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MissKalunji 01-30-2006 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by Trana

I checked the file that is listed here and it does not contain an xml installer. I am downloading straight from this site. Has the install package changed? The version is Paypal Donations 2.02.


uhm i dont know :-/ i only use the xml.....i probably have the old version

try removing this

$vbulletin->db->query_write("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".TABLE_PREFIX."donation_buttons");


        $vbulletin->db->query_write("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".TABLE_PREFIX."donation_currency_exchange");


        $vbulletin->db->query_write("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".TABLE_PREFIX."donation_goals");


        $vbulletin->db->query_write("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".TABLE_PREFIX."donation_paypalipn");

from donation_install_tables since thats the only thing giving permissions to the mod to delete and reinstall

Trana 01-30-2006 12:59 AM

If I do that, then I get:

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.1:

Invalid SQL:
CREATE TABLE donation_buttons (
id int(255) NOT NULL auto_increment,
goalid int(255) NOT NULL default '0',
amount decimal(10,2) default NULL,

Does the current script delete the following:
User table donor and showdonor fields
Donation_donors history (old donations)

If it only deletes the goals and buttons, I will run the normal install and recreate those. I'm just concerned about whether it touches the data in the User table or the donations table.

Let me know if you agree with this approach.

Thanks again!

crxrocks 01-30-2006 05:46 AM

Bravo to making this a plugin!!!!!

PatrickAdrichem 01-30-2006 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by PatrickAdrichem
options['base_currency'] = 'USD'; require_once('./includes/functions_cron.php'); require_once('donation_install/donation_install_settings.php'); $vbulletin->db->query_write("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."cron (`cronid`, `nextrun`, `weekday`, `

Found the solution myself error is because its not compatible with PHP 5

in most documents it states

whilst in PHP 5 it must be


Since its only in every file at the first line open every file and change it. there are 2 or 3 files that already have it.

Also since i see it come back often:


Originally Posted by DS MrSinister
The admincp not showing up:
Head to /forum/includes/xml and edit cpnav_paypal_donations.xml



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><navgroups product="vBulletin">

Replace with:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><navgroups product="vbulletin">

As for the buttons (to which i've been looking blondely aswell)

when you've got the donate admin CP menu part, there is also a option for making donation buttons. Don't forget to make these or there are none!

LBSources 01-30-2006 04:36 PM

Anyone run into the error where a user donates, it tells the user they donated $0, and they dont show up on the donors page?

any suggestions?

Trana 01-31-2006 02:48 AM

Sorry, I read this entire thread a month ago and forgot that someone had release the XML installer. I used that, made MissKalunji's edits to clear the IF EXISTS DROP nonsense, and everything is working properly.

Does anyone see any reason why I can't add a date-time timestamp column to the donation_donors table? I want to record when the last donation for a member was taken. What will happen when someone who has already donated comes and donates again? Will it just increment the time? I have it set to a timestamp value, so I know it will set it properly, I am just wondering what will happen when I get a second donation from someone and it has to edit the record.

Let me know your thoughts.


X-Files 01-31-2006 03:01 PM

For some reason my refunds show up as invalid transactions. I know this is not supported anymore. Any help would be appreciated.

LBSources 01-31-2006 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by LBSources
Anyone run into the error where a user donates, it tells the user they donated $0, and they dont show up on the donors page?

any suggestions?


Trana 01-31-2006 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by LBSources

Do you know if the user was logged in to the site when they made the donation?

Killahbyte 01-31-2006 05:11 PM

I'm also having the same problem. I have my goal and my donate button and still nothing is happening. The users donate and i get my e-mails but nothing ever makes it back to my site. I have IPN turned on and i have a premiere account. I can't understand what the problem is.


Trana 01-31-2006 05:35 PM

Check if you have any entries in your donations_donor table.

Killahbyte 01-31-2006 06:56 PM

Only the ones i have added manually to reflect the donations i got.


Trana 01-31-2006 07:05 PM

Right, so the script isn't working properly.

In your admincp, there are two options:

Set donations to test only? (set to no)
Donations System Active? (set to yes)

Are these the settings you have?

Killahbyte 02-01-2006 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by Trana
Right, so the script isn't working properly.

In your admincp, there are two options:

Set donations to test only? (set to no)
Donations System Active? (set to yes)

Are these the settings you have?

Yep its not on sandbox and it is active otherwise people wouldn't be able to donate.


