includes/class_dm.php on line 758
That was fixed a while ago, are u using the latest version? (And I still have to run that test on ur forums, I havent forgot, just been busy)
Originally Posted by mkoerner
Could you make it that after you buy somthing from the store and the page displays that the item was purchased could you have it update your pts amount also?
Yes, I'll see about doing this in the next release.
Originally Posted by flypaper
If I set the 'Sticky Thread' option to expire after one day, it will unstick the thread?
Yes and no, yes it should work. But it will only expire if the time has passed for it and the user that bought it sticky in the first place logs in.
Originally Posted by NoRespect
I upgraded to 1.19 last nite, and now none of the gifts are showing up in the postbit.
EDIT: That'd be because all the gift GIFs are corrupt in the new zip.
Yes, stupid edit/replace overwrote them, they are attached to this post now and will be properly inserted into v1.2.0
Originally Posted by jojo77
I have the same problem right now. Can go to any page. What's the fix for this one guys? :ermm:
In v1.2.0 I'm adding another change in the expired options that might resolve this, it should be released later today.
Originally Posted by 7thgenCivic.Com
It's inside the plugin for global_start, can you give me access to that users account, i.e. copy the account to a new user with the same estore_history specifically, and then give me access to that account with admin and can administer plugins, then I could debug why the URL is not getting built properly.
Originally Posted by jilly
Scenario: Need help in a category setting - In the category Usertitle Options, I want only one usergroup to have permission to change someone else's user title - however I want to allow all usergroups to be able to change other usertitle options like glow, color, etc.
How can I set it so only one usergroup has permission to access one option in a category?
Simply set the category permissions Globally, for everyone to use. Then for the individual item u want to have specific access to, goto Manage Options -> click on the option you want to change -> Override Category Permissions set to Yes, then select the usergroups u wish to allow.
Originally Posted by 7thgenCivic.Com
welll, there is only one thing this guy had that had an expiration date, that was thief immunity.
That's not making sense, I'm going to need to debug this one.
Originally Posted by pfgannon
I don't know if this was addressed already or not but I couldnt find it in the thread.
In the mass forum settings page I keep on changing the points given but after I save it and come back they are reset to 0.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
Did you enter numbers other than 0? The input boxes are set to 0 by default.
Originally Posted by inspiration100
Rock on! you added the psd as requested. Will donate via paypal when I get some $.
Thank my wife for the psd, I got it from her hehe.