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Fax 05-27-2009 11:17 AM

has anyone got anywhere making a "Create Thread" plugin, when a user adds a video ?

pericolosogr 05-27-2009 01:01 PM

How can i post videos in hd mode? Like Here ?

ArnyVee 05-27-2009 11:18 PM

pericolosogr, I posted that answer quite a few pages ago. Here's the link after doing a search within the thread.


Good luck! :up:

troppodel 05-28-2009 09:30 AM

i receive this error when i try to install it!

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.2:

Invalid SQL:

INSERT INTO xxxx_product
(productid, title, description, version, active, apm_releasedate, apm_author, apm_relatedurl, apm_extrainfo, apm_extraedit,apm_installdate,url, versioncheckurl)
'vBulletin-Integrated Video-Directory',

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'apm_releasedate' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Thursday, May 28th 2009 @ 01:24:59 PM
Error Date : Thursday, May 28th 2009 @ 01:25:02 PM
Script : http://www.xxx.com/forum_bmwm/adminc...=productimport
Referrer : http://www.xxxx.com/forum_bmwm/admin...?do=productadd
IP Address : xxxxx
Username : ivan
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 4.0.30-standard-log

compact123 05-28-2009 12:07 PM

phpMyAdmin is the accidental "setting_videodirectory_retrievekeywords" I deleted the query. How can I restore it?


masterb44hz 05-28-2009 08:04 PM

Is there any way to get the videoblock in the user profil under the friendsblock. Tried and searched for a solution without any success. Can anybody help me pls !?

Digital Jedi 05-29-2009 05:23 AM

Weirdest thing. The Video menu in the ACP was not showing for me at all. This started yesterday with another set of mods I installed. On a off chance, I switched FireFox to IE view, logged in and there it was. Really strange, but maybe that will help someone. (Now to see where the other menu items went.)

Sweeks 05-29-2009 11:47 PM

Can I have some support removing this mod? I get a DB error I mentioned when uninstalling, a few pages back but no help :(
Vaporite vaporizor

blue7 05-31-2009 09:09 AM

multi language not working on this plugin!

Espeacke 06-01-2009 02:59 PM

Hello All.
Excuse me ,as inserting advertising in these parts of the video.



BiZiMDiYaR 06-04-2009 02:18 PM


In my admincp I get below item. I have been trying to add this to the vbseo settings, but this doesn't go away... even if I add it. Any idea on how to solve this.. ? I added the code in: Custom Rewrite Rules in the vbseo...


Obviously you have installed vBSEO, but the video-directory isn't integrated in vBSEO yet.

To rewrite the links of the video-directory, add in your vBSEO-control center in "user definded rewrite rules" what follows:

'video.php?do=viewdetails&categoryid=(d+)&category title=(.*)&videoid=(d+)&videot itle=(.*)'=>'videos/$2-$1/$4-$3.html'
'video.php?do=viewcategory&categoryid=(d+)&categor ytitle=(.*)&page=(d+)'=>'video s/$2-$1/$3/'
'video.php?do=viewcategory&categoryid=(d+)&categor ytitle=(.*)'=>'videos/$2-$1/'

xTerMn8R 06-04-2009 07:19 PM

I got a question, I have been using a mod called VBYes which integrated You Tube very nicely with our site, and was working Great until You Tube ONCE again changed the method of converting Videos and Now the Quality is less the I'd like.

So my question is.....

Can I use this Mod to Link to Video's that get save directly on our Web site, I sure hope so? It appears this is the only way I'm going to get the quality i need and I have unlimited disk space with my Web host.

This Looks exactly what I was looking for and really looks like it integrates well with vb.

Very Nice work folks I hope it will be the answer to saving me Hours (sometimes days) of wasted time messing with You Tube.

Nice Job,


I definitly am willing to make a donation if ya could help code an xml for Windows Media, from my Site "superskunkracing.com/videos/" folder for the media

************************************************** *********

Thank you...

Digital Jedi 06-05-2009 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by xTerMn8R (Post 1823517)
I got a question, I have been using a mod called VBYes which integrated You Tube very nicely with our site, and was working Great until You Tube ONCE again changed the method of converting Videos and Now the Quality is less the I'd like.

So my question is.....

Can I use this Mod to Link to Video's that get save directly on our Web site, I sure hope so? It appears this is the only way I'm going to get the quality i need and I have unlimited disk space with my Web host.

This Looks exactly what I was looking for and really looks like it integrates well with vb.

Very Nice work folks I hope it will be the answer to saving me Hours (sometimes days) of wasted time messing with You Tube.

Nice Job,


I definitly am willing to make a donation if ya could help code an xml for Windows Media, from my Site "superskunkracing.com/videos/" folder for the media

************************************************** *********

Thank you...