PatrickAdrichem 02-01-2006 05:11 AM


Originally Posted by Killahbyte
I'm also having the same problem. I have my goal and my donate button and still nothing is happening. The users donate and i get my e-mails but nothing ever makes it back to my site. I have IPN turned on and i have a premiere account. I can't understand what the problem is.


Have you set the path to your ppverify.php (or summit) in your account at paypall? AND in the settings of the donations? because for me it works perfectly....

ultranerds 02-01-2006 08:05 AM


Is there a way to show the overall progress for a particular goal? I've been doing this manually up til now, but a live update would be great :L

BTW: forgot to say.. thanks for such a COOL plugin... thats what I love about the vB community :)


X-Files 02-01-2006 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by X-Files
For some reason my refunds show up as invalid transactions. I know this is not supported anymore. Any help would be appreciated.

Anyone having problems with refunds? I am testing with the sandbox and refunds come back as invalid. The donation works and comes back as valid.

PatrickAdrichem 02-01-2006 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by ultranerds

Is there a way to show the overall progress for a particular goal? I've been doing this manually up til now, but a live update would be great :L

BTW: forgot to say.. thanks for such a COOL plugin... thats what I love about the vB community :)


You mean like how this page shows it?: http://www.rebscum.com/donate.php

because thats in there by default

computer1 02-01-2006 05:51 PM

I get this wrong messages when I try howe can I fix this ??

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.3:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO donation_paypalipn (

Trana 02-01-2006 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by X-Files
Anyone having problems with refunds? I am testing with the sandbox and refunds come back as invalid. The donation works and comes back as valid.

Why are you refunding donations?

computer1 02-01-2006 06:09 PM

Sorry I dont understand you

SCRIPT3R 02-01-2006 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by X-Files
Anyone having problems with refunds? I am testing with the sandbox and refunds come back as invalid. The donation works and comes back as valid.

yes, refunds will show as an invalid transaction. this has been pointed out in an earlier post of this thread... at least once by myself.

Trana 02-01-2006 11:39 PM

Are people really refunding that many donations that this is an issue?

computer1 02-02-2006 12:27 PM

Nowe I have install this no problem but the text say this
We use PayPal as our processor for all donation transactions. You do not need an account with them to donate.

When I try do go tho the paypal I must have acount to do this
you can find my link here

Where can I find the link for this ????

SCRIPT3R 02-02-2006 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by computer1
Where can I find the link for this ????

you have to create a link to your donate page within your forums somewhere. this has already been discussed numerous times.

LBSources 02-03-2006 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by Trana
Do you know if the user was logged in to the site when they made the donation?

Yes.. they are logged in..

LBSources 02-03-2006 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by Trana
Check if you have any entries in your donations_donor table.

Yes.. as the other member.. what i have added manually is there also..


Originally Posted by Trana
Right, so the script isn't working properly.

In your admincp, there are two options:

Set donations to test only? (set to no)
Donations System Active? (set to yes)

Are these the settings you have?


I could really use a suggestion as obviously there is no fix nor any 'easy' workaround to this problem..



SCRIPT3R 02-03-2006 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by LBSources
I could really use a suggestion as obviously there is no fix nor any 'easy' workaround to this problem..

i quickly broswed your forums again. you seem to have a lot of hacks goin' on there. this particular hack is not friendly with other hacks during the install. i'm nto sure why, but if your templates are in any way modified, sometimes this PayPal Donations installer won't correctly modify your templates. you may want to verify that everything has been done correctly.

SCRIPT3R 02-03-2006 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by Trana
Are people really refunding that many donations that this is an issue?

i can't speak for anyone else, but there is most definately an "issue" when doing refunds that should be addressed if this ever becomes supported again... along with all the other many issues already reported.

SCRIPT3R 02-03-2006 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by LBSources
Anyone run into the error where a user donates, it tells the user they donated $0, and they dont show up on the donors page?

any suggestions?

if a user donates $0, they should not show up on the donors page as they haven't actually donated a positive amount. invalid transactions sometimes can show as a ZERO donation. the problem could be on the users end, if they didn't have any money in their paypal account to their session timing out. the problem is not necessarily on your end.

LBSources 02-03-2006 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by GearTripper
i quickly broswed your forums again. you seem to have a lot of hacks goin' on there. this particular hack is not friendly with other hacks during the install. i'm nto sure why, but if your templates are in any way modified, sometimes this PayPal Donations installer won't correctly modify your templates. you may want to verify that everything has been done correctly.

wow.. awesome.. so there is a 'number of hack restrictions that we didnt know about.. ouch :( ..

well Gear.. i appreciate your testing.. i will tell you though.. your surfing to the ppverify caused some 16 VB DB errors..


