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stonyarc 04-15-2006 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by 1996 328ti
A minor thing. Invisible shows up as online.
And be careful not to get too bloated.
I have 270 members and with this latest version, it's starting to bog down. :(

Well that is over the mark that google says is healthy but I keep on tuning the code.

There are people running 400 +

Not easy to find a solution for pagination

Parture 04-15-2006 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
If you are running the avatars from the filesystem you need to disable avatar support in the backend options or move your avatars to the database system.

I'm looking for a fix for that one.

I don't know what the backend options are or how to move the avatars in the dabase. Could you give quick instructions for both these procedures please.

Parture 04-15-2006 06:46 AM


Problem: In Your Entry, the old view of 2.01 and the new view in 2.02 are both showing at the same time. And in between is this text:

} -->

The lower map does not work, but the upper map works.

AND: the 3 strings do not show up.

stonyarc 04-15-2006 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by Parture
I don't know what the backend options are or how to move the avatars in the dabase. Could you give quick instructions for both these procedures please.

The instructions are included in the pdf file

Go to admincp / Vbulletin Options / Vbulletin Options and select "vbgooglemap by StonyArc"

Enter your parameters or start with the defaults. Possible values and options are indicated in the description field.

On that page is an option to enable or disable avatar support in the googlemap.

As for Avatars and where they are stored

Go to admincp / Avatars / User Picture Storage Type

If you see a page with "Move Items from Database into File System" that means that your images are stored in the database. This is the default of vbulletin

If you see another page there is an option to load your images back.

So if you don't see avatars that can be caused by
- the option you have set in the backend of vbgooglemap
- avatars are stored in the filesystem

stonyarc 04-15-2006 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by Parture
I am stuck on these instructions: "Go to your entry?on the googlemap (you have to logged in) If you haven?t set your marker before the form will detect that. If you did enter the information you?ll see 3 text input boxes on top of the smaller map. The third on gives you the full URL to your location".

I have logged in. I don't see 3 text input boxes at the top of a smaller map. I see in Your Entry, to the left of the smaller map, a 3rd textbox for the Marker Text. There is my marker text there, no URL.


You will have to revert the templates as indicated in the file.

Follow the red instructions included in the pdf.

In the new version the buttons are in the center and not to the left.

stonyarc 04-15-2006 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by Parture

Problem: In Your Entry, the old view of 2.01 and the new view in 2.02 are both showing at the same time. And in between is this text:

} -->

The lower map does not work, but the upper map works.

AND: the 3 strings do not show up.

You need to revert ALL 4 templates indicated.


Parture 04-15-2006 07:16 AM


Problem solved. I accidently reverted the template and made a double copy of it.

stonyarc 04-15-2006 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by Parture

Problem solved. I accidently reverted the template and made a double copy of it.


I just registered to check it but there is no more need for that know.

Enjoy !!!!!!!

Parture 04-15-2006 07:27 AM


Only a link shows up in postbit that does the same thing as clicking on the User Name instead of going directly to the map. That would be neat if that could be done. And in the Profile page the link is given. It would be nice for an automatic link too. Maybe.

stonyarc 04-15-2006 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by Parture

Only a link shows up in postbit that does the same thing as clicking on the User Name instead of going directly to the map. That would be neat if that could be done. And in the Profile page the link is given. It would be nice for an automatic link too. Maybe.

That's not really easy to display automatically

In the pdf there is a howto to display the information in the postbit. It has to be by user choice because of privacy

The how to is also online on https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=113055

Parture 04-15-2006 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
Go to admincp / Avatars / User Picture Storage Type
If you see a page with "Move Items from Database into File System" that means that your images are stored in the database. This is the default of vbulletin If you see another page there is an option to load your images back.
So if you don't see avatars that can be caused by
- the option you have set in the backend of vbgooglemap
- avatars are stored in the filesystem

In Picture Storage Type, it reads,

Move Items from Database into File System
Images are currently being served from the database

But the Avatars are not showing up.

Dusty Miller 04-15-2006 08:23 AM

You have certainly gone to town on Googlemaps, I can't wait to implement it on my site, but I'm holding off for the HotSpot Edition. Will details be posted in this thread or a new one? Have you started on it? and if so do you have a possible date for release?

I'm like a kid in a sweet shop and can't wait to get my hands on it ;-)

Great piece of work.

soulface 04-15-2006 08:33 AM

stonyarc, is there any way to add the google main map in memberlist templates ?

