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wrecken 01-06-2003 06:52 AM

I figured it out bro.. /BANGING MY HEAD ON THE KEYBOARD.

Thanks for the hack. Very nice.

chad777 01-06-2003 08:00 AM

i don't know if this is a problem with me or beta 2....when I click to play a game it just goes to a blank screen..


swf files are in /forums/games

general setting for game location is /games/

any ideas ?

futureal 01-06-2003 08:02 AM

You answered your own question.

If the games are in /forums/games, then your games dir needs to be /forums/games. :)

chad777 01-06-2003 08:04 AM

lol hehe i feel dumb :(

Savant 01-06-2003 08:09 AM

i love the new version... looks sharp, but i cant seem to get the games to record a score, I always get:

"A data mismatch has been discovered between the game and the arcade, normally as the result of a cheating attempt. This attempt has been logged, and the score invalidated. If you feel that you are receiving this message in error, please contact the system administrator. "

Blue Moose Aaron 01-06-2003 08:45 AM


Originally posted by futureal
You answered your own question.

If the games are in /forums/games, then your games dir needs to be /forums/games. :)

heh, what a familiar problem!


Originally posted by Savant
i love the new version... looks sharp, but i cant seem to get the games to record a score, I always get:

"A data mismatch has been discovered between the game and the arcade, normally as the result of a cheating attempt. This attempt has been logged, and the score invalidated. If you feel that you are receiving this message in error, please contact the system administrator. "

Are you hitting that back button each time you try to play a new game? If you reached the page via your browser's "Back" button, you have to refresh the page before playing the game, otherwise your score will result in a security violation.

Dean C 01-06-2003 10:18 AM

Wow this is such a lot of code futureal but you've done a fantastic job with it.

I'll probably leave upgrading til next weekend as i strart college again this week :)

Thanks again

- miSt

Savant 01-06-2003 01:43 PM

no im not hitting the back button, and ive tried refreshing and deleting all my internet cookies and cache. Still no dice :(

if i get a score of zero the game acts like it should....

anything higher than that and it says im a cheater...

Strider Xero 01-06-2003 03:06 PM

I got this error for some reason when trying to go to 'Modify Game'
PHP Code:

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.2.9:

Invalid SQLUPDATE arcadeconfig
                   SET path
WHERE arcadeid='1'
mysql errorUnknown column 'usescoreicon' in 'field list'

mysql error number1054

Monday 06th of January 2003 09:56:28 AM
: [url]http://www.xeroanime.com/forums/forums/admin/proarcadeadmin.php[/url]
Referer: [url]http://www.xeroanime.com/forums/admin/proarcadeadmin.php?action=changeoptions[/url] 

futureal 01-06-2003 08:54 PM


Originally posted by Strider Xero
I got this error for some reason when trying to go to 'Modify Game'
It looks like you did not correctly remove the tables from the older version of the game.

You MUST completely uninstall Beta 1 before installing Beta 2, and I can't stress that enough. Although the outside of the hack does not look too much different, the inner workings have completely changed.

futureal 01-06-2003 08:55 PM


Originally posted by Savant
no im not hitting the back button, and ive tried refreshing and deleting all my internet cookies and cache. Still no dice :(

if i get a score of zero the game acts like it should....

anything higher than that and it says im a cheater...

Did you change the score return variable or the hash offset for any of the Flash games?

If not, give me a URL that I can look at to see if I can determine what the problem might be.

Savant 01-06-2003 10:17 PM


Originally posted by futureal

Did you change the score return variable or the hash offset for any of the Flash games?

If not, give me a URL that I can look at to see if I can determine what the problem might be.

Nope, didn't change anything...

heres the url:
you can use username: test password: test

Don't worry bout it if ya dont see anything wrong, im gunna spend my evening combing through those instructions to make sure nothing went wrong with the uninstall or the install.. The arcade will work!

futureal 01-07-2003 01:27 AM

Savant: Did you replace the old versions of the games with the new versions?

If that isn't it, find the line near the top of proarcade.php that says something like $vpadebug = "off" and change that to "on" and then let me know and I'll look again.

futureal 01-07-2003 03:24 AM

To all:

I am leaving right now for the 2003 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, and will not be back consistently until around the 14th or 15th of the month. I will TRY to stop in when I can usually my cell modem and notebook, but I make no guarantees.

So, until then, good luck with the hack and I hope you all enjoy it.

Savant 01-07-2003 03:28 AM

hmm well i made sure i have the new games on there... I'm perplexed, thanks for the help...

I turned on the debug mode... I hope whatever solution we find helps others :P thanks again!

futureal 01-07-2003 03:48 AM


Originally posted by Savant
hmm well i made sure i have the new games on there... I'm perplexed, thanks for the help...

I turned on the debug mode... I hope whatever solution we find helps others :P thanks again!

Man, that is weird. The game is returning the wrong hash, completely. I can't think of a reason why that be.

I have to jet out of here right now. I will try and figure it out and get back to you.

Good luck.

edit: Upon further inspection, the hash that is going to the game does not match the one that is being pulled back from the database. I can think of no reason why this would occur, and it's the first time that I've seen it. If anybody else sees this same sort of behavior, it might be back to the proverbial drawing board for this hack. heh

Savant 01-07-2003 05:02 AM

welp, as a temporary bandaid, in proarcade.php, i changed this:

// now, we check gamehash
if ($newhash == $hashcheck) {

to this:

// now, we check gamehash
if ($newhash == $newhash) {

and that'l at least get the games working for now. The good news is the records scores and everything else seems to be in order :) thanks again futureal!

TheSonic 01-07-2003 06:15 AM

Ops, dunno, but it only worked one time, now i have a problem:

Mv VB is located in <domain>/vbulletin
I call Arcade via <domain>/vbulletin/proarcade.php

All works, but after a game is finished, i get an 404, in the URL-Field i see that <domain>/proarcade.php is requested, but thats located in <domain>/vbulletin/proarcade.php (there i actually call it)...

How can i fix that, any ideas :( ?

EvilLS1 01-07-2003 07:05 AM

Yep, it works OK for me, but some of my users get the 404 error. I'll try Savant's fix for now.

Nice hack though!

TheSonic 01-07-2003 07:27 AM

Evils1, please let me know, Savants fix solved the problem 4 ya.


EvilLS1 01-07-2003 07:41 AM

Nope, I misunderstood what his fix was intended for. I'm not having that problem. Its actually working fine for me, but one of my users says that he gets a 404 error when it tries to submit the score. Could be browser related or something.

{Edit} Nevermind.. He figured out what the problem was.. Nothing to do with this hack. He said something about a micromedia flash popup and he was clicking no when he should have been clicking yes. I have no idea what he's taking about because I don't get any popup. *shrugs*

TheSonic 01-07-2003 08:42 AM

But luck - for me, so i am alone again :(

I dont get Flash-Popups and i think its an error in the configs - because it redirects to the wrong destination.

But not on all systems... ARGH... I hope we can fix this, i love arcade and 1.x runs flawless on my system.

Strider Xero 01-07-2003 11:56 AM

Ok exactly what is that error saying?? As far I know, I deleted all the tables from beta 1. Anything that had vbarcade or whatever the tables were called, I deleted them. So i dont know where to start looking for the table that I need to delete since now I have beta two installed with the new tables.

NTLDR 01-07-2003 03:07 PM

For those of you who don't want to add all 22 odd templates individualy and have the template backup hack by FireFly installed then here are the Beta 2 templates as individual text files.

N9ne 01-07-2003 03:28 PM

WoW beta 2 looks amazing, great work, gonna install this in a few days!

Blue Moose Aaron 01-07-2003 07:13 PM

TheSonic: Did you have beta 1 installed first and if so did you delete all of the tables before installing beta 2?

TheSonic 01-08-2003 04:06 AM

Yes, i de-installed the complete Beta 1, including templates, hacks and SQL-Tables.

For the most useres, it works, just 2 Users become that 404 after playing (because it redirects to the wrong URL), so i dont think i hacked somethring wrong (because for the most useres it works - but they had no problem with BEta 1)... Hmm... crazy...

Perhaps there is a problem with the firewall or the IE-Settings of them, i will check that...