This just embed the video from YouTube and a few others (so far, anyway). Nothing is uploaded to your site. If you want the HD videos, all you have to do is have your users follow the instructions that Jaxel posted in the first post.

xTerMn8R 06-05-2009 12:19 PM

Thanks Jedi for your responce, Its not HD videos I'm looking to stream, it's HQ (High Quality), HD videos must be just that HD 1280x720 Mine are not that But are of HIGH quality resolutions and Minimal Re-encoding. 780x480 you can add ALL the &fmt=18, &fmt=35 to the embedding command but it dont do nothing Cause You Tube never rendered it as such. (this is a New change from them this week) Anyway I have also installed the AME and see it has a script that works locally. Anyway I'll post on your thread and Not hijack this one, as I do have a few more questions.

Thank you to both of you Guys on 2 great mods, wish i could blend the 2 together, as I want to have the Front end of this one and the ability to point it locally as AME does.


BiZiMDiYaR 06-05-2009 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by BiZiMDiYaR (Post 1823306)

In my admincp I get below item. I have been trying to add this to the vbseo settings, but this doesn't go away... even if I add it. Any idea on how to solve this.. ? I added the code in: Custom Rewrite Rules in the vbseo...


Obviously you have installed vBSEO, but the video-directory isn't integrated in vBSEO yet.

To rewrite the links of the video-directory, add in your vBSEO-control center in "user definded rewrite rules" what follows:

'video.php?do=viewdetails&categoryid=(d+)&category title=(.*)&videoid=(d+)&videotitle=(.*)'=>'videos/$2-$1/$4-$3.html'
'video.php?do=viewcategory&categoryid=(d+)&categor ytitle=(.*)&page=(d+)'=>'videos/$2-$1/$3/'
'video.php?do=viewcategory&categoryid=(d+)&categor ytitle=(.*)'=>'videos/$2-$1/'


I have this text as above, after I installed the Video directory, so that everything is clear.. :-) Is this the correct way to integrate this with vbseo or the code is wrong, or I am adding this to the wrong area ??

Please advise and thanks.

dancue 06-06-2009 03:01 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Espeacke (Post 1821364)
Hello All.
Excuse me ,as inserting advertising in these parts of the video.



Ads beside video-directory:
  • Below is an attachment to see what this does.
  • Replace the text in red with your ad code.
  • This is designed for ads that are 250x250. Changing the size of the ad would mean you have to change the padding, the area I highlighted in blue.
  • I have tested this on FF 3 and Safari, both on Mac. Don't know about the others yet.
Open template "video_details_embed" and replace all of its contents with the following:

<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
        <td class="tcat">
                <a href="$videourl" target="_blank">$videoinfo[title]</a>

        <td class="panelsurround" align="center">

                <div class="alt2" style="float:left; padding-left:40px; padding-top:70px; padding-right:40px; padding-bottom:70px;">

                <div class="alt1" style="float:left; width:50%; padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:5px;">
                        <if condition="$canwatchvids">
                        <if condition="!$canwatchvids">

                <div class="alt2" style="float:left; padding-left:40px; padding-top:70px; padding-right:40px; padding-bottom:70px;">


<br />

ArnyVee 06-06-2009 04:34 PM

Thanks for sharing that code! :D

And, if we wanted to disable them for members, I would assume that we put the <if> conditionals around the new <div> codes?

Also, how will this effect the HDEF videos? There won't be enough room on the sides when it's the large videos, right?

dancue 06-06-2009 04:59 PM

You would have to set if conditionals for both of those. Disabling for members and disabling for HDEF.

Let me know if you figure those out. I'd like to add those also.

ArnyVee 06-06-2009 06:10 PM

The IF statement for the members is as follows....


<if condition="is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, 1, 2, 3)"></if>

...but not sure how to do the disabling for HDEF. Anyone have an idea as to what to do there?

skubaman 06-06-2009 10:13 PM

First. This is a great mod. Just installed and like it a lot.

Here are 2 questions:

I feel like we would get users to submit more videos if we had the Add Video button on the video directory home. I modified the template for that but it doesn't work because the Category ID is a requirement.
I think it would make more sense to let users choose to Add a Video from anywhere, then on the add video form they can pick which category it belongs to.

Did anybody also think of that? Done that?

I read through the entire thread and still can't figure out how to add something like "random videos" as a module on my CMPS. Would someone please shed some light?

Thanks so much for the help

brodband 06-06-2009 10:46 PM

why can't edit the comments ?

Bannec 06-07-2009 09:31 PM

Great mod Thanks

skubaman 06-10-2009 09:22 PM

I was wondering if anybody can help with one of the answers below?


Originally Posted by skubaman (Post 1824811)
First. This is a great mod. Just installed and like it a lot.

Here are 2 questions:

I feel like we would get users to submit more videos if we had the Add Video button on the video directory home. I modified the template for that but it doesn't work because the Category ID is a requirement.
I think it would make more sense to let users choose to Add a Video from anywhere, then on the add video form they can pick which category it belongs to.

Did anybody also think of that? Done that?

I read through the entire thread and still can't figure out how to add something like "random videos" as a module on my CMPS. Would someone please shed some light?