Parture 04-15-2006 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
That's not really easy to display automatically

In the pdf there is a howto to display the information in the postbit. It has to be by user choice because of privacy

The how to is also online on https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=113055

Ok. After pasting the string to google location from Your Entry, is it possible to create a link of it, instead of viewers having to copy the link and putting it in the address bar?

Gizmo999 04-15-2006 10:37 AM

All installed and I'm getting a problem in Safari with a missing image. Uploaded all the files but I run a lot of custom templates with lots of different image locations, upped the new googlemap folder to all of them, checked all my templates are correct but get this .....

Tyegurl 04-15-2006 12:42 PM


Only a link shows up in postbit that does the same thing as clicking on the User Name instead of going directly to the map. That would be neat if that could be done. And in the Profile page the link is given. It would be nice for an automatic link too. Maybe.
second that but would it add extra queries?

wizardan 04-15-2006 12:44 PM

Flawless and painless install:)

Thanks for a great hack.

stonyarc 04-15-2006 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Tyegurl
second that but would it add extra queries?

It should work fine in this version

The howto on how to add a link is included in the file and also on https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=113055

Anyone try it yet??????

All the info is in the pdf.

stonyarc 04-15-2006 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Gizmo999
All installed and I'm getting a problem in Safari with a missing image. Uploaded all the files but I run a lot of custom templates with lots of different image locations, upped the new googlemap folder to all of them, checked all my templates are correct but get this .....

Strange on IE and firefox it's all fine

I cannot simulate the issue but I'll try to check if I forgot to include some images but I don't think so.

stonyarc 04-15-2006 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Dusty Miller
You have certainly gone to town on Googlemaps, I can't wait to implement it on my site, but I'm holding off for the HotSpot Edition. Will details be posted in this thread or a new one? Have you started on it? and if so do you have a possible date for release?

I'm like a kid in a sweet shop and can't wait to get my hands on it ;-)

Great piece of work.

I would suggest not to wait.

The hotspot edition will be based on 2.0.2

The version is already in development as we speak. The maps will be able to run next to each other but have a whole different functions. There are no plans to make them interact in any way because there is no added value.

The hotspot edition will launch in a full separate mode.

I expect to release first beta in the next 2 weeks somewhere. Depending on the dayjob workload and my xbox life (no not gaming but development:cool: )


Gizmo999 04-15-2006 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
Strange on IE and firefox it's all fine

I cannot simulate the issue but I'll try to check if I forgot to include some images but I don't think so.

yeah, i checked in firefox mac and PC no problem, its only Safari, I've tried 2 macs now and both the same weird, thought it was cache at first, kept refreshing, cleared cache but its still there. its like its holding an old pin logo, hmm, Stonyarc, did you try adding your pin to my site ?? I wonder if it'll show on a new entry.

stonyarc 04-15-2006 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Gizmo999
yeah, i checked in firefox mac and PC no problem, its only Safari, I've tried 2 macs now and both the same weird, thought it was cache at first, kept refreshing, cleared cache but its still there. its like its holding an old pin logo, hmm, Stonyarc, did you try adding your pin to my site ?? I wonder if it'll show on a new entry.

I entered my location.

The missing pins are the normal members or are they special ones. And what is the color of their pin?

caliman 04-15-2006 05:53 PM

Upgraded from 1.03....
(note - templates were not modified - no option to revert)

Have the following issues:

1) No dashboard showing up above map.
2) Default zoom is not changing inspite of changing it in vbcp.
3) profile links only showing up for admins/mods - no one else.
4) no avatars or online status showing up. (avatars are being served from database)

I uploaded all files and overwrote product with new one.... not sure what I missed! Thanks in advance...

Gizmo999 04-15-2006 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
I entered my location.

The missing pins are the normal members or are they special ones. And what is the color of their pin?

nope i get the questionmark missing image still on a new entry.

its not a missing member, the member shows correctly with a new pin but alongside it is a blue box with ? in, this is usually a missing image in safari, its tried to load the image but can't find it. not sure why safari is the only broswer affected.

yinyang 04-15-2006 07:17 PM

Is there any way to make the map default on Satellite? if so, how? thx!

Roms 04-15-2006 07:28 PM

Thanks, I'll try it out. :)

yinyang 04-15-2006 07:37 PM

possible bug:

i created a test account to try out another usergroup's markers. once i was satisfied with that usergroup, i deleted my test account. however, that test account's marker still stayed on the map.

i could only get rid of it by going into phpmyadmin and deleting the user from the googlemap table.

stonyarc 04-15-2006 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Gizmo999
nope i get the questionmark missing image still on a new entry.

its not a missing member, the member shows correctly with a new pin but alongside it is a blue box with ? in, this is usually a missing image in safari, its tried to load the image but can't find it. not sure why safari is the only broswer affected.