Supernature 01-08-2003 08:25 AM

you're not alone, TheSonic :)
I installed the Hack (first Time), and in IE, everything works well. But with my favourite Browser Mozilla I get redirected zu mydomain.de/proarcade.php instead of mydomain.de/vbb/proarade.php

Blue Moose Aaron 01-08-2003 09:10 AM

I tried playing in the arcade at my site (The Kryptonian), as well as the arcade at futureal's site (Shadows of Namek) with Opera 6.05, IE 6, Mozilla 1.2b and Netscape 7 and came to the conclusion that the redirect only works for Internet Explorer. That is why you are getting the 404 errors. I'm sure futureal should be able to fix this easily.

GoTTi 01-08-2003 06:22 PM

I got a error going on here...

Database error in vBulletin 2.2.6:

Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM arcadescores WHERE userid=Array AND valid=1 ORDER BY endtime DESC
mysql error: Unknown column 'Array' in 'where clause'

mysql error number: 1054

Date: Wednesday 08th of January 2003 03:14:44 PM
Script: http://www.SITE.com/forums/forums/pr...pacman&user=61

Some1 help me out here.

Da`Nacho 01-08-2003 08:04 PM

Has anyone else experienced weirdness with online.php after this?

It appears to show people in the arcade who aren't really there, I've verified this over the phone with friends. They can be in another part of the forum and it will still show them as 'Playing in the CandidForums Arcade'.

I've double and triple checked to make sure I properly added the code to online.php and it looks fine.

This problem didn't appear in beta 1.x either... :confused:

Littlebit 01-09-2003 05:49 AM

Hi :)
I just installed.
I probably missed something silly, but my proarcade.php isn't showing the games or images...
path to games is
and I uploaded the images to my images directory for the forums.
I did double check I uploaded games and images...
what did I miss?

Da`Nacho 01-09-2003 11:12 AM


Originally posted by Da`Nacho
Has anyone else experienced weirdness with online.php after this?

It appears to show people in the arcade who aren't really there, I've verified this over the phone with friends. They can be in another part of the forum and it will still show them as 'Playing in the CandidForums Arcade'.

I've double and triple checked to make sure I properly added the code to online.php and it looks fine.

This problem didn't appear in beta 1.x either... :confused:

I've figured out the cause... It's the $vbchamptext and $vbchampicon if you use it in the postbit templates. Any time a browser reads a thread with a champion in it, online.php sees them as 'Playing in the Arcade' because they are being served the champtext or champicon from proimage.php.

I'll just pull the variables from my postbit templates for now, but it would be cool if there was a way of fixing this. :)

NTLDR 01-09-2003 07:49 PM

Thanks littlebit, I installed this for use later on this month and the games never loaded and I didn't bother to look into detail but I've just figured out why! *lol*

I assume /board/games/ is the URL from your base domain? IE: www.mydomain.com/board/games ?

Littlebit 01-09-2003 10:37 PM

I'm overlooking something simple aren't I :o

Tigga 01-09-2003 10:47 PM

Very nice work futureal! It took a little while to customize all the templates to my liking, but everything looks very nice now and my users are loving it. One small thing I found though... Shouldn't the places in the script that call the date use the vbdate function instead? I'm not sure if that could be something you forgot or overlooked, but I figured I'd let ya know. :)

Tigga 01-09-2003 11:22 PM

Littlebit - Where do you have your flash games located at? Make sure they're in your board/games folder. If that's correct, either post here or PM me a link to your site. I can't guarantee I'll find what's wrong, but I'll be glad to take a look.

Littlebit 01-09-2003 11:54 PM

pm'ed ya :)

Littlebit 01-10-2003 02:38 AM

Thank you Plurplanet for noticing that...the names of my templates with longer names messed up a bit in the auto upload.
All games and graphics now appear great! WooHoo!
I did get a weird happening when I finished a test game and it, I assume was supposed to go to the updated with score page...is this what you mean by the score not working in netscape or do I need to fix a link somewhere? heres what happened and my browser info I tested it on:

The page I came from: http://www.mysite.com/forums/proarca...&game=breakout
Where it tried to go: /proarcade.php
my browser info: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en-US; rv:1.0.2) Gecko/20021120 Netscape/7.01
The error: 404

Littlebit 01-10-2003 10:33 AM

I just noticed that others have a miss redirect too in Mozilla...just a heads up that I'm also getting the 404 error for the redirect after a game ends in IE 5.2 for MacOSX as well...
I don't understand where its coming from to fix it. Any ideas? :confused:

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