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Lionel 10-04-2005 10:55 PM

debug did not do anything. My first time adding after a while...

Lionel 10-05-2005 03:29 AM

Ok Geek, looks like the problem was caused by a bunch of foreign accents. I deleted many of them, rebuilt, and it's gone.

I wonder why it took so long for GAL to react. Those were added a month ago.

The Geek 10-05-2005 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by Lionel
Ok Geek, looks like the problem was caused by a bunch of foreign accents. I deleted many of them, rebuilt, and it's gone.

I wonder why it took so long for GAL to react. Those were added a month ago.

Got me. Have you tried putting them in by their HTML code?

MajorFm.com 10-18-2005 02:46 PM

Just upgraded... doesnt seem to wanna work


added a auto link for the word raghav

i have read through most of the posts on the thread but no matter what i try, it wont work! please advise..

Tom1234 10-24-2005 02:30 PM

Geek, the ordinal precedence is not working properly in this vB3.0 version of GAL. A lower ordinal value does not cause that replacement to be done prior to a higher value ordinal.

You mentioned that it was a problem with some versions of PHP? Did you ever address the issue properly to fix it? I'm running PHP version 5.0.4.

PokerKnowledge 11-13-2005 07:54 AM

When I click install and log in I get the following message
"Fatal error: Call to undefined function: globalize() in /home2/woodie1/public_html/forum/admincp/gal4_install.php on line 43"

any help on this?

The Geek 11-13-2005 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by PokerKnowledge
When I click install and log in I get the following message
"Fatal error: Call to undefined function: globalize() in /home2/woodie1/public_html/forum/admincp/gal4_install.php on line 43"

any help on this?

Thats because this hack is for vb 3.0x and you are trying to install it on vb3.5x :)

PokerKnowledge 11-13-2005 10:44 AM

ooops, is there one out for my version on vb?

The Geek 11-13-2005 10:51 AM

Yea, there is a free LITE version here and a commercial PRO version at www.thevbgeek.com


T3MEDIA 12-02-2005 03:32 PM

Question is there a way to put the variable into the boxs? say I wanted html that had $gal_text in it. and $gal_text actually changed to what it was?

Im trying to set something up but it never shows.

T3MEDIA 12-02-2005 03:38 PM

even better what is the string for the searched word. for example... #(\s\b(cope)s?\b)#im what is the $gal for the word "cope" Im trying to put the linked word INTO the box in a dynamic fashion

The Geek 12-02-2005 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by T3MEDIA
string for the searched word. for example... #(\s\b(cope)s?\b)#im what is the $gal for the word "cope" Im trying to put the

If I recall, you should be able to use $url and possibly even $title, but dont quote me on it :P

T3MEDIA 12-02-2005 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek
If I recall, you should be able to use $url and possibly even $title, but dont quote me on it :P

I can pull what I need with $gal_title

question... how can I put actual javascript into the Description box?
The code seems to remove javascript. I cant use an iframe because I need specific strings that an iframe will not beable to pull up... of course i could do it that way but then I would need javascript.

is there a reason why html works but javascript doesnt?

Thanks for such a fast reply

T3MEDIA 12-02-2005 04:08 PM

yeah $url works but it pulls the acutall code for the href... its not a biggie I can use the title just change the wording on links. just stuck on the javascript issue.

ACJavascript 12-31-2005 06:02 AM


First of great mod and can't wait to get it working.

I have a weird error, when I go to use the instlal script I get:

"Call to undefined function: globalize()"

Any way to fix? or should I try to manually install it? :)


The Geek 12-31-2005 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by ACJavascript
First of great mod and can't wait to get it working.

Thats because you are using a vb3.0.x hack on a vb3.5x system ;)

ACJavascript 01-01-2006 12:58 AM

wow do I feel stupid LOL thanks for a great mod non the less :)

wirewolf 01-07-2006 10:11 AM

Hi Geek,
I have Geek Autolinker 4.02 installed on my forum (3.0.9 (patched)), haven't upgraded to 3.5 yet. Holding off for now)

It works great and my members love it. No problems, but I have a question.

I have an association with Amazon.com books and I've been trying their new Beta Pop-Up Box in my Books Directory. See this link as an example - Building Plank On Frame Ship Models by Ron McCarthy, and the screenshots.

It's much like your autolink, but their script has the option to "lock" the pop-up box on the users screen. The script is loaded directly from Amazon, so I can't read it. The only script (java) in my footer is the one that "calls" for the box script from Amazon (through the autolink, based on the preset type of link I place in the book's title).

My question is, do you think the "lock" feature could be added to your Autolink script (perhaps in the 'Replacement' codes)? I don't think Amazon has an exclusive to this java script. This would be a great addition to your Autolink program. What do you think?


The Geek 01-07-2006 04:55 PM

sure. I think its a cool idea. However it will get added to the PRO version and not the lite version here :)

wirewolf 01-07-2006 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek
sure. I think its a cool idea. However it will get added to the PRO version and not the lite version here :)

Drats, Geek :disappointed: . Hoping you would share to code for locking the pop-up.

The Geek 01-07-2006 10:45 PM

but the 3.5x version here (the only vb version I dev for now) does not have popups. Only thepro version does - hence the lack of need for it to stay open :)

Hope that makes sense

wirewolf 01-14-2006 02:01 PM

Hi Geek,
I figured out the code for locking the box on the screen. See this example:

Checked it out in IE, 'Nutscape' and Firefox, seems to work fine in all.

Although in Mozilla if the Autolink is on the right hand side of the page and you mouseover the link, it blows out the page to the left (hope I explained that well). But it was doing that before I made any changes any way.

The box stays open until the user moves to another Autolink (one closes and the other opens), if they click off the page, or if they hit the 'Close' at the bottom on the box.

It's not dragable (is that a word?), but given time!

If you want the code, I can PM you, or I can post it here for other users of this version to use if OK with you.


The Geek 01-14-2006 08:39 PM

Sounds cool. Feel free to post any enhancments here for anyone to use if youre cool with that.

Thanks again :)

wirewolf 01-15-2006 02:42 PM

For those running Autolinker version 4.02 on vb 3.0.x + (I'm running it on Vb versiion 3.0.9 (patched) with no problems).

If you'd like to have the GALBox stay static on the users screen, then make the edits below.

To see an example (scroll down the page and mouse over the various Autolinks):

As always, backup, backup, backup!

In the 'header' (or where ever you put this block of code) template:

<div id="GALBox"
style="position: absolute; z-index: 100;
visibility: hidden;"

Replace with:

<div id="GALBox"
style="position: absolute; z-index: 100;
visibility: hidden;"

In the 'vbulletin_menu.js' file:
In the block - 'function GAL_popup':
Around line #45 - Original:

innerhtml= innerhtml + value_style + "'>" + value + "</td></tr></table>";
Replace with:

innerhtml= innerhtml + value_style + "'>" + value + "<br /><div class='smallfont' style='cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; float: right'>Close</div></td></tr></table>";
In the replacement codes for PopUp (with and without title):

<a href='$gal_link' target='_blank' class='DEF' onmouseover='GAL_popup(this,"$gal_offset", $gal_width, "$gal_box_style", "$gal_description", "$gal_description_style");' onmouseout='GAL_hidepopup();'>$gal_text</a>
Replace with:

<a href='$gal_link' target='_blank' class='DEF' onmouseover='GAL_popup(this,"$gal_offset", $gal_width, "$gal_box_style", "$gal_description", "$gal_description_style");' onclick='GAL_hidepopup();'>$gal_text</a>
Don't forget to to a 'debug' when done!

I tried it with IE, Netscape and Firefox and it works well with all.


Mikecp421 01-27-2006 03:35 AM

having a couple of problems.

1. running test and I am not getting a box to pop up although I have selected standard links with grey title and yellow box based on the suggestions in your readme file. WHen hovering I get a link that shows all the html replacement <a href='$gal_link' target='_blank' class='DEF' onmouseover='GAL_popup(this,"$gal_offset", $gal_width, "$gal_box_style", "$gal_description", "$gal_description_style");' onmouseout='GAL_hidepopup();'>$gal_text</a>

2 when I press stats in the autolink manager I get this error message;

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /admincp/GAL_admin.php on line 2070

I installed all the files as specified,

3. also I didn't see where all the image files go, could you tell me? Thanks, nice mod btw.

TitanJeff 05-10-2006 11:47 AM

Anything new with this hack? I'd love to offer this to advertisers but I would only want it to work for guests. It's a wonderful idea.

Bubble #5 05-10-2006 08:29 PM

We just clicked on the install file and it gave us this error message:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: globalize() in admincp/gal4_install.php on line 43
What would cause this? :surprised:

The Geek 05-12-2006 11:05 AM

The fact that you are trying to use a 3.0x modifiaction on a 3.5x board ;)

Bubble #5 05-12-2006 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek
The fact that you are trying to use a 3.0x modifiaction on a 3.5x board ;)

DOH!!! Must have clicked on the wrong link somewhere along the way. OK I'll crawl back under my rock ;)

Thanks :banana:

VB-Fanatiker 01-27-2007 07:32 PM


great Hack! :)

Is there a way to add a lot of (400!) replacements with one sql-file into the database?

Something like this (but what is with the "id" and "processed_text"?):
PHP Code:

INSERT INTO geek_autolink (textlinkignorethreaddescriptionordinalcatidtitleenddateprocessed_textprocessed_replacement
VALUES .... ? 

I'm a noob with sql...:cool:
Thanks in advance for a little help.:)

reebok008 05-17-2007 06:24 AM

3.6.6 or 3.6.7 ?

dannylin3000 05-21-2007 02:19 PM

will this work for 3.6.x?

slix 05-23-2007 10:31 AM

I still have the first version of this running on my boards. I am setting up vB 3.6.x in my dev directory prior to updating my main boards. So would love to know if 3.6.x is supported by geek auto linker?

rrr 06-02-2007 01:12 AM

I don't know if it's supported, but I'm using GAL on my 3.6.x board. There's an updated version at thevbgeek.com I think

Carlos2 06-10-2007 04:01 PM

Works with 3.6??

brandondrury 09-20-2007 02:02 AM


Works with 3.6??
Good question.

ukgamblingforum 11-14-2007 07:00 PM

i am getting a whitescreen on 3.6.7 when i try to access

okay - i see its not a 3.6 mod. is there one supported? I see some forums running autolinkers on 3.6.x and it's pissing me off that I can't seem to find something which works....

any help or pointers to something which does work on 3.6 much appreciated.

wolfyman 01-08-2008 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by ukgamblingforum (Post 1382568)
i am getting a whitescreen on 3.6.7 when i try to access

okay - i see its not a 3.6 mod. is there one supported? I see some forums running autolinkers on 3.6.x and it's pissing me off that I can't seem to find something which works....

any help or pointers to something which does work on 3.6 much appreciated.

white page here on 3.6.8

Is there a geek banner mod for 3.6.X?

BellyBelly 04-10-2008 01:42 AM

White screen on 3.6.9 too.

budlite74 07-01-2008 02:47 AM

where can we get an update or similar system?

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