Database error in vBulletin 3.5.3:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO donation_paypalipn (
`txn_id`, `userid`, `test_ipn`, `notify_version`, `verify_sign`,
`first_name`, `last_name`, `payer_business_name`, `address_name`,
`address_street`, `address_city`, `address_state`, `address_zip`,
`address_country`, `address_status`, `payer_email`, `payer_id`,
`payer_status`, `business`, `receiver_email`, `receiver_id`,
`item_name`, `ip_address`, `quantity`, `invoice`,
`memo`, `tax`, `option_name1`, `option_selection1`, `option_name2`,
`option_selection2`, `payment_date`, `parent_txn_id`, `txn_type`,
`payment_type`, `payment_status`, `pending_reason`, `reason_code`,
`mc_gross`, `mc_fee`, `mc_currency`, `mc_handling`, `mc_shipping`,
`settle_amount`, `settle_currency`, `exchange_rate`, `case_id`,
`case_type`, `case_creation_date`, `valid`
'', '0', '0', '0', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '0', '',
'', '0', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'0', '0', '', '0', '0',
'0', '', '0', '',
'', '', '0'

MySQL Error  : Duplicate entry '' for key 1
Error Number : 1062
Date        : Friday, February 3rd 2006 @ 03:26:58 AM
Script      : http://www.technetinsiders.net/ppverify.php?
Referrer    :
IP Address  :
Username    : Unregistered
Classname    : vb_database

so something is definitely wrong for this hack.. hmmm .. thanks again

Lenny :)

LBSources 02-03-2006 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by GearTripper
if a user donates $0, they should not show up on the donors page as they haven't actually donated a positive amount. invalid transactions sometimes can show as a ZERO donation. the problem could be on the users end, if they didn't have any money in their paypal account to their session timing out. the problem is not necessarily on your end.

ummm. i mean LEGITIMATE donations... i too tested this with real cash and got the same page of 0 donated.. this is why i asked.. thanks..

Lenny :)

SCRIPT3R 02-03-2006 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by LBSources
well Gear.. i appreciate your testing.. i will tell you though.. your surfing to the ppverify caused some 16 VB DB errors..

ouch, sorry about that... just sweep those under the rug and we'll act like they never happened. :D

LBSources 02-03-2006 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by GearTripper
ouch, sorry about that... just sweep those under the rug and we'll act like they never happened. :D

oh no.. i aint upset.. just saying its obvious there is something wrong.. :)

now to figure it all out.. BTW this did work at one point with no problems..

upgrade to 3.5.3 i think its when it stopped working .. or last i remember ..


Lenny :)

SCRIPT3R 02-03-2006 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by LBSources
BTW this did work at one point with no problems..

upgrade to 3.5.3 i think its when it stopped working

that could be the problem... if you did a full upgrade, you will have to reinstall this again as a full upgrade includes newer versions of many php files.

nguyenvuan 02-03-2006 02:24 AM

Did not work with me! :(

LBSources 02-03-2006 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by GearTripper
that could be the problem... if you did a full upgrade, you will have to reinstall this again as a full upgrade includes newer versions of many php files.

welp that was lots of fun :P ... hahaha ..

just did a full uninstall and reinstall and no dice.. i got rid of that blank/invalid transaction and still same thing..

0 donated .. and not being added to donor group ..

nguyenvuan 02-03-2006 02:53 AM

Yeah! I fixed that problem.

If you don't see PayPal Donations in NAV admin, open file cpnav_paypal_donations.xml find:

<navgroups product="vBulletin">
Replace with:

But I still have a problem, The donation link don't show in navbar. Please help me!


LBSources 02-03-2006 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by nguyenvuan
Yeah! I fixed that problem.

If you don't see PayPal Donations in NAV admin, open file cpnav_paypal_donations.xml find:

<navgroups product="vBulletin">
Replace with:

But I still have a problem, The donation link don't show in navbar. Please help me!


thats actually something different :) but thanks ..

lenny :)

ultranerds 02-03-2006 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by PatrickAdrichem
You mean like how this page shows it?: http://www.rebscum.com/donate.php

because thats in there by default

Nah, actually in the header.. i.e under the navigation. I ideally need to to show on every page. We're having a major push (we have a BIG forum, so are in need of a cluster upgrade, for which we are asking for the setup fee, as a contribution from our dedicated users =)).

Having it show on all pages (bar the front one), should get us to our target a lot quicker :)


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