Can you see what the image is he's trying to load or at least a user?

stonyarc 04-15-2006 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by caliman
Upgraded from 1.03....
(note - templates were not modified - no option to revert)

Have the following issues:

1) No dashboard showing up above map.
2) Default zoom is not changing inspite of changing it in vbcp.
3) profile links only showing up for admins/mods - no one else.
4) no avatars or online status showing up. (avatars are being served from database)

I uploaded all files and overwrote product with new one.... not sure what I missed! Thanks in advance...

I thinks you still will have to revert.

stonyarc 04-15-2006 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by yinyang
Is there any way to make the map default on Satellite? if so, how? thx!

It was indicated on page 56 but here it goes again:D

To set the Sattelite map as default.

1. open the vbgooglemap_display_map template

2. look for the line


map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map"));
3. Replace that line by


map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map"),{mapTypes:[G_SATELLITE_MAP,G_NORMAL_MAP,G_HYBRID_MAP]});
4. Save

Have fun

caliman 04-15-2006 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by caliman
Upgraded from 1.03....
(note - templates were not modified - no option to revert)

Have the following issues:

1) No dashboard showing up above map.
2) Default zoom is not changing inspite of changing it in vbcp.
3) profile links only showing up for admins/mods - no one else.
4) no avatars or online status showing up. (avatars are being served from database)

I uploaded all files and overwrote product with new one.... not sure what I missed! Thanks in advance...

I got #3 to work for everybody by changing the member pin color to red. :confused:

stonyarc 04-15-2006 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by yinyang
possible bug:

i created a test account to try out another usergroup's markers. once i was satisfied with that usergroup, i deleted my test account. however, that test account's marker still stayed on the map.

i could only get rid of it by going into phpmyadmin and deleting the user from the googlemap table.

The marker information is indeed kept in a separate table.

Deleting a user in the main usertable will indeed keep the user in the googlemap table.

This will be fixed by adding a backgroup admin page with listings and maintenance options.

I don't want to change any core code to support this.

caliman 04-15-2006 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
I thinks you still will have to revert.

Sorry for being dense... how do I revert if there is no option too? (Button grayed out)

I completely uninstalled and reinstalled and still got the same result.

stonyarc 04-15-2006 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by caliman
Sorry for being dense... how do I revert if there is no option too? (Button grayed out)

I completely uninstalled and reinstalled and still got the same result.

I'm looking in to it now.

The template he loads isn't the full template that's why he gives a javascript error too


I see you have VBSEO running.
Exclude vbgooglemap.php please

The vbgooglemap_display_map is way off

MagiKelly 04-15-2006 07:59 PM

Great work.

I managed to upgrade with minimum problems. It all seems to be working but I have found that it is showing members as being online who are not.


At the moment it is showing people as being online that were last active about 30 minutes ago. Is this normal?

Thanks again for all your work on this. looking forward to the hot spot edition so we can mark canoeing routes.

stonyarc 04-15-2006 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by MagiKelly
Great work.

I managed to upgrade with minimum problems. It all seems to be working but I have found that it is showing members as being online who are not.


At the moment it is showing people as being online that were last active about 30 minutes ago. Is this normal?

Thanks again for all your work on this. looking forward to the hot spot edition so we can mark canoeing routes.

Well it goes and checks the session table. The query needs some finetuning but that will be fixed in 2.0.3

MagiKelly 04-15-2006 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
Well it goes and checks the session table. The query needs some finetuning but that will be fixed in 2.0.3

It is not a great problem but I thought I should mention it.

Thanks again for all your work on this.

stonyarc 04-15-2006 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
I'm looking in to it now.

The template he loads isn't the full template that's why he gives a javascript error too


I see you have VBSEO running.
Exclude vbgooglemap.php please

The vbgooglemap_display_map is way off

To force revert open vbgooglemap_display_map set a few spaces somewhere. Save and the revert option will activate.

Gizmo999 04-15-2006 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
Can you see what the image is he's trying to load or at least a user?

check out this screen grab below, you can see every member pin has a second image of a blue square and ? like a duplicate but missing the image

stonyarc 04-15-2006 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Gizmo999
check out this screen grab below, you can see every member pin has a second image of a blue square and ? like a duplicate but missing the image

I think I know what it is.

It's the shadow layer of the icon.


Yep there is one image missing in the /images/googlemap => mm_20_shadow.png

It's now included in the zip. To fix it on Safari just upload that single image to /images/googlemap

Other users can do this too if they want or just wait for the next update.

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