Thanks so much for the help

l_amhed 06-10-2009 11:35 PM

I can't get the "post new thread on adding a new video" stuff, that I'd like to add, to work.

I succeeded in inserting the datas the "old way". I mean with an
query. But it doesn't update the thread correctly and so it is not considered as new and does not appear in the "new posts" search.

I've noticed they're is a new way for doing such things with : $threadman->set('pagetext', $videoinfo['description']);
But I did not managed to fully understand how it works, I'm always having an error stating something about an Array.

So if someone clever than me is willing to help...


fragg 06-11-2009 09:25 AM

but how do u add video's

ArnyVee 06-11-2009 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by fragg (Post 1827517)
but how do u add video's

Click on any category and it's at the top left of that category page under your navbar.

AWMGolfer 06-12-2009 12:57 AM

Just wondering if anyone has done this already and if so what did you do to get it to show. I'd like to show the total video count on the forum home with the rest of the stats. Any help and/or advice would be much appreciated!

mgcom 06-12-2009 05:47 AM

When trying to import the video hoster i keep getting....

The api-file isn't wirteable

farfegnubbin 06-12-2009 05:44 PM

Has anybody tried using THIS version of Video-Directory on a 3.7 site? It seems like this version is the one that's being more actively supported/developed. I like the product, but I have a 3.7 site. Does anybody know if this will work on a 3.7 site? (or, conversely...is the 3.7 version of Video-Directory still viable?)

mgcom 06-12-2009 05:56 PM

I keep getting "The api-file isn't wirteable"

I have done the chmod about 20 times now, uninstalled and reinstalled the product 3 times and it's still the same.


ArnyVee 06-13-2009 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by farfegnubbin (Post 1828428)
Has anybody tried using THIS version of Video-Directory on a 3.7 site? It seems like this version is the one that's being more actively supported/developed. I like the product, but I have a 3.7 site. Does anybody know if this will work on a 3.7 site? (or, conversely...is the 3.7 version of Video-Directory still viable?)

I use it on my 3.7 site. It's good to go! :up:

farfegnubbin 06-13-2009 10:35 AM


I use it on my 3.7 site. It's good to go!
Thanks! Much appreciated!

fragg 06-14-2009 06:48 AM

Can i Stream vids from my Server?....

farfegnubbin 06-14-2009 05:04 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hey guys,

I just installed Video Directory for the first time. Everything seemed to go well. One of Jaxel's last comments is to rember to "set the rights to the usergroups' otherwise it won't work. I assume he means to just set the correct permissions for various usergroups, right? Well, the only one I really care about is Registered Users, and all of the settings seemed to be appropriate for Registered Users. I am attaching a screen-shot of the permissions.

What stupid thing am I overlooking? I can't get to the Video Directory. It says I don't have sufficient privilleges. I know I'm doing something stupid. What is it? :(

Attachment 100583

fragg 06-14-2009 05:13 PM

hi farfegnubbin

Try go in to admin then look for Video Directory then expand the menu and then click on General settings to check its all turned on hope that helps :)

mgcom 06-14-2009 05:19 PM

I can't uninstall this :confused:

I uploaded the uninstall php but i still can't uninstall


farfegnubbin 06-14-2009 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by fragg (Post 1829648)
hi farfegnubbin

Try go in to admin then look for Video Directory then expand the menu and then click on General settings to check its all turned on hope that helps :)

Fragg (or anyone else),

I'm still having trouble. In the General Settings, there are lots of different settings (obviously) but I don't see any master getting for on/off or for usergroup permissions. When I go into the actual main admin section for Usergroup Permissions, they seem to be set appropriately. It says that registered users can veiw videos, etc. But I still just hit that wall/error message that say "Farfegnubbin: you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to...etc."

Does anybody know what Jaxel meant by "making sure the rights are set to the usergroups"?

Still an unsuccessful install, for now.

fragg 06-14-2009 06:03 PM

Hi have u set the CHMOD on videothumbnails to 777 and in the includes folder/videoserviceapi
to 777 thats all i can think of sorry !

farfegnubbin 06-14-2009 06:07 PM

Fragg, thanks for making suggestions.

I just solved it, and, as I thought, it was something incredibly stupid. Jaxel implied to check the "rights" of the usergroup, so I went to Usergroup--Forum Permissions. That's not what he was talking about. In the Usergroups--Usergroup Manager, you can pick a certain usergroup and then scroll WAY down to the bottom, at which point there are radio buttons to allow various stuff. You have to then repeat that for any/all user groups.

Thanks for taking the time, Fragg.

farfegnubbin 06-14-2009 10:52 PM

I installed Video Directory today on a 3.7.6 site. The Installation went very well, and I love the mod. I'll spread the word. This is an excellent product.

Quick question: how can you change the size of the thumbnails for the videos? I thought there would be a setting in one of the Video Directory cpanels itself, but I don't see it. How can I make the thumbs a little bigger? Edit templates? Change settings? Anybody know?

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