diabolicds |
02-01-2012 01:27 PM |
Is hack goint to be updated for latest version of vbulletin ?
Maybe someone can help getting lots of Database errors from this mod so I disabled for the moment , if there is any fix for this it would be great thanks in advance here is error:
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.10:
Invalid SQL:
REPLACE INTO vb_search (userid, ipaddress, personal, searchuser, forumchoice, sortby, sortorder, searchtime, showposts, orderedids, dateline, displayterms, searchhash)
VALUES (0, 'ipxxx', 1, 'member', '', 'post.dateline', 'DESC', 0.03194, 1, '1181,1047,1006,991,603,24', 1328083433, 'a:6:{s:5:\"words\";a:0:{}s:9:\"highlight\";a:0:{} s:6:\"common\";a:0:{}s:5:\"users\";a:1:{i:3;s:5:\" member\";}s:6:\"forums\";i:0;s:7:\"options\";a:3:{ s:11:\"starteronly\";i:0;s:11:\"childforums\";i:1; s:6:\"action\";s:7:\"process\";}}', '5d361a20a5b456577f4e80681ee2afb0da');
MySQL Error : Table 'mybase_bulletin.vb_search' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Wednesday, February 1st 2012 @ 09:03:53 AM
Error Date : Wednesday, February 1st 2012 @ 09:03:53 AM
Script : http://www.myweb.com/board/post_than...findthanks&u=3
Referrer :
IP Address : XXX
Username : Unregistered